Fake news hits a new high- or new low

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Wow. Eleven days in and we have what could be the story of the year. It is impressive. The liberal media is so desperate for dirt on Donald Trump that they thrown all reason and caution to the wind. About a week ago, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) warned Trump:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,”

Like he knew something. Or perhaps like he think he knew something. Well he did. He thought he knew something. He knew something that wasn’t so.  My liberal FB friends were all over it. Buzzfeed cast away all journalistic restrictions and ran with a story about Trump

A dossier making explosive — but unverified — allegations that the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Donald Trump for years and gained compromising information about him has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks.

It was salacious, to say the least. And there they are today proclaiming that Donald Trump has a lot to answer about these unverified claims despite the following disclaimers:

A dossier, compiled by a person who has claimed to be a former British intelligence official, alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump. The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.

US Intel chiefs were all over it:

Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.

Russia has denied everything.

But there’s a problem- it should have been a red flag

The allegations in the Buzzfeed document dump are that Trump had secret financial dealings with Russia, and that Trump’s special counsel Michael Cohen was a main point of contact between these mysterious Russian forces and Team Trump.

But Cohen has never been to Prague:

The documents allege that Cohen traveled to Russia and Prague to arrange these deals. But Cohen says he has never even been to Prague or Russia.

It’s a hoax.

Naturally, that has barely restrained the left wing media and those still mentally impaired by the election. Now for the bad parts. The sourcing of this went this way:

The report “originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans and then by Democrats,” CNN says.

So who gave this to the FBI? Enter John McCain:

Arizona Sen. John McCain confirmed he passed along a 35-page report to the FBI that details unverified allegations that President-elect Trump’s team coordinated with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton.

In a statement released Wednesday, McCain said passing the report along was the extent of his involvement in the process.

“Late last year, I received sensitive information that has since been made public,” McCain said. “Upon examination of the contents, and unable to make a judgment about their accuracy, I delivered the information to the director of the FBI. That has been the extent of my contact with the FBI or any other government agency regarding this issue.”

Honestly, it’s really disappointing to hear this. Not the best way to cap off a long career.

The group that initiated the hoax is apparently astonished at how far it went.

Wow. Just wow. It is mind boggling.

This part is really concerning:

4chan trolled Rick Wilson with the Trump piss story back in November 2016. Media or CIA added Russian spies themselves. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

If this is so, the big question is who added it?

In the meanwhile, Buzzfeed (and John McCain) ought to be pursuing some other leads:



There are some real concerns here. Schumer made threatening overtures to Trump that Trump’s own intelligence agencies could seek to damage Trump. If that has any substance, those agencies need to be cleaned out ASAP. The premise of this story is a fabrication which has ensnared John McCain, never-Trumpers, democrats and the CIA. Someone may have embellished the story to include the Russians. Those who wanted desperately to believe it did so.

In the movies they call that “willing suspension of disbelief.”

Two other pieces from Zero Hedge stand out.

on november 1, a person without a picture but is assumed to be the same person posted “So they took what I told Rick Wilson and added a Russian spy angle to it. They still believe it. Guys, they’re truly fucking desperate – there’s no remaining Trump scandal that’s credible.” https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/95568919/#95571329


on january 10, moments after the story broke and began to gain traction on social media, a person with the same smug grin face, and the same hash title for the picture, stated “I didn’t think they’d take it so far.” http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/106514445#p106520376

And good old Ben Smith on publishing this gossipy goofiness?

“Americans can make up their own minds.”

This certainly is helping America decide- that the media is not trustworthy at all. If you want another chuckle, read this




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Arthur Conan Doyle in various stories of Sherlock Holmes noted fake news in 1886. noting new but chucky is a real pig.

Somebody has a great sense of humor this will be released by CNN later tonight

If only it were known for a fact that it truly is fake. It’s entirely possible that some of it, or even most of it, is accurate. This is hardly the only or the first indicator that Trump may be deeply entangled with Russian investors. The only thing we have against those indicators are his own statements, and the man is obviously a compulsive liar. Truth is a meaningless concept to this guy.

Want to demonstrate the truthfulness of your claims that you have no financial entanglements with Russian investors? Release your damn tax returns as you said you would. It’s known for a fact that past years are not under audit. Your own people released an IRS letter that clearly stated that.

