You have to hand it to musical celebrities. They have gall.
The producer of the Grammy’s encouraged musical celebrities to engage in political commentary during the show.
“One of the tenets of our show is artistic freedom, and over the years we’ve shown we do believe in it. How many more times do we need to hear ‘I’d like to thank my publicist, my agent, my wife and kids.’ The great acceptance speeches are ones that have a point of view and are more personal.”
“One of the things I’ve learned from working with artists for 40 years is that they are deep-thinking, vital individuals who have interests that cover a broad cover a broad spectrum of subjects and passions. We should certainly allow for it on the broadcast.”
Engage they did. Almost universally they bashed Donald Trump.
James Corden:
“Live it all up because this is the best and with President Trump we don’t know what comes next.”
Jennifer Lopez:
“At this particular point in history our voices are needed more than ever,”
Busta Ryhmes
The most blunt criticism came from rapper Busta Rhymes‘ mouth while performing “We the People” with A Tribe Called Quest. He referred to Trump as “President Agent Orange,” and accused him of “perpetuating all of the evil” throughout the United States.
“I wanna thank President Agent Orange for your unsuccessful attempt at the Muslim ban, for we come together – we the people,” Rhymes shouted into his mic before launching into the song, which ended with the group chanting “resist” over and over again.
Joy Villa, perhaps the only Trump supporter, wore a special dress for the occasion
Naturally, she was set upon by the tolerant left, who even wanted her killed.
The Trump bashing behind them celebrities hadn’t even gotten drunk on Cristal when they pleaded with Donald Trump to help them make more money.
“The Recording Academy, together with America’s music makers, call on the president and Congress to help keep the music playing by updating music laws, protecting music education, and renewing America’s commitment to the arts,” Neil Portnow, the president of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, said during the 2017 Grammy Awards Sunday night.
That’s pretty ballsy. One minute they’re going to “resist” Trump, who is “perpetuating all the evil” in the US and the next minute it’s “Help me, Agent Orange, you’re my only hope.”
“What we need so desperately are more reminders of all that binds us together,” he said, “It’s our collective responsibility to preserve what binds us and to ensure that the whole world continues to benefit from one of our most unique, economically and spiritually important assets and exports — American music.”
These musicians are like children- children who seem not to yet have learned that actions have consequences- i.e. liberals. Thing is, in the adult world actions do have consequences. And the consequences ought to be that one not bite the hand that could help feed them.
I would like nothing more than to see Trump stand at the Presidential podium and say “From here you will witness the final destruction of your insignificant rebellion.”
He won’t, of course, but it would be great TV.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
To: Gov. Jerry Brown
From: The White House
Subject: Updating Federal Law to protect music rights and aid to California after the recent floods
Dear Gov. Brown:
Didn’t you say you were going to secede and join Canada?
Good luck.
Just like a spoiled crybaby teen throwing a tantrum over being grounded for violating curfew, shrieking how they can’t wait to move out on their own….then demanding mommy and daddy pay the teenager’s cellphone bill.
Leftists refuse to acknowledge reality.
Let Calexit happen. Good riddance. If they really believed progressive ideals would be succesfull, let them go to prove it, but with the caveat that they cannot emigrate into the US once they leave.
Dear Moonbeam Brown please just leave america as soon as you can were tired of your arrogant behavior you pompoius old peacock so why dont and Newsom and a whole bunch of Hollywierd celberties just pack up and leave we certiany would not miss you and your ilk and while your at it take your stupid laws with you you pinhead
Two words – screw you
Go blow it out your ears you incredlous ungreatful little snot buckets we dont care for you and your liberal leftists messages again please leave as soon as possible(ASAP) and the sooner the better GO AWAY,GO AWAY,GO AWAY SQUAWK,SQUAWK,SKREE
Who was it that killed the money machine that was music?
1. It never was a money making machine!
Singers, songwriters, musicians all complain (and have for decades) about how the industry/manager eats up all the cash.
2. Liberals in the Apple co. dumped iTunes’ devices, like the iPods.
3. Artists too often have given away their musical product.
(Bono, whole album, many others a song here and there.)
What can DC do to stop this bleeding?
Not much.
