Thing is, I don’t think the stated cause is the real cause.
Hogg continued to taunt Fox News over the weekend, and there’s a clue. Hogg is not interested in a discussion. He is taking no prisoners and no apologies.
He is a bully. He is a demagogue.
After peeling several sponsors from her show, Hogg might learn that conservatives also vote with their money.
Ben Shapiro noted that nothing Ingraham said matched the sheer hate of Hogg’s words:
You may not like what Ingraham said. You may disagree with it. I did. But it isn't remotely CLOSE to the level of viciousness with which Hogg has attacked people who disagree with him.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 29, 2018
Despite the apology Ingraham offered, Hogg promised to only add to the pressure to destroy her:
“The fact that they’re going after us personally shows that what we’re doing is working. We have them scared and now we have to go even harder,” Hogg told Alisyn Camerota on set at CNN’s “New Day.” “This is when it really starts to matter is when these people try going against us.”
See? You best not dare go against Hogg. You best not dare disagree.
Curiously, Hogg’s interests have become congruent with those of Media Matters, who are dedicated to destroying Fox News. Media Matters is a Soros darling.
In a pique of bald dishonesty, Hogg asserted that Ingraham “stand down” because he “wasn’t the issue here.”
I think it’s important that we stand together as both corporate and civic America to take action against these people and show them that they cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives. And when people try to distract, like what Laura’s trying to do now, from what the real issue here is — which is gun violence in America — it’s not only sad; it’s just wrong.
Ingraham did not ridicule his issue, she ridiculed him for whining about not getting into certain colleges. He made it all about him. Hogg has become drunk on celebrity. Hogg has become the biggest obstacle to his goals.
Now for the irony portion of our program. Do you even know what Hogg’s goals are? Here’s what he say they are (as of Feb 28th ):
Universal background checks, raising the age requirement to purchase a gun to 21, and laws blocking anyone with a history of mental health disorders or a criminal background or history or domestic violence from getting a firearm.
That might sound very familiar to readers of Flopping Aces. On February 20th, I wrote this:
- Limiting the purchase of semi-automatic weapons to those 21 years of age and over
- NICS Background checks for all gun sales
- Make sure the FBI and local authorities follow through on threats
- Expanding background checks to include mental illness.
The last one has the potential to be the most effective. It is invasive of privacy, but one can avoid it by not purchasing a weapon. It would depend on the medical community to reach out to the NICS database and do no more initially than submit the name of a person under care who, in particular, is being prescribed SSRI’s, and/or has a history of violence, self-mutilation, restraining orders or threatening. The specific information need not be disclosed initially- the person is only flagged. If the person seeks to obtain a weapon, the flag will come up on the NICS database. At that point, the person may be given the option to challenge the file before a judge, during which time the medical record will be revealed, or abandon the effort to secure a weapon and maintain the secrecy. The choice is left to the applicant.
Any program depends on the system to work and the system depends on the people within it to properly function. We have seen the consequences of failure. Yet we have to make it harder for those who should not have weapons to get them. Doing something will find an agreeable American public.
The thing to be prepared for is the next mass shooting following the implementation of the new rules.
I am also in favor of hardening schools, i.e. training a number of personnel for concealed carry and then making sure it was known that there are people equipped to respond and prevent the kind of horror we saw in Sandy Hook and Parkland. We guard our money with guns. Why not kids?
I already called for a ban on bump-stocks
Ironic, no? I think these are reasonable steps, but I will not engage in fascism to see them through.What Hogg is doing sets a dangerous precedent:
If someone is offended by her program or her as a person, don’t watch or listen and allow the free market eventually to decide if she’s worth keeping on.
But the effort to silence a voice, to essentially end a career, based on something like this sets not only a dangerous but completely un-American precedent.
Hogg wants the NRA ended. He strengthened it instead.
The NRA has seen a huge surge in membership interest in recent weeks, after drawing noisy backlash over the shooting in Parkland, Florida.
Google searches for ‘NRA membership’ have risen roughly 4,900 per cent since the week before the February 14 shooting, with new members flocking to support the gun owners’ rights group.
