Happy Saturday everybody! Lots of crazy to get to, so let’s jump right in starting with a few from last week:
I’m in the minority on this, but I would have liked the portraits had the Obamas done normal adult portraits for their official ones and used these for some other purpose. On the plus side, now that the precedent has been set for tacky, unprofessional portraits I can’t wait to see what Obama’s successor does when his time comes! Maybe something in the style of the man who survived Macho Grande?
2/16 – Kill a communist and receive £340, Philippines leader Duterte tells nation
Rodrigo Duterte also said the communists are easier to hit than birds because they have bigger heads.
His latest crass remarks, which the government issued to reporters yesterday, came after human rights groups condemned him this week for saying troops should shoot female communist guerrillas in the genitals to render them “useless”.
Wow. A world leader who out-Trumps President Trump!
2/22 – The patriarchal race to colonize Mars is just another example of male entitlement
I’m just going to let Ace sum up this one: (and it’s worth the click to read all of Ace’s comments)
No offense, but if women think that striving to achieve the impossible and add immeasurably to the sum of human knowledge and wealth is “patriarchal,” then:
1, It’s little wonder they make, allegedly 77 cents on each “male” dollar, and
2, 77 cents seems way too generous. Perhaps they’re being overpaid just because of their sex.
I’m going to psychically contact the Outer Planes and see if I can glimpse your future:
When you die alone, with your sixteen cats, even your cats will just shrug and quickly move on to find a more attractive woman to ignore.
2/23 – Those cheerleaders the media LOVED from North Korea are actually SEX SLAVES
I kind of wish that President Trump would praise the Nork cheerleaders so that Leftists could find it in their hearts to condemn their plight instead of slobbering all over them
2/24 – Top 5 Facts That Gun Control Advocates Hate
Only five? I thought that the anti-2nd Amendment crowd hated all of them
Abigail, don’t you think I know what you’ve done? Abigail…
2/24 – Moonbat Demands We Abolish Words That Include the Syllable “Man”
I’m always amazed at how few brain cells are needed to sustain human life…
2/24 – Schiff’s Memo Also States FBI, DOJ Used Dossier to Obtain Warrant
Remember, only government employees have the intelligence and morality to handle firearms.
2/24 – Germany: Muslim migrant thanks “Mama Merkel” for being able to practice polygamy on benefits
As the saying goes, you can have open borders or a welfare state, but not both.
2/24 – Democrats and Illegal Aliens versus the NRA and the Second Amendment
Link to a great infographic
2/25 – Gun Control Teen Activists Show Why We Shouldn’t Listen to Children. [VIDEO]
I reject the premise of this particular post – Its title suggests that Leftist adults are any more sane or rational.
Spoiler: it belongs in the Fiction section of libraries and book stores
2/25 – The Internet Drags ‘Vice’ After Complaining NRA Wants Women, Black People Armed
This week’s edition of “Your best sexism/ racism / any-ism comes from The Left!”
2/26 – WATCH: Leftist Students Freak Out When Panel Agrees Men And Women Are Different
Because… science!
2/26 – Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania
Whatever you may think of Democrats, one has to admire their tenacity. Between last week’s story about their Democratic-controlled Supreme Court declaring itself a legislative body and now this it’s a good thing that the GOP establishment is dedicated to fighting… our president!
2/26 – Time to Go Ask Your Local Progressive Bakery to Bake an NRA Cake
Where have we heard this before? Ah, yes – I suggested three years ago that The Westboro Baptist Church could finally make a useful contribution to society! I now see the flaw in my logic – we restrict it to those b**tards? There’s no reason that us Normals can’t get in on the fun of tormenting The Radical Left
2/27 – Obama Claims His Administration ‘Didn’t Have a Scandal that Embarrassed Us’
Fact check: True. By “us”, our former President Obama means Democrats. And it’s impossible to feel embarrassment when you’re incapable of feeling shame.
2/27 – Dems Worry: Are We Overplaying The Gun-Control Hand?
Throw ’em an anvil!
2/27 – Caught: Gov’t Agency Lying About Sea Ice, Advancing Green Agenda
I am shocked! Shocked I say!
2/27 – CNN ‘Analyst’ Says Women Can’t Carry Guns Because of Their Wardrobe Choices
I have a suggestion for Comedy Central – scrap The Daily Show and just run clips of CNN. They’re funnier than anything you can write and cost a lot less!
2/28 – Malkin: Open Government Isn’t Just Good Government – It’s the Public’s Right
I know that this is a rhetorical question, but shouldn’t the people who hate those of us who don’t share their blind faith in the benevolent genius of Big Government be the first ones wanting to show off how efficient and ethical their God truly is?
2/28 – New School Policing Info Marks Broward County’s Scott Israel An Ayn Rand Villain
The Wesley Mouch comparison absolutely nails it!
