“I’m feeling great!’
So claims Hillary Clinton.
In case you missed it, here’s a video of the Clinton Collapse
Some of us have been asserting Clinton is ill for some time. Others took a different tack:
Chris Cilliza at WaPo
Can we just stop talking about Hillary Clinton’s health now?
Tara Golshan at Vox:
Here’s how we know the bonkers conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton’s health is catching on
It’s a vast right wing conspiracy, says James Hamblin at The Atlantic.
It’s allergies, says Hillary.
She got overheated, says the campaign.
It is finally disclosed- Clinton has The Walking Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu.
But I am telling you this is not the full story by any means. Clinton has been hacking away since January at least. Here is a timeline of her 2016 episodes.
Lisa Bardack, Clinton’s physician, asserts that Clinton is “recovering nicely” at her home in Chappaqua, NY. Then again, Bardack also assured us that Clinton is perfectly healthy save for hypothyroidism. This has prompted Jackie Mason to question whether Bardack is a physician or a plumber.
“Well, the way she lies all the time every time she talks she can’t seem to talk without lying. So if she says she has a letter from a doctor the chances are the letter is from a plumber and probably there was no doctor involved and no doctor ever saw her. She knows other liars but I don’t think she knows any doctors. So if the doctor saw her, he would know that she is not only in bad shape physically but mentally she is in ever worse shape. Anybody who can’t talk without lying shouldn’t see a doctor; she should see a psychiatrist.”
For certain, we know that Clinton is very susceptible to dehydration and fainting – that is, if you believe what’s being doled out. It was identified as the cause of her keeling over and suffering a blood clot in her brain in 2012.
Curiously, knowing she had a potentially communicable disease did stop Clinton from hugging a child.
I guarantee you we do not know the full extent of her frailties and given her history of mendacity we may not learn them until she collapses for the final time. For sure, she does not have the stamina for the office of President of the United States.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Does Dr. Drew get his job back on CNN?
Had those two strong men not placed their arms under her arms, she would have dropped like a drunk, like joe Frazier, like Floyd meriwether.
Then they tossed her into the van like a sack of potatoes…
She is ill and should just step aside and let someone else take over
I think she is after the sympathy vote.
@old guy: She’s already captured the stupid vote.
There she is again trying to lure children into certain death like the one giving her flowers while under sniper fire.
I think she died and is now a Soros zombie. She hasnt aged gracefully in the last 8 years, maybe the booze, maybe karma.
Some people keep bringing up Monica could be
Interesting piece in People mag just today:
More at link.
They owe America an apology.
@Nanny G – A Proud Deplorable: She is a regular typhoid Mary
Ole Bill doesn’t need Monica or Hillary, he’s got the Lolita Express. Little cross country on that flight with young teenage girls and the King size bed takes care of Slick for a few days and leaves Hillary for her girlfriends.
What is truly amazing and disgusting about our soros owned MSM is their reaction to events. Hilldabeast flips out and calls Trump supporters deplorable and the MSM reports on how Republicans react to this insult rather than the insult. HIlldabeast is a health disaster and the MSM reports about how America reacts to her failing health rather than her failing health. They are sooooo disgusting!!
@Common Sense: The whistle blowers are always punished but never the people that the whistle gets blown on.
PP is selling baby parts, video proof given, so trumped up charges aginst him and no one from PP gets a single charge. Guccifer gets 52 months for getting a non existent Yoga schedule and what flowers are at a wedding. Assange better never put foot in the states he is scheduled for a Clinton mystery suicide, helicopter accident or workout accident. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/5/obama-stonewalls-seal-team-6-extortion-17-helicopt/ no good deed goes unpunished in this administration.
@kitt, #10:
Assange was hiding out for 5 years to evade extradition to Sweden and a trial for rape and molestation charges. His tenancy in the Ecuadorian embassy in London until the statute of limitations expired cost UK taxpayers an estimated £12 million. The man has published 90,000 classified U.S. security documents related to the Bush administration, and inflicted who knows how much damage on U.S. and UK national security.
Compare and contrast that with the 30 or so retroactively classified emails reportedly found on Hillary Clinton’s server—which there’s no evidence was ever hacked by anybody.
You folks sure know how to pick your heroes and your villains. One might might almost suspect some sort of politically biased double standard is involved.
@Greg: And Slick embarrassed our country to the world by getting a hummer in the White House and hilldabeast blamed Republicans. That’s deplorable Greg?? Your really are a troll aren’t you!!
@kitt: Well said as usual Kitt!!
What I am is not stupid. Julian Assange and his mother-lode of stolen documents have been a welcome guest in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. So have Edward Snowden and his stolen top secret CIA documents.
This, from Julian Assange, three days ago: Assange: Next Release Of 100,000 Clinton Docs Will Finish Hillary
Assange hates her. Because she advocated that he be prosecuted for stealing and publishing thousands of classified U.S. security documents. Do you disagree that he should be? You’ve totally gone nuts because a handful of classified emails were found on Clinton’s email server. How about a little consistency?
Putin, with an assist from Assange, is going to attempt to install Putin’s choice, Donald effing Trump, in the White House. What do you not understand about the fact that enemies of the United States are attempting to seize control of a U.S. presidential election, and put a clueless reality television host who thinks Vlad is the cat’s meow in the nation’s highest office? How frickin’ obvious does something have to be?
