On October 31, 2016, just days before the election, Hillary Clinton’s campaign put out a press release. Its purpose was to clarify a tweet she had made earlier in the day. In that tweet she claimed that Trump Tower was being investigated for having a computer server with ties to the Russians. Months earlier hackers called, “Guccifer” had tried to hack the RNC and the DNC servers. RNC security stopped them, but the DNC servers didn’t. Hillary’s campaign manager had politically damning emails publicized in the heat of the Presidential campaign. In response, the Clinton campaign sought all sorts of way to limit the effect of the emails, and on Halloween, the effort began to suggest that the Trump campaign was working with the Russian government to ‘hack the election.’
The effort was too little. It was too late. The allegations echoed in an empty chamber outside the party base. There was just too much truth in them, and too much historic distrust of the candidate to overcome and she lost the election.
“Jesus Christ, he could win this thing…” “No, you are not waking up from a nightmare” Hillary Clinton lost.
Democrats wept-openly. 1/3-1/2 the nation was in pure and utter shock. The 8 years of Obama, and the previous two years of Democrat-control over Congress, it was all gone. They woke one day, and found that the people they’d been told were racist, homophobic, xenophobic, Bible thumping, Walmart toads now controlled more governors offices, both Houses of Congress, and the White House. A large portion of the country was emotionally distraught over the idea of a President Trump, and it had become a reality. Americans were hurting, fearful, scared, distraught, and angry.
These feelings were voiced very clearly on internet forums and social media. Hundreds of thousands marched in protest. Debates over the popular vote, and fantasies of VP Biden refusing to accept the electoral votes from some states demonstrate the lengths to which common denial was being physically felt. When John F Kennedy was shot, when 911 happened, schools never had to set up safe spaces for students to weep, but after the 2016 election…half the country defined despair. On Inauguration Day, with America’s leaders from both sides sitting on Capitol hill, a cable news reporter even suggested that if enough of the government were quickly killed, Hillary could still become President.
One of the fantasies that survived was that of ‘the Russians hacked the election.’ Accusations were made. It grew quickly and the Hillary Campaign suggestion that the Trump campaign somehow was related to the Guccifer hacking of the DNC and RNC…that claim grew as well. Mass media outlets that had told their viewers and subscribers that there was no way Trump could be president, well those outlets were all too eager to put anyone on the air who would claim the Trump reign was a foreign attack. The story grew. Calls for investigation grew.
The investigation into hacking the DNC and RNC started six months earlier. Both parties were warned to watch their cybersecurity. The RNC succeeded. The DNC failed. The Obama administration failed to protect either. Leaks happened.
The investigation into claims that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians was well underway after the election. It’s not clear if it started before or after the election, but by mid-November the DNI, NSA, CIA, DOJ, CIA, and DIA were all investigating. The media and members of Congress claimed the Trump/Russia investigation as underway at least in November. The alphabet-soup-of-agencies denied it, and they still deny there’s an investigation at all. Later, it became painfully obvious that electronic intercepts were being made; i.e. a legal FISA court authorization for investigation had been made. We know this because transcripts of Americans who were ‘incidentally’ caught in the eavesdropping/wiretapping were illegally made public and disseminated to the Press.
Then President Trump read an article and the entire election-denial-debate turned. An article on a right wing media outlet gave links to mainstream and left wing media sources claiming that Trump Tower had been under surveillance before the election. This reminder of pre-election articles coupled with the transcripts released to the press (hard to have transcripts if there was no investigation) set him off. Luckily, to date his temper has been limited to teeny tweetys. That set off the debate about whether or not the Obama Admin had been illegally collecting political information on Trump and giving it to Hillary.
This and that, and more of this then that, and here we are. The state of our union is not strong. We are divided. People are marching in the streets. There has been violence, but winter always abates that. Those in the cities no longer respect those in rural areas, and vice versa. One need only look at the treatment the Vice President got when he said he loves his wife so much he never dines alone with any other woman. In rural areas that’s considered sweet. In the blue voting districts he’s mocked.
