The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/14/2017

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Welcome back, everybody! We’ve got a week chocked with more crazy than normal, so let’s get right to it by starting off with two from last week:

10/6 – Pop Goes the Liberal Media Bubble

When he raises the question of what the ultimate outcome of the removal of Confederate statues might be, the critics slag him as a racist, but do not dwell for long on polling that shows him to be in the center of public opinion. When he voices what many have felt about the politicization of the NFL and the attack on the flag and national anthem, the critics say he is being divisive and insensitive. But why is it always Trump who is being divisive, and not those who say the flag and anthem are symbols of white supremacy, and who raise fists in the black power salute?

Read the whole thing.

10/6 – Liberals Respond As Usual, By Bullying

This one links to an article about what the Radical Left is doing to our kids via the school system in Minnesota. It’s a bit longer than most of the posts I link, but well worth your time to read.

One student wrote:
The day after the election I was texting my mom to pick me up from school and she almost had to!! Every teacher was crying in class, one even told the whole class ‘Trump winning is worse than 9/11 and the Columbine shooting.’ The amount of liberal propaganda that was pushed every single day in class this year was worse than it’s ever been–and you’re bullied by the teachers and every student if you dare speak against it

10/7 – Yes, Government Tyranny Can Happen, And Yes, An Armed Citizenry Is The Best Deterrent

As long as Americans are armed en masse, there will never be an Adolph Hitler here. Nor will there ever be a Mao Zedong or a Joseph Stalin.

Not if our Lefty pals get their way! As I said in a Facebook post a few days ago regarding Communism, “Murder dozens and you’re a monster. Murder thousands and you become an icon on t-shirts and dorm room posters. Murder millions and your flag gets waved at left wing political protests.”

10/7 – Ireland honors anti-gay murderer. 

Lefties worship some strange people…


This is nothing surprising, but this story gets included for where it was published – The Washington Post’s sports blog. I’m actually old enough to remember when sports publications wrote about sports. Damn, I’m a fossil.

10/8 – National anthem protests don’t appear to be hurting NFL ticket sales

One of my left of center Facebook friends posted this. I had to read the whole thing twice and am posting it as a “How many mistakes can you find in this data analysis?” case study. The truth is telling a different story.

10/8 – Chelsea Clinton dips her toe in Weinstein scandal and nearly gets it blown off

Note to MSM: Please continue to push this dim bulb as the rising star of the Democratic Party. PLEASE!

10/8 – It was 50 years ago today, Capt. Prado taught Che to say: “Don’t Shoot! I’m Che! I’m worth more to you alive than dead!”

A happy story marking the 50th anniversary of the death of the Radical Left’s favorite gay-hating racist!

10/9 – Columbus Day — and its Enemies

On that same day, probably the best writeup I’ve seen on the true magnitude of what Columbus accomplished

10/9 – Border-State Lawmakers Try to Block Eminent Domain from Being Used for Wall

I never thought I’d find myself rooting for the feds and eminent domain. Oh, wait a minute – this is actually a legitimate use!

10/9 – Stephen A. Smith Says Trump Is ‘Winning’ The National Anthem Debate [VIDEO]

This could be the most amazing story of the year – intelligence coming from Stephen A. Smith!

10/9 – Did FDR End the Great Depression?

Another great Prager U video blowing apart one of the Radical Left’s favorite myths, and for those of you who were around a few years ago, I went into more detail in one of the chapters of my “Economics for Politicians” series

10/10 – CNN’s Symone Sanders: White People Aren’t Allowed to Criticize the NFL Kneeling

Apparently CNN isn’t allowed to hire anyone with an IQ greater than a house plant

10/11 – Bloomberg Fails Again With Soda Tax Repeal in Cook County

Friendly suggestion, Mayor Bloomberg – read my entire Economics for Politicians series. You would benefit immensely from it!

10/12 – Study Shows Democrats Moving Further Left At Rapid Rate

Nothing you didn’t already know, but this one provides survey data as support.

10/12 – Late-Night Host Seth Meyers Flips Off Trump Supporters, Tells Them to ‘Go Away’ 

Offer accepted!

10/13 – Police Boycott FORD Over NFL Anthem Protest Support

God bless the 1st Amendment. Players are free to make disrespectful gestures, the NFL is free to cower before them, and we’re free to tell them to go and perform a physically impossible sexual act upon themselves!

Have a great weekend and stay stupid, my friends!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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10/10 – CNN’s Symone Sanders: White People Aren’t Allowed to Criticize the NFL Kneeling

So, black people cannot criticize Trump, because he is white?

10/12 – Study Shows Democrats Moving Further Left At Rapid Rate

Hopefully they move all the way off the left coast.

Apparently CNN isn’t allowed to hire anyone with an IQ greater than a house plant

yes and for the average cnn male, the length if his penis exceeded his IQ

Because of pre-season ticket sales it will be next year before we will see if the NFL can fill stadium seats.
That’s a lot of time for other events to intervene.
Texas Dems are embarrassing themselves.
A leather-loving gay man who owns a gay leather bar and has decided to run for Texas gov.
Dems have been lowering their view of gays on the victim ladder.
So, Texas Dems are less than lukewarm about this candidate.

@Nanny G: Probably a more viable candidate than Windy Wendy, though. Maybe he has more than one issue to tout.

Phooie on CNN and all their reporters and their head hancho Symone Sanders has all the IQ of a flea

The networks not airing the anthem? Wrong answer Fox, Zoom in on the singer or the flag, dont squeeze in a few more money making ads.
In fact, none of the top 35 national brands sponsoring the 2017 NFL season
Anheuser-Busch InBev, Bose, Barclays, Bridgestone, Campbell’s, Castrol, Dannon, DMI, EA Sports, Extreme Networks, FedEx, Ford, Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Hyundai, Intel, Marriott, Mars, McDonald’s, Microsoft, Nationwide, New Era, News America, Nike, Papa John’s, PepsiCo, Procter and Gamble, Quaker, Sirius XM, Ticketmaster, Under Armour, USAA, Verizon, Visa, and Zebra. These sponsors collectively spend a total of $1.5 billion annually on NFL sponsorships.
They have been very quiet unlike Ford.

@Brother Bob: Poster child for Democrat desperation.