Adam Housley this morning reported that the NSA had collected the communications of Donald Trump, his family and his staff for more than a year prior to his inauguration and that it had nothing to do with national security. This was done solely for political purposes. (I don’t have a link. I am watching it and reviewing it as I write)
In the absence of some national security threat the names of Americans are not to be unmasked (That this happened is perhaps not surprising coming from an administration which weaponized the IRS to suppress political opposition).
Housley: “these names of Americans who had done nothing wrong was disseminated to all of the NSC, some at DoD, Clapper, Brennan, basically the people at the top, they also say, I’m told, that Rice knew possibly about this as well…”
And “None of this had anything to do with national security.”
It is unprecedented.
The NY Times wrongly identified two White House staffers as the source of Nunes’ information. The two staffers only provided Nunes the access to the raw intel, which could only be seen on White House grounds or at the original agency. Viewing it at the original agency would expose the source.
Housley said that he does not know the name of the person who ordered the unmasking, but he asserted that it happened at a “high level” and that the information was spread to the very highest levels and it was routinely done for a long period of time.
Adam Schiff, who already has had an ample piece of humble pie, is in the process of swallowing the rest of the pie whole.
The House Intelligence committee’s top Democrat said Sunday that it is too early to say whether there was collusion between the Trump team and Russia, in an apparent moderation of his past claims on the subject.
Schiff’s remarks come as his committee probes any potential Trump team-Russia coordination as well as the leaks that precipitated the resignation of former national security adviser Mike Flynn as part of a broader investigation into Russian meddling.
“I don’t think we can say anything definitively at this point,” Schiff said on CNN’s State of the Union when asked about potential collusion. “We are still at the very early stage of the investigation.”
“The only thing I can say is that it would be irresponsible for us not to get to the bottom of this,” he said.
Let me translate that for you. There is nothing there. There is nothing to the Trump-Russia connection. It was initially conceived to keep Trump from being elected. It failed, and now the truth is clawing its way out. democrats are desperately trying to distract from the huge ramifications of this monumental abuse of power by the obama administration.
Let’s crank up the Wayback Machine again.
Remember when obama denounced Bush’s surveillance programs and then expanded them?
Remember when obama said “No more secrecy”?
Remember when obama said
“That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. That is not who we are.”
Well, that is who obama is.
Remember when obama said:
“the law is not subject to the whims of stubborn rulers”
Remember when obama said “Nobody is listening to your telephone calls“?
Remember DrJohn’s Law?
Whatever Obama says is a lie. The opposite is the truth.
Are you ready for it?
UPDATE- The scuttlebutt is that Susan Rice is the perp.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
There is way more than 1 perp each liberal news site seemed to have at least 1 source. The evidence in the White House server, Os daily briefings would be another place to peek into.
O knew as a lawyer he also knew it was illegal, he abetted at the least was he puppet master at worst.
Sad news out of St. Petersburg 10 dead, innocent blood shed.
been on that train, prayers offered
act of treason by the radical mulin terrorist ex pres. he is pure garbage much like clinton, and brown, yep the whore brown is a “possible candidate” for ’20
You might still locate the point where you crossed over the boundary from reality with a set of really good binoculars.
Try them on, Greg
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
In it, you’ll find the cover-up
@Greg: Keep drinking the Kool Aid Greg. That way you can continue to believe you can fly! YOu can make you silly comments all you want, but the truth is coming out slowly. As soon as one person is charged with a felony, this issue will become very clear.
Some people wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit them on their butt…which, I suspect, it will be doing with great regularity over the weeks and months ahead.
@Greg: Are you talking to your mirror?
What Rep Shiff is doing is the same as what Obama did to stonewall: stretch it out forever by saying we MUST get ALL the facts, to the utter bottom if it.
That goal is unattainable.
But it allows innuendo to continue indefinitely.
Way back when Bill Clinton said it all depended on what the meaning of “is” is, Dems and liberals began screwing with the English language.
It has reached its nadir.
Words don’t seem to have any set meaning any more.
When Rep Shiff says he wants to get to the bottom of it, he means just the opposite.
And the lesson is spreading.
Wonder admiringly as you ponder how this lesbian came to define a kiss on the forehead as “sex, rape, prostitution.”
The women who got kissed was “a slut.”
The man an “airhead.”
A conversation with her she defined as “stalking.”
Her having to witness a PDA became a criminal offense so that she called police!
She also demanded her server be fired for not stopping it, or at least giving her her money back for her meal.
What amazes me is her twisting of the language as if she expects anyone else is buying into her newspeak.
She has to know, on some level, that she’s insane.
But she’s in good company.
Obama and Shiff, Pelosi and Schumer all do the same thing.
@Greg: Greg, it is only fair to ask you to weigh in on what a fellow Democrat had to say about retired Police and Teachers.
Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson (D-Gresham) suggested a solution to Oregon’s budget issues: retired employees need to die.
Not of old age.
The state budget crisis can’t go on like this.
But, like, now.
Go kill yourselves.
It’s the ONLY way.
Anatomy of a fake scandal, ginned up by right-wing media and Trump
Excellent deconstruct of the right wing fantasies promulgated by this web site and this writer.
If Dr John acted this way in the medical field as he does here, he would have been drowned in malpractice suits.
Of course Obama spied on Trump, he did it with the IRS, and all the other scandals the news media covers up. The future is alternative search engines. We all need to us another search engine and than we take away the governments power, who have become to powerful, or we just go back to yelling loud try a no tracking search or one of the other alternative searches. Have a nice day
Obama lied to everyone. He was spying on trump since he knew Trump was gonna run for President.
Get over yourselves and pull up your diapers demacrates, stop crying and get to work.
Stupid Dems keep wasting valuble time and money doing everything they can to get rid of Trump. They are crying cause they lost to a Non-Government person.
All they can do is make false claims regarding Russia colusions……..
Dems need to focus on government and get back to work or quit their jobs cause what they are doing is, technically, Abuse of Power in the government.