Summer is coming, and the American people are getting more divided. Half of the country that was despondent and in denial is now becoming more angry and entrenched in their beliefs that the election was stolen by Russia. The other half believes that the Obama administration has been freely violating people’s rights in an effort to keep power. The most divisive election since Lincoln set off the American Civil War is simmering our nation-turning good people against good people. We’re led to believe that there’re investigations into the Russia/Trump collusion concept, and that there’s investigations into the Obama admin abuse of power/illegal wiretapping and leaking of Americans for political purposes.
The American people need the President to lead now-Republicans need it, and Democrats need it. Believe it or not, we all expect it. Members of Congress, intelligence committees, 17 different intelligence agencies, a year of investigating the hacking, and there’s no end in sight. There has to be finality, a resolution, a finding, and the American people have waited, but patience is not unlimited. The Federal government is stuck, and cannot move until the issue of Russia/Trump collusion is resolved. The same is true for the Obama administration misuse of intelligence for political spite (see also Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes vs Gen Flynn).
The FBI and CIA and DNI and so forth all say they can’t even acknowledge that there are investigations. It’s clear there are investigations, and the American people are united in demanding them-both sides want both issues resolved. America needs it to be resolved. We will not unite as a nation when the next crisis happens. The next time New York is attacked, people will feel bad, but before the fires are out there will be political blame.
Now, anyone and everyone can see the sentiment on the internet. Real Clear Politics shows both sides, and it’s amazing. One side tells half the story. The other side tells the other half of the story, and people get divided based on the simplicity or hyperbole in the articles, not the whole story of any issue.
Where it gets real is not in virtual reality, but in reality. It’s not in what we read or see on TV, but rather it’s who we talk to. Married couples are actually getting divorces over political divide. Families are driven to silence when they get together at weddings, funerals, or parties. Dare to mention anything political while waiting in line at the grocery store, or at a gas station, or at work, and the knife’s edge of heated argument is instant. Americans are ready to fight with Americans at a moment’s notice.
The United States of America needs to close the books on the 2016 election. The Trump/Russia issue and the Obama/wiretapping issue both need to be resolved; immediately. Waiting another year for the email hacking to get a debatable report, or two years for the Obama/wiretapping to be investigated, it won’t work. Look at April 2016, and remember that Americans were divided, but we could joke and get along. In April 2015, there were political divides, but Americans could talk to Americans. Yearly, even monthly now, the tension and divide are worsening.
Only one person can stop this. Hillary Clinton cannot and could not stop this and unite the country. Like President Obama, she only knew or wanted to lead the half the country who viewed the world through a leftist prism. Donald Trump told us he was different. He’s a businessman-not a career politician; not someone who only knew how to preach to their political choir. Donald Trump told us he was a deal maker, a closer, a man who could get things done. He told us he wanted the job. He told us he knew how to deal with big problems.
President Trump, needs to step up, or go golf. This is it, you’ve had a couple of months now, and it’s time to tackle the biggest things facing the nation. ISIS is a threat. The economy runs on a razor’s edge. The debt/deficit is an imminent threat to economic collapse. Illegal immigration is a problem. Healthcare is freaking insane! Yet none of these problems are as important as restoring the most powerful thing this nation has: our unity. Conversely the nation is getting weaker and weaker because of political divide based on endless investigations. Time to wind it up.
It’s time for President Trump to do some of that business man stuff. You know who the players are. You can “strongly suggest” that they quietly show up at Camp David. You alone can demand of the agencies to see the documents in question. Call ‘em up. Get FBI Director Comey, DNI Clapper, DCI Brennan, AG Sessions, and General Flynn. Have the Secret Service pass the invitation to President Obama. Get word to former Dep Nat Sec advisor Ben Rhodes, but make sure to tell him not to tell his brother, the President of CBS. Call up former NatSec advisor Susan Rice personally, invite her, and ask her not to tell her husband the producer at ABC lest news of the meeting leak. Have the White House counsel there, let everyone bring their own, and then tell the lawyers to wait outside while the grownups speak plainly. Heck, bring some Congress critters too-preferably intel committee leadership, but not majority leaders or speaker (They only care about whipped votes, and they love dividing the country by firing up their bases regardless of national cost).
