Welcome back and happy Labor Day weekend! Some travel this week will make today’s a relatively light post, but our lefty pals still give us no shortage of crazy! First, two stories that I was too lazy forgot to include last week:
8/22 – Howard Dean: If You Vote Republican in 2018, You’re A Racist
Come on Howie, racist? That is sooooo 2008. The proper slur today is to say anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi, if not literally Hitler.
8/23 – CNN: ‘Ordinary People’ Are ‘White Supremacists by Default’
Oh FFS, I was kidding you idiots!
8/25 – Warren Condemns Left-Wing Violence: ‘Violence Is Not the Way to Go’
As much as I dislike America’s favorite fake Indian, it’s important that we give credit where it’s due. And yes, I know it wasn’t as forceful as it should have been but it’s a start.
Um, where is the Department of Justice? If localities won’t enforce the law the Feds need to step in before the Radical Left manages to make its Reichstag Fire fantasy come true.
To steal a classic Andrew Dice Clay line, “That’s what I say, Teach. What’s the f***in’ difference?”
8/28 – WashPost Shock Headline Calls Out “Black-Clad Antifa Members”
No surprise here. I warned a few weeks ago that when the Radical Left started comparing Antifa to WWII veterans that it was only a matter of time before the media started showing the same contempt for Antifa that they do for our military.
8/28 – Victim who told police he was stabbed due to ‘Neo Nazi’ haircut was lying, police say
This dude’s trouble is only beginning for trying to muscle in on fake hate crimes. Wait until the Radical Left learns about this cultural appropriation!
8/29 – FBI Refuses to Release Files on Clinton Investigation, Citing Public Disinterest
As if we needed any more reminders that the swamp needs to be drained.
Washington Post:
“Harvey’s burdens will fall hardest on the poor”
Don’t ever stop being you, media. Don’t ever stop. Steven Hayward makes some great points in this short post, and you should read the whole thing. Here is one great excerpt:
One of the remarkable things about this extraordinary catastrophe is how low the death toll has been—less than a dozen. A flood of this magnitude in the developing world usually kills tens of thousands. The 1900 Galveston hurricane killed over 6,000 people; adjusted for population change in the region, that would probably be something like 100,000 today.
8/31 – Liberal Site That Facebook Uses To Sort ‘Fake News’ Just ‘Fact-Checked’ A Satirical Website
So much for our moral and intellectual superiors
9/1 – Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions to Offshore Accounts
OK, Lefties. It’s time to get on your high horses and demand that they pay their fair share and howl for the IRS to dig into what they’re hiding!
And ICYMI, I put up a short piece regarding an Op-ed in the Washington Post from a man who escaped Cuba as a child and has suddenly taken a strong interest in fighting tyranny. Unfortunately, it’s exactly the kind of serving of stupid you’d expect from WaPo.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
Blaming sea-level rise on humans in the 21st Cent is like blaming cold weather on witches during Little Ice Age in the 15th Century. Stupid!
— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) August 23, 2017
Incredible documentary… pic.twitter.com/yp8iO2nLpI
— Andrew Klavan (@andrewklavan) August 24, 2017
Nancy Pelosi just made Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, and Mitt Romney look like schmucks for tacitly endorsing Antifa. Well played. pic.twitter.com/xV9UVXys7Y
— The Safest Space (@TheSafestSpace) August 30, 2017
Peaceful Hoodwearing Mobs of Love Spread Proper Groupthink with Batons of Tolerance
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 28, 2017
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Howard Dean is a stupid liberal demacratic pin-head and the french liberal rag Charlie Hebo dedicated a front cover of its trash rag showing the Texas Hurricane Harvey victims as nazis but i dont think you’ll be seeing anyone from texas going to Paris storming into the building where this liberal rag is printed and shooting up the place then blowing the cartoonists brains out becuase liberals have no much brains
I liked this tidbit:
The video, posted by Beverly Hills Antifa, features a quote which reads: “Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist”
Ironies abound.
Beverly Hills Antifa?
Beverly Hills Antifa needing $15/hr or they won’t “work?”
Antifa has no inner core?
They are simply astroturf, doing it for the money?
George Soros is behind yet another globalist terrorist group?
