This election shows us how badly the country is divided, but Donald Trump did not divide it.

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2009 inauguration


It’s 2009. An election took place. There was a peaceful transition of power. barack obama was inaugurated. A lot of us were unhappy with the outcome of the election but we sucked it up. We did not protest.


We did not riot. We did not burn property.


We did not destroy businesses, and there no end to the irony in the vandalizing of a Starbucks.


We did not immediately rip into the President’s kids, as did this SNL writer.


We did not have nervous breakdowns

We did not need inauguration day safe spaces


We did not need juice boxes and Legos


The difference between 2009 and 2017 is stark. This country is divided like it has not been in a long time. People feel free to do stupid things. People feel free to act like idiots. They feel free to destroy the property of others. They feel free to disrupt the lives of others. They’ve become a**holes. What was it about the last eight years that led to this? From Brendan O’Neil on Facebook:


It happened because you banned super-size sodas. And smoking in parks. And offensive ideas on campus. Because you branded people who oppose gay marriage ‘homophobic’, and people unsure about immigration ‘racist’. Because you treated owning a gun and never having eaten quinoa as signifiers of fascism. Because you thought correcting people’s attitudes was more important than finding them jobs. Because you turned ‘white man’ from a description into an insult. Because you used slurs like ‘denier’ and ‘dangerous’ against anyone who doesn’t share your eco-pieties. Because you treated dissent as hate speech and criticism of Obama as extremism. Because you talked more about gender-neutral toilets than about home repossessions. Because you beatified Caitlyn Jenner. Because you policed people’s language, rubbished their parenting skills, took the piss out of their beliefs. Because you cried when someone mocked the Koran but laughed when they mocked the Bible. Because you said criticising Islam is Islamophobia. Because you kept telling people, “You can’t think that, you can’t say that, you can’t do that”. Because you turned politics from something done by and for people to something done to them, for their own good. Because you treated people like shit. And people don’t like being treated like shit. Trump happened because of you.

By the way, which democrat denounced the violence taking place in DC and around the country? No one.

Which President called for peace during the transition? I must have missed it.

This country is divided, but Donald Trump did not divide this country. He is inheriting a badly divided one- he is inheriting the obama legacy.

Now about that irony:


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Can anyone recall any such riots when Obama was elected then reelected neither can i its just these spoiled little snots have had it easy for eight long years and no the gravy train has run out of steam and we see liberals for what they realy are a bunch of spoiled little brats

@Spurwing Plover:Did people boo Obama yesterday the way his supporters booed Bush during Obama’s ’09 inaugural?

@Spurwing Plover: Libturd losers being libturd losers. They should be arrested, period!!

The physical violence is acceptable to liberals because of Trump’s “hateful and divisive rhetoric”, which includes his stance on illegal immigration and border security. Of course, these same leftists do not regard encouraging illegal immigration, sanctuary cities which support and protect illegal immigrant criminals and the painful costs of subsidizing illegal immigration as divisive at all.

Trump is divisive because he responds to long, rambling, personally insulting speeches with 140 characters… which apparently he has no right to do. He is being divisive when he reacts to threats against him and his family; when his marriage is threatened by politically motivated false accusations.

The occurrences of Republican “divisiveness” all derive from their inability to keep silent in the face of liberal attacks.

Saturday, January 21st: Aerial images show just how massive the women’s marches are around the USA

This is what happens when a divisive President takes control of the White House despite losing the popular election by nearly 3 million votes. There are enormous crowds marching today in cities across the United States. Do you have any question about what they’re out in the streets to demonstrate? Efforts to focus attention on a relatively few incidents of disorderly protest as a means of distraction just aren’t going to work.

217 Arrested, 6 Officers Injured in Inauguration Protests

Imagine if this were 2009 or 2013 and the shoe was on the other foot. That these arrests would be of Republicans protesting barry soetero aka obama. Would the media be this quiet and implicitly supportive of the rioters?