They are self-inflicted wounds.
when was the last time one of this lib’s alleged singers donated any of their money to a cause. realize that this screaming coming from there mouths is not really music. do any of you know what a professionally trained voice is? why hasn’t the idiot brown not aided the music industry-shit he has been in office for a combined 16 years. oh, and the damn, it was broke 12 years ago but nobody did anything, wow not even a musician said a word. obviously too much cocaine, heroin and alcohol.
Actually, two small-scale fixes were done to the dam since 12 years ago.
They were shallow crack-filling, doomed should a 100 year flood occur.
Now, I hope you are accusing singers and actors of the drug/drink abuse and not Jerry Brown.
He had been a monk, or something, living in a monastery or something, a Jesuit. (?)
He has never been known as a partier.
Even lost a cool girlfriend over being such a square. (Linda Ronstat)
When govs lived in a mansion, he lived in a small place and biked to his office.
A total square.
But a workaholic.
Lefty as all get-out, but not into substances.
@kevino: Brown and the Hypocrites in Sacramento have wasted our tax dollars on illegals and now they want America to pay for their failure to protect their citizens!! Californians have paid billions in increased water taxes to insure our supply. Now we have it and Brown wants Californias and the US to pay billions to save it!! Total losers being total losers!!
You don’t even attempt to hide your blatant hypocrisy do you DJ?
Yeah, I guess many in the entertainment business “almost universally they bashed Donald Trump”. Uh, so?? I mean after 8 years of your ilk constantly “bashing” the black guy (and actually still are-obviously as a distraction to your self-proclaimed sexual assaulter who has pretty much torched the Constitution and has the entire Executive Branch going up in flames).
But who, other than pickup loads of Confederate Flag bearers, white supremacist, the KKK, neo-nazis, and the like aren’t bashing this egomaniac con man using the WH to sell his wife’s undies?
I mean, you guys spent 8 years plus howling at the moon in screeching fashion, de-legitimizing a twice elected President, grasping for any and every iota of what you may have manipulated into a scandal (kinda funny now that Hillary lost none of the GOP gives a flying rat’s ass about those Benghazi casualties any more). Now, we have a mad man in chief running amok with his EO pen, showing his incompetence and lack of temperament on a daily basis, exposing lie after lie after lie (locking up Hillary, releasing taxes, Mexico paying for wall, draining the swamp, no lobbyist, no coddling to Wall Street ect ect ect), and all of a sudden, you’re crying like an incoherent baby because people are actually pointing out what kind of lying con man we’ve elected.
And to top it off, your biggest rants on Obama were about his “lying” and you spent a great deal of time searching, reveling, and writing about his “lies”, making that your main focus. Yet despite Trump has taken lying to an entire new level, making Obama look amateurish, on Donald, not a word, not even an acknowledgment of a tint of dishonesty.
Do you even believe yourself?
Two words for you stupid celeberties and enteraners cattwealling some crappy little snowflake song DROP DEAD
@Ajay42302: And morons liked you beloved Obola when he told America you can keep your health insurance and/or doctor period, shovel ready jobs, ISIS is contained, Al. Qaeda is on their heels, and Benghazi was started by a video!! Libturd alert!!
@Common Sense:
My argument, my incredibly dim witted friend, isn’t if Obama lied but rather why does Trump get a pass on it when he does it. And make no mistake, Trump has taken lying to an entirely new level, making Obama and hell, even Nixon comparable to Abe Lincoln.
Yet, he gets a pass by chimps like you and DI.
@Ajay42302: Trump getting a pass, now that’s one of the most incredibly stupid comments you have ever made and that’s saying a lot!! BTW, Trump has only been working for 4 weeks and libturd Hypocrats are being the morons we always knew they where. Let me ask you if Obola had this hard of a time seating his cabinet?? Never mind the answer is clear!! I can’t wait until President Trump seats two Supreme Court Justices and the howling that will precede the inevitable !! Thanks to Slimy Harry there will be NO stopping this from happening!! If Trump is soooo bad then how did he beat hilldabest so badly??
@Nanny G:
never a Jesuit
I quit watching these award shows many many years ago their all too one sided and at last years Oscars Leonardo DiCaprio gave a big dumb speech about Global Warming/Climate Change while he arrived and departed in a gas guzzling limo