George Soros caused over $100 million in damages to Berkley, CA which is about as liberal as a town can be!
“Is he going to help? Can he help?” Devon Harris, 37, a construction worker, said at the convention center. “I lost my home. My job is gone. My tools are gone. My car is gone. My life is gone. What is Trump going to do?”
WTF, man?
It’s not his responsibility. Getting your life back together is your job. People will help you… once you’ve started helping yourself.
The Demacrats the Party of the KKK the Party of the Slave Owners Woodrow Wilson was a Racsist and Demacrat Jessie Jackson is a Dermacrat and a Uncle Tom
Construction Worker- “I lost my home. My job is gone. My tools are gone. My car is gone. My life is gone. What is Trump going to do?”
Petercat- “People will help you… once you’ve started helping yourself.”
It would kinda seems to me this is a guy that’s pretty much spent his life helping himself rather than depending on government and relying on others as he had a job, tools of the trade, a home, a car, etc.
There’s a lot to be said there but aside from this belief of the rabid right that “the people” and “government” are two separate things, and aside from the magnitude of such catastrophic incidents (like the wiping out of the 4th largest city in the U.S.), when such things happen, it does somewhat raises the question of once prosperous people who are now desolate, other than Trump fleecing the country for his own profit and promoting his racist and plutocratic agenda, what precisely is his purpose?
It also kinda brings back that “you didn’t build that” argument.
So what you are saying is that a man that “pretty much spent his life helping himself rather than depending on government and relying on others” became dependent when Harvey blew thru? How does that work? You are independent, or you’re not. If you are, you don’t whine and cry about Big Brother not being there to take care of you. You do what you can, and work toward the future. There is no time for whining about how Big Brother has let you down.
I drove thru a central Texas town yesterday that was pretty much entirely underwater until a couple of days ago. I saw no FEMA trucks, no FEMA personnel, no government workers or relief stations set up. What I did see were everyday Texans helping those who were “victims” mucking out the damaged homes and businesses without Big Brother telling them how to do it.
“Money came from millionaires in New York, from black churches in Georgia, and from a little girl in Chicago, who sent 10 cents. Donations came from religious groups, labor and fraternal organizations and thousands of individuals. Relief funds were raised by an organ recital in Scranton, Pa., and by a baseball game in Anaconda, Mont. Money was sent by the German Turnverein of St. Louis, Mo., and the Rough and Ready Fire Company of Montrose, Pa. Sunday school classes sent their collections of pennies, nickels and dimes.
In all, donations exceeded $1.25 million. By far the most generous state was New York ($228,055), followed by Texas ($66,790), Illinois ($55,544), Massachusetts ($53,350) and Missouri ($52,116). Donations also arrived from foreign countries – among them, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, England and South Africa.”
Along with taking care of the immediate needs of clean-up, restoration of utilities, and feeding, clothing and sheltering the survivors of the storm, the Central Relief Committee paid for the building of 483 new houses, plus furnishing partial financial aid for the repair or rebuilding of 1,114 houses.
After the worst hurricane on record for North America, where an estimated 12,000 lives were lost, Galveston Island citizens, with donations from charity organizations, rebuilt their island. A sea wall was build and the entire island was filled in raising it 16 inches. Not one dime of federal money was used. NOT ONE.
Now, Ajay, or who ever you are, go back to whining about stupid crap that has no bearing on how Texas will recover. We will do it without the help of anyone, if that is what is required. I’m sure that you are more concerned with bogus stories by your beloved left wing media that what is happening in Texas. You liberals have already proven that you have no empathy for anyone and that a crisis is just something you want to use for political expediency.
Aside from you parroting your assumed cohort, it’s interesting that most all resident loyalist here share that same condescending anger. My comment simply pointed out that labeling a catastrophic victim as a moocher or such may not be what it appears and that the extent of the damage may be a bit larger than that “get off your dead as and get a job” mentality that seems so prominent of today’s so-called conservatives. What is it in presenting that argument that warrants such an angry tone from you (or yours)?
And no, I did not say nor imply that such incidents are excuses for previously hard working people to now become dependent on the government. It isn’t a bianary conclusion that people may need a “hand up” rather than a “hand out” in such cases.
