That list of “countries of concern”- the argument that it was compiled to protect the interests of the clintons

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There has been an eruption of umbrage at Donald Trump’s temporary suspension of travel and immigration. For the record the EO stipulates that refugee resettlement program be suspended for 120 days and the travel suspension runs for 90 days from seven countries in a list compiled by the obama administration.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) mustered up some fake tears in hammering Trump over the temporary action, despite his past entertaining the notion of a temporary pause in immigration not so long ago.

If you want a truly sobering experience, visit here and see a list of terror plots since 9-11, both successful and not successful.

The motivations ascribed to Trump’s action are fanciful. Mostly they accuse Trump of protecting his business interests. News organizations were quick to seize upon this notion.

The list does not include Muslim-majority countries where the Trump Organization does business, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. In financial disclosure forms during the presidential campaign, he listed two companies with dealings in Egypt and eight with business in Saudi Arabia. And in the UAE, the Trump Organization is partnering with a local billionaire to develop two golf courses in Dubai.

There is a real problem with this. As we noted, the list was compiled by the obama administration, not by Trump. But there might be a different motivation for this specific list- the protection of clinton business interests.

The list of “countries of concern” went into law in December of 2015, well before Donald Trump became the nominee of the Republican Party in July of 2016. It really makes no sense that barack obama would assemble of list of countries of concern that would intentionally omit countries in which Donald Trump had business interests, but the possibility of obama leaving out countries that the clinton’s had a vested interest in is an intriguing and far more realistic possibility. Let’s check on these countries. Who is not on the list? Saudi, Morocco, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the UAE.

All are donors to the Clinton Foundation. To the tune of about $100 million.  Bill Clinton personally pocketed a million bucks in speeches from the UAE.

As for Turkey, the Clinton’s are alleged to have had a pay for play scheme ongoing there:

Sources close to the Turkish government have explained to WND on the condition of anonymity their concern that a Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scheme is behind the Obama administration refusal to extradite Gulen, the radical Turkish imam the Turkish government considers the mastermind behind the failed July 15 coup.

The Turkish Gulen network are contributors to the Clinton Foundation:

The connections between the Gulen movement and Clinton are not the first to be revealed. They also add to questions about what it is the Gulenists want from Clinton and whether the Democrat has rewarded their financial support with favors.

Last year The Daily Caller reported that numerous Gulen followers have donated to Clinton’s various political campaigns and to her family charity. One Gulen movement leader, Recep Ozkan, donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.

As senator from New York, Clinton gave a keynote address at the Turkish Cultural Center’s annual banquet.

In Egypt, hillary clinton backed the Muslim Brotherhood as she actively supported the overthrow of a sovereign government.  And there’s more:

The Clinton Foundation seems to have tolerated extremist Islamists in their Middle East offices. An Egyptian court sentenced a former top Clinton Foundation employee, Gehed el-Haddad, to life imprisonment in April 2015 for “inciting violence” and supporting an Islamist protest against the military-led ousting of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

From 2007 to 2012 el-Haddad was a Cairo city director of the Clinton Foundation in Egypt and ran its in-country office as well as directed communications.

El-Haddad had a well-known reputation for promoting radical Islam. He formally joined Morsi’s Freedom and Justice Party in May 2011 as a senior adviser for foreign affairs, overlapping for more than a year during his tenure with the Clinton Foundation, according to his Linked-In social media page.

It seems pretty clear. When obama compiled his list of “countries of concern” he did not have Trump in mind. As he fully expected hillary to win the election, he may well have had the business interests of the clinton’s foremost in mind.

Or maybe it’s just what Trump says it is.







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Imagine Hillary, the money-grubbing, greedy liar running the nation, selling national security to the highest bidder.

ever wonder how many American soldiers she killed as secretary of slut and other foreign operations under direct/indirect influence-trailer trash. but what does one expect from a demorat. when the slut and her whore dog husband left the wipe house they transferred 29 million in cash four days prior to the move

The disgusting reality, or a portion, that hilldabeast and demoncraps didn’t want America to know!!

It is interesting that the list compiled by Obama aligns more closely with Hillary’s payoffs than with where terrorists get birthed.
Depending on how this 1st 90 day period goes, might the Saudis be added to the list?
Seems they are trying to get on Pres Trump’s good side now by offering to help with local safe zone places.
Let’s see if it’s all talk, or if it really happens.

So-called “white guilt,” leads this call for “open borders?”
It is globalists, like Obama, Angela Merkel, Hillary, Bezos (owner of WaPo) who twist the news to LOOK LIKE it.
WaPo and CNN both put out calls for sob stories from people impacted by Pres Trump’s 90 day freeze.
Both are stuffed with anecdotal stories today as a result.

Obama Fears Erupt As Trump Prepares To Declare George Soros National Security Threat

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, yesterday, refused outgoing US Ambassador John Tefft’s “urgent demand” that the incoming Trump administration be denied Federal Security Service (FSB) historical files relating to American-Hungarian billionaire George Soros (the 19th richest person in the world worth $24.9 billion) due to Obama regime fears that President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to charge this former World War II Nazi collaborator as a being a “threat to the national security of the United States” would cause “needless chaos” to erupt within the “American political environment”. [Note: Russia has previously labeled George Soros as a threat to national security.] [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Trump Declares George Soros as “National Security Threat”… Using Obama’s Executive Order

Trump had placed a call to Russia to ask about “any and all” files that are related to Soros. He was able to do this thanks to the 2014 Executive Order that was signed by President Obama, entitled “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine.”

