‘March For Our Lives’ is a Nothingburger

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Last week’s “March For Our Lives,” which has now transformed into all-out anti-gun, anti-2nd amendment and anti-Trump movement took place in cities all across the country and funded by anti-gun left wing organizations, it became a debacle that did not need to occur.

Ostensibly created by the Parkland school youth it is now working with adults from groups like March for Women Live Action Fund, MoveOn.org, The Giffords group, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and of course Everytown, Bloomberg’s gun confiscation group who have spewed lies throughout the time since the Parkland shooting.

And who can explain why a meeting was held in Broward County by someone named Debby Miller who introduced herself as a representative of the Giffords Foundation. I thought this was all put in place by the altruistic students. And why were school funds, a taxpayer resource used for the printing of itinerary for the March?

Students, with little knowledge and even less understanding, took to the streets to demand that more action is taken. Ignoring the fact that there are thousands of gun laws already on the books, and those suggested would not have stopped these actions. An SRO could have prevented parkland under orders to maintain a perimeter and too cowardly to take matters into his own hands and save lives. Maryland had shooting as well. Law enforcement stopped that. There needs to be armed security of some type in our schools. Any school shooting that has a massacre of the kind in the past will have to explain to the parents of those harmed why there was not adequate security.

These groups and many more, along with celebrities have rallied around children who have no concept of the talking points being fed to them by the progressive socialists who are giving all the resources needed to push the agenda of gun confiscation forward.

But just who are these people that are at the center of this temper tantrum. The ones who are blaming the NRA, a civil rights organization for the bloodshed. Isn’t it time to set the record straight? The PROMISE Program started by their Messiah Obama was a substantial portion of the reason this occurred, and along with a cowardly sheriff and SRO, this could and very well should have been avoided.

One is Cameron Kasky, 17 who has been working with the anti-Trump group Indivisible. Kasky has claimed that race is at the bottom of school shootings. A question that has not been asked of either Indivisible or Kasky is this. Low-income areas and inner cities are where most homicides occur. A majority of these homicides are black on black. Where has the uproar been over this? Why are you just now bringing this forward when it has been going on for years? Is it possible because this was occurring in Democrat cities, and was successfully hidden until now? Why did you not speak out until now?

And why are those students who feel that the 2nd Amendment is part of our Constitutional rights are being suspended or in one case even beaten to the extent that the boy in question needed hospitilazation? Glenpool High School in Tulsa Oklahoma had a young man who was beaten to the point that his collarbone was broken. The reason was that he differed in opinion on the 2nd Amendment with the teachers and students who walked out. The young man named Chandler was attacked by a 17 years old student, harassed at lunch, and struck when he left the cafeteria. After the altercation, Chandler was found to have a collarbone broken in five places, a chipped tooth, a cut nose, a bump on his head and other various damage.

The student that caused his pain was arrested and made bond and was out in a few hours.

Johann Fichte made clear in 1810 the direction of education admired by the progressive socialists to this day:

“Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting than as their schoolmasters would have wished.”

Why do schools feel after indoctrinating the students they have any authority to force children to participate in a political action that they do not agree with. And can someone explain to me why students as young as kindergarteners are being forced to take part?

Is it because indoctrination of the youth has worked in the past when used by leaders like Hitler, Pol Pot, and Castro to indoctrinate the children in the progressive socialist agenda that they wish to push forward. But it isn’t just our schools, media of all types and social networks have driven the victimhood status of any and all with a grievance. fifteen minutes of fame and wanted it to continue.

This little loudmouth has now claimed it is his lifework to do TV and calling for new gun control. He will do very well, even if there isn’t a college anywhere that would accept him. The left-wing media will place him on their shoulders and parade their newest low information ignorant ranter that they can find until the entire situation will run out of steam as it will. Then he will be just another tool of the left that will have abandoned.

Further reading:  http://www.intellectualconservative.com/a-walkout-based-on-lies/

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I am sorry that you are so filled with fear

Excellent article about the indoctrination of the low- information, no-knowledge, “useful idiot”, little commie-wanna-bees led by the camera Hogg for his 15 minutes.

I noticed “Emily” was called out for wearing a Cuban flag patch on her olive green jacket.
She didn’t apologize or remove it.
Instead she said is was just part of her heritage.
Shades of what Southerners had been saying about the Confederate Flag before the Left went nuts and tore them all off the flagpoles.