The idiocy of these rioters cannot be measured.
Your last graphic shows it:
Hillary got $98,581 from Starbucks.
Hillary got $466,389 from Bank of America.
Yet those businesses were targeted.
Who are these rioters FOR?
Maybe not.
So, if not for Hillary, why are they protesting?
It was a two candidate race.
There was Trump …. or …. Hillary.

@Greg: What a shocker Greggie, libturd losers like you demonstrating the day Donald Trump is Inaugurated our 45th President. I would expect nothing less form idiots like that!!

@Greg: #5

President Trump returns bust of Churchill to Oval Office

@July 4th American, #9:

Yep. And here’s a photo of the objet d’art in question. Seriously, folks, this thing looks like it was shaped out of fecal matter using a popsicle stick as a sculpting tool. Sir Winston would likely have ordered someone to remove it at once and drop it off a bridge to prevent it from ever returning. Of course, he was an artist. So is George W Bush, if to a somewhat lesser degree, which possibly explains the expression on his face in the background. You can almost read this thoughts: “OMG. It’s a gift. It’s Winston Churchill. I’ve got to pretend to like it.”

But rejoice, by all means. You have won The Battle of the Bust. Clearly Trump is making good on his promises. He’s just starting down very low on the list.

When the Obama reelection staff began developing its general strategy for duping a majority of the electorate into once again supporting the President, they knew they needed to drive a lot of disenchanted female voters back into the Democrat herd. Thus, they concocted the fictional Republican “war on women.” And, knowing that our government education system has long since given up teaching history, Obama’s minions had little fear that the public would realize that the GOP’s support of women’s rights goes back to its founding in 1854. Nor were the President’s men worried that Democrat front groups like the National Organization for Women, much less the “news” media, would remind female voters that their very ability to cast a ballot was won for them by the Republicans over the vehement objections of the Democrats.

Most educated Americans vaguely remember that the amendment granting women the right to vote was passed by Congress in 1919 and ratified by the states in 1920. But the number of people who know anything about the forty-year legislative war that preceded that victory is smaller than the audience of MSNBC. That war began in 1878, when a California Republican named A.A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment only to see it voted down by a Democrat-controlled Congress. It finally ended four decades later, when the Republicans won landslide victories in the House and the Senate, giving them the power to pass the amendment despite continued opposition from most elected Democrats — including President Woodrow Wilson, to whom the suffragettes frequently referred as “Kaiser Wilson.”

One of the most interesting battles in the long congressional war over women’s suffrage involved the Mormons of Utah. In 1870, nearly fifty years before Congress passed the 19th Amendment, the territory of Utah granted women the right to vote. This was encouraged by congressional opponents of polygamy, which was practiced by some wealthy Mormons. Their hope was that given the vote, Utah’s women would quickly put an end to “the abomination of bigamy.” And the women of Utah did indeed prove to have strong opinions regarding this issue. They voted overwhelmingly in favor of it. Congress responded by passing the Edmunds-Tucker Act of 1882, which disfranchised Utah’s women while also violating the First Amendment by outlawing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and seizing much of its property.

Meanwhile, the Republicans continued to introduce the 19th Amendment in Congress every year, but the Democrats were able to keep it bottled up in various committees for another decade before allowing either chamber to vote on it. In 1887 it finally reached the floor of the Senate. Once again, however, it was defeated by a vote of 34 to 16. After this setback, advocates of women’s suffrage opted to put pressure on Congress by convincing various state legislatures to pass bills giving women the vote. This met with some success. By the turn of the century a variety of Republican-controlled states, including Wyoming, Colorado, and Idaho, had granted women suffrage. During the first ten years of the new century, several other states gave women the vote, including Washington and California.

Congress, however, didn’t deign to vote on the issue again until 1914, when it was once again defeated by Senate Democrats. It was subsequently brought up for a vote in January of 1915 in the House, where it went down by a vote of 204 to 174. Nonetheless, the Republicans continued to push even after it was defeated yet again in early 1918. The big break for 19th Amendment came when President Wilson, a true Democrat, violated his most solemn campaign promise. Having pledged to keep the United States out of the European conflict that had been raging since 1914, he decided to enter the war anyway. This set the stage for the 1918 midterm elections in which voter outrage swept the Republicans into power in both the House and the Senate. This finally placed the GOP in a position to pass the amendment despite Democrat opposition.

