Welcome back everybody! With the special edition focused on sports now behind us we can get back to what insanity the Radical Left is bringing to the world of politics! First let’s jump back to a few good stories that got passed by lately:
1/21 – Feminist Interviewer Tries Baiting Bill Burr into Argument. Fails.
I had never heard of Bill Burr, but he is awesome.
1/30 – House Committee Unanimously Kills “Netflix Tax”
Has there ever been a tax on the poor and middle class that the Radical Left didn’t love?
1/31 – PETA Demands The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Go Vegan
I fully support this. Is it ever too soon to teach our children what miserable bores Radical Leftists are?
2/2 – What Ever Happened to ‘Peak Oil’?
For some reason the anti-science luddites from the Radical Left have gotten quiet on this subject
2/2 – President Trump Raises Tariffs, Media Shocked at What Happens Next
I’m not posting this link to beat up the media. I’m a free-trader myself, and am happy to admit that I was wrong about what i thought would follow
2/3 – Escaping Nicaraguan Marxism, Only to End Up in Edina, Minnesota
Flores, who fled a Marxist regime in Nicaragua as a child, had this to say: “Years ago, we fled Communism to escape indoctrination, absolutist thinking and restrictions on our freedom of speech. If we see these traits in our schools in America, we must speak out and oppose it.”
Flores says that when his son was at Edina High, teachers routinely pushed politicians and political positions they favored, shamed and browbeat students with dissenting views, and forced them to defend themselves against baseless allegations of racism. According to his son, he says, classroom discussions were often “one-sided indoctrination sessions,” and students feared their grades would be penalized if they spoke out.
2/3- Retired general isn’t Democrat enough to run
It’s a shame our left-of-center Flopping Ace Commenter Rich Wheeler never weighs in on these weekly roundups – I’d honestly love to hear his opinion on this
2/3 – The Pocahontas Effect
Great point:
I think of Carl Sagan quoting Malcolm X, being bowled over by the ability of ghetto “numbers runners” to peform and retain thousands of calculations in their brains, and wondering what they could have done with their lives if this ability had been steered in a more productive direction.
How many of these people are the Alan Turings we could really use to win a war, but are instead the very Nazis they think they’re fighting?
Of course, if there were real Nazis the punks would be most likely be collaborators
2/3 – Islamized Germany as Seen from Inside
I’ve said this before, and with all of the wars that Europeans have fought it’s sad to see most of the continent conquered without a single shot being fired
2/4 – Sweden: Major operation, armed police guarding all police stations in Muslim-dominated Malmö
If only we had some clue as to what could be the cause of this problem!
Whenever my Lefty pals wonder why a “Small l” Libertarian like me is so vehemently opposed to gay marriage it’s because I knew it wouldn’t end there. And that’s the problem with the Radical Left’s various grievance mongering identity groups – they always have to find a new grievance to intrude in our lives in order to justify their existence.
2/5 – ESPN’s Jemele Hill Tells Sharpton Trump Uses ‘Racial Porn’ to Rile Up His Base
One would almost feel sorry for Leftists who are too stupid to see the irony sail clear over their heads if they weren’t such horrible people.
OK, I’m placing my marker and calling it here – Kaepernick just cemented his slot as a speaker at the 2020 Democratic National Convention!
2/5 – AWKWARD: This Jimmy Kimmel news makes host’s liberal ‘level of intelligence’ brag EXTRA funny
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again – how was this twerp 1/2 of the mad genius behind The Man Show?
2/5 – ‘Feminist Business School’ Teaches Students To Shun Profit-Seeking
I think that we’ve found an explanation for the gender pay gap!
2/6 – A Serious Push for Free College in California
Am I the only one who loves this idea? The notion that all university staff will work for free, from janitors to professors to “Directors Diversity and Inclusiveness”, not to mention that the people who supply books, food, energy, etc. needed to run a university will also agree to go unpaid sounds great to me! That is what they’re proposing, right?
The best part is looking at the empty heads in the audience nodding in approval. I would have been on the ground laughing my a** off!
2/7 – Tony Dungy gives AMAZING response after getting trolled on Nick Foles and Christianity
I’m normally not a fan of the “Look how random idiots in the comments section / on Twitter overreact!” type of stories, but Dungy’s response to his critics is a case study in killing with kindness
Now that we know that the collusion with Russia to interfere with an election is in Obama’s and Hillary’s camps does this mean that the Radical Left likes Russia again?
