Female Genital Mutilation- the illegal immigrant that needs to be deported immediately

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This is the face of evil. It is the face of a wretched and barbaric practice- female genital mutilation. It is sometimes sugared over with the term female circumcision but make no mistake- it is mutilation.

FGM refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-medical reasons.

The woman in the picture above is Dr. Jumana Nagarwala. Her medical credentials are not in question:

She graduated the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1998, according to an online bio (see cached version).

She’s been an assistant director of the emergency medicine residency program at Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital.

She’s published several papers in the medical literature on such topics as determining when it’s necessary to get CT scans of the necks of injured patients and how to manage emergency department patients with a small bowel obstruction.

And at the 2016 annual meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, she presented a brief talk (see page 85 here), entitled “Surviving Midnights: Lessons Learned from Kindergarten.”

She has been charged with “female genital mutilation, transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and making a false statement to a federal officer.”

If the charges are proven true, Nagarwala is then also guilty of violating a physician’s first and foremost responsibility:

Primum non nocere. (First, do no harm.)

In the court appearance her lawyer asserted that Nagarwala performed a “religious procedure” and not harm.

Nagarwala never performed female genital mutilation, her lawyer said.

The doctor merely wiped off a portion of the mucous membrane from the girls’ clitoris, Thompson said. A small amount was placed on a gauze pad and given to the family for burial, the lawyer added.

“This is part of the culture,” Thompson told the magistrate.

Nonsense, says a spokesman for CAIR:

Dawud Walid of the Council on American Islamic relations says Nagarwala’s claims of only taking mucus from girls around 7 years old, is not a known practice of any sect of Islam.

“I’ve never heard of any wiping away of mucus and burying it as an Islamic religious practice. I’ve never heard of this before.”

Since then, two more have been arrested in conjunction with this horrific tradition:

A Detroit physician and his wife were arrested Friday morning and charged for their alleged participation in a conspiracy that involved performing female genital mutilations on young women.

Fakhruddin Attar, M.D., 53, and his wife, Farida Attar 50, both of Livonia, are charged with conspiring to perform female genital mutilations on minor girls out of Fakhruddin Attar’s medical clinic in Livonia. Female genital mutilation involves removing external female genitalia partially or in full.

FGM is a felony under US law.

The accused are members of a Shia sect in India called the Dawoodi Bohra. The procedure is known as the ritual of khatna. FGM has a long history but why does it even exist? The UN offers these “reasons”:

Psychosexual reasons: FGM is carried out as a way to control women’s sexuality, which is sometimes said to be insatiable if parts of the genitalia, especially the clitoris, are not removed. It is thought to ensure virginity before marriage and fidelity afterward, and to increase male sexual pleasure.
Sociological and cultural reasons: FGM is seen as part of a girl’s initiation into womanhood and as an intrinsic part of a community’s cultural heritage. Sometimes myths about female genitalia (e.g., that an uncut clitoris will grow to the size of a penis, or that FGM will enhance fertility or promote child survival) perpetuate the practice.
Hygiene and aesthetic reasons: In some communities, the external female genitalia are considered dirty and ugly and are removed, ostensibly to promote hygiene and aesthetic appeal.
Religious reasons: Although FGM is not endorsed by either Islam or by Christianity, supposed religious doctrine is often used to justify the practice.
Socio-economic factors: In many communities, FGM is a prerequisite for marriage. Where women are largely dependent on men, economic necessity can be a major driver of the procedure. FGM sometimes is a prerequisite for the right to inherit. It may also be a major income source for practitioners.

Put your money on #1.

FGM is practiced primarily in Africa and the Middle East, in prominently misogynist societies. It is more than 2000 years old as a practice and is thought to have originated in Egypt or Africa. Disturbingly, FGM is on the rise in the US, accompanying increased immigration.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that number of women and girls in the United States who are “at risk of or may have been subjected” to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) has increased three-fold over the past decades,” however the crime is rarely investigated or prosecuted, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The government attributes the growing incidents of this brutal practice in the U.S. to increased immigration from countries — largely in Africa and the Middle East — where FGM/C is practiced.

According to recent estimates, in 2012, 513,000 women and girls in the U.S. were subjected to or at risk of FGM/C, vastly higher than the 168,000 estimated in 1990.

In a report publicly released Monday, the GAO examined the federal response to the domestic practice of FGM/C, determining that while the crime of FGM/C is growing in the U.S. it has inspired few actual investigations.