NRA President Wayne LaPierre announced last May that national membership had reached five million, but the group has not commented on the recent surge and didn’t immediately reply to calls from on Sunday.
Though high-profile mass shootings often spur an increase in gun sales over fear of a crackdown, the Parkland shooting was different in the focus of vitriol that was directed at the NRA.
Some otherwise casual gun rights supporters said that the loud attacks on the NRA in the media by young Parkland survivors such as David Hogg drove them to sign up.
‘Thank you David Hogg for inspiring me,’ one Twitter user wrote. ‘I gifted my husband with an NRA membership. I felt now was an important time to support them,’ she continued, adding a screenshot of the membership confirmation email.
He wants AR’s banned. He became the a great salesmen for them instead.
Jacksonville area gun shops tell Action News Jax their firearm sales have doubled since the Stoneman Douglas High School massacre nearly two weeks ago.
Monday, we spoke with the owner of St. Nicholas Guns and Sporting Goods, Paul Rukab, about the uptick in sales.
“Quite a bit of increase, about double my business,” Rukab said. “[AR-15s] went up in sales, but a lot of handguns, too.”
Rukab attributes the increase to two things: Gun enthusiasts wanting to get ahead of any legislation that would impose bans or restrictions on guns, and new gun buyers who want to make sure they’re protected, especially in the wake of that mass shooting in south Florida.
A gun supporter might argue that Hogg should keep er, shooting his mouth off (via Facebook):
When your opening remarks are “You don’t care about children” and accusing those who disagree with you as wanting to spill the blood of more children you’re not interested in dialogue. When you exploit the left wing media, attack as a adult but hide as a child you are a demagogue. When all you can do is cast invective and try to end careers you are not interested in effecting real change. Instead, you are a fascist.
When you do all of this, you’re an idiot who does nothing to help his cause- but rather, you are destroying it.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Well said! A future Pelosi in the making. Maybe he will run for office on the Clinton ticket.
Future Pelosi my ass! When one sees that picture of him with his fist raised doesn’t he look like some NAZI (whose name unfortunately escapes me)? Seriously. Listen to his rhetoric then look at that picture. i know I’ve seen some cartoons referring to this, but the image is haunting as to the resemblance I see to some one else that history shows was a despot or worse.
Yes, this is why Hogg the parrot and the rest of the left NEVER mention the actual causes of the Parkland tragedy. They only push their agenda.
Now, had the minimum age to purchase a rifle been 21, no doubt Cruz could not have bought one… legally. However, background checks failed because of Obama’s coddling of misbehaving minorities and the blocking of anyone with a history of mental or criminal issues would have done no good for the same reason. Has Hoggie mentioned that detail? Has a single liberal blowhard mentioned that detail?
The NRA does more to promote actual gun safety than any liberal ever has.
The multiple, glaring and enormous failures of government, including the FBI, all dwarf the type of weapon Cruz chose.
The left relies heavily on the gimmick of Hogg’s youth to further their agenda but his immaturity and hunger for attention exposes their true goals. Ignoring the failure of all the “common sense” they love to promote and concentrating on an ineffective gun ban is pretty transparent.
I disagree with anyone who claims to want “common sense” measures. In the first place, common sense is in the eye of the beholder. What I believe to be common sense, a lot of people think is non-sense (I’m talking about you liberals). And any attempt to appease certain people with “common sense” measures will fail. The left will never be satisfied. And giving up any portion of your rights to self defense is the first nose under the tent. I’ll give an example of my kind of common sense. Congress should ban sales and ownership of all AR-15’s. The last section of this legislation should state that there will henceforth be no legislation relating to the regulation, or ownership of any firearms for fifty years. All future congresses and presidents will be bound by this legislation for a half century. Since the AR-15 is the demon, liberals should be happy. Everyone will have to give their AR-15’s up. In exchange, they can have any other weapon they want unencumbered for fifty years. As regards background checks be very careful. The Soviet Union took anyone who’s thinking the Government did not like, and placed them in a ‘mental hospital’ for the rest of their life. I have no confidence that a future U.S. Government couldn’t justify the same type of safety measure, to protect the children you know. In closing I will state the same thing I have said many times before. Gun control worked out great for the slaves prior to 1860.