If your argument is correct-that the government or federal assistance isn’t needed as contributions will graciously flow, it would seem these business people and workers in TX would be rested at ease and not worrying about such things. Obviously they are not.
And in this binary mindset of so-called conservatives I speak of, at what point should government step COMPLETELY out of the picture? My understanding is that the intrusive guvmint regulates contractors rushing in from around the country to try to prevent ripoffs and con-artist and jacklegs from robbing and profiteering. Should they step aside? And even with this money you say will pour in, should there be no regulators or such to insure a 3rd party doesn’t intervene and haul off with the loot? Should we end FEMA in it’s entirety? How bout them govmint folks taking constant water samples for E coli and other incubates of cholera? Will these rich folk take care of those issues as well?
So it would seem to me that when what appears to be a hard working tax payer who has just lost everything and sees his entire community in ruin, along with more devastation and ruin likely to come-and then sees Trump and Pence come in for their dog and pony shows, to ask the question of ” What is Trump going to do?” would be somewhat of a fair question rather him being labeled as a dead beat or whiner.
And even if you completely disagree (which judging from history, you won’t because there are certain parts of that which are common sense, needed and understood, you and your mirrored comrades are forbidden to agree with anyone consider leftist or liberal), other than your profound and bigoted hatred of anyone not kowtowing to your exact mindset (because well, of the entire cast of 5 or 6 resident sock puppet loyalist here, there is only 1 exact mindset), there really shouldn’t be anything to strike such an angry nerve in you.
@Ajay42302: Can you provide some evidence of Trump “fleecing the country for his own profit and promoting his racist and plutocratic agenda”? Or, is expecting substance backing any of your Soros-funded false accusations asking far too much? I have a guess… let’s just see.
Oh, I see; so in times of disaster, we, according to you, need government to dig us out of the rubble. Never mind that until the days of FDR (Socialist lite and fan of Stalin) it was private/religious charities that helped others. I pointed to the Hurricane of 1900 as a prime example of how people, themselves, with the aid of charities, managed to deal with the worst hurricane in American history. You chose to ignore that because it doesn’t fit with your racially leftist agenda.
And you know what the opinion of Texans are how? Because you read of some whining victim that that been indoctrinated into thinking only Big Brother can come to their rescue and they are not capable of helping themselves?
How so? Is self reliance, and reliance on your friends and those in your community so out of vogue now that we no longer count it?
I think I am adding you to my FA pond scum list.
@retire05: Regardless of your selective context quotes, why do you evade the question of the degree of government assistance?
Your 1900 hurricane comparison somewhat defeats your argument in several ways.
Natural disasters have occurred for years and yes, the earth still rotates, the sun still comes up, and people do move on. I don’t think anyone’s disputing that. In reality, Galveston is the perfect example of what happens without who you call “Big Brother”. That city never quite rebuilt or picked itself up to get back to that pre-hurricane prosperity. Most of the industry moved and rebuilt in Houston and other cities. And while 6000 people perished in that storm (up to 12000 by several accounts), that in itself shows how government help prevents such reoccurrences as the Harvey death toll is less than 100. And you don’t account for lack of assistance in body removal and Cholera prevention in 1900 which contributed to even more fatalities, something Big Bro is or would take care of in today’s crises. It’s almost as if you’re arguing that Pompei didn’t have government assistance and Italy did just fine.
Again, you avoid answering what level of government assistance is needed or acceptable such as the regulation of contractors coming in, the appropriations of these funds being contributed, monitoring of toxins, any assistance at all in rebuilding businesses or neighborhoods, or even helping full time workers over the hump in any form. You seem afraid to open that argumentive door as you seem to be saying government out with no exceptions. Other than offering clarity, you seem to rely on rhetoric and insults.
Do a word count for you posts and then one for my response. Who is guilty of “rhetoric?” As far as insults, you reign supreme.
Answer my question; And you know what the opinion of Texans are how? Until then, there is no way I am going to continue sparing with you. But then, you are notorious for not answering questions, so no great surprise that you avoid one again.
To answer your off topic question you asked after refusing to answer mine yet now claim you will answer if I comply (which is highly unlikely), I invoke opinions of Texans being concerned based on them making their concerns known (example: this now displaced worker asking of what will Trump do). I have no clue as to where or how you acquire news or info but from what I’ve seen from several sources, it ain’t no picnik there. Is my analisis scientifically sound? Perhaps not.
