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Facebook Determined To Fix Bias Against Conservatives By…Wait For It…Enlisting The Help Of Eric Holder!

What could go wrong?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Tuesday that the company has already begun to implement a system that ranks news organizations based on trustworthiness, and promotes or suppresses its content based on that metric…

…Zuckerberg said the company will invest “billions” of dollars in a combination of artificial intelligence and tens of thousands of human moderators to keep both fake news and deliberate propaganda at bay, especially in elections.

So Facebook will determine the “trustworthy” score by having users, who are willing, to take a survey about how they feel about the sites and whether they should be trusted.

This should work well…sigh

But wait! It gets better:

Facebook has enlisted a team from law firm Covington and Burling to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives. One minor detail: Covington and Burling is the firm of Barack Obama’s left-wing former attorney general, Eric Holder.

According to Axios, the team will be led by former Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl. Kyl was a vocal critic of Holder during his time in the Senate, and was rated highly by conservative organizations. After Kyl retired from the Senate, he joined Covington & Burling, where Holder had previously been a high-profile partner.

The former attorney general is still a partner at Covington & Burling, and was recently retained by the state of California for their expected legal showdowns with the Trump Administration. Holder has publicly flirted with the idea of running for president in 2020, telling reporters earlier this year that he would make a decision by the end of 2018.

So, to sum up: Facebook, a California-based company, has enlisted the same firm that is providing legal advice to their state against the Trump administration, through none other than Eric Holder, to advise them on combating perceptions of bias against conservatives.

Can’t make this crap up.

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