Dear David Hogg Americans dont want to hear from a sewer mouthed little addolecent brats like you and you fellow useful idiots all you have dont is to increase membership in the NRA so do us all a real favor and go back to your playpen and you rainbow unicorn crybaby
david pig has overstepped his welcome. however, joseph Goebbels would like this piece of shit-a new breed of socialist Nazi elite. the pig will make a good liberal if he lives that lone. ever wonder what his security force is and how many guns this security team carries?
@71Grad: That would make a pertinent point, but the fact still remains that AR-15’s are still rarely used in crimes and a ban has already been proven to be totally ineffective. We HAVE background checks, yet we see time and time again that the government… that large conglomeration of people and buildings whose purpose it is to keep us safe… fail to properly use the tools. The Stoneman Douglas schools shooting is the perfect example; the failures of those whose job it was to protect those children stack up far taller than a pile of banned AR-15’s.
This regulation or that will NEVER make a liberal happy. We wind up with individuals, willing to help, giving up bits and pieces of their personal freedoms that contribute NOTHING to the solution of the problem. The leftists want a gun ban and confiscation and that would make them so happy, they would gleefully take away the REST of the personal freedoms that they regard as not good for the collective.
Before David Hogg struck media gold by being at the same campus where a shooting happened, he was trying to make it in media by ginning up “issues” where there were no issues.
His Reddit is rich with many examples.
1. What boogie boarder has an aversion to SAND getting on his board?
Yet David tried to make a lifeguard into a bad guy for telling a beach goer to take his board off from covering the trash can.
2. The Dutch bike everywhere, so David tried to make fixing his own bike a freebie because it would be so green if everybody in FLA biked, too.
3. Malaria is an issue because DDT is not used to kill insect carriers so millions of humans die each year.
David is FOR that continuing!
He made it clear that brown people’s deaths from Malaria is A-OK with him as it helps the environment when brown people die in great numbers.
But none of these attempts took hold like playing the child victim of the shootings at his school.
Now that he is 18, he is NOT a CHILD anymore.
He’s going to have to withstand scrutiny like an adult and he can’t even make his subject/predicate agree.
I think he’s in trouble.
His drivel about the whole she told LeBron James to “shut up and dribble” criticism– he’s missing some of the tongue-in-cheekiness in that phrasing. It’s a bit of catch-phrase she used to use in reference to how celebs and rock stars should “Shut up and Sing” instead of soapboxing and their political bloviations during concerts and venues where people come to be entertained and not lectured to. It was the title of one of her books.
@Wordsmith: Well, no doubt Hoggie hasn’t treated himself to a wide variety of views or voices and subtle humor would go well over his pointed head.
“Thing is, I don’t think the stated cause is the real cause.”
With leftists, the stated cause is never the real cause. If they stated their real cause, anybody with more working brain-cells than a planarian would run screaming. (Like, for instance, the massive membership surge the NRA has enjoyed since the progtards actually started admitting that they’d like to see the 2nd Amendment repealed.)
“NICS Background checks for all gun sales”?
Screw you, fascist.
He deserves a good spanking with a wooden board
Go back under your bridge, troll. I never supported background checks. The NRA is too accommodating to the gun-grabbers for my taste.
@rocketride: I never said you, dipshit. I replied in general, to the author of the post, not you. Not my fault if this crappy site can’t keep comments in order. Suck an egg.
Do you think his parents have discarded his ANTIFA uniform?
@Buffalobob: It’s just a modified Darth Vader Halloween costume anyway.
they’re still trying to get a fair price for it from Good Will.
Americans are showing what they think of a bunch bed wetting bunch of Tide Pod eaters and condom snorters their buying guns and joining the NRA so go back to your playpens but your teddy bears have left they got tired of all the whining but your snowflake dolls will listen
Perhaps you should have left the at-sign reference in so we would have known who you were responding to. As I was, since your post followed mine and lacked any other reference, I had to assume you were responding to me– even if it made no sense as a response to anything I said.
@Spurwing Plover:
That ‘sippy cup’ meme says it all.