When everyone’s together, be a leader. Tell them the country is divided, and both issues are going to be resolved. Bring the documents, put ‘em on the table, and ask the questions. Does anyone see any evidence of collusion with the Russians? If not, then this ends. Then ask, who leaked Flynn’s transcripts. They can either fess up, or face your wrath. Lastly, get everyone on board to have a joint press conference, and for each one to individually make calls to press and pols saying the two issues are closed.
President Trump may have taken an oath to be President of the United States, but he is not. The country is not united. He’s got the paper, but that’s it. If he wants to really run the United States, he has to unite them. Putting people in a room for a few days, and resolving these divisive and dangerous issues is his job. It’s what the world expects him to be capable of doing.
Time for Donald Trump to step up and preside.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Rules For Radicals is the Left’s BIBLE.
There is No Way a single person, even a President, can bring about unity.
Not when the “opposition” is devoted to being contrary.
Anyway, were a president to step in on an independent investigation (or plural ones) and insist it wrap things up, he’d be (probably rightly) accused of being part of the “cover-up,” which is always worse than the “crime.”
Oh, and there’s been no crime.
Now, nice point about how the Left looks at VP Pence’s attitude toward his wife and other women.
Ironically, Muslim men constantly kill women for the “crimes” of going outdoors, getting some sun on their skin, picking up a phone when it rings, looking at a man, making her own choice in a mate, etc.
Yet Liberals LOVE Muslims in spite of this extreme backwardness.
Doesn’t such horrific cognitive dissonance give them a migraine?
Nice fantasy, no one that did the spying and leaking is going to fess up. They slow walk and deny the committees like Obama never left. Wikileaks has confirmed the leak from the DNC was Seth Richards an not a hack, we know what happened to Seth. The Media keeps peddling its Russia delusion to its watchers, the longer they can stall the new line will be that the evidence was destroyed and continue with the deranged twisted story. It would be wonderful to heal the divide, neither side will ever agree on policy, the left will continue with its grandma off the cliff and the right with you are running the country to communism. The so called deepstate aligned with career politicians were expecting a Hillary win and no change to the freewheeling no reform or accountability, just excuses and blaming the other faction.
As far as moving ahead dont tell the left but China is no longer getting its coal from N. Korea, someone in Virginia will have go back to work. Price is up too.
Hmm seems dinners in Florida can be profitable for America.
@Nanny G, #1:
Maybe republicans should have read Alinsky’s Rule No. 12, before undertaking a repeal of the Affordable Care Act:
They’ve had 7 long years to put together a constructive alternative. Now they’ve got control of the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, and it turns out the box of workable solutions they’ve been pitching is totally empty.
Then there’s the wall.
Trump’s Border Wall Could Actually Be Wall-less
That will never do. How can a virtual wall be beautiful? China makes good walls. Maybe we could import a cheaper wall from China. This might get the cost down low enough so that Mexico could pay for it. Alternately, we could build it out of used Chinese shipping containers, which tend to pile up rather quickly anyway. Maybe we could fill them up with nuclear waste, making the border too radioactive to consider crossing, and kill two birds with one stone. Or we could go for three birds, and use illegal immigrants as forced labor to shovel the stuff.
Well, Trump won the presidency with zero political experience, and with 100% of the Dem party, 95% of the media, and 50% of his own party working against him. He is a natural fighter who has a talent for winning.
He does not need to unify the country, and no one ever will. He just needs to accomplish enough to get the majority on his side. So far, not bad for less than three months in office. Jobs are up, illegal immigration is down, and the Supreme Court has been saved from leftist control. The “Russian collusion” story is wishful BS from the left, just as voting recounts, defecting electoral college delegates, and presidential assissinations were warped leftist fantasies. It will soon die and be forgotten. Using government agencies to spy on a presidential candidate to influence the election is a serious Federal crime, however. And there is actual evidence that this did occur, which will eventially come out.
Prediction: Trump will continue winning. Obamacare will be repealed and replaced, though not to everyone’s satisfaction. Republicans will win in 2018 and again in 2020, and Trump will be re-elected.