Trump’s not even telling a straight story about the release of the dossier compiled by a former British Intelligence officer. There’s not a shred of evidence that it was leaked by the U.S. intelligence community, as he claims. The document was widely known to media outlets for months; they held off reporting on it because the content couldn’t be verified. It wasn’t publicly reported until a single media outlet broke the story and published it a few days ago.

More’s the pity. Maybe it should have been released the moment it appeared. No such restraint was shown by the right-leaning media when it came to unverifiable stories about Hillary Clinton.

@Greg: For the next few days Obama is in charge of the IRS.
They follow his lead.
IF the IRS had dug up ANYTHING on Trump un to this point, it would be out there.
But they haven’t.
So, what’s the worst thing they can still do to Trump?
Hang up his release of his tax return by keeping an investigation of them ongoing.
They know he has terrific lawyers who would advise against releasing returns while they are under investigation.
If Obama wanted to help he could tell them to drop it.
Obama doesn’t.
Obama knows about people like you, Greg.
You’l twist yourself into a pretzel and swallowing a camel to absolve Obama about killing American citizens w/ drone and no due process while straining the gnat when it comes to Trump’s tax returns.

The point of seeing his tax returns is to know whether or not he has compromising financial entanglements in Russia, not whether there’s something illegal. They don’t have to be pinned up on a public billboard. Perhaps they should be reviewed by a Senate investigative committee.

Tarring the people who are asking serious questions that need to be answered isn’t going to get it.

Day afer day the news media continues to humiliate itself in their rant again Trump just like they did with Reagan small wonder the american people don’t trust these scoundrels anymore

The right’s whole projection and reversal routine is wearing very thin.

you are a snowflake.

@Greg: #3

It is entirely fake, it is what the left wing media does..

@Greg: #7 It’s allowing the left to define what is good and what is bad in politics, and shouting “Tag, you’re it!”.

It’s not the left’s doing.

You should have vetted Trump. You didn’t, and let a seriously flawed candidate be nominated. The GOP establishment will turn on him in the blink of an eye. Why would you expect otherwise? They hate the guy, and you know it. He was forced on them as a means to an end. They’re all about self preservation, and they prefer Pence anyway. Apparently it was republicans who contracted the investigation that has been sitting there for months, like a ticking time bomb.

@Greg: #11

BuzzFeed Could Be In Legal Trouble For Publishing Trump Doc

Eight more days, and it’s time to take out the trash. Ahead, eight years undoing the lies and corruption of the previous eight. It will be glorious!

@July 4th American, #12:

No doubt they’re shaking in their boots. Maybe Clinton should sue Trump for libel, citing all of the unproven bullshit accusations he made about her on national television.

I know two federal agents. They both tell me that the various agencies are seriously pissed at Chuck Schumer for impugning their integrity. Dragging them down to his level, so to speak.
He is not a popular man in Foggy Bottom.

@Greg: You hang in there, Greg. Really, keep believing. For, when you stop believing, you will descend into the depths of droll reality, where things are true and facts absorb all urine-related fantasies.

You should have vetted Trump.

You mean make up stories, then discuss if they COULD be true? Think about this: if you had vetted Obama, there would BE no President Trump.

OK, but this is real; I’m not kidding or being sarcastic. Trump is going to announce Bat Boy as his Ambassador to the UN.

The FBI now claims that they included the 2-page summery (on the 35 page “report”) to show the President-Elect an example of a bad, and thus not to be believed report. The problem with this walking back is that they only showed the summery to Obama and Biden and didn’t even mention it to Trump. Really bad instinct on the part of the CIA and FBI to put bring up a bogus, partisan, BS “intelligence” report the week before inauguration. If this is what passes as intelligence (after the politicization of our agencies by Obama), Then there needs to be a serious house cleaning.

Looks like Trump has been shown two more swamps in desperate need of draining. I think it would be fitting for Trump to put each of these spook agencies to work investigating each other. What is laughable is the useful idiots (You know who you are) who have (up to now) been telling us that the CIA and FBI are not to be trusted, only now to turn around and defend these agencies.