“I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that the actions and policies of persons that undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.”

Nearly a month after this order was signed US diplomatic cables show that Soros did “undermine the processes and institutions in Ukraine.” Due to Soros’s illegal intervention into a peaceful transition of power, mass conflict erupted and an estimated 9,600 men, women, and children lost their lives.

Clearly that is interfering in the process. So why didn’t President Obama charge Soros as a threat to the United States national security? It’s because Soros flooded Obama and Hillary’s Democratic Party with about $100 million in donations. You really think that Obama is going to charge someone that has donated that much to their party?

Sign the White House Petition calling for the arrest George Soros

Greenfield: How Hillary May Give President Trump a Second Term

When all the campaign booze was downed and the last “I’m With Her” balloons were popped, bleary Democrat hacks rose from stained couches to try and explain the election to the rest of their party.

Two explanations made the rounds like the last champagne bottle for a victory that never came.

Hillary was a bad candidate. Her shady financial dealings made her untrustworthy. The more she tried to appeal to everyone, the less she appealed to anyone. She was better at hitting up big donors at glitzy parties than at interacting with working class voters. And the huge campaign machine they financed was no substitute for voter excitement.

Hillary was a historic candidate who would be sitting in the Oval Office right now if it hadn’t been for the FBI and the Russians. President Trump is illegitimate and must be impeached. Hillary was not defeated by her flaws. Instead she was a wonderful leader who was stymied by a rigged election.

The first explanation was championed by the Sandernistas of the far left. Their case was straightforward. Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate. Bernie would have won. The Democrats needed to move forward by burying Hillary’s machine and replacing it with the even more radical Bernie left.

But the Clinton machine had no interest in being buried.

The Clintons are not just two greedy politicians. They’re a brand and an industry. The huge sums of money they raised went to subsidize a whole network of loyalists. And then there were the many friends who had gotten jobs based on the strength of their connections to Clintonworld.

It wasn’t just about the S.S. Hillary sinking into the cold waters of Chesapeake Bay. Hillary’s defeat endangered the positions of all her friends who had schemed, plotted and broken the rules to get her this far; the leaders of Democrat outfits in states across the country, bundlers who threw a lot of other people’s money into a giant hole and lobbyists who got by on the strength of their Clinton connections.

That $1.2 billion campaign cost was the tip of the iceberg. Billions had been plowed into Clintonworld.

They couldn’t and wouldn’t accept the blame for backing a bad candidate. So they lied. They insisted that she hadn’t lost. Hillary had been illegitimately denied the White House by a vast conspiracy.

A vast conspiracy involving the FBI, the Russians, the Electoral College and voter suppression.

The conspiracy has been examined and debated in detail. The motive for manufacturing this conspiracy has not. Its obvious goal is to delegitimize President Trump, but it also allows Hillary and her people to evade responsibility for their disastrous defeat. And that is why it really exists.

The Clintons have done enormous damage to their party. And they aren’t done wrecking it yet.

The conspiracy theory quickly became how Democrats explained Hillary’s defeat. And it was the radical left that was in the unusual position of having to argue against a conspiracy theory. Some on the radical left had their own ties to Russia. Others, like Michael Moore, who had predicted that the neglect of the working class would lead to Trump’s victory, saw the Democrats going down a dead end.

But the radical left had radicalized the Democrats. And radicals are suckers for conspiracy theories. Political extremism had pulled the party into paranoid fever swamps in which anything was possible. The media’s biased reporting and bad polls made Trump’s victory seem as if it should never have happened.

It was easy to go on listening to the same media outlets and believing that it really didn’t happen.

Denial took over. Time and money were wasted on insane and pointless recounts, harassment of Electors and finally attempts to block certification of the results. Democrats who believed that these were plans, instead of scams that had no chance of working, emerged from working frantically for the impossible even more convinced that Hillary had been robbed and the election had been rigged.

The left’s greatest weakness is an inability to accept responsibility and learn from its mistakes. Its economic, political and racial theories are already conspiracy theories that assign the blame for social injustice to millions of people based on their income or race. It demands absolute power for its leaders while refusing to admit that human beings are flawed and, regardless of ideology, will abuse power.

If its members could do that, they would be much more likely to become conservatives.

And so the real beneficiaries of this attack on our political system were the Clintons and their people.

Despite the outward show of bipartisanship, Bill Clinton has been pushing the conspiracy theory in private conversations. And Hillary and her people maintain a strategic ambiguity in all things.

Meanwhile David Brock, the most malicious figure in Clintonworld, has put together a blueprint calling for the impeachment of Trump. If Hillary were to make a very unlikely third try at the White House that would be about the only way to build a narrative in which she has anything resembling a chance.

