I like to wait for the dust to clear before opining on events. Not everyone does. The bodies of the victims of the Parkland shooting weren’t cold before democrats clawed their way to the front of TV cameras. A nice touch. Of course, obama had to be heard.
Left wing news outlets leaped at the report that Cruz was a member of a white nationalist group.
White supremacy group: Florida school shooter was a member https://t.co/M18PvpEkxk
— Salon (@Salon) February 15, 2018
Time: Accused Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was a Member of white supremacist group Republic of Florida.
Just one problem. He is not a member of the Republic of Florida.
Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.
Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group’s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.
His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.
Hours after news outlets around the nation reported Cruz’s alleged ties, Leon County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Grady Jordan told the Tallahassee Democrat investigative work did not yield any connections.
“We are still doing some work but we have no known ties between the ROF, Jordan Jereb or the Broward shooter,” Jordan said.
(Why would a white supremacist kill so many white people?)
The media was pranked and swallowed it whole.
The “leader” of the group, Jordan Jereb, explained it this way.
ABC News: There have already been 18 school shootings in the US this year: Everytown
WaPo: No, there haven’t.
Piers Morgan:
Stephen Miller answers:
What is true is that the FBI was tipped off about Cruz last year.
PARKLAND, Fla. (Reuters) – The Federal Bureau of Investigation was warned in September about an ominous online comment by the 19-year-old man accused of killing 17 people at his former high school but was unable to locate him, an agent said on Thursday.
Authorities said the ex-student, identified as Nikolas Cruz, walked into the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, near Miami, on Wednesday and opened fire with an AR-15-style assault rifle in the second-deadliest shooting at a public school in U.S. history.
Unable to locate him? He was all over Instagram:
The other Stephen Miller tells us why:
For the record, have a look at what the Republic of Florida is all about:
This sounds a lot more like Bernie Sanders than it does Sean Hannity.
And of course, the left blamed Trump.
As for more gun control, here’s what one shooting survivor had to say:
Williams asked Minoff what recommendations he would make to lawmakers to prevent future shootings, and Minoff’s answer was definitely not what Williams was expecting.
“If you were a lawmaker, an adult in a decision-making position, how would you stop, do you think, the kind of thing that happened today?” Williams asked. “A kid who’d been thrown out, he comes back with a weapon, and takes out whatever grievance he’s been walking around with in his head.”
“Gun-wise I don’t think there’s any way to prevent it,” Minoff asserted. “You outlaw guns it just creates a higher demand for it.”
“I think it has to do with mental health, though,” he continued. “If he’s been expelled three different times from three different schools, I think he needs to be helped out.”
But as you know, democrats never let a good crisis go to waste,

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
White supremacist group lie was just repeated by my local news now that it has been spread thats what will be believed like hands up dont shoot. They will make ZERO effort to correct the lie.
The handgun in the pic above is a toy see the orange on the end of the barrel?
First they claim him, then they don’t. Who knows? Here’s the website. Maybe they’re an imaginary militia consisting of a couple of socially dysfunctional guys who need girlfriends, or a different hobby. Republic of Florida
@Greg: You were punked, deal with it. Does the scary toy gun give you nightmares?
I don’t like toys made to resemble actual firearms. They can get people shot with real ones. Given the news from Florida, these two goofballs were lucky. I don’t much care for designer color handguns either. A gun should look like what it is.
It’s getting harder to know what’s true. Florida school shooting: hoaxes, doctored tweets and Russian bots spread false news
@Greg: Funny Im not a trained law enforcement officer and I knew it was a toy. He might as well of posed with a Furby, but the libs would panic as aliens were taking over the kid.
Are you a Russian bot now, as you spread a fake story?
friggin commies at ABC.
The Unibomber(Ted Kazinski)was inspired by Al Gore’s book EARTH IN THE BALANCE the Discovery Channel Hostage taker killed by the Police was a fan of Gore’s fake Documentry A INCONVENT TRUTH this is the kind of news you wont be getting from the New York Pravda and if he belonged to the NRA the media would have regular feeding freinzie and like after Sandy Hook the Useful Idiots protesting against the NRA was small but received big time coverage from the leftists news media reptiles and other lower lifeforms and will more useful idiots want to bring a suit against the gun makers even though their banned from doing so
@Spurwing Plover: They should be protesting big pharma at least 8 mass shooters were on psychotropic drugs. Phama addicted doctors are a problem they understand nothing about the mind so they drug it. Mass shootings is a possible side affect, it should be on the bottle.
No NRA member has ever been a mass shooter.
@kitt: @kitt, #5:
That’s the intended function of the mandatory orange tip at the end of the barrel. Hopefully the toy won’t be pointed toward anyone around an armed, colorblind security guard or nervous concealed-carry citizen.
Before his social media accounts were all deleted (by who?) this Nikolas Cruz showed off all manner of trophy hats he’d been given (in exchange for what?)