@Greg: #14

Except it is all true, she does not have a cankle to stand on….


Greg believes it because he wants to believe it, not because it is true or false. Greg is a drone, notice how when everything that he mindlessly accepted as truth is proven to be false, he abandons that and on to the nest salacious fake story until that is proven to be false..

Greg is hilarious. All liberals who are melting down over Trump are hilarious.

After years of screaming about McCarthyism, they ARE McCarthyites; after eight years whining about birtherism, they ARE birthers.

The people who HATE the CIA and ‘flag-wavers’ now say that if you don’t believe in the sanctity and perfection of the CIA you are un-patriotic. The people who just mourned Castro are the CIA’s biggest fans ever. The people who said you HAD to abide by the results of an election without question, that tales of voter fraud were rightwing fantasy, have been not only questioning the results but trying DAILY to undermine the guy who won their precious, sacred election…and claiming The Russians rigged the whole thing!

Every day features a new example of democrats losing their grasp on reality, and it’s all driven by hate–which they claim is what drives their opponents.

I have been in a great mood every day since election day, watching the very people who’ve bashed this country every day of my life being brought low, and then bringing themselves even lower with their hate.

@Greg: right like they vetted the deviant treasonous criminal hil-liary? Read those wikileaks you might find out a lot about who you admire. The emails in regard to underage parties are quite enlightening, and disgusting.

In answer to the meme above, the media will NEVER learn until they are held accountable.

I looked up the definition of treason. If this is Soviet inspired propoganda, then those who have run with it in an attempt to de-legitimise the election of Donald Trump are stepping into treasonous behavior. To attempt to overthrow the laws of the United States, as in the lawful election results, is a form of treason. I saw an idiot on the news yesterday saying the election could and should be overturned.

This whole fake story and the irresponsible behavior of the press IS Russia interfering with our election!
P.S. If any of us were publicly accused of this “golden showers” behavior in this report we would be mad as hell too.

Also we should prosecute home grown terrorists and those citizens who conspire and support them should be prosecuted for treason. That is very clear. I got the legal definition from the on line Cornell Law Library. I have not figured how to display a link here, so I edited it out. You can look it up.

Some of the fake news of 2016 like Katie Courics UNDER THE GUN as we saw the news media will fake,lie,cheat and edit a film to get what they want and as they say a lie can be halfway round the word before the truth can get its boots on but in this case the lie was stopped at the front door

BBC, FOX and CNN stage with green screen and actors fake news feeds from war torn areas, perhaps thats why Sheppard came to CNNs defense

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, what needs to be proven is the false accusations made!! It makes NO difference relevant to the fact that America Elected Donald Trump as our next President. You need to deal with reality Greggie!!

@Greg: Greggie, are the production of tax returns required for a candidate to be elected President of the Unites States?? Deal with reality Greggie. America has rejected the liberal agenda!!

@Common Sense, #29:

Given that Trump was rejected by nearly 3 million more voters than those who wanted him, you can’t honestly say that. Only 42.7 percent of those polled currently have a favorable view of the man.

We’ll see how people feel about a roll-back of the “liberal agenda” after republicans have thrown the health care industry into chaos and left 20 million Americans without health insurance—all while running costs to the taxpayers up even higher. And that’s just their opening act.

Reasonably pointing out the likely consequences of the right’s bullshit agenda to many average Americans hasn’t worked. Apparently what it will take is repeated hard slaps in the face, administered by something the left refers to as “reality.” Very well, then. We can stand back and watch. You’ve pretty much arranged things that way. You’ve got the House, the Senate, and the White House. Go for it all. Let’s see what happens. Let’s see how long people believe the inevitable claims that democrats are responsible.


Given that Trump was rejected by nearly 3 million more voters than those who wanted him, you can’t honestly say that. Only 42.7 percent of those polled currently have a favorable view of the man.

Trump got 74 more electoral college votes than Clinton. Since it is the electoral college that elects the President, this is the count that counts and Trump won that OVERWHELMINGLY.

Reasonably pointing out the likely consequences of the right’s bullshit agenda hasn’t worked. Apparently what it will take is repeated hard slaps in the face, administered by something the left refers to as “reality.” Very well, then.

