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Oh, Look… Over There! It’s Sessions!! (Guest Post)

A friend of mine posted a comment on his Facebook page that embarrassed me.  He noted that this past week, 11 Marines had been killed in action and there was no discussion or mention of it in the media.  It embarrassed me not to have known this, but it reminded me of a past epiphany.

Here’s the thing; back in January of 2010, when I was putting away Christmas decorations, I noticed the lists of the KIA’s the Dallas Morning News used to print around Christmas time during the Bush administration. So, I checked back with the current paper and, surprise, NO lists of KIA’s. It seems using military deaths to stir up anti-war sentiment was only employable during a Republican regime. Now, with Obama having to put troops back into harm’s way due to his stupidity and choice to rely on his own instincts regarding leaving Iraq and, of course, the corrupt liberal media chooses to spend more time making someone like Sessions out to be a raging racist than honestly covering the results of a disastrous and failed foreign policy.

To the left, as emphasized by the rude and disrespectful treatment a Gold Star family got from First (no) Class passengers when they were slightly inconvenienced while the family of one of these Marines was traveling with the remains of their son, these fallen heroes are only useful as propaganda.  That Gold Star family gets no media blitz because, A, they are not Muslim and, B, they are not props at a liberal event.

The biased, corrupt liberal media is disgusting enough in the regular course of their task of propping up a failed agenda.  But using military deaths as political props is sickening.  They have proven they share the loathing (to use Bill Clinton’s term) of the military by only mentioning military deaths or demanding photographs of flag draped coffins when it can be used as a mallet against a political opponent.

The media has not only discredited itself by its dereliction of duty to cover all politics and persons equally and fairly, but have shown themselves to be inhuman and hateful in the way they treat fallen heroes and their loved ones.

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