When a liberal makes a tweet it sounds more like young rooster learning to crow for the first time
Nothing Trump can say or do will stop the democrats’ witch hunt because it is so deeply rooted in their feelings.
I can’t believe you seriously thought Trump could do what libs dreamed Obama could do, gather everyone around and talk it out until everyone was happy.
“Get word to former Dep Nat Sec advisor Ben Rhodes, but make sure to tell him not to tell his brother, the President of CBS. ”
In what reality would Ben Rhodes not spread any crumb he got that might hurt Trump?
I have never seen such a hysterical witch hunt come up with nothing. When confronted with that Democrats respond ” that is why we have to keep investigating” This is just a nefarious attempt to delegitimize a duly elected president.
Two excellent points that are spot on although I seriously question just how good some of those people are when some on one side call for assassination or a coup on a weekly basis and no one else on their side publicly calls them out on it meaning they most likely yearn for the same but just don’t want to say it.
A former Army buddy of mine and I have discussed more than once about what other time in American history we can compare the current situation to. While the country, with the possible exceptions of WWII and the first months after 9/11, has always been divided (even the colonists didn’t agree on whether or not to fight the War for Independence) it has been more divided at certain times than others.
One parallel (for what it’s worth), is that if you start from 2001 and go forward to now, you can make some strong comparisons to the years leading up to the CW. The first stage of the cycle saw Presidents (Polk and Bush) unintentionally dividing the country more than what it was with a war (Mexican War, Iraq) that proved unpopular with certain segments of the country. The left even compared Bush to Polk on more than one occasion.
The second stage of the cycle saw the country become divided to the point of no return. In the 1850’s no singular President divided the country as they were just kicking the can down the road. There were however agitators on both sides who purposely pushed the country towards conflict those being the Abolitionists in the North and the Fire Eaters in the South. The Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, and the Dred Scott Decision of 1857 further increased animosities to the point of no return. The years following Bush saw the most divisive President in modern history preying on the differences amongst Americans going out of his way to divide the country along race, class, and political lines abusing his powers along the way to where the people right now are probably past the point of no return much like the North and South were in the 1850’s as he solidified the “us vs. them” attitude that is needed for an event like we had in 1861 to become a possibility today.
The third stage in the cycle would be the 1860 and 2016 presidential elections. In both cases a candidate won that caused the other side to become unhinged with routine threats of violence and calls for removal because they refused to accept the results of the election. In both cases it was the dems who became unhinged. In both cases one of the arguments used was that the new President lost the popular vote (in Lincoln’s case it was to two dems who split the ticket- Douglas and Breckenridge) although in both cases the newly elected President easily won the EC.
We all know what happened in stage four the first time. Whether or not we go down that path or it gets pushed off is up to the American left. Should they follow through with their threats of assassination and coups, it won’t be pretty. We are divided to the point right now to where no single person holding the office of POTUS is going to probably be able to ever reverse the divisions that exist in this country. I’m not even sure another Pearl Harbor or 9/11 will either.
@Angel Artiste: To win in 2018 and 2020 the left simply needs to stay out of Trump’s way-He didn’t win-Hillary lost.
Substantially more than half the country can’t stand the guy politically or personally. Dems need to groom a moderate who can put back and enthuse the base that easily elected popular pols Bill Clinton and BHO.
It took the perfect storm, the 100 year flood to elect Trump–it won’t happen again in the next 100 year cycle.
Another Vet–good read
Ironically, Muslim men constantly kill women for the “crimes” of going outdoors, getting some sun on their skin, picking up a phone when it rings, looking at a man, making her own choice in a mate, etc.
this is not true…
this is like looking at the branch davidians or the watchtower and extrapolating to all of them.