So, why don’t you and your fellow daycare residents stop your whining, shut up and watch what happens when someone that actually LOVES this country is put in charge. You should probably also look up the definition of “reasonably”.

Since it is the electoral college that elects the President, this is the count that counts and Trump won that OVERWHELMINGLY.

That doesn’t change the popular vote count, which clearly indicates millions more American voters rejected Trump than approved of him. Do you expect them to become suddenly happy with the outcome because the will of the greater number has been overruled by a Constitutional technicality?

That’s not the real problem, of course. The real problem is who it is that has been selected as a result of that technicality. More Americans dislike and distrust this guy than approve of him; their feelings on that point are unusually strong, and they have very clear reasons for their distrust and disapproval that are far more rational than the crack-brained garbage the right professed to believe about Barack Obama. He’s become the symbol of everything that’s wrong with the right—which, apparently, is why the right blindly follows him, with no regard for the total absurdity of what he often says and does. His own party establishment loathes him; his own nominees contradict him; his media apologists are spinning his words full time, just to keep him from blowing himself up. How can you expect those on the left to like him?

@Greg: #32

More diarrhea of the keyboard…

The electoral system that has kept this country together for centuries, through good and bad, isn’t a “technicality.”

Liberals can’t get it that they can’t just remove selected, minor “technicalities” and somehow keep all the ‘good stuff’ in a system without risking the destruction of the whole thing. “The center cannot hold…”

“His own nominees contradict him.” Which is it–we love Obama’s ‘cabinet of rivals’ or you hate ‘yes men’?

I don’t expect or give a shit if the left likes him. The left is driven by hate, why do I care what they think?

Trump is a warmonger who wants to blow us up and wants to be friends with our biggest competitor and not get involved in Middle East wars like Hillary who voted for war and threatened to get into a shooting war with Russia over a no-fly zone. Try diagramming that sentence and you’ll see the hate-filled, anti-American left is going crazy. “Expect those on the left to LIKE him”? WE DON’T CARE if you like him or not. Polls, popularity, it’s all static that can’t hide the fact that the same party controls most of the power in this country, and is already taking actions.

If they’re thrown out next election, let it happen. That’s how this system works. Why are liberals so terrified by that?

@Greg: Only votes in three bankrupt liberal enclaves gave Hillary that advantage. I know it is a characteristic of liberalism, but do you REALLY want proven failure to decide who will lead the nation? I mean, I am aware that even after 4 years of failure, you liberals elected the failure Obama again, but if you actually thought about it, do you want the most in-debt, degenerate, , crime riddled areas of the country voting to bring the rest of the nation down to their level?

The electoral college was brilliantly conceived.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Salon, the liberal rag, was a strong proponent of the electoral college in 2012. Then in 2016, it is racist.

The touted “blue wall” actually hurt mrs clinton because she expected to win those states and chose to not campaign in some of them.

Democrats, please take a breath and mourn your loss, accept the election results, and get on with your lives. most of you are nearing rubber room status. Its over its done. No one wants the 3 million voters in California on welfare or mansions to rule the entire nation.

@July 4th American:

Except it is all true, she does not have a cankle to stand on….

Perhaps if Hillary had actually had a platform, took solid positions on issues, and not hidden away from the press, she may have given Trump a run for her money. Her whole campaign was “vote for me because I’m a woman and Trump says mean things.” There was no “there” there, The Democrat candidate was stupidly running on “more of the same” in a “change election”. Of course she lost. Nobody get elected simply because they think it’s their turn.

Perhaps if right-wing media hadn’t told their audience of rubes that she was the Daughter of Satan for 4 straight year, and republican Congressional jackasses hadn’t run 4 years of continuous investigations at a cost to taxpayers of some $30 million in spite of repeatedly finding nothing, and if Trump hadn’t had multiple assists from Vladimir Putin’s hackers and Wikileaks, and if republicans hadn’t engaged in voter suppression, and if more people had been smart enough to notice that Trump was saying whatever the hell audiences wanted to hear whenever they wanted to hear it with no regard whatsoever for either truth or consistency—and, of course, if we didn’t have a system that let a candidate win despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes—then things might have turned out differently.

@MOS #8541: Don’t you mean @#$%head?