“There have been few FGM/C-related investigations or prosecutions. Law enforcement and child protection officials we spoke with said this may be due, in part, to instances not being reported,” GAO reported.

There is no medical justification for FGM and it can result in deep psychological damage:

“The alarmingly high rates of psychiatric disturbance among this group of circumcised women provide important evidence that researchers, as well as clinicians, have an obligation to focus more attention on the urgent needs of circumcised women” the researchers state.

That FGM even occurs in this country is abhorrent. Ayaan Ali Hirsi asserts that it goes on because of identity politics:

“It [FGM] happens and it happens a lot,” Ali said. “People don’t really like talking about the genitals of little girls.”

“This is crazy identity politics in the United States of America now and when girls who are at risk of these horrible and horrifying practices, FGM is just one but there are others, what we see is that people are willing to sacrifice the rights of these little girls at the altar of identity politics. It’s very difficult for people to talk about the cultures and the religions and the harmful practices that are done by minorities and this is happening to minority little girls,” she continued. “There are 500,000 little girls today in the United States who have either undergone or who are at risk of being subjected to this.”

It has to stop. Any physicians trafficking in FGM need to be severely punished and have their medical licenses revoked permanently and thrown out of this country or imprisoned for a very long time. FGM is not part of a civilized society.

More about the effects of FGM here, here, here

The NY Times has decided it will not use the term Female Genital Mutilation because it is “culturally loaded”, meaning it’s practiced primarily by you-know-who countries. No sense offending those who would mutilate little girls, right? It will also no longer use the term “beheading” because it too is culturally loaded. It will be replaced with “cranial dislocation.” The AP has already discarded the phrase “Allahu Akbar” when screamed by those killing people in favor of “God is great” because of similar cultural sensitivities.









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FGM is not cultural, under sharia law it is mandatory, below is a link and information fro sharia law.

However what the Arabic actually says is:


Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female)
by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male,
but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the clitoris
(this is called HufaaD). {bold emphasis ours}
The Arabic word bazr does not mean “prepuce of the clitoris”, it means the clitoris itself (cf. the entry in the Arabic-English Dictionary). The deceptive translation by Nuh Hah Mim Keller, made for Western consumption, obscures the Shafi’i law, given by ‘Umdat al-Salik, that circumcision of girls by excision of the clitoris is mandatory. This particular form of female circumcision is widely practiced in Egypt, where the Shafi’i school of Sunni law is followed.
In this book, in the section titled “THE BODY”, we find on page 59 the following entry:
Nuh Hah Mim Keller’s Translation Arabic Original

e4.3 Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women. For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce (Ar. Bazr) of the clitoris (n: not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert). (A: Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.)”

Like terrorism itself, this despicable problem will be ignored by the left for as long as possible. Whenever the left cannot rectify their ideology with their actions, they simply cover their ears and “LA, LA, LA, LA, LA” their way out of the room.

So, which will it be? Protection of girls and women or acceptance of anything and everything Muslims like to do?

her conduct does not exist within the scope of community, state of federal medical practice standards. loosing her license will not stop her from preforming FGM. do to the notoriety of her arrest, families will seek her out as a “warrior” of islam. recall that the reasons listed in this review are predicated upon forth and fifth centuries values. Primum non nocere is of no concern to this alleged physician only the promotion of islamic values. resources to a resolution of a situation of this type is only one.

In the Hadiths there is found a conversation between Mohammad and a woman whose sole job is the FGM of girls and newly acquired slave women.
(Her name was a version of FGM, just like some Europeans are named “Miller” or “Tailor” after the work their family used to do.)

She openly asked Mohammad if her work should continue.

He, not only said “yes,” but asked her to let him watch and direct her about exactly how much of the female external organ to scrape off!

Deport them after they have served time in prison lets say about 50 to 60 years

your ex radical muslim terrorist pres, could do it-hemostat and a razor blade. wonder if michelle and her daughters has had FGM?

An obvious case of child abuse for the “doctor’ and parents. Corporal punishment is illegal​ in many states, even a spanking with no marks. No religious beliefs are cause for an exemption. Where are the protests from Women’s Rights Groups?

Damn! She was just getting so assimilated./

There is no place for Islam or Africans in this country, and that includes US born Africans.

From what I read, she is a US citizen. She stated that although a US citizen, the laws do not pertain to her. Guess she will find out. Approximately 9 years in prison for every mutilation, and there were a lot.