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“I can do what I want because I’m a 5′ 1″, 105 lb libtard regressive”; and the issue of political bigotry

A few days ago, a friend of mine posted the following to her Facebook wall:

OMG… I am at work and in comes a guy wearing a Hilary deplorable T-shirt. He is actually a customer that I know and have had friendly conversation with. Wow you just never know and now I feel a little sick inside

That attracted a lot of comments from those who share her lament:

I know the feeling, Kelly. It is somehow shocking to learn that people you thought were sane and woke actually are….deplorable.

Sorry, Kelly. The reality is that so many people are secretly bigoted. It’s hard to take that in. Especially hard to watch them flaunting it.

I chimed in 11 hours ago. Scroll above. I am so done with these polite, “normal” people with secret bigotry in their hearts who know feel they can publicly align themselves with the freak show that is Trumplandia and we’ll just think that’s OK even though we’re the targets (women, African-Americans, Muslims, Asians, LBGTS, Jews, disabled).

I have plenty of Republican friends. I have worked with and for Republicans. Your friend wordsmith’s post makes me sad because he cannot see that, in this instance particularly, supporting Trump does in fact mean supporting hatred, bigotry, misogny and overt, criminal acts in furtherance of such feelings, opinions, stances. So yes, frankly, this election is about fundamental, moral choices. You either stand for hatred, oppression, violence toward and exclusion of just about everyone who is not white, straight or male, or you do not. There is no equivalence as between Clinton and Trump. So, yes, in this election cycle, I have and will continue to distance myself from people who support Trump and what he stands for because he is morally and ethically repugnant, not to mention dangerous. I will do so also because their support for Trump means that I – as an African American and as a woman – do not matter to them. It is that simple.

I questioned my friend’s perspective and she replied that it’s changed the nature of how she will interact with the customer in the future. I replied:

Why not? If it upsets you to know he is not voting for Hillary this election, and since he wore that T-shirt he must not mind talking politics, why not ask him what his reasons are for voting Trump? Who knows? Maybe his candidate of choice was Bernie Sanders or Gary Johnson. It’s not just Trump supporters who have a bone to pick with Hillary.

Most of my FB page “likes” are to sites that I do not agree with politically.

Dialogue and understanding is important. Clarity over agreement.

And just because you have perceptions and views about Trump, don’t project that onto all of his supporters. They may have a myriad of reasons for voting Trump that have nothing to do with being racist, vile, etc. That kind of thinking leads to stereotypes and bigotry and false assumptions.

Hmmm….Judging a whole class of people without actually knowing the individual as an individual…..isn’t that bigotry? In this case, political bigotry?

My protesting comment was met with:

All you’ve said is reasonable and thoughtful but the very shirt suggests that he is rah rah Trump. If it’s just about hating Hillary (itself problematic as it means he isn’t bothering to read anything reputable explaining her candidacy) , he’d vote for Trump but not broadcast it, knowing the associations that shirt has

Well I waited but couldn’t keep quiet any longer…The point is if folks are following someone as hateful and offensive as T-rump that would speak volumes about their character…Why would someone with compassion and LOVE want to be a part of a person that hates human life and has the nerve to spew hateful rhetoric every single time they open their mouth..after all his family are immigrants yet he hates immigrants.. he has disrespected women, the disabled and the list of disrespect goes on and on..You don’t have to like Hillary however she can at least have a conversation without degrading and insulting others…”People will show you who they are and when they do believe them”…

I replied in this manner:

This is deplorable.

I feel as though, “clowns to the left of me; jokers to the right”. Both the Hillary haters and the Trump haters are really two sides of the same exact coin. Yet most of the commenters here can’t seem to see it. Just like so many of the Hillary haters. Can’t get beyond the partisan derangement syndrome for one brief moment to look at themselves in the mirror to see that they are expressing the same intolerance and hostility that they see in the political opposition.