The current Clinton objective is to assert control over the “autopsy” of their defeat. The Clintons are willing to let Obama have the activist clout of the OFA. They realize that their non-profit empire is on shaky ground. But they want to be able to write their own obituary. If they can do that, then they can set the terms for their political comeback and keep at least some of Clintonworld alive.

The Clintons may never run for public office again. But they know the value of shifting the blame.

When the Dems seized on a conspiracy theory to explain President Bush’s victory, they redeemed Gore. And Gore was able to make a comeback and amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars. The Clintons are already very rich. But they could always be even richer. They need the Dems to see Hillary as a courageous candidate with an important message who, like Gore, was beaten in a rigged election.

Then the Clintons can move on to the next stage of their grifting enterprise.

Gore’s personal fortune came at a high cost to his party. Instead of understanding why Bush won, Dems descended into conspiracy theories about Florida and the Supreme Court. They dismissed President Bush as an idiot who couldn’t possibly have won on his own. And so they lost to him a second time.

If Democrats insist on believing that Trump only won because of FBI Director Comey and the Russians, they will be just as unready to face him in the next election as they were in this one.

And the real Hillary legacy may be that she will have handed Trump not just one election, but two.

Chaffetz: Trump Told Me ‘Go After Everything You Want To Go After’ [Incl. the Hildabeast?]
Daily Caller ^ | 1/31/17 | Christian Datoc

Congressman Jason Chaffetz said during Tuesday’s House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that President Trump instructed him and the committee to pursue every government investigation they deem appropriate.

The Oversight chairman stated the conversation took place after the 2017 GOP retreat in Philadelphia, his second-time ever speaking with President Trump in person.

“He came up to me and said, ‘you do a great job. You do a great job,’ which of course I agreed with,” the Utah Republican explained, eliciting laughs from the committee. “Then he said, ‘listen, I understand that I am the President. You have a job to do. You do oversight. Don’t slow down. You go after everything you want to go after. You look at everything you want to look at.”

“If you sat there and heard what he said to me about pursuing oversight of the government and the function that we fulfill, you’d be pretty inspiring, and it was inspiring to me,” he continued. “For him to convey the message, ‘don’t slow down, do your job, there’s a lot to get after with the government,’ I think that’s a good message.”

Breaking: FBI Forced To hand Over Clinton Emails…Hillary’s Time Is Up! ^ | January 30, 2017 | Christopher Cummings

We all remember the best of Trump’s campaign slogans – ‘Build the Wall!’ comes to mind. And my favorite – ‘Lock Her Up!’ Well, we’re just ten days into Trump’s great presidency. We’ve already started a wall. We’ve restricted immigration. We’ve backed out of bad and harmful trade deals. And it looks like we might finally be getting around to locking her up.

Every campaign promise, met, and we haven’t even hit two weeks. Trump moves fast.

The good news in this regard is a man named Jason Chaffetz. He’s Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is a long-winded and fancier way of saying he’s the guy who finds, proves, and prosecutes political corruption. In a nutshell, he’s Trump’s bulldog. And he’s got his sights set on Hillary Clinton.

We know this, because Chaffetz has ordered James Comey, the cowardly director of the FBI, to turn over all the Clinton emails from his worthless investigation. Keep watching this, because it’s going to be good.

[Copy of Congressional Order from Chaffetz to Comey]

It’s important to realize exactly what this means for Hillary. The FBI didn’t prosecute, or even charge the lying weasel, but Congressional investigations are very, very different. They can investigate anything, at any time, for any reason. And they’re not easily intimidated, either – no late-night meeting with Bill is going to make Chaffetz start sweating in his boots.

As the order makes clear, “the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives and may at ‘any time’ investigate ‘any matter’ as set forth in House Rule X.” It’s a little understated, but let’s get on the same page – ‘at any time’ ‘any matter’ is fair game.

In other words, please don’t think you’ve escaped.

Trump has total control of this situation, too. A Republican president, Republican House, and Republican Senate guarantees that there’ll be no screw-ups this time. And certainly no Democrats around trying to intimidate law enforcement.

And this time, Comey won’t be doing the investigating – he’ll be answering to a guy with the actual courage and leadership to bring some justice to American politics.

Keep watch. We have a wall, secure borders, a better economic future…and pretty soon we’ll have one less empty prison cell!

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 549 pages of new State Department records, including previously unreleased email exchanges in which Hillary Clinton top aide Huma Abedin secured an invitation to a 2009 State Department luncheon for Sant S. Chatwal, a businessman under investigation in two countries and was also a Clinton Foundation trustee and contributor. The emails also contain an email to Clinton, shared with Abedin, divulging the classified names of intelligence agency employees.

The records contain 21 previously undisclosed Clinton emails – of a total of at least 259 that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department – further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department. Two of these emails are now available on the State Department’s website.

The records were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)) after it failed to respond to a March 18 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking: •All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“” email address.

In November 2009, Abedin secured and oversaw the invitation for Clinton Foundation donor Sant S. Chatwal to attend the State Department luncheon for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Vice President Joe Biden. Chatwal attended both the State lunch and dinner.

Gee, I wonder what hillary was doing yesterday…….