As far as factual info goes, your diatribe certainly has plenty to desire but that is nothing new nor is it relevant. I was just wondering if you felt the government should play any roll at all in the rescue and rebuild due to Harvey and if so, to what extent. I realize it’s hard for your type to answer because such realities fly in the face of what you’re selling. If you lack the balls to give a coherent answer, I do understand.
On the ground. I live in a county in Texas that was severely hit by Harvey. I don’t need some liberal journalist from New York telling me how Texans feel, as apparently you do.
You’re as big an idiot as Gullible Greggie, but oh well, birds of a feather and all that.
And you also lack the ball to answer my question which you indicated you would if I answered yours- which by the way, is EXACTLY what I predicted.
That’s the problem with the snake oil you’re selling. It reeks so badly and is so divorced from reality that even you can’t defend it.
Oh, excuse me. I didn’t know you are a soothsayer.
I understand completely. Independence, self reliance and personal responsibility are so passe to someone who is a Socialist. and believes that it is government’s responsibility to take care of you when something bad happens.
You’ve wasted enough of my time. Go back to the bridge you live under.
Since you feel so strongly about that, maybe now would be a good time to answer MY question? Or, do you lack “ball”?
I’ll take that as an admission that you are too ashamed to answer (even though you said you would if I played along with your distracting question) because it would only incremidate you more.
Its just 1 more example of the fraudulence in your incoherent and bigoted arguments.
Such a wonderful outpouring of pure charity and empathy to those that have lost everything, coming from every corner of the country, from every political viewpoint.
Something small, a non-kill shelter here in town has gathered loads of pet supplies for the displaced pets trucked some to the disaster area, when they arrived at the emergency shelter the people there were crying, tears of joy, only to be told wait there is lots more coming. They took a few of the animals they had prior to the storm back here to be adopted. We all look for any way to lend that hand up, take away some of the sorrow.
Cant blame the guy that lost everything, I dont look for a reason he mentioned the President. There will be new things for him, new tools he will grab his bootstraps and find his future. Right now he is in shock and mourning as are most of those heavily affected by the storm.
There is another big storm headed toward the US, lets hope it doesn’t stall above another highly populated area.
Something to think on..
A woman may go to her closet and donate some of her clothing, maybe some dishes and towels ect..
Dont expect a man go to his garage and donate his tools. 😉
There’s no psychic powers here my friend but rather that I’ve seen this movie so many tines I can lip sync it. You, Bill, and maybe 3 or 4 other regular resident trolls play by the same play book, use the same spin stratigies, all deny even your very own words even when they are right in front of us in black, and I could go on and on. It’s as if there’s this childhood jingle of “which one of these FA trolls is not like the other?” and which of course the answer would be none.
Where to start? Yes, I’ve heard your news sources before as well. Some get them “from their surroundings”, some “on the ground”. In other words, you see only what you want to see perhaps?
As far as your need or lack of for NY journalism, I mean, who really gives a flying rats ass as that wasn’t the argument at all. We were talking about a fellow Texan, your neighbor, someone who is also experiencing this himself- ON YOUR FRIGGIN GROUND! Why is it that “your say” supersedes his say? What makes you the Texas spokesman? Why is the way “you feel” more important than the way your very own neighbor feels? Only seeing what you want from your very own back yard? Just something to ponder while you run from your flawed argument of “Galveston done just fine”.
Exactly! The expected and regular FA troll finale! You get your ass kicked, your arguments can’t stand up to scrutiny, you get caught lying and obviously uninformed, so you are forced to reach into the well of cowardliness with the usual “leave me alone”, “go away”, “I’m taking my ball and going home”!
@Ajay42302: When will you bravely answer the question in #8? Ever?
@Bill… Deplorable Me:
In probably about 2 weeks.
Oh, the impatience of youth!
@Ajay42302: In other words, you continue to prove you are a gutless, lying coward. Nothing you write here is taken the least bit seriously because of your reputation as a sniveling, wormy cowards that makes false accusations which you run from substantiating… every time.
EVERY time. Never an exception.
#8. It’s waiting there for you. Chicken$hit.