I saw him posing in his new MAGA hat, a Phillies hat, lots of hats I didn’t recognize the logos of.
He was really into them.
We have also seen him in an Antifa t-shirt, but it, too, might have been a trophy/reward/payment for services rendered.
Did he have a white supremicist hat?
I know this Microchip guy from Gab and can tell you he is an effective and prolific troll.
He also knows most of the other alt-right puckish trolls from the web, light & dark.
If he says the media was pranked I’d tend to believe him.
What we have seen is that the shooter was the 1st person both students and teachers imagined would do it, if anyone would.
@Greg: What ever Mr. Bot, you didnt use 1 ounce of questioning or logic ,you, just like the media glommed onto something that fit your ideology. PUNKED BIG TIME, by a media whore.
Nearly all were children. Anger that this is happening again and again while nothing is being done has little to do with partisan ideology. Either we’re stupid, or we’re not. Either we care, or we don’t.
The issue is not mental health. The issue is the guns.
If for no other reason, because you can’t fix everyone’s mental health issues.
Now that’s funny and you’re probably right.
Do we take away flying airplanes and driving cars for the same reason? How about hammers?
@DrJohn: If the issue were guns. every year the US hunters outnumber every standing army on the planet. OOOOOOoooo most armed with automatic rifles.
No guns are not the issue, more die from medical mistakes, more die because cars have to get X amt of gpm. Idiots blame Trump, morons blame guns, criminals dont give a hoot about laws make a zillion new laws only to create more law breakers and no way to enforce them.
Yes DO something make the schools as safe as the court house, as safe as the airport. Metal detectors, and security guards.
4 shootings this school year is 4 too many, secure our kids.
Active shooter drills wont stop them, no more than duck and cover would have saved the kids in the 50s from an atom bomb.
1973, a student and teacher guarding a Delaware high school after someone called in a shooting threat during a morning class. Juniors, seniors, and teachers went to their cars and trucks to grab their guns, and guard the doors between classes. No shooter ever arrived.
I seldom disagree with you but Trump has identified and fixed the problem. He said “So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again”.See, it wasn’t the shooters fault at all but rather the victims. Per Trump, it was those damn “neighbors and classmates” who dropped the ball and allowed this atrocity, not the gunman or even the expanded mentally gun ownership legislation he signed.
So I guess per Trump, there’s some magical time out period or such that potential shooters abide by (some hand shake agreement maybe????) and that you’ll be safe as long as you keep reporting instances again and again and again and again and again an……………………………………………………………….
Such specious arguments are beneath you. One would think you could do better but since you come armed with a brigade of nonsensical merrymen to abet your gibberish, I guess there’s no point in you putting out an iota of effort.
Why would a bigoted, white supremacist group let someone named “Cruz” into their ranks? Oh, never mind that… this just sounds so GOOD and JUICY!
Well, they were going to get on it just as soon as all the evidence against Hillary was totally destroyed, Trump was convicted of colluding with Russians and all of the United States could be considered a “sanctuary nation”.
@kitt: Cruz was also posing with the deadly dangerous Crossman 1377 pump pellet pistol. These are so scary (they have a fore- and pistol grip) they should probably be banned. I have one and I am afraid it will get out of the house and go on a rampage.
Only when you act stupidly with them.
I’m afraid it does. You want to connect mental health issues with purchasing a weapon? Then make the HHS’s responsibility to determine who should be banned, not some blanket ban triggered by Social Security claims. You want to ban those on the terror watch or no-fly list to weapons purchases? Then figure out what exactly gets one on those lists and how, if someone gets on their by mistake, they can quickly get off. Want effective background checks? Then start prosecuting those who lie on those federal documents instead of just laughing it off. Don’t want violent criminals in society with access to weapons? Stop letting them out of jail to assuage your guilt of inner racism. Concerned about violence permeating the minds of our youth? Stop falsely vilifying political opponents as murders and fascists and openly calling for violence and death upon them. Yes, there is much to be done but some have to have the courage to set aside their political agenda to effect REAL change.
Says the guy that just said we should keep ideology out of this.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #16:
A significant portion of the population is capable of stupid behavior. From a reasonable adult’s perspective, children in particular do stupid things rather often. The problem with getting killed for some stupid reason is that one doesn’t learn from the experience.
I suppose if assuring that the right of irresponsible and/or mentally unstable individuals to bear arms shall not be infringed is part of your ideology, what was said sounds to you like an ideological statement. To others, it probably sounds like common sense.
A gun can be used to create as much havoc in the hands of a sane person as in a mentally unstable person’s hand. It’s not the gun, it’s the person, their morals, their restraints, their values and their judgement. It’s not about furthering the leftist agenda, it’s about finding solutions.
I see AJ is back from the University of Stupid where he is majoring in Delusion. Minor in Cowardly Liar.