Remember this whopper from Politifact?

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Politifact’s bias is about as bad as Comey’s FBI. Here is one of their barn burners from 2016:

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting a subpoena
The text:

At the second debate between the two presidential nominees, Trump criticized Clinton for turning over half her emails held on her server to the State Department and deleting the rest. He said Clinton should be “ashamed” of herself for deleting 33,000 emails.

“There has never been anything like this,” Trump said at the Oct. 9 event in St. Louis. “You get a subpoena, and after getting the subpoena you delete 33,000 emails.”

Clinton and her campaign don’t dispute that she deleted these 33,000 emails. They argue that these were personal in nature, rather than work-related, and therefore were not necessary to turn over.

But hold on:

However, they have denied that they deleted the emails after receiving a congressional subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi on March 4, 2015. But an August 2016 FBI report on its investigation shows that Trump’s claim has some merit.

They put up a timeline:

March 4, 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over all emails from her private server related to the incident in Libya.

Between March 25-31, 2015: The Platte River Networks employee has what he calls an “oh s—” moment, realizing he did not delete Clinton’s email archive, per Mills’ December 2014 request. The employee deletes the email archive using a software called BleachBit.

They conclude:

Trump’s timeline is correct. The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.

Their rating:

We rate Trump’s claim Half True.

Their title clearly says

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails after getting a subpoena

That’s all it says and they prove he was right in saying it. Then they rate his claim half true as they add “implied” things they create out of the ether. This is the organization that stood by obama’s health care promise as gospel for years. Politifact bends over backward to rate democrats’ statements are true and goes out of its way to demote Republican statements and claims.

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They are in the business of telling liberals what they want to hear and keeping their biases reinforced, not the business of disseminating the truth.

Hillary certianly is’nt the first to delete their e-mails George Stepanopolpus went and did it despite a court order not to