@Nanny G:
It is a sad situation when someone who’s ancestors fled communism is protesting on the side of anti-freedom and against the Constitution and God given rights of free Americans. But what can you expect from a low information “useful idiot” that has been indoctrinated in publick “schools” by socio-communist “educators”.

There are at least three people between David Hogg and the camera. How did they live to tell about it?

The children will get a great lesson in Democrat party tactics when those communists running in the 2018 midterms drop “gun control” like the hot political potato they well know it is. By summer the gun control meme will fall silent, as far as the communists on ballot are concerned.

@teeth: why would I be filled with fear? I laugh at these little snots and all the low information drug-hazed clods that follow them.

And why were school funds, a taxpayer resource used for the printing of itinerary for the March?

Imagine the furor if one sheet of school paper was used to post a Bible Study meeting notice.

he young man named Chandler was attacked by a 17 years old student, harassed at lunch, and struck when he left the cafeteria. After the altercation, Chandler was found to have a collarbone broken in five places, a chipped tooth, a cut nose, a bump on his head and other various damage.

Um… isn’t that the kind of bullying that allegedly LEADS TO these kinds of shootings? No uproar? No marching? No Gofundme?

David Hogg needs to have that chip knocked of his shoulder namely the big block of wood right on top of his neck the one with the eyes nose and piehole he never keeps closed and a the toilet language he uses he needs a POW RIGHT IN THE KISSER

@Mike: Emily and her cousin, David Hogg, have twitter accounts.
They are worth taking a gander at.
Emily took umbrage after she admitted she and David both constantly bullied Nikolas Cruz before he became the shooter.
Her big excuse of herself was that, as a lesbian, she was bullied.
And, if bullying is prelude to violence why aren’t she and her lesbian friends all violent?

I’ve known many lesbians in LB, back in CA.
They were very violent, in barfights w/ other lesbians, in domestic abuse of their girlfriends, most recently we saw two lesbians kill themselves and all their children over a cliff rather than try to defend themselves against domestic abuse charges by child protection.

@Nanny G: Little Hogg has made some of the most mind numbingly stupid tweets, with common words misspelled. No wonder he couldn’t get into any of the colleges he applied to!

Hogg and his fellow useful idiots can all go and play a game called STUPIDLAND its just like CANDY LAND but instead of wonderful and fun persons little delights all players have to do or say stupid things like eat tide pods or say TRUMP IS HITLER

What will Hogg do when his 15 minutes are over and Oprah, et al, stop returning his calls?
Curl up on the fetal position and cry, I assume.
Anyone who wants to understand modern schooling should read “Weapons of Mass Instruction”.
I keep my copy in the bathroom, as I can only read it a little at a time. Reading too much at once brings on crippling depression.

@Mike: Hey, nobody ever said you have to be smart to be a liberal idol.

@Deplorable Me: Too bad there isn’t an entrance exam for that! : )

Seems to me Hogg has taken a page from Trump’s playbook—Called a
“whiner” by Ingraham he’s hit back threefold—cost her at least 14 advertisers and possibly her job.

You guys should appreciate these Trumpist tactics that you’ve previously applauded.

@Rich Wheeler: Half-wit, none of the backlash was actually done by Hogg himself. None of it, not even the return tweet. Kermit, howdy doody and Hogg all have someone with their hand up their ass controlling them.

@kitt: You are reminding me more and more of Trump–that’s not a complement.
Hogg got dissed by Laura—asked marchers to call her sponsors—14 have responded by pulling their add dollars—pretty simple kitt—American business

This kid got ya all flustered

@richard wheeler: Half-wit you spell as well as poorly educated Hogg
Try try try to use the 1/2 wit I was kind enough to credit you with.
Did Hogg pull the permits for march in DC, rent the buses , make up his lies all by his little self. Did he bother to even study for his SAT scores, maybe someone should have clued him in on that trick. He is as real as ELMO, Bert, Ernie and Big Bird. When the MSM and the anti 2nd assholes are done with him they will take their arms out of his ass and chuck him in a pet net. https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-450454/dreambaby-toy-storage-hammock-chain.jsp?ci_mcc=ci&utm_campaign=EC%20BABY%20NON-APPAREL&utm_medium=CSE&utm_source=google&utm_product=90052807&CID=shopping15&utm_campaignid=174293612&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI35zVncCc2gIVSbbACh1f3wyuEAQYBSABEgKPEfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CJzZrafAnNoCFU3FwAodvvsAhQ

@kitt: You’ve become a very nasty gal since you hitched your wagon to our phony in chief. Funny, I didn’t picture you so foul mouthed when you supported Cruz—You a fan of Roseanne?
Trump plays golf, watches Fox, and starts madly twittering–buffoon.