MY wife is indonesian, and i have been there many times, and i have walked with crosses on as i am christian. her mother was buddist… next door in their tiny town, was a animist, and a hindu…
THE only places where that kind of thing goes on is among wahabists, and extreme usually ARAB sects… and the place in indonesia you hear about those things are in Bandeh Aceh!!!
just think, a country of 300 million people, who instead of putting terrorists in prison like in cuba, shot them dead…
this does not mean they dont have their moment slike jews anf blacks in brooklyn ny crown heights…
in indonesia, the largest single muslim population in the world, women go to work, they wear the chador if they are muslim, and if not, they dont… no one follows them around. my wife like to wear tiny skirts in the hot and show her arms and legs as she is wont to do. i am a 6’2/5″ 235lb giant in their country…
the truth is complicated and the problem is that the idiot leaders want to make it simple for the people they talk down to and in effect create the problems they are trying to mitigate
want to see my photos of indonesian girls in garters and cinches on stilts walking around the other women who are wearing veils as they try to entice people into their club?
take a look at this picture from Jakarta
do you see burka? do you see many women without veils? many with them? do you see many men wearing islamic garb? or western clothing?
now go to a website and pull up the UAE, and see what they have in their streets and THAT is where your idea of things are from!!
but then again, it was russia that gave Ibn saud the weapons to capture mecca and medina around 1918, and created the house of saud, who owe the communsits EVERYTHING… and that was BEFORE hitler and the grand mufti joined the party!!!! and before hitler changed the korans as he did the christian texts (or did you think he would leave them alone? and we didnt notice he was in north africa, but there were no camps for the blacks who were part of the waffen SS!!! so the wack jobs in the US look to skin color and never read Engels Maggyar works and read how he said to exterminate these Volkruinin!!!!)
Ceaucescu bragged about using terrorsists as proxies and inventing the idea of using planes..
and Arafat is now known to be russian KGB..
if you dont like them painting with a broad brush, look at the brush you just used to demonize all of them… you think that will help anything?
yeah, it will help the divisiveness and alienate people on their side who think the wackos are wackos too… are there supporters there? yes, of course.. there are supporters here who also give there and arent even worshipers of the religion!!!
but how many who may read my words know that most fot what they are experiencing in attutude and a lot of gaming was from a man named willi Munsenberg?????
i bet this history is no where in most peoples minds here and the people that come here tend to think they know their history. well, do you all know this?”
How about this? a lot of your common knowlege was defined by the various communist organizations and so on. Read below and find out it was a communist that set the reichstag fire and a communist organization is who decided it was hitler that did (but hitler didnt let that go to waste as the left say today, so its just a tiny moot adjustment that changed nothing other than you can figure out who has a better grasp of history!!)
how many people trying to discuss this stuff today paid any attention to the changed hsitories post finding out about spies and such? how many peope think lattimore the spy that coined the term mccarthyism was a spy? or that ted kennedy worked with the KGB aginst reagan?
it was munsenberg that turned hollywierd communist as they fought the antifascists in spain, but didnt know “who they were fighting for”
see? we know who set the fire, and who he was with, and above, is the facts that the league against imperialism (a communist front) wrote your history for you.. .
All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news.
Willi Munzenberg
Live by the sword (and the shield), die by the hand of (the sword and sheild)….. (its a specific reference to a specific organization)
On October 17, 1940, in the Bois de Caugnet between Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye and Montagne, near Saint Marcellin,[2] French hunters discovered Münzenberg’s partially decomposed corpse at the foot of an oak tree.
The body was found resting upright on the knees, with a knotted cord draped over the skull.
cause of death was listed officially as suicide….
there are stories that implicate almost any group russian or german..
Ty Art now everyone should look at the communist connections in the former administration. http://www.westernjournalism.com/exclusive-investigative-reports/obama-surrounds-himself-with-the-most-extreme-appointees-in-american-history/
If the Democrats are looking for a Red menace, we just voted that Party out…your welcome.
@Greg: The Republican’s problem with the replacement is that, unlike Democrats, their support cannot be bought with bribes. They actually CARE about the quality of health care.
@Angel Artiste: Significantly, the part Trump does by himself… foreign policy… is succeeding. This would lead one to believe that if the left would open their minds a bit, hang up their crying towels to dry and forget their quest for failed socialism for a while, Trump’s domestic agenda could be given a chance to fail or benefit the American people.
