Off-duty officer discharges weapon in a crowd of juveniles crossing his lawn

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Well….at least his finger isn’t on the trigger in that screen capture. 😉

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More than 300 people protested on the streets of Anaheim on Wednesday night after an off-duty Los Angeles police officer fired his gun during an altercation with teenagers in the city, an incident that was caught on video.

After a night of demonstrations near Palais Road and Euclid Street that blocked traffic and resulted in some vandalism, police said they arrested 24 people for misdemeanor failing to disperse, resisting arrest and battery on an peace officer. According to initial reports from the Anaheim Police Department, 10 men, eight women, three male juveniles and three female juveniles were arrested.

Here’s the incident in question (as in all these types of videos, it cuts into the middle of the conflict, not showing how the situation started and developed prior to this):

I can see how, as an armchair observer with 20/20 hindsight, how both sides could have handled things better in a way that would not have escalated the situation.

One thing, though: The kid maybe 13; however, get a group of teenagers together, and they can become a physical threat. Some juveniles can outweigh and out-size grown men. I wasn’t there. Don’t know the whole story. But the kid is clearly mouthing off. Whether it’s an officer or any adult- no respect for elders or authority. He draws his weapon after being shoved and attacked by a couple other teenagers who appear to be growing emboldened. Seems to discharge his handgun as a warning shot.

Now, maybe the off-duty officer was out of control from the get-go and the kid had reason to stand up for himself. I just don’t get the impression, though, from listening to the kid, that he has any respect for authority- and that comes from the parenting.

I can see an alternate outcome where you confront kids like these for stepping on your lawn or whatever; them flipping you the bird and going away laughing and cussing. And the next day they come through the neighborhood, instigating actual property damage out of spite. Just my fevered imagination working, as I really don’t know. Don’t know these kids. Don’t know the full story.

Just an impression and my thoughts based on the limited amount of news I’ve read on this, along with the video.

Police said several windows of homes and vehicles were broken and other acts of vandalism were committed, but they had no estimate of the cost of the damage.

And what is the purpose behind the vandalism? To homes that have nothing to do with that of the one belonging to the off-duty officer?

Tuesday’s confrontation began over what Anaheim police described as “ongoing issues” with the juveniles walking across the officer’s property. During the argument, police said, a 13-year-old threatened to shoot the off-duty officer, prompting him to attempt to detain the teen.

Two videos, taken by witnesses and posted online, appear to show the officer grab a boy on a lawn. A group of young people, most wearing backpacks, stood nearby.

In one video, the boy says the encounter began when the officer cursed at a girl who walked across his yard, then grabbed the boy after he protested his language.

“That’s not what I said,” the officer replied. Another teenager chimed in but could not be heard clearly on the recording.

“Shut the … up,” the officer said. “You weren’t even there.”

With the officer grabbing the collar of the 13-year-old’s sweatshirt, the two staggered across the lawn. “Let me go,” the boy said repeatedly.

At one point, someone rushes the officer, sending him over a row of bushes. The man then starts to drag the boy over the hedge as another swings at him.

A few seconds later, as more people approach the two, the man reaches into the waistband of his jeans and draws what appears to be a gun. A single gunshot can be heard about three seconds later.

What’s everyone else’s opinion?

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CA law is going to come down hard on the officer.
You have no right to discharge a gun into the air.
IF he felt (for real) that his LIFE was in danger, he’d have had a better case for shooting the one of the people who made him feel that way.
But the kid he detained (with a good lawyer) is going to end up owning that man’s home, and maybe more.
What the young people were doing, they did, at one point, in my neighborhood in LB: property takeover.
It isn’t actual ownership.
It is the “right” to tag, to break windows, to loiter, to be loud, to drag race, to rape, to sell and buy drugs, to screw in the bushes, to gang bang a newbie in at, and so on.
Looks like it is a nice neighborhood, but so was ours.
Is white flight already an issue in Anaheim? If it isn’t I bet it soon is. Those homes will all become Sec 8 housing full of children and run into the ground.
Taxpayers are fleeing CA.

During the 12 months ending June 30, [2016] the number of people leaving California for another state exceeded by 61,100 the number who moved here from elsewhere….

You can see why.

I think the shooting outside our place was one of the final straws in our decision not to retire in place. One of our neighbors was in the line of fire and felt the bullet go by until it hit our stairs next to his foot.

The gunshot seemed to make a few of the smarter one take flight and leave the man alone, Dude sell your house before its too late, flee deep into white land where kids still know that trespassing is a crime that is punishable by a spanking if dad hears.

The cop was lawfully detaining the kid.

The cop was repeatedly assaulted by several other teens.

The cop was willing to wait for back-up.

These little latino snotbuckets like most all illegal aliens have no respect for Private Property after all when they sneak across the border they camp on private proerty cut fences leave a big mess behind them and in fact back some years ago Hollywood Moonbat and Airhead Daryl Hanna who played mermaid in that dumb movie SPLASH was arrested while protesting a man who was evicting squaters on his property who were illegaly growing their crops on his property

This is a product of the left. Laws and justice no longer have any meaning or place. Now, this cop who was before just a guy who did a job and worked for the people, is a target. For no reason, for no purpose. Simply because punks, used by left wing “community organizers” that go about the community causing trouble so they can film it and exploit the results.