Well it’s obvious we have the Iranian mullah’s favorite leader in the White House already. 1.7 billion buys a lot of favorite.
Maybe he waited too long to ”finish” Hillary.
Looks like the Dems are already planning a contingency to replace her.
Ben Garrison created this new version of the Hillary logo:
@Mully Oh Deplorable Me, #15:
Iran isn’t really the problem. The Iranians are fundamentally rational, and don’t have nuclear weapons. Kim Jong Un is fundamentally irrational, and he does.
Maybe Donald can solve the problem by challenging Kim Jong Un to single combat—a tiny little mano a mano match, televised on RT.
@Greg: Is this your version of rational?
If Iran is going to shoot at something, they better get it done before the Supreme Pu$$y is out of office.
@Greg: 110 documents, classified at the time, on her server. According to the FBI.
@Bill, #18:
Warning off foreign military aircraft flying in close proximity to your territorial waters is not irrational. If they had fired on our aircraft instead of warning them off, then it would have been irrational.
People most often recover fairly quickly from pneumonia. Stupidity is a permanent condition.
@Greg: Threatening (of course, they won’t… they just enjoy making Obama look like a weak fool) to shoot down an aircraft in international airspace is not a warning. It’s a threat of war.
Of course, Obama is such an EMBARRASSINGLY easy target. Maybe he’ll pay them tribute to leave our aircraft alone and not hurt us.
@Greg: Poor thing I have song you can sing to poor old sick Hillary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggUiQRCyZuc
You dont realize since the refugees rape even of a child is no longer a crime in the EU.
Snowden only did damage to this lawless administration, Spying on US citizens is illegal. (warrant required its a right)
Why is a man sentenced to 52 months for hacking her if there is no evidence of that, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/guccifer-hacker-who-revealed-clintons-use-of-a-private- but if the password is “password” perhaps there wouldnt be.
Anyone but another pathetic Soros puppet in the WhiteHouse. This election is a whole series of Onion articles. You are naught but another clapping seal.
@Bill, #21:
From the Fox News article:
What direction were they flying in, only one mile outside of Iran’s territorial waters, when the Iranian military warned the two aircraft to change course or risk getting shot down?
That critical bit of information seems to have been omitted from the FOX News story. Distorting by omission is one of their standard ways of purposely manipulating audience perceptions. If you don’t take in FOX news stories with your critical faculties fully engaged, you will be deceived.
I’m guessing the U.S. aircraft changed heading after the warning was received, their “test” having been completed.
@Bill: Obola has NO clue about military strategy!! Remember his line in the sand?? Remember him leaving men on the battlefield to die and then lying over their caskets!! He and hilldabreast aren’t even fit for prison!!
“For sure, she does not have the stamina for the office of President of the United States.”
Wow. Ms Clinton comes down with a cold and this somehow shows she does not have the stamina for the office of President of the United States?! Really?
Ms Clinton goes to work with a cold and soldiers on anyway because that is what people do in USA.
Comrade Drumpf: Making Amerika Grate Again.
Trust, but verify. Where are Comrade Drumpf’s tax documents?
… Thanks Obama …
Ema Nymton
~ @ : o ?
You’re “guessing”. And you base this analysis on your guesses? Does THAT seem rational?
I’m not exactly sure what you are desperately trying to read into the report, but it seems apparent that the aircraft were paralleling the Iranian coast in international space and the Iranians didn’t like it. So they threatened an act of war.
Obama has them right where they want him, doesn’t he?
@Ema Nymton: Where is Hillary’s credibility? When she collapsed and cracked her coconut, was that a cold? Where was she while Baton Rouge was under water?
Nothing Hillary, her campaign nor any of her supporters say can be take at face value. Now she is so desperate as to verbally attack American citizens. Why doesn’t she consider illegal immigrants that suck up taxpayer funds and commit crimes deplorable? She protects and encourages them… just like Obama.
@Bill, #27:
Actually, I’m guessing at nothing. Most people would understand that to have been a figure of speech. For those who miss the meaning of such things, my guess was actually an informed deduction.
That the aircraft were paralleling the coast would be the reading you’ve been tricked into making by the Fox News writer. In fact, that’s not how a potential adversary’s defensive perimeter and response time are tested. They’re tested by creating the appearance that an incursion is about to take place. You turn toward the perimeter in question and observe how long it takes for a response to occur. Once there’s been a reaction, you know the response time.
A U.S. official openly stated “We wanted to test the Iranian reaction.”
Wow, Greg, you’re an expert on international rules of engagement. What years were you in military service. I haven’t heard about that.
@Greg: No, you’re guessing, hoping, assuming, excusing… however you want to define it. NOTHING says our aircraft were doing anything but flying parallel to the coast and collecting imagery of what was there or collecting radio traffic.
Regardless, you think threatening war is rational.
Actually, nothing in the article says they were flying parallel to the coast. And flying parallel to the coast over international waters and within international airspace does not constitute a “test” of anything.
Offshore territorial airspace corresponds with territorial waters. By international law, it extends 12 miles out from the shore.
Do you think Donald Trump could figure out what’s misleading about the article?
Well, it kinda appears it did.