During the following spring Rep. James R. Mann, a Republican from Illinois, reintroduced the 19th Amendment in the House and it finally passed by an overwhelming majority. Shortly thereafter a now Republican-controlled Senate also passed it, clearing the way for ratification by the states. By this point, President Wilson had also faced the reality that women would inevitably get the vote and abandoned his opposition. But the Democrats’ resistance was by no means dead. They did their level best to prevent the amendment from being ratified: “When the Amendment was submitted to the states, 26 of the 36 states that ratified it had Republican legislatures. Of the nine states that voted against ratification, eight were Democratic.” Many of these Democrat-controlled states refused to ratify the amendment until the 1970s.

Obviously, the Obama reelection staff is desperately hoping that most women voters don’t know this story and are counting on the “news” media and the unions that control our government education system to keep it from being told. They know that, if the voters hear the truth about the roles the two parties have truly played in women’s rights, all but a few Obamazombies will see the “war on women” as the red herring that it is. If

Nice copy and paste effort there. No doubt that little history lesson will convince most women who have taken to the streets today that the effing GOP has some fundamental right to take control of their reproductive organs, and that the new President has some right to grab for them at will.

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, still a sore libturd loser I see. I am still remembering all your useless rants about how hilldabeast was going to win in an electoral landslide!! How’d that work out for ya Greggie??


It is going to be an enjoyable eight years.

@July 4th American, #14:

It is going to be an enjoyable eight years.

I hope you’re enjoying the first day. Around 250,000 people jointed the Women’s March in Washington DC. Nationally and internationally, the turnout ran into the millions—and no one actually put much effort into organizing the event.

Women’s March Floods Washington, Sparking Rallies Worldwide

Meanwhile, Trump’s press secretary was angry that the media reported far fewer people showed up for Trump’s inauguration than Obama’s. The Park Department was ordered to take down aerial photos of the crowd yesterday, evidently to prevent people from making any direct comparisons. The “lying media” often tends to cite such things as evidence that they’re making factual statements, which can be very inconvenient.

Before Donald Trump became president “Cyberbullying” was a big thing that the Left was against.
Then Melania said she was also against it to the point of wanting it to be her 1st Lady thing.
Now, all of a sudden, the Left claims there’s no such thing!

But how badly divided are we?
Look at the tale of two parenting styles:
Barron Trump has been excoriated for being a well-behaved son.
No one on the Left has a bad word to say about this young man:

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, first of all the cities shown and the marches are from libturd loser cities who voted for hilldabeast. They do NOT represent all women because they excluded those who vote pro-life versus pro-death, and finally President Donald Trump has not done anything as President to take away any rights period!! It’s liburd losers being libturd losers.

@Greg: #5
Maybe it’s because we conservatives have better things to do? The inauguration was on a Friday, most of us were working. And weekends are for relaxing after a hard week at work, not for recreational protesting and rioting.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Trump uses twitter in my opinion because the hil-liary obama main stream media publishes false stories, has no credibility, no honor or integrity and cannot be trusted.

Those hooting and howling have the most to lose. Establishment both sides of the aisle have used the American taxpayer as an ATM, have become wealthy through insider trading and lobbyists paying to play. They have a lot of skeletons in their closet and they are afraid they are going to tumble out. They have not upheld their oath and have disregarded their constituents. Their golden goose is going to be cooked .

The main stream media is going to be put in a choke hold, and should be. The fact they believe they are the ones to tell the WH how to conduct press conferences is laughable. Their arrogance is amazing.

It is about time we, the American citizen be the priority. Tell me how many lower to middle class people get free medical, social security without paying in, tax refunds (mostly from stolen SS cards), 5 star accommodations, free food, etc etc without ever having to pay it back? American citizens have become second to illegals and refugees. Enough is enough.

