Happy Memorial Day. Amidst a weekend of friends, family and BBQ let’s not forget the reason for the holiday. As will probably be the trend from now on, some items from the previous week may trickle in that I missed on my first pass through the news. Enjoy and have a great weekend everybody!
5/17 – San Francisco No Longer Belongs to Americans
Long story short, Illegals can now vote in SF school board elections. Read the whole thing – if this story doesn’t scare you it should.
5/20 – The jet fuel geniuses of the Radical Left praise the Iranian election.
I keep saying that maybe Republicans should start hanging gays from construction cranes and throwing them off of buildings so that the cowards on the left will bow down before them too.
(Yes, I’m kidding)
5/21 – DNC Chair Tom Perez heckled by Sanders’ camp in California
This wound up being a funny read, but not how I expected. The headline would lead one to assume that Perez got heckled for how the DNC rigged their primaries against Sanders, right? Wrong! The anger was over the fact that Perez isn’t radicalizing the party as quickly as they would like. To which I say – keep it up! Clearly the lesson that the Democrats need to learn is that America wants to see them sprint even further to the left!
5/21 – ‘Daily Beast’ Laments That Just 1 In 5 Americans Want To Have Sex With A Transgender Person
Am I the only one who read that and wondered how the H*** that number could be as high as one in five?
Thank you, Leftists – you’ve found a way to force me to side with this a**hole. Sport and Health revoked the wrong membership.
5/22 – Notre Dame Students Walk Out Of Graduation To Protest Pence. The Crowd’s Reaction Is Priceless.
While it was fun watching these nimrods get booed, I’m still amazed how someone can spend four years attending Notre Dame without realizing that it’s a Catholic university.
5/23 – David Corn beclowns self over Manchester and Trump in PATHETIC fashion
Once again the Radical Left’s indignation after a terrorist attack is sadly misdirected.
5/23 – Sarsour Berates White Student For Quoting Her Tweet Saying Women Who Disagree Shouldn’t Have Vaginas
And better still, flock of young “anti-hate” sheep chant “Four legs good, two legs BETTER, Four legs good, two legs BETTER!” as she talks
5/23 – BBC Host on Manchester ISIS Attack: Europe Has to Get Used to This
At least she didn’t tell Europe to just lay back and enjoy it. The will be next month!
5/24 – PC Police Blast ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant who Prefers Actual Women
There is nothing I can add to this
5/24 – Transgender Professor in South Carolina Attacks Feminists as ‘Cockroaches’
Another fine example of stupid on stupid fighting – pass the popcorn!
5/24 – Loving across the color line
Not quite what the title implies – a great example of the inherent racism of the Radical Left!
I’m old enough to remember when “Vote like your lady parts depend on it” was a slogan for Leftists, not Conservatives
5/26 – University of Chicago Students Ask for Segregated Dorms
As always, your best bigotry always comes from the Radical Left!
We mustn't rush to judgement on #Manchester. We now continue with our coverage of how Trump colluded with the Russians to take the election.
— Fishing With Fredo (@FishingwFredo) May 23, 2017
Trump in Saudi Arabia, Pence at US college. One went to foreign turf & spoke to intolerant, dogmatic extremists; other went to Western Asia.
— Razor (@hale_razor) May 22, 2017
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Since the Obama campaign began, we have learned that liberals love terrorists, love dictators, love oppression and love the police state.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: What do you mean “Since the Obama campaign began”? =8^)
@Brother Bob: I guess that’s when they felt enough confidence in their media lap dogs to stand side by side with them in the open.
San Franstinkhole should loose all support lets tear down all the on and off ramps rip down the G.G. Bridge blockade the bay boycott them this summer lets just turn the place into a massive penal collony send send them our nations worst crinimals
You, sir are the most premier douche-bag of the world. How does your brain work with so much hate?
@CG Andrews: Sorry, I’ll stop reporting facts and reality! =8^)
@Brother Bob: @CG Andrews: To some, facts can be pretty painful. So, in their perspective, facts are hateful.