Election Winners and Losers

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The Washington Post’s Chris Cilia wrote a  “winners and losers” column that was mildly entertaining, if a bit predictable, citing a few politicians, big donors, the media etc. It was actually fairly evenhanded coming from a Leftist Kool Aid guzzler. I’d like to present a list that goes a bit below the surface:


The Constitution

Yes, I haven’t forgotten Trump’s threats against the press. I din’t like them then and still don’t. Given the choice between Trump and someone campaigning on a platform of abolishing the Bill of Rights I’ll take Trump any day. And hopefully our President-Elect will have less of an “I’ve got a pen and a phone” attitude and actually respect separation of powers.


Trump was the biggest middle finger to the establishment, and that goes for both parties. I’d like to think that they’re both learning from this, but early reaction by Democrats tell me that won’t happen. What say you, Republicans?

The Press

Finally, after spending eight years as a pack of rabid presidential colon lickers there will finally be concern and stories about how government corruption is wrong, about people hurt by misguided policies, etc.


Thank you for not voting, Colin Kaepernick. By not voting you’ve actually managed to turn even the left wing sports press against you. And finally the NFL doesn’t have to sweat and pretend you’re anything other than a self absorbed a-hole.

The Obama Legacy

Thanks to his presidency being followed by a Republican, guess who’s going to be blamed by the press and every unthinking Democrat as the various flaming turds that Obama is leaving on the porch as he leaves (Obamacare, foreign policy) finally burst into major fires? Hint: it won’t be the president who started the fires.

Rule of Law

Again, by not being committed by a powerful Democrat, things like endangering national security, betraying our country to foreigners, etc. will actually be considered wrong by everybody across the political spectrum!

Millennials, College Students

America’s young adults grouse as being labeled as special snowflakes who expect a gold star for participation, and the post-election tantrums we’ve seen on various campuses did nothing to dispel that notion. But for a generation where too many have never been allowed to experience losing or failure, this could be the greatest gift ever. The day after, the week after, the month after, and the year after the election the world’s not going to end. Many will fail to learn this, but many will walk away with a valuable life lesson


Donald Trump

What?!? See my point on the Obama Legacy. President-Elect Trump (knowing how many people want to vomit at the sight of those words just gives me a warm feeing) is going to face some horrible challenges, and whether it will be fair or not (depending on Trump’s actions), he will be unanimously blamed by the media and every Democrat in a completely united front.

Leftist Integrity

OK, now that Hillary is going away can you please look at everything that she’s done objectively and ask yourself if the same deeds were done by a woman named Palin would they suddenly be wrong?

And of course, all of the post-election tantrums are completely affirming the choice made by every reluctant Trump voter (such as this author) who don’t want to see someone with your mindset in control.

The Obama Legacy

Forget his policy failures for a moment. Look at the all of the offices that Democrats have lost across the country since he took office. As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, when Obama’s policies are on the ballot without him  they get crushed. And this is going to take a long time to rebuild.

Hillary’s Legacy

A friend wrote on Facebook a pretty scathing post on the selfish callousness of Hillary’s decision to not address her people when she conceded. This is one of the rare times I’ll give Hillary some benefit of the doubt. As much as I dislike her even I’m having trouble believing that she’s that cruel. I’m guessing that this is related to her health (note the footage of her being helped on the tarmac on Election Day). I also have a feeling that was why she had to beat a hasty retreat out the back door after her concession speech rather than say goodbye to her supporters waiting in the lobby. We may never know, but whether I’m right or not neither makes a good final impression.

The Press

The press was the biggest loser in all of this. One idiotic observation that Cilia dropped in his article was

Look, there’s just no way to sugarcoat it: Everyone — and I mean everyone — in the political press and punditry expected Clinton to win. She did not win. That is a failure on our part to properly understand what the electorate was telling us. What it is not is evidence of some sort of inherent liberal bias.

Correct, bad predictions are not a symptom of bias. But do you know what is, Chris? When you stop dropping any pretense of objectivity! Various leaks gave us an incredible insight into how the press colluded with the Clinton campaign, and in the post-election analysis too many legacy media types have simply doubled down on their sneering, condescending arrogance. Maybe it would be more constructive to try to educate themselves, much less try to understand the public they feel should accept their word as gospel?