@Greg: Differently, as in a Hillary victory? Uh… no.

Hillary was THE most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to have run for the office. THIS is fully documented and proven.

The $30 million is on Obama and Hillary, who lied and stonewalled their way through all the investigations. In the end, we know they lied and failed.

Specify, please, what any alleged hacking by the Russians changed in the election? What did it accomplish? When the corrupt liberal media carried on a 24/7 full scale attack on Trump and would not report on Hillary’s lies and corruption, what did the Russian’s accomplish? When most liberals celebrate liberal lies and corruption, are willing to accept the most flawed candidate for the love of liberalism, what did the Russians change?

What voter suppression? Where? You mean the rules to make sure only citizens get to vote in order to curtail the Democrat use of illegal immigrant votes?

Sorry you didn’t notice the mean old Republicans putting that electoral rule in place at the last minute in October, just for the purpose of stealing the election from worthy Hillary. Oh… wait. The electoral college has been in place and chose every President for 218 years. This came as a surprise to you and Hillary?

Whine, whine, cry, cry, pout, whine, cry. Repeat. You better get your act together and present something better than Trump if you wish to ever see power again, Greg. Being a bitter loser is not the way back.

@Greg: You just have 1 alternative, GTFO of this country, the popular vote didnt win for you and the rest of the morons who live in a REPUBLIC. Hillary couldn’t sober up long enough to campaign in Wisconsin or other Blue wall rust belt states, too drunk on her ass to get a clue these states were turning red. Maybe if the democrats policies actually worked… oh me oh my. Yes moooove pack up your troubles in your old carpet bag find the perfect country that sees everything your whiney way, dont let the porch door hit your privileged liberal ass on the way out please.
Honestly we cant miss you til you leave, utilize your freedom to split while you still can.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #41:

Hillary was THE most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to have run for the office.

How would you know, since you never once looked inside the Donald’s luggage to find out what was ticking, and still don’t want to? He could be the most corrupt person ever to set foot inside the Oval Office, for all you know. He could be the most vulnerable person ever to do so, with the Russians having enough on him to yank his leash at some critical, decisive moment. There are such indications.

The right says Clinton is corrupt, but after years of unrelenting investigations, nobody ever found enough evidence to charge her with a single damn thing. I’ve never been a big Hillary fan, but she wasn’t likely to sell out Eastern Europe. She was up to a game of geopolitical chess with Vladimir Putin. She undoubtedly knew that Putin has already occupied part of Ukraine without having to be told.

We’ve seen the Clintons’ tax returns years into the past. Trump puffs up blows steam out of his ears and refuses to show his—most likely with damn good reason. It likely has to do with his son’s claim about huge amounts of money coming in from Russian investors, which Trump Sr has subsequently, repeatedly, and unequivocally denied. One of them obviously isn’t telling the truth—most likely the one about to be sworn in as president.

@kitt, #42:

You just have 1 alternative…

One alternative to what?

@Greg: Did you vet Obama? No one still knows what name or passport he used to visit Pakistan or how he made that sweet land deal in Chicago. You continue to lack consistency in your posts except for the “anti” posts. They are consistently hysterical but typical of mindless liberals.

@Greg: #39

Perhaps if right-wing media hadn’t told their audience of rubes that she was the Daughter of Satan for 4 straight year

No direct support that she was ever called that by a repubhlican even though her actions and behavior resemble those of Regan in the “Exorcist”

and republican Congressional jackasses hadn’t run 4 years of continuous investigations at a cost to taxpayers of some $30 million in spite of repeatedly finding nothing

Link to the cost of taxpayers for “continous investigations”

If keeping “the daughter of Satan” out of the WH cost $30 million, that is a hell of a bargain to safeguard the United States and the American People.

and if Trump hadn’t had multiple assists from Vladimir Putin’s hackers and Wikileaks

Russian hackers effeting the results of the election is a fabrication of the left, it never happened. But, the bitch’s private server was hacked along with the DNC and that was good for the voters to understand the demon the bith, mrs clinton is.

and if republicans hadn’t engaged in voter suppression, and if more people had been smart enough to notice that Trump was saying whatever the hell audiences wanted to hear whenever they wanted to hear it with no regard whatsoever for either truth or consistency

Where is the evidence the right engaged in voter supression? Are you referring to Jim Crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests, all democrat strategies of the south intended to supress black voting post civil war?