2/28 – Sabo strikes in advance of the 2018 Academy Awards
The great Conservative Street Artist gives the hypocritical windbags in Hollywood another well deserved tweak on their collective noses
3/1 – Leftists Now Branding NRA as Anti-Semitic
Yes, keeping citizens armed against a potentially repressive government is Anti-Semitic. It’s a good thing there are no historical examples that see any problems with this!
3/2 – Elsa May be Lesbian in ‘Frozen’ Sequel
I’ll never be able to confirm this because of his then inability to speak, but back when Little Bob was Baby Bob I’m pretty sure that Elsa was his first celebrity crush. Yep, even back then he he had the sense to pick up on some potential hot girl on girl action – that’s MY BOY!!!
All kidding aside, (copulate) off, Hollywood – can you please at least wait until our kids approach adolescence before you try to indoctrinate them?
Have a great weekend, everybody!
I’m happy to have a reasoned, respectful convo about why joining the fight isn’t the right thing to do philosophically.
But at the outset, I need to hear you admit, “yes, I’m okay with the left using corporations to strangle any viewpoint but the left’s in the political space.”
— David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense (@davereaboi) February 26, 2018
If Ferris Bueller became a social justice warrior. https://t.co/qUmEBpnzrt
— Holden (@Holden114) February 27, 2018
One of #SheriffIsrael's role model's for "amazing leadership" pic.twitter.com/MGDfH68S4g
— Jack Fowler (@jackfowler) February 25, 2018
When you're thinking about what the school bus is going to be like Monday morning pic.twitter.com/enmmfu9t0C
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 25, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Where and how did she get a gun? What law (aside from preventing illegal immigrants from being in our country) would have prevented this? Where is little Hoggie? Where are the liberals?
As I say repeatedly, it’s NOT about public safety.
I am available and I would LOVE to write the law stating who goes on no-buy, terror watch and no-fly lists. If we want the background checks to work better, we need data bases with the names of characters that should not be allowed to purchase a weapon… or HAVE a weapon.
As long as the left is OK with someone’s rights being violated, let’s violate the rights of those that will most benefit the public safety of the American people. NYC had “stop and frisk” which, though it might have been a 4th Amendment violation, was wildly successful in reducing crime, but DeBlasio ended it. Yet, violating law abiding citizens 2nd (or even 1st) Amendment rights is just fine. How about letting ME determine whose rights get violated?
That’s only because they aren’t embarrassed by their own corruption. I mean, after all, what does anyone expect from liberals?
If you want to stretch the definitions, which is what the liberals are always up to in order to ban guns, even a revolver has a “detachable magazine” in that the cylinder can be removed and a double-action revolver could be regarded as a semi-automatic piston in that each time you pull the trigger, it rotates the cylinder and loads another round into the firing chamber. OF COURSE that stupid bill was rejected, which was the very purpose. The left is never interested in solutions.
Liberals dont want the facts they only want the stuff that pushes their liberal agendas
What a week!
I’ve been seeing photos of AR-15-style guns online with the note:
I am keeping a close eye on my gun, but, so far, it hasn’t gone off and tried to kill anyone.
And there’s a chance that David Hogg has already had his full 15 minutes of fame.
(Wasn’t Andy Warhol a genius for coming up with that phrase?)
I haven’t seen or heard new opinings from Hogg in at least 48 hours.
His last backfire was Delta Airlines.
He insisted companies divorce themselves from ties with the NRA.
Delta had a discount for NRA members.
Delta ended that program.
Then Georgia ended it’s tax break with Delta Air.
Only 12 people ever used their NRA discount at Delta, but Delta just lost $40 MILLION a year from Georgia!
That a loss of $3 million per ticket!
Blame listening to the child over the adult.
And then, stop doing it.
Im sure Hogg is being used by certian perspns lie George Soros amd Micheal Bloomberg as well as liberal rags lik e the New York Pravda(Times)and Rolling Stone the democ-RAT party certian mindless philosephers and the Useless Nations
Hollywood Airheads are again blaming the NRA who was not responsible its just liberals are always looking for scape goats like they always do
Queen Elsa may be a bit frigid but a lesbian?
I do hope all the gun clubs and organizations are bankrolling the 20 year old that is suing Wamart and Dicks for age discrimination…..BAKE THE CAKE, ah er… SELL THE RIFLE!
Making sure we gun rights nuts know that metal detectors wont work, they will show us! http://www.dispatch.com/…/metal-detectors-werent-turned-on-before-alabama-school-shooti...
Former President Obama wants us to remember he was the worst with the” creepy dude lurking in the bushes” portrait. A leaf for each scandal.
@kitt: I wonder why someone doesn’t load some of us up on buses and take us to Washington to do some marching.