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Is There a Better Victim Than a Self-Destructive Liberal? (Guest Post)

Well, now I am sad. It seems Kathy Griffin thinks she is being picked on.

She feels Trump and his family are bullies because they didn’t like what she did with her little photo joke. It seems the “in your face” comedian that does what she does for the reaction she gets did not like the reaction she got.

The reaction, but for from a few, was a lot of booing. She was booed off the stage, as it were. However, in Hillary Clinton form, she now blames everyone else… especially the Trump’s… for her stupidity. SHE is being… bullied.

Now, to recap, Griffin makes a living off of attacking people or institutions (almost always conservative or religious) and she does it on a national, media forum. She gets microphones and cameras to aid in her “jests”. When she does her little jokes, the targets rarely get the opportunity to respond in kind and IF they do, they are usually accused of being “poor sports”. Ultimately, she always has “what’s the matter, can’t you take a joke?” to fall back on.

So, Kathy has had the deck stacked in her favor her entire career. Alas, she forgot she was mortal and told jokes too close to the sun. Ouch… that burns.

In some version of Kathy’s world, she imagined that Donald Trump, the guy that goes nuclear on those who seek to embarrass or hurt him, would just well up with tears when Kathy showed his severed head in her hand, making whatever statement she was thinking she was trying to make, wet his pants and succumb to her superior intellect. His actual reaction comes as something of a surprise to her, apparently.

His reaction? He Tweeted she should be ashamed.


Now, she feels she is broken. Ruined. Beset upon from all sides. She is subjected to treatment no other person has had to endure, says she. Furthermore, she says… WARNS… that if this can happen to her, it can happen to anyone. However, I get the distinct impression that what is most important is that it is happening to her… and it stings a bit.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall Kathy’s outrage when Lord Obama was using the IRS as a political weapon, wielded against his conservative opponents. I have also forgotten the numerous times she stepped up and protested those attacking anyone that does not enthusiastically embrace same sex “marriage” as leftists destroy their jobs, families and businesses out of sheer spite. In light of her current view on being retaliated against for her “beliefs”, I am sure I missed it and would appreciate it if someone would point those episodes of Kathy-bravery out to me.

As we are repeatedly reminded, one thing the absolutely abhors, will not and cannot tolerate is having their own tactics used against them. Though one of their tactics is to bring those tactics out of the opposition and then whine about getting paid back in their own currency, when the tactics are used with effect, the left complains loudly how inhumane such tactics are. For instance, the left frequently employs voter fraud yet when they lose, this is one of their excuses: the victors used their own tactics against them (though they have no proof or actual belief; Hillary, of course, being liberal loyalty, gets to use ALL the excuses at once).

Poor, poor Kathy. Her “in your face” act outraged enough people where she suffers the loss of jobs, loss of revenue, threat of boycott against anyone that employs her. Aww… just like what happens to bakers, pizza parlor owners and those who offer theme-wedding venues when they won’t bow to liberals and their demands.

Kathy and Hillary should put an act together and go on the road. They can blame everyone else for the consequences of their own behavior. It won’t be funny, of course, but exactly how it that different from Kathy’s current act?

So, I’m sad. I’m sad she is not destitute yet and that NO other leftist will learn the lesson.

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