Spelling?—go review your posts in “The Horse You Rode In On.”–atrocious.

Why do you let this kid get your panties in such a twirl? Ignore him–Trump has.

@Rich Wheeler: You have lost your mind since Hillary didnt win, you can get off the hobby horse of I didnt vote for her, she was the only other alternative so we know. Dont expect to make snide comments and me to stay pleasant.

@kitt: My mind is just fine—you’re the one who has gone off the deep end since you abandoned Cruz stability for Trump histrionics.
Still got my bumper sticker Webb 2016—he would have beaten Trump by winning Mich. Pa. and your Wisconsin.

@Rich Wheeler: Guess what we can “if only” our lives away we have to deal with reality. Dreaming DT would just go away or some magic wand is going to be waved and the Russia connection will pop out of Mueller backside is a fantasy. They spied on him leaked to the press he was under investigation for crap they paid a limey ex spy to make up. They tried to intrap Jr. with fake bait and switch female Russian, who lied and said they had dirt on Clinton. This whole sedition and treason isnt going well for them.
Hang on tight to your bumper sticker seems its all you have .I choose to not live in the “if only” .
Is he even a Democrat anymore? He left the race October 20, 2015, stating that he was “not comfortable” and “unhappy” with many of the party’s political positions.

@kitt: Rich doesn’t seem too upset Hillary undercut Webb just like she did all the other candidates, does he? You know why? Because he ISN’T. He’d been just fine if Hillary had won because she is his favorite kind of candidate: a slimy, lying, corrupt liberal that hates the military and favors illegal immigrants over citizens.

@Deplorable Me: I’ve already told him “we know”. The man he says he admires so much has come to terms that the Democrats have left their former voters high and dry. He fits in with the new Party, boorish snobs with complete lack of self awareness.

B@Deplorable Me: You have a tendency, like your idol Trump, to make things up about other people..
The truth is you’re the self proclaimed coward who was too afraid to join the Army when your country was at war—how do you live with that?
I respect the hell out of Randy and Another Vet—
You and ol bone spurs are big mouths with no guts.

Kitt I was good to go with Webb as an Indie–still am.
The Dems are placing former Marine and Army Officers in Congress–watch for Dems to take control of The House in 2018.

@kitt: I have to admit that, like Rich, I would never admit I voted for Hillary. However, UNlike Rich, I never WOULD have voted for her. He thinks he can plead he didn’t vote for her, yet he defends her vigorously. His hope was that Hillary would be President so the destructive work Obama started could have been completed. THIS is why he can never bring himself to answer questions about his statements or positions. He supports corruption and anti-American policies.

@Rich Wheeler: I have nothing bad to say about Webb, if my links make you think so thats something inside you. I’d like very much for you to be aware of the direction the Democrats have taken and decide if thats why you went to fight for your country, why you put your life on the line. Was it for the Democrat Party is that where your loyalty was drawn? I hope the Marines storm Washington, under any Party remove the Pukes in both cloth.

@Deplorable Me: “defend her vigorously” pure and simple lie Mr Burriss. Cite examples if you would–thanks.
Saw a car recently, still bearing my favorite sticker.–“Vote Trump Nobody Needs To Know.”

Kit I know you could support Webb. I joined The Marines while in College, about 2.5 years after JFK called on us in his famous inaugural address—been a Dem/Indie since that clarion call.

@Rich Wheeler: You eat rotted fruit not backing what Kennedy wanted. An end to the CIA and getting rid of corruption return to the gold standard. He may have known they were going to fake a Cuban attack on Florida to get us into a war with Russia before you call black helicopters it was called operation Northwoods. Jackie standing in a bloodstained dress next to Johnson. “Let them see what they’ve done”

@kitt: Webb’s biggest problem was a display of very poor judgement; joining the Democrat party. Imagine a military man wanting to lead a party that most of the people hate the military and military personnel… a party where some crybabies whine about a Republican was exempted by grovel over Democrats who write how they “loathe” the military… and their wife.

@Deplorable Me: He loves the party that put our cadets in red high heels and wants to put our Men in a fox hole with a guy who might not be able to fight cause he has cramps.
Mattis greeting Bolton classic, hilarious. dailycaller.com/…/mattis-tells-bolton-i-heard-you-were-the-devil-incarnate-i-wanted-t…