Donald Trump’s greatness should be added to all grade school curricula

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There is a lot of disagreement about the use of common core in grade school education. While many espouse it, a lot of us find it ridiculous. It is just the tip of the iceberg as far as grade school education goes. There is a strong tendency for liberals to attempt to indoctrinate kids at all levels of education. At times these efforts strain credulity. There are countless examples of such behavior. Here’s a good sampling:

I was told by my Chemistry teacher that a single-payer healthcare was the only “fair” system. I had a World History teacher tell us that the natural and best way for society to progress was to turn to communism. Not Cuban Communism, or Soviet Communism, but “true Communism,” because the Soviets just didn’t implement it correctly, we were taught. I even had an English teacher who forced us to spend three months analyzing writing through a Marxist lens, because apparently we “have spent our whole lives hearing about capitalism.”

But I am not alone. In emails to The College Fix, many of my peers were easily able to recall stories of how high school teachers taught from the Left.

Craig Norton, a former student at Laguna Hills High School, told The College Fix that students were often pressured to wear red shirts to school in support of tax increases and teacher pay raises. He said students who did so would often receive preferential treatment from teachers, and that his teachers would use class time to promote the views of their teachers union.

Another student, Dylan Steinecke, recalls a high school History teacher openly advocating for a “borderless world where everyone loves and supports each other.” Ironically, this same teacher was fired a few months later for punching a student in the face.

Anthony Dawson of Temecula, Calif., spent a good chunk of time in his U.S. history class learning about “American imperialism.”

Education at all levels is filled with left-wing “teachers” who are determined to force their worldview onto America’s young people.

Well, you know how people say “what goes around comes around.” So I have a couple of ideas for concepts to “come around” after the last election.

First, children in, say, third grade could be brought together in an assembly in schools around the nation and sing

Mmm mmm mmm

Donald J. Trump!

over and over and over.

And then we need to bring whatever celebrities we can assemble and produce a video in which they encourage young adults and anyone else to blindly pledge allegiance and fealty to Donald Trump:

We could boost this be portraying Trump as God of All Things


Maybe even capture Trump with a halo


And top it off with a resolve to recognize Trump as “Our Lord and Savior”

It’s time to get moving on this. What could go wrong?

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Anymore reasons for Home or private schooling that the leftists NEA opposes? Common Core should be renamed Communists Goals and hopefuly trump will put a end to Common Core the apples full of worms the teacher has thrown it away many many times

We should start with mandating teachers teach facts. Then we can eliminate the left wing indoctrination. Only the left NEEDS indoctrination, so only the left employs it.

Remember that leftists rag NEWSREEK when bankrupt the same liberal rag that lied about the disicratiing the Koran this same liberal rag that has lied time and time again and called Obamas opponents dumb? I hope TIME magazine is next

The first thing to do to fix K-12 schooling is to, by law, prohibit anyone with a degree handed out by a College of Education or past membership in the NEW from setting foot on school property. That prohibition would also apply to anything they ever wrote or spoke.

Sorry for the typo, that’s “NEA”.

Hi DrJohn:

FYI ‘Curricula’ is already the plural of the word ‘Curriculum’. You don’t need the ‘e’ in your title.

Love the rest, though 🙂

Not to worry, the country has been overrun by morons and Trump is barely literate.

Also, unless the class is political science, politics has no business being discussed in science, English, or any real subject. Teachers and administrators should be fired for espousing any point if view in school. Schools are to teach kids how to think, not what to think. As a Benedictine graduate, I hate to say it but we could use a few of the old Jesuit instructors!

About seeing the President as God.
I don’t want Trump to be a god.
I want him to be this:
If you don’t understand what I mean, you have no soul.

It’s unbelievable, our school system functions as an indoctrination center for Communism. I know, we aren’t supposed to say it out loud, but these are the scenes we looked at in disbelief when they were happening in Communist countries during the 50’s.
We need more Latin teachers!

I see the Congressional Black Crybabies are sitting on their little backsides to force Jeff Sessions to withdraw his name from candency in trumps cabinet and some has been celberties are urging the congree to stand up to trump Its always so interesting to see the behavior of a bunch of little sniveling brats when they dont get their way Now all these whining little liberals have to do is to grow up and climb out of their playpens(Safe Space)becuase the party is over

@reem: Well, you have certainly filled that position here.

The Dumb-O-Crats need to be taken to the cleaners their a black mark in america

@Skookum: What you shouldn’t say out loud are things which just proved you’re an idiot. Lol!.

@Spurwing Plover: Ah, it’s ‘they’re, ‘genius. You know, this being a discussion on education and all. Lol!

Making little liberal snowflakes whine again

Remember the ancent egyptians also worshiped their pharoh as a god

@reem: Which is ten times better than Obola!!