Sandi Beamon writes: “The point is if folks are following someone as hateful and offensive as T-rump that would speak volumes about their character…Why would someone with compassion and LOVE want to be a part of a person that hates human life and has the nerve to spew hateful rhetoric every single time they open their mouth.”

Or simply misguided or fooled and brainwashed by their own political partisanship to oppose anyone with a “D” next to the name.

A number of Republicans are NeverTrumpers. But others who did not support him in the primaries and many who do not even like his character will still plug their nose and vote him in because he is the Party nominee; and like good GOP foot soldiers, they are trying to do their duty to put Party first. Why? Because in their mind, putting Party first is putting country first. Because in their worldview, Democratic Party policies have been terrible for the country. Other Republicans see him as a threat to not only the conservative name brand, but to the country. And they are putting party and country first by opposing him and disembarking from the Trump train.

Now change this to Democrats, and you’ll see the same kind of blind support for Democratic candidates; and absolute loathing and hatred for anyone with an “R” next to the name.

It’s a kind of bigotry to assume you understand someone based upon who they vote for; or what political party he identifies with. YOU and those who share your politics may think Trump is a racist, xenophobe, bigot, etc. It does not make his supporters the same. Sure there are some, who are all that and more. But there are a number of reasons why someone may vote for Trump that has nothing to do with those things; or they just don’t perceive him as such to the same degree as many of you here, do.

There are those on the right who have a lot of negative views about Hillary and believe she is absolutely evil; and that if you support her, you are just as bad. And that’s wrong. And some of you Hillary supporters are behaving no differently; because you can’t set aside your partisan lens for one brief moment to look at things objectively and to have a dialogue with Trump supporters to understand what makes them tick rather than take the dismissive, easy road of lumping them altogether as racists, xenophobes, etc. for supporting a “racist, xenophobe, etc.” candidate.

I see him more as an opportunist than a racist; and yes, absolutely vile and disgusting toward women. His policy solutions sound like big government solutions- not conservative. Everything about him is deplorable. There is nothing redeeming about him at all, in my opinion. He’s riding upon a wave of populist anger as the far right perceive the Democratic Party as becoming far left instead of center-left; and the Republican Party as Democratic Party Lite.

Voters on the right are angry at Republicans who have broken ranks and stand in opposition of Trump or in support of Hillary; even angry at those who plan to go third party or not vote because they perceive it to amount to the same thing as support for HIllary. But I see good people on both sides of it- those GOPers who have jumped ship and those who still sail with Trump. I listen to their reasons given and can respect their reasons, whether I agree or disagree. Meanwhile others will label either side as “traitors, bigots, etc.” Good grief!

I wish people could just say, “They’re wrong” for still supporting Trump. Without demonizing them. Without stereotyping. Without assuming their reasons based upon partisan beliefs and caricatures.

Kelly writes: “n this case trump vs Hilary is more than just political differences. People have to take a moral stand and declare who they are as upright human beings or not. ”

AND people on the other side of the ol’ political fence are giving similar arguments in opposition to Hillary!!!!


I’m done here, Kelly. I’ve pretty well said my piece and don’t want to get bogged down and dragged into a 187 comment thread of back-and-forths when I have more pleasant ways to waste my time. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to at least throw in my 2 cents worth of opining.

To which I had the following exchange with Sandi:

Sandi: Why do you feel so threatened by my comment? And why do you feel you need to write an essay…it’s FB and last time I checked it’s America where I can comment and choose as I so please..I got straight to the point…how about you??? I don’t have to entertain hatred or sit and have coffee when I can see the obvious..Trump is an idiot and in case you missed it tune in on case after case of his harassment of women, humiliating others…Listen up…do what you want but all this BS about being brain washed…go take a seat…You and your too long to bother to read comments are exactly what’s wrong with the racial tones right now..We don’t agree and you get to say what you want but the rest of us dont? GTF outta here and take ur 2 cents with you…

wordsmith: writes: “Why do you feel so threatened by my comment?”

How was my reply to you interpreted as “feeling threatened”?