Trump has a long road to hoe and hopefully he will be able to do a lot of what he says he will do. No one can expect him to accomplish 100% and if anyone does they are ignorant or naive.

It is a time to heal.

Women’s March Highlights as Huge Crowds Protest Trump: ‘We’re Not Going Away’

Hundreds of thousands of women gathered in Washington on Saturday in a kind of counterinauguration after President Trump took office on Friday. A range of speakers and performers cutting across generational lines rallied near the Capitol before marchers made their way toward the White House.

They were joined by crowds in cities across the country: In Chicago, the size of a rally so quickly outgrew early estimates that the march that was to follow was canceled for safety. In Manhattan, Fifth Avenue became a river of pink hats, while in downtown Los Angeles, even before the gathering crowd stretched itself out to march, it was more than a quarter mile deep on several streets.

George Will: The most dreadful inaugural address in history

I don’t believe George F. Will is anyone’s idea of a leftist commentator. He’s certainly no one’s fool.

@Greg: Last night it was announced that British Brexit UKIP leader and Trump supporter Nigel Farage was hired by Fox News. Today, Fox News announces they have declined to renew the contract of the ‘nevertrumper‘ George Will.

Fox declines to renew contracts for several contributors

@Greg: #20

Women’s March Highlights as Huge Crowds Protest Trump: ‘We’re Not Going Away’

If the likes of the blood soaked crotch of ashley judd is the voice of the left, all that can be said is this is going to be an enjoyable 8 years…..

Trump in office for 24 hours and what did he do as President that they are protesting? Be specific. Bet you can’t.

Imagine being in this crowd and listening to this drivel.

If you think that will sway anyone with a brain you are certainly a fool. Yet it is celebrated by this bunch of useful idiots.

@Greg: #21

George Will is a convienent conservative. A life long establishment republican he referred to Reagan Conservatives as kamakazi conservatives in the 80’s.

True conservatives know Will is a tool of the RINO right only…..

You really don’t get any of this, do you?

@Greg: #12

women who have taken to the streets today that the effing GOP has some fundamental right to take control of their reproductive organs

comment image

Today marks the 44th anniversary of the two most tragic Supreme Court decisions in American history, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. (Pro-lifers around the nation celebrated Sanctity of Life Sunday last week.) Those decisions sparked a contentious debate between those who would deny legal protection for babies in the womb, and those who rightly acknowledge that those babies constitute “life” as understood throughout history and affirmed in our Declaration of Independence. Tragically, that right has been denied to nearly 60 million unborn children sacrificed on the altar of “choice” since 1973.

In the coming year, we anticipate a battle over half a billion dollars in federal funding for the nation’s largest abortion mill, Planned Parenthood. Momentum for cutting that funding is thanks to the revelations in 2015 of the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood for trafficking in unborn baby parts. While it was long known that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, it was not common knowledge that the organization was harvesting organs and other tissue for sale. Planned Parenthood claims this doesn’t fund abortion, but let’s be honest — they’re claiming that dumping water in the deep end of the pool doesn’t affect the shallow end.

Though this issue will never be resolved until the yearly number of abortions is zero, there are encouraging prospects to note as we consider the sanctity of human life. And every life saved is a victory.

A poll last year shows that eight in 10 Americans would restrict abortion to the first trimester, while six in 10 believe it is “morally wrong.” But far more encouraging is the shift in the spirit of the pro-life movement. There are still peaceful marches and strong, quiet vigils of prayer outside of abortion clinics, but there are also Internet outreach efforts, maternity homes, medical pregnancy resource centers and other ministries that are empowering young women to see their true range of options.

Yet more and more ministries and public figures are pointing out the absurdity of a movement centered on choice that leaves a woman no choice at all. Online for Life is using the power of the Internet to reach out to those who search for pregnancy options. Former Planned Parenthood nurse Abby Johnson’s ministry And Then There Were None is giving a voice and a choice to those who desire to no longer work for the nation’s largest abortion mill. Project Rachel and Abortion Changes You, among many other such ministries, are coming alongside the hurting women who have already experienced the pain of abortion. Save the Storks takes compassion to those who are in need with a mobile resource center housed in a luxury bus. Students for Life has a wide presence on college campuses.