2/9 – Eric Holder Calls DOJ’s Apology to Tea Party Groups Targeted by IRS ‘Unnecessary’
I never thought I’d say this, but I agree with Holder! Convictions and jail time would have been far more appropriate!
There won’t be a TWIRL next Saturday, but if I can I’ll have a quick post for you next weekend. Stay warm, and Fly, Eagles Fly!
Difference between Groundhog Day & climate change? One’s a cherished superstition where future temperatures are predicted with random observation of unreliable data, and the other is a holiday.
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 2, 2018
Yes, that's exactly the point.Nothing escapes the top-rate minds at @CNN!
h/t @mechaprimate pic.twitter.com/OqMLUkOj8c
— BrowningMachine (TEXIT now!) (@BrowningMachine) February 8, 2018
— The Discontenterati (@wesowdiscontent) February 2, 2018
Speaking of the MLK Dodge #SuperBowl ad, I once had this exchange with at a dinner party:
Antagonist: The Founding Fathers you worship owned slaves.
Elder: Martin Luther King, Jr. plagiarized his doctoral thesis.
Antagonist: So what?
Elder: Exactly
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) February 6, 2018
Democrat in office: “don’t talk down the economy”
— Razor (@hale_razor) February 6, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Don’t worry, they’re working on it. Right now they are screaming about Trump not releasing Schiff’s classified-information packed memo, but they’ll be back on it.
Gee, could it be that he knows what he is doing?
Under liberal control, schools have become indoctrination centers.
I suppose there is no explaining where anyone’s political beliefs originate, but I cannot fathom how anyone that has been in the military, is proud of their service or anyone who reveres the military and their protection can support the Democrat party. That is the party that LOATHES the military, denigrates their service and despises their existence. As Jim Webb learned, unless a veteran is willing to denounce the US military, they are not welcome.
Nothing will get you on that podium faster than proving what a scumbag piece of trash you are.
I’m sort of surprised they actually ALLOW right turns in California, much less mandate it. You ain’t making Jimmy make no right turns, though!
Property and taxes are pretty cheap in California, too. I’m sure all that will be waived as well.
Wait… what? If global warming raises temperatures (I was shocked to hear that it gets hot in North Africa and India), would gathering firewood really be a necessity?
2/7 – Tony Dungy gives AMAZING response after getting trolled on Nick Foles and Christianity
Apparently the first time Eric tuned in to NBC.
PETA is still as Stupid as it always has been Holder is a Pea Brain Nit Wit I read that some Eco-Wacko idiots want the Philadelphia Eagles to cancil their visit to Trump well some enviromentalist idiots signed a stupid petition .Green Weenie of the week Hillary the Hag wrote that dumb book IT TAKES A VILLAGE about comminity child care Never forget that Kaepernick should do us all a real favor and go live in the Amazon Jungle. Hill and Sharpton both too stupid to say anything without putting their foot in their mouths a common problem with all libeals
so how many times has kimmel been in rehab??
@M0S #8541: I don’t know but he ought to get his money back.
A little Asian girl in public school can (w/o parents knowing) declare herself a black him.
BUT an adult man cannot declare himself a Democrat?
What fresh hell is this???
Meanwhile a Lefty got one right.
The (I’m guessing) male half of the FBI lovebirds texted his secret other half that Chelsea Clinton had a billy goat voice tic.
I had never listened to her enough to realize how true this is.
Here’s a compilation of many of her attempts at sounding sincere coming off as sounding like a braying billy goat:
@Nanny G:
Yet he supported Hillary to the point of distorting justice?
And none of the Berners commenting on the free-college story noticed that the inheritance tax would take in $2000 per student, per year. If that much.
Yeah, that will completely pay for the college experience.
But then, they’re California students, and math there is racist, sexist, etc.
Those who don’t understand math will be outperformed by those who do.
@Petercat: When Hillary screeched clean this sh!t up, the senior members of FBI jumped on it. [video src="https://videos.files.wordpress.com/Xblfe4qf/retired-vacum-cleaner_dvd.mp4" /]
But couldn’t get it to fire up.
I see where a bunch of witless Envromentalists wacko nutcass CARE 2 want the Philadelphea Eagles to cancil their trip to the Whitehouse they have a bunch of Useful Idiots sign a stupid petition