You wrote: “And why do you feel you need to write an essay…”

If I could express myself in a more concise manner and be understood, I would. It would save you and me both time.

You wrote: “it’s FB and last time I checked it’s America where I can comment and choose as I so please..”

What does your 1st Amendment right have to do with FB and Kelly’s wall, where she can dictate who gets to comment and who she can silence? Does your “right” to comment trump my right to challenge your comment or comment upon your comment? And vice versa? What a strange reaction.

You wrote: “I got straight to the point…how about you???”

Nope. I’m long-winded.

You wrote: ” I don’t have to entertain hatred or sit and have coffee when I can see the obvious..”

Of course you don’t. But I wanted to share my opinion on why I think that is part of the problem going on, currently, in this country. Your political mirror image on the other side of the aisle feels the same way.

You wrote: “Trump is an idiot and in case you missed it tune in on case after case of his harassment of women, humiliating others…Listen up…do what you want but all this BS about being brain washed…go take a seat…You and your too long to bother to read comments are exactly what’s wrong with the racial tones right now..We don’t agree and you get to say what you want but the rest of us dont? GTF outta here and take ur 2 cents with you…”

Thanks for the civil disagreement. Although you are talking right past me.

Where did I tell you to basically “sit down and shut up”? Something you are telling me to do.

You obviously did not read my comment to listen to what I actually said; but merely skimmed over without comprehending in order to reply.

Where in my comment did I praise Trump? He is a sleazy POS, snake-oil salesman, carnival barker, self-centered narcissist, uncharitable, selfish, vile, disgusting, superficial, ignorant, slimebag with no clue about foreign policy; isn’t even a good businessman.

Re-read my earlier comment. Thank you for your time in indulging me, Sandi, and my long-winded replies.

You are asking people to rationalize with an idiotic situation…this idiot is a danger to all of us…that’s it plain and simple…Your responses are to oooo long and just a fyi u don’t have to repeat every comment..get on with your life as I am…

Imo, Trump is bringing out the ugly in both sides. I don’t blame Trump. but he’s triggering the radicalized gene in people on both sides of the political spectrum.

Is it really necessary to feel so threatened and so intolerant- so offended- of other people’s political views that we have to boycott businesses? Or vandalize property?

Yes, some individuals do become so offensive that I will not do business with them; but in most instances, I can separate the actor or musician from his personal politics; be friends with someone whose politics are my polar opposite and not feel guilty for giving her a gift certificate on her birthday and feel guilt as though I were indirectly supporting political causes she donates to and with which I vehemently disagree with.

That’s the kind of thinking that leads liberals to want to rename Jefferson high school or George Washington elementary because they “owned slaves”. Well, then, let’s just throw away the Star Spangled Banner because of the 3rd verse no one sings and because its writer was a bigoted slaveholder. Let’s scrap the U.S. Constitution and start over along with the Declaration of Independence because some of our Founding Fathers were not morally pure on the slave issue.

This video was uploaded a few weeks ago; not sure if any of you have sat through this before (let me know if it was posted here and I missed it):

What an annoying stereotype of an obscenity-laden libtard personified. That police officer had some real patience. Yes, she’s a victim alright. A victim of her own self-righteous vitriolic idiocy.

Here’s a follow up video to that incident which she created:

She sounds like a cartoon caricature of a vitriolic progressive.

She’s attracting nutjob activists from the opposite side of the political aisle to truly harass her- they’re just exercising their 1st Amendment rights like she does, doesn’t she know?

She needs to look in the mirror and see that she is the very definition of vitriol, incivility, intolerance, hatred and political bigotry (assuming she knows what makes all Trump supporters tick and projecting her own perception of who Trump is onto people she doesn’t even know).

What a very twisted and distorted reality she lives in. So much lack of self-awareness in not seeing how she’s an instigator and the one escalating the situation she put herself into.

Do you have friends and family members who are diametrically opposed to your political views? How do you respond and interact? How do you play with others once you learn their politics views?

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