Our Lefty pals have shown no shortage of crazy over the stories that unfolded at the end of this week, but let’s not neglect the other stories about their crazy that you might have missed!
2/10 – If Everything’s Racist Say “Thank You Obama!”
Our first story of Leftist stupidity to come out of the Olympics!
2/11 – Islamic ‘Outreach’ Coming Soon To A Public Library Near You, Compliments Of Muslim Brotherhood
This could actually be useful! Any tips on how to black out while getting gang raped by your new neighbors?
Yep, stating facts is racist!
2/13 – Jorge Ramos: Why Does the GOP Want to ‘Make America White Again’?
Every normal American: Why do the Democrats want to make America as stupid as their leaders?
2/14 – Elizabeth Warren doubles-down on claim to be Native American in speech to Native American group
Of course the racists of the Radical Left are happy to have a white woman take away the livelihood of Native Americans?
2/14 – Stop the Insanity!
I had to throw in some story about Leftists being miserable about Valentines Day, and Mark Dice was kind enough to make this video consolidating some of the best stories!
2/15 – Conservative Commentator Asks ABC to Apologize for Anti-Christian Bigotry
This is the counterpoint I always offer to my Lefty pals when they’re cheerleading the Gaystapo assaulting some Christian-owned business. Not wanting to seem LGBQWERTY-phobic, I always follow up by pointing out that I support every gay couple’s right to marry in the mosque of their choice!
2/16 – MSNBC’s Wallace: Only Talking About Shooting Victims Because They’re White
I don’t understand why a conservative site is blasting a Leftist for being honest. It’s not racism though – no Leftist will ever feel any compassion for anyone whose plight doesn’t advance some radical left wing narrative.
I know that last week I said that there wouldn’t be a TWIRL this week – we took a vacation in Florida and thanks to a few factors, one of which included some TSA incompetence, I found myself too exhausted upon returning home to do anything physically productive and decided to give you a short post this week.
Happy Presidents’ Day!
Oops, looks like a few gigglers on North Korean cheer squad are going to meet the North Korean firing squadhttps://t.co/4gbxqcoPzG
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 15, 2018
Probably the least surprising news is the Russians originally wanted Bernie
— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) February 16, 2018
Pence clearly missed a diplomatic opportunity to promise the Gulag Queen of North Korea pallets of cash and nukes.
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 12, 2018
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
So, since Davis “wasn’t going to go anyway”, if he had won, no one would have carried the flag?
Only liberals get away with knee-jerk, “you say tom-AH-to, you say RACIST!!” statements without being hammered by the media. Only liberals are given a stupidity-pass. Perhaps because no one expects anything more of them.
Why does Ramos want to make America Mexican? Doesn’t anyone on his staff show him what the definition of “illegal” is?
Isn’t that “cultural appropriation”, another popular leftist rallying cry?
Well, Whoopie DID apologize… because she said ABC forced her to. Then, when McCain pointed out that for tolerant liberals, they aren’t very tolerant, Whoopie shut her down, then went into a monologue about freedom of speech…. which she denied McCain and which she allowed ABC to deny her. No, really. You can’t make this stuff up.
No. Wrong. Way off base and uncalled for. They are only talking about the shooting victims because they were killed with a gun and it advances the left’s anti gun agenda. While it’s true the left is loathe to bring up the hundreds and hundreds of gun deaths in Democrat cities, since they have all the gun control any liberal could wish for, it’s best for the anti-gun agenda not to bring it up.
How did you miss this?
A clear case of allergy-bias and hateful slur. Did it also skip their notice that the irascible Peter Rabbit is depicted as brown? Good Lord, could it be any more clear than that?
Liberals are getting more crazy each passing day Trump is the Whitehouse they will soon need to go into the forests and meditate amoungst the trees a tree droups either a cone or acorn up their heads Bonk
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Mr McGreggor has always been racist Working all year and expecting to keep all the vegetables of his labor, not redistribute them to someone who came into his garden undocumented. Why are there not Antifa protestors tearing down the theater?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: I missed it because this was just a quickie for the sake of having a post up this week. Thanks for the tip though, and I’ll be using it in next week’s post!
Liberals can be identified by their constant whining sound they make