Trump’s Immigration Pause was a Setback that can Still Become his Greatest Accomplishment

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I know, in the President Trump era a two week old story is what now qualifies as “old news” given how many subsequent meltdowns we’ve had from the press, but something about this story had been bugging me, and then it hit me. First off, let’s get out of the way the basic arguments – the pause was legal and a smart idea, as Dr. John laid out a few weeks ago.

But let’s face it, the way it was done was a bit rushed and clumsy, and made it easier for the Radical Left to fight against. That said, I’m going to argue that Trump should immediately halt the pause, and should actually do what he can to take in as many migrants from these countries as possible. Nope, I haven’t had too many beers today, and by the end of this post you’re going to agree with me. Crazy, you say? Read on!

Last summer you might have missed a two part post I wrote on how we can defeat the Radical Left, and judging from the number of views they got, you probably did! I started off by writing about how London’s Islamic mayor got his city to accept some censorship. In the second part I figured out how we can weaponize this thinking to completely destroy our country’s left wing extremists. Part 2 is a bit long (@ 2,700 words), but do you want to cripple the people who feel it is their holy duty to destroy this country? Of course you do – read the whole thing! What you’re about to read here cribs heavily from that post. Now, about that part about turning this into Trump’s greatest accomplishment. What our President should do is call for a prime time address to the nation. And what he should say will shock everyone…

“My fellow Americans, a few weeks ago I called for a temporary pause on immigration from a few countries where there are concerns about being able to properly vet migrants to ensure the safety of our citizens. While there has been misinformation about what this pause entailed, one fact can not be denied is that there are many Americans, almost entirely Democrats, who are calling for us to simply let these people pour into the United States. I am here tonight to tell you that your voices have not gone unheard, and I am prepared to give you exactly what you want. We will bring these migrants in, setting up centers for them to live in your neighborhoods. Why yours? Many Americans support my Executive Order, and obviously these people are bitter clingers. You are obviously smarter, more caring, and more moral than those who object to your ideas. So I call on you to help to show the rest of America the way.

Show us that our fears are irrational and unfounded. We’ll put refugee centers in gay neighborhoods in major cities, as we know that Muslims can teach our Christians how to be tolerant toward our gay citizens. We hear complaints of a “rape culture” on college campuses. Our new migrants will help to teach the young men at Universities how to respect women. We’ll call on Synagogues to offer land to build refugee centers, given the deep respect the Muslim community has shown for its Jewish neighbors in Europe. We’ll bring these camps into the bluest neighborhoods – let them live near the politicians, lobbyists, and journalists who called for increased immigration. We’ll let our new neighbors attend the same community swimming pools as their wives. They’ll attend the same festivals as their adult daughters, and let their school aged daughters and granddaughters go to school in these newly multicultural neighborhoods. In closing, I want to thank all of the Americans who have spoken up and are ready to show us the way. To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, the Democrats know what they want and deserve it good and hard. Thank you, and good night.

Obviously this would be a bad idea, but given how Leftists have collectively lost their minds and have been throwing a full blown temper tantrum since election night, why not give them something real to cry about? As I mentioned in my previous post I don’t want to see anyone get hurt, but given how the Democrats’ nasty rhetoric has been increasingly leading to violence I don’t have much issue with them getting a taste of real fear and violence. And if they’re dealing with real problems, that’s time not spent harassing the rest of us. Who knows? Maybe a cold dose of reality will wake some of them up? Yes, it’s not often enough but it does happen – look no further than when this ACLU leader saw how Trans-gender bathrooms were affecting her daughters. As my friend D pointed out, the only time Leftists even consider the impact of their policies is when it affects them personally. But don’t count on it. More often than not we’ll see stupidity like rape victims taking pride in not allowing their rapes to succumb to Islamophobia. If that sounds like an exaggeration, it’s not by much. The Radical Left’s blind religious devotion to their ideas makes them incredibly loyal, impervious to facts that contradict their beliefs, and therefore incapable of ever acknowledging wrongdoing or accepting responsibility for their actions.

I recall a Dilbert comic strip I saw some years back that ended with the punchline, “Stupidity is like nuclear power. It can be used for good or evil.” “And you don’t want to get any on you.” Let’s hope that President Trump will take advantage of this opportunity.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The 9th Circus Court is americas most overturned apeeas court and located in San Franfreakhole

Harry Potter’s author has shut her mouth totally since she insisted refugees come into the UK in unlimited numbers and her detractors insisted she house about 100 of them in her HUGE mansion that is behind high walls.
Total silence.
But they will accept European refugees fleeing from Muslims in their home countries.
Le Penn surges in the polls as France goes up in flames.
Geert Wilders looks like he may save the Dutch.
Merkel is deporting Muslims to try to gain popularity and then says Europe must let more in, bipolar much?

I think you have a great idea. Yes, the left thinks they are noble, but let them be noble up real close. Put the refugee centers in the sanctuary cities. Put them in touch with reality.

Fawkes the phoenix he is going on a bomb run and he’s dropping hot bird poo