What did I miss? You now where the comments section is…

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The biggist losers were the liberal the collage professors the snowflakes and the trial lawyers and most of all the sore losers throwing their little temper tantrums in the streets

Biggest loser-a guy who would write “What?!? See my point on the Obama Legacy. President-Elect Trump (knowing how many people want to vomit at the sight of those words just gives me a warm feeing)” Just re-read it and realized you might have been saying that the number of people feeling that way makes you feel warm may have been that you were happy that the election made the libtards unhappy. If so, sorry about that!

Biggest losers – women. Hillary’s four day crying jag only validated a lot of opinions that it was not time for a woman in the WH. The most comments were that women are not strong or stable enough.

@Spurwing Plover: these little snowflakes are too stupid to realize that what Trump is proposing will help them too . This is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.

On the left, introspection and soul searching: It Was the Rise of the Davos Class That Sealed America’s Fate

(“The Davos Class” refers to an international category of influential millionaires and billionaires—the world’s economic elite, who collectively are turning all things that comprise the world’s economic order to their own use and benefit. They are neither the traditional left nor the right.)

Another to the list of “Biggest Losers”: the dedicated Democrat supporter. By way of leaked emails, they saw exactly what the Democrat leadership was doing and what they actually think of their constituency. So, not only were they losers in the election, they should have lost confidence in their national leadership to see and hear what they actually want from leadership and, as they continue to do the leftist bidding of those who think so lowly of them, are showing what LOSERS they actually are.

There is no bench in the democrat party. Kaine as a possible in 2020, I laugh my ass off.

And, they are grooming web Hubbell’s daughter, Chelsea for the Congressional seat held by the moobat Nita Lowey .

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #6:

You do realize the election is over, right? Your candidate won. You will have control not only of the House and the Senate as you have had for the past 2 years, but the White House as well. You might want to try giving some thought to what it is you have actually elected, because we will soon begin experiencing the consequences.

@Greg: Much better than the alternative. Ignoring her criminal activities, she accomplished absolutely nothing positive in her life, nothing!

The Press

The press was the biggest loser in all of this. One idiotic observation that Cilia dropped in his article was

Look, there’s just no way to sugarcoat it: Everyone — and I mean everyone — in the political press and punditry expected Clinton to win. She did not win. That is a failure on our part to properly understand what the electorate was telling us. What it is not is evidence of some sort of inherent liberal bias.

All through the campaign we kept getting hints that most of the media live surrounded by a bubble of like-minded liberals.
On several occasions it was apparent that this bubble was so thick the people in it couldn’t even IMAGINE that different types of people lived outside it!
How often I heard pundits and taking heads say that they didn’t know ANYONE who was supporting Donald Trump.

Well, will they come out of that bubble?
Will they invite in people of other viewpoints?
Or, will it simply start up again?

@Randy, #10:

You really should stop and take a look at what’s happening. The swamp is being drained, as promised. The alligators are all being run out of town.

This is what the change you wanted looks like.

You should especially appreciate the guy at the top of the list for Secretary of State. Instead of the wife of an adulterer, who offended you greatly, you’ll have an adulterer himself. And Rudy, of course. He’s another, with some cross-dressing thrown in for variety. And Donald, who says he’s “had them all.” I’m not sure how this is adding up to a “conservative dream team,” or a drained swamp. It looks more like the GOP establishment.


You do realize the election is over, right?

Do YOU realize the election is over? Will your sore-loser whining end anytime soon?

@Nanny G: You’d think people who could tell 13 hours in advance that there was no point in even TRYING to rescue men fighting for their lives in Benghazi could see the tidal wave that was heading towards them.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #14:

I’m not talking about the election any more. I’m talking about who you’ve elected, and what’s already taking shape because of it. You need to get up to speed. Although it might not hurt to go back and read over what your boy was saying during the campaign. It’s not like there weren’t any clues.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Oh… so you aren’t whining about losing but whining about who won. Yeah, I see the distinction.

Why don’t you wait until the Trump administration has done something you don’t like and bitch about it then?

I don’t recollect writing anything about Obama’s victory in 2008 but I wrote, on my Facebook page, in 2012 that I was encouraged by Obama’s victory speech and hoped his statements about bipartisanship and cooperation were true; I would wait and see. Only when it was determined that Obama was a damned liar did I resume my criticism.

Trump won because all of you were wrong… about EVERYTHING. You should learn from that.

Biggest winners?

Every HUMAN BEING that makes it to the 3rd trimester that won’t have to face the horror of having their brains sucked out through their noses and their lifeless bodies ripped from the womb only to be chopped up and sold.

Life is priceless.

Adoption is always a better choice.


She did not win. That is a failure on our part to properly understand what the electorate was telling us. What it is not is evidence of some sort of inherent liberal bias.