@Jim Thorpe: Keeping investigating would not be a problem if the Democrats could simply accept the findings (or lack of findings).
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #13:
The Republicans’ problem is that can’t figure out a remotely acceptable replacement for the Affordable Care Act, but hung onto their lucrative jobs by convincing voters that Obamacare was the work of the devil and that they already had one.
This is a big problem. It’s HUGE problem. It’s a 100-pound millstone they’ve tied around their own necks with a Gordian knot, as they head out for 2018 in a leaky rowboat. They have a second millstone, too. That one reportedly weighs around 236 pounds.
There is no acceptable replacement unless the government is willing to GTFO of our healthcare allow full free market access. Soon like dvd players went began at 2K they are 39 bucks now.
@Nanny G:
Everything that u just said. Trump would just be spinning his wheels and open himself up to ridicule . The first rule of public speaking is never waste your time with the unpersuadeable.
@kitt, #15:
Since there’s no profit to be made from selling inexpensive health insurance to old people or sick people, and since everyone who doesn’t drop dead young will eventually fall into one of those two categories, the full free market isn’t up to this assignment. That’s the reality of the situation.
The sooner republican politicians quit pitching the juvenile fantasy that a full free market is the magical fix for everything, the sooner we can create a system that recognizes and effectively deals with the world as it actually is.
@Greg: No, it’s a millstone the Democrats tied around the nation’s neck, because Obamacare is cratering. That is the legacy of Obama and the Democrats; wrecking 1/6 of the economy without regard for the consequences. They lied their way to that disastrous end.
Good to know you’re still an idiot.
Never mind that your beloved Democrats sold the AHA as the answer to health “care” that was the best ever. It was going to be wonderful, remember? Perhaps the Botox had damaged Nancy Pelosi’s brain. Health insurance doesn’t necessary translate into health “care.” Now the Democrats are changing their tunes and saying “Sure, the AHA has problems. But we can fix them.” Funny, I don’t remember them saying anything about problems when they passed it and forced it on the American public.
Yep, you’re still an idiot.
@retire05: No, retired, you are the idiot.
Look at the history of products, whether they be American cars or iPhones.
The iPhone 7 is not like the first iPhone.
Your notion that everything is perfect fromDay 1 is idiotic.
@PhillipMarlowe: But things that are awful from day one, like Obamacare (which was built on a foundation of lies) do not survive. Obamacare is dying a horrible death… because it should.
How about some indictments, as with Watergate, to clear the air; a GOP president had 69 Republicans indicted and 48 were convicted of the break-in or the cover up. 2 AGs were convicted. Even Trump’s urging will not change anything since obviously the criminality seen by this Veteran committed by HRC went unpunished and there is no feeling that will change for her, Lerner or Holder. The days when the elites were punished for wrong doing went away some decades ago. The confidence in the rule of law has been diminished in the minds of me and most, if not all, of those I know.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Billy, Boy.
If Obamacare is dying, why is Trump threatening to withhold payments to insurers in order to make the Democrats work with him.
Lordy, check out Trump’s words and actions before you make a fool of yourself.
@PhillipMarlowe: You are the fool because you voted for the worst President the world has ever seen (twice) and supported the most corrupt individual to have ever run for the office.
The subsidies were something Obama created out of thin air to reimburse insurers that were losing money thanks TO Obamacare. They are not part of the law and are not Constitutional. Obamacare is on life support and Trump is pulling the plug.
Obama illegally delayed parts of Obamacare from going into effect on schedule so as to not harm Democrat chances in elections. Then he illegally sent money to insurers to keep them from cutting their losses and running. Fool.
And who are you? Greggie Goebbels defender?
The iPhone 7 serves the same damn purpose as the old bag phones; to receive phone calls and to make phone calls. The basic concept has not changed one iota. Just like a car’s concept is the same; to take you from one place to another faster than a horse and buggy.
Insurance under Obamacare is a joke. Most of the “uninsured” wound up on Medicair, just another Socialist wealth redistribution scam. And health insurance doesn’t equate to health care. But it takes a rational thinking person to understand that, something you’re not.