In our own home town, we’re proud to support Choices Pregnancy Resource Center and the efforts of the wonderful people there to love women, men and their children.

These are just a few of the innovative ministries that are leading the way to a stronger, more understanding and more effective pro-life movement.

The same cannot be said for the other side, which exploits women to serve a twisted agenda.

Roe v. Wade was the infamous case in which Norma McCorvey was used as a plaintiff by leftist attorneys to overturn laws restricting abortion in Texas. A decision upholding Texas law was ultimately overturned on appeal by the Supreme Court, which found a heretofore unprecedented “right to privacy” in the so-called “due process clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment. The despotic branch divined from their “living constitution” that this right entitled a mother to end the life of her baby before his or her birth. Simultaneous with Roe v. Wade, in Doe v. Bolton, using the plaintiff Sandra Cano, the Supremes determined that any complaint — including headaches — could be used as grounds for requesting an abortion.

Since the decisions in those cases, both McCorvey and Cano have recanted their testimony. McCorvey said plainly, “I think abortion’s wrong. I think what I did with Roe v. Wade was wrong,” and she has stood by those words in the years since.

Cano, in her 2005 testimony before the U.S. Senate, said: “Using my name and life, Doe v. Bolton falsely created the health exception that led to abortion on demand and partial birth abortion. How it got there is still pretty much a mystery to me. I only sought legal assistance to get a divorce from my husband and to get my children from foster care. … At no time did I ever have an abortion. I did not seek an abortion nor do I believe in abortion. Yet my name and life is now forever linked with the slaughter of 40-50 million babies. … How can cunning, wicked lawyers use an uneducated, defenseless pregnant woman to twist the American court system in such a fraudulent way? Doe has been a nightmare. … My name, life, and identity have been stolen and put on this case without my knowledge and against my wishes. How dare they use my name and my life this way! One of the justices of the Supreme Court said during oral argument in my case ‘What does it matter if she is real or not?’ Well I am real and it does matter.”

Like McCorvey and Cano, millions of women and countless unborn babies are being denied choice by the “pro-choice” movement today.

Americans are obviously tiring of a movement based on such an audacious lie. Scientifically and morally it has always been evident that life starts well before those first beautiful cries. And today’s pro-life movement is succeeding more and more where it counts most: changing hearts.

Publisher’s Note: Both McCorvey and Cano have endorsed the National Memorial for the Unborn, a special place dedicated to healing hearts by honoring unborn children in a tangible way with memorial plaques placed on a granite wall. There is a special book, Empty Arms, which includes 50 stories of hope and healing from across the nation — each one represented on the Memorial wall.


Ashely Judd Rants About Tampons and Her Period – Women’s March in D.C. By


Liberal Women March Against Trump – Then Leave Trash Heaps for Someone Else to Clean Up

In case it’s still up in the air for some, Greg…most likely…works for either the DNC or a high level organization working for the Democrats.

Posts are hand-picked, and the same propaganda lines are spouted repeatedly with hopes of infecting minds:
“All these women marching…popular vote….blah blah…”

He doesn’t have an opinion, but is merely working for a paycheck. He has no impact on local, state, or federal outcomes, so there’s not reason to bother with this idiot.

Easily ignored.

@Nathan Blue:

He doesn’t have an opinion, but is merely working for a paycheck. He has no impact on local, state, or federal outcomes, so there’s not reason to bother with this idiot.

Well stated.

He is trolling for a paycheck as you point out. The views espoused can only be those of a paid soros tool.

No one here would advocate the banning of the likes of greg and others like him/her, but the hardcore trolls like greg can be ignored.

We are at a new dawn in America and the turds who brought us to the point where we were do not offer anything going forward. They should be left behind to fend for theselves while we get on with “Making America Great Again”.