They still don’t get it.

They Lied to the electorate for 8+ years, repeating whatever came from the W.H.

Thanks to his presidency being followed by a Republican, guess who’s going to be blamed by the press and every unthinking Democrat as the various flaming turds that Obama is leaving on the porch as he leaves (Obamacare, foreign policy) finally burst into major fires? Hint: it won’t be the president who started the fires.

It would seem there’s already a vague presentiment that things are going to go totally to hell in a handbag at some point following the attainment of a state of full republican enablement. The groundwork is already being laid for another round of partisan blame shifting.

Take note of the current low rate of unemployment, the 73 straight months of job growth, the slow but steady growth of the GDP, the stability of the dollar, the low interest rates, the low rate of inflation, and the recovery of the stock market. Gasoline prices haven’t been so bad for a long while now, despite “crippling regulations.” Things just aren’t that bad, unless you’re plugged into the right wing propaganda box.

You might want to remember what the “Obama disaster” looked like for comparison with what comes later. When it does come it sure as hell won’t be the doing of the Democratic Party, because you’ve taken them all off the bridge. Obama will be turning over a ship of state that is NOT in serious danger of sinking. It’s presently on an even keel and moving forward through dangerous waters, much as it was when Clinton handed it over to George W. Bush. The debt is admittedly higher, but the Trump administration has already bought into the idea that growth of the national debt doesn’t actually matter, so it would be a bit hypocritical to fault Obama for that.


Yes, yes, yes. We will look back on 2009 — 2016 and the best years in American History courtesy of the first historic president(not black, not white, but a mixed race) president. Let us take a moment and list the many , many accomplishments that made this truly the greatest presidency in American History.










You need to put down the democrat propaganda for awhile. If things are as rosy as you believe then HRC would have won easily. She lost.
Inflation? Food prices over the last 8 years have gone up a lot. The government does not measure food prices in it’s inflation calculation, but my wallet does.
Gas prices? Well Obama wanted them higher above 4 dollars to encourage alternative fuels to come to market. (See John Holdren). Nothing Obama actually did moved gas prices lower. Also if the economy is running at full speed,as you assert, it stands to reason we would be using a lot more gas which would move prices higher. Ever heard of supply and demand?
Job creation? What kind of jobs are these? Full time or part time? Do they have good benefits? When GWB was president the press always asked those questions as the unemployment rate dropped. With Obama not so much, just like you didn’t.
Why is labor force participation so low?
Why was HRC planning on doing an economic stimulus if things are so great?
If things are so great why is this years deficit so high and going higher? It going to hit 600 billion this year adding to our 20 trillion debt. Which Obama owns at least half of that. With a great economy and Obamas tax increases we should see the opposite.
In the last 8 years what did Obama propose to deal with our entitlement issues? SS and Medicare are bleeding red ink and getting worse. Someone has to be an adult and deal with these issues soon, despite how the press will cover it.

I won’t pretend to say Trump is the answer for all of our problems, we will just have to wait and see what we have elected.
Two things are for sure, the news media will now pull away from its 8 year lip lock on Obama’s back side and go into a hostile mode with Trump.
The Democrats will now become the party of NO.

The preatorean guard protected obama for the entire time he has held office. And, I think it likely they will post presidency.

We have learned over the past decades that the media in general does not report with favor to politicians who are not democrats.

I agree Nostradamus, winners are the human beings who make it past the the 2nd trimester, if there is a legal prohibition against 3rd term abortion; and the harvesting the body parts from viable babies. This was the most abhorent news story of the year which was squashed and distorted by the MSM. Can those who will soon take office have the courage to stop this? There will never be an end abortion in this country but most reasonable people will view this current practice as barbaric if the facts are presented. We all know people who are infertile or repeatedly miscarry who desperately want a baby and go to great expense and stress to have a baby.

Winners are the long standing (or should I say long suffering) Democrats who broke party lines. They spoke out for the issue that mean the most to them, the economy. This left party rulers with their mouths hanging open in shock. The Dems left the working class, the struggling middle class long ago. I cringe when I hear the term “working class” used in the media because there is an inference they are less intelligent, uninformed or even bigotry. Maybe “working” is the key word here. They work hard for a living. They don’t pontificate from the TV.

@Greg: Obola put hilldabeast on his team, that speaks volumes to the failure he was!!

Most kids stop their whining at a certian age liberals just never bothered to quit but now since we have ignored their mindless whining their throwing their little hissy fits