Unfortunately, this will get worse before it gets better.

Bill Deprloable Me. Leftists totaly reject the idea of private property just like many eco-wackos who are into this Gaia poppycock in their minds we belong to the earth rather then the earth belonging to us

@Spurwing Plover: Yeah, because they don’t have the ambition (other than through rioting and looting) to acquire any private property. Just as they denounce business success but are more than happy to confiscate the fruits of that success so they can have more free time to riot and loot those who have succeeded in business.

Somehow, that vicious socialistic circle needs to be broken.

Here is how it goes..

the officer has a property and tries to maintain it

there are kids from the school that do not respect others property and what they do is cut across his lawn every day, which of course makes a dirt path through the middle of his property, reduces value, and can get the locals upset he is not maintaining property – he knows as he is an officer and either has himself or known others to give tickets and issue fines for such.

from this set up comes the classical problem…
“hey Kids, get off the lawn… ”

Then from that point on, the kids passive agressively make a point to walk on the lawn even if they werent going to, show him who is boss. as an officer, he knows that the law is not going to prosecute the kids for trespassing given the dems have made so many criminals out of thigns that minor offenses are ignored.

Damage to property, Tresspassing, failure to leave when asked, and more are the laws being broken here and the parents are the ones who should be responsible to teach the kids, but thanks to feminism they are feral.

the officer is NOT going to get into trouble for it. though he might see a reprimand for firing his weapon, but note, he was alone, there was a crowd of kids yelling, he has seen mass attacks before, and he will get off because of the fear for his life and escalation among individuals that are breaking the law with impunity

he grabbed the 13 year old to make an arrest. SHOCK and the kid went nuts under the idea of how dare you grab me and want to arrest me, dont you now i am a black child and i get to damage your shit, call you names, spit on you, and do it over and over for years just to annoy you and you have to let me…

even worse.. what is this crowd protesting?

the problme is these crowds who are fignting in a way that makes the issue bad all over, and will not fix it. what do they suggest? new laws that define their children as non criminals for property damage, tresspassing, etc?

look the bottom line is that against criminals even officers have no rights.

the dems are the party of crime..
they represent pedophiles, rapists, harrassers, drug dealers, racialists in prisons, prisoners, illegals etc.
and libs are too stupid to see that any idea of utopia goes out the window as long as your representing these people agasinst good people. it should be obvious that their promise is one of letting their criminal class have way (as lenin did with the brutal classes and stalin too) and when it blows up, they are not going to be happy with who gets locked down.

and if this goes to a civil war, the race at the other end of this yelling all the hate, having mass attacks and more, will be very afraid to evne come out to get the mail as the idiots on the other side will just sit half a mile away having a turkey shoot… it wont be pretty and the sad thing is that the ones that booker T talked about that are ginning up the crowd wont be hung by the light poles till after many good people are harmed on both sides.


how the officer SHOULD have handled this…
1) buy a camera for the home, record and cataloge over time the tresspassing and damage
2) install sprinklers that DO NOT reach the sidwalk
3) over time, find out where the kids live
4) go to civil court pro se and seek an injunction against the kids tresspassing
5) when they tresspass, turn on the water for the grass
6) when they retaliate agains tthe order, go to court, have them arrested, sue the parents for the property damage, seek pain and suffering for years of this torment.

7) smile on your lawnchair watching how these families ahve to move as they cant afford to live where they are any more and pay the fines… and the replacing of the grass on the lawn.

Looking at the vid the so called 13 year olds look like they have experience at attacking and rat packing people. Gangbanger behavior. Most 13 year olds dont knock down adults and circle around them like the black “kid” did after jumping the hedge or knock down adults. My experience these are gangbanger thugs and most likely continue to be enabled by their so called parents. Once the officer says you are under arrest NOBODY has the right to resist. If the arrest is bad the court will say so. The fact that adults and kids then did a mini riot later show the adults have warped minds and should lose their kids. Want to bet how many end up in jail in their later years? I say one third. Probably several of the so called parents have records also

@ Artfldgr
1) buy a camera for the home, record and cataloge over time the tresspassing and damage (OK, he’s got money to blow)

2) install sprinklers that DO NOT reach the sidwalk (It’s against the law to water the lawn in Cali since the drought)

3) over time, find out where the kids live (In the free housing)

4) go to civil court pro se and seek an injunction against the kids tresspassing (Liberal judge will not hurt kid living in free housing)

5) when they tresspass, turn on the water for the grass (See #2)

6) when they retaliate agains tthe order, go to court, have them arrested, sue the parents for the property damage, seek pain and suffering for years of this torment. (See #4 and you can’t get blood from a turnip)

7) smile on your lawnchair watching how these families ahve to move as they cant afford to live where they are any more and pay the fines… and the replacing of the grass on the lawn. (See #4 & #6)