When did the bitch, mrs clinton not tell audiences what they wanted them to hear, Hot sauce in her pockets?, “I was in New York on 9/11” when she was not.

—and, of course, if we didn’t have a system that let a candidate win despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes—then things might have turned out differently

The popular vote complaint has no merit in the determination of the winner of the Presidential election, never has and God willing, it never will.

The left embraced the Electoral college in November of 2012. In the lead up to the election of 2016, the left was touting the “blue wall” as the inevitable election of the bitch, mrs clinton. So much so, they opted out of seriously campaigning in some of those blue states that turned for Trump. She lost the popular votes in every state won by Trump yet the left insists that system does not work anymore.
If those on the left had a brain they would be in the streets playing with them…..


How would you know, since you never once looked inside the Donald’s luggage to find out what was ticking, and still don’t want to?

I know because Hillary did a 4 year job interview for the Presidency… it was called Secretary of State. As the Secretary, she proved herself inept and incompetent AND willing to sell US influence to the highest bidder.

Then there’s national security. She also proved she places her own political future ahead of national security (much like Obama). She put all State Department business, classified or not, on her secret, unsecured server to avoid FOIA requests and had that information hacked 5 times, at least.

And she lies… she lies constantly. Most importantly, she committed perjury before Congress. Really, do I need to reveal this again?

So, are your intimating that Trump could be worse? It appears to me that you leftists have tried, incessantly, to make him so, but every… EVERY…attempt to do has failed by lack of substance.

She was up to a game of geopolitical chess with Vladimir Putin.

Oh, she sure was. That’s why she didn’t bother to spell check the “reset” button and drew Putin’s ire by trying to influence HIS election. Yeah, Hillary was on top of her game… $500,000 on top, which is how much Bill got for a “speech” in Russia after Hillary handed off our uranium to them. The Clinton Foundation got $2.5 million.

Oh, but let’s worry about Trump’s connections. They MIGHT be bad. Let’s ignore Hillary’s lucrative surrender to Russia on all counts; let’s whine about Trump doing Miss Universe in Moscow.

We’ve seen the Clintons’ tax returns years into the past.

Yeah, we saw them. They made a million dollar charitable donation… to themselves. They also claimed the same losses as Trump did, for which HE received liberal criticism (the Clinton’s did not). Did the left attack this in the Clinton’s return? No, because they don’t CARE. They (YOU) only want Republicans to release theirs so you can attack it; it is not something to be compared to those of liberals. Also of no concern was the Clinton Foundation “forgetting” to report millions and millions of dollars of foreign contributions, which they were NOT supposed to be receiving while Hillary was Secretary of State. Oh, they just forgot… no problem. OH LOOK!! TRUMP!!

Sheesh… you people are absolutely pitiful. Pathetic.

Oh, you accidentally didn’t see it, as you didn’t offer any answer, so I will provide it again:

Specify, please, what any alleged hacking by the Russians changed in the election? What did it accomplish? When the corrupt liberal media carried on a 24/7 full scale attack on Trump and would not report on Hillary’s lies and corruption, what did the Russian’s accomplish? When most liberals celebrate liberal lies and corruption, are willing to accept the most flawed candidate for the love of liberalism, what did the Russians change?

There, you don’t have to search for it. How about that, Greg; what affect was there?

Take notice that when Hillary and Stein conducted their boondoggle recounts (which Stein profited nicely off of, thank you very much), Trump ended up with MORE (not fewer) votes. Care to finance a national recount? Plus, instead of Trump’s electors turning on him, Hillary lost electoral votes. HA!

Crying and whining won’t get it done.

@Greg: #44 Alternative ..Man up, blow your nose and get on with your life.

@kitt: After this election, the lefties have clearly demonstrated they have the emotional stability of a 5 year old who throws his/her toys around when they don’t get their way therefore you are asking the impossible.

@another vet: While I never met Greg in person, I always visualize him as that little boy sitting in his wet diaper repeating all of the words he heard his mama say and like you said, crying and throwing his toys around when he doesn’t get his way. I can see this in his every post.