It is time for Donald Trump to get out of this race. It’s the only hope the GOP has of stopping Hillary Clinton’s coronation. Donald Trump is an idiot. He is an a$$hole. There’s no other way to say it. It’s a shame that so many people put their faith in him. He is failing them and failing them badly. He seems entirely incapable of comprehending what elections are about, how they work and is simply unable to adapt.
Trump keeps handing hammers to the left which are then used to beat him over the head. He’s in a deep hole and won’t stop digging. Through a series of self-inflicted wounds Trump has mortally injured his own campaign.
Strike one– He slammed the mother of a slain US soldier.
There are many sinister things in the world. But a mother’s grief isn’t one of them. Yet Donald Trump sees dark undercurrents everywhere – including in the silent homage Ghazala Khan, the mother of the fallen soldier Humayun Khan, paid to her son.
“If you look at his wife, she was standing there,” he said, referring to her appearance at the Democratic national convention, in which she stood alongside her husband as he delivered a searing critique of Donald Trump. “She had nothing to say … Maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.”
It shouldn’t be hard to recognize something as universal as grief. Our hearts all break in similar ways, no matter our creed or color. Ms Khan said: “When I was standing there, all of America felt my pain, without a single word. I don’t know how he missed that.” Well, he did because he was blinded by prejudice. Where everyone else saw a mother, Trump saw a Muslim – a faith group Trump wants to ban from entering the United States.
That’s not entirely accurate, but it doesn’t matter. It’s all about perception. He needed a cup of STFU.
Strike two– The Second Amendment comment
“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment,” Trump said during a rally in North Carolina on Tuesday.
“By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
There is no doubt what he meant. It was more of that New York sarcasm, but it was colossally stupid. Galactically stupid.
Strike three– Obama and Hillary founded ISIS
Donald Trump said Wednesday that President Obama “founded” the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
“ISIS is honoring President Obama,” he said during a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “He’s the founder of ISIS. He founded ISIS.”
“I would say the co-founder would be Crooked Hillary Clinton,” Trump added of Obama’s former secretary of State and his Democratic rival.
Media outlets pounded him for it and he doubled down. Hugh Hewitt gave him an escape hatch and Trump refused to go through it:
Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the “founder of ISIS” and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee’s position.
Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean “that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
Trump objected.
“No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS,” Trump said. “I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.”Hewitt pushed back again, saying that Obama is “not sympathetic” to ISIS and “hates” and is “trying to kill them.”
“I don’t care,” Trump said, according to a show transcript. “He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?”
This morning Trump says his ISIS comments were “sarcasm.”
And here’s a cold water shower- the polls aren’t skewed:
The public opinion polls aren’t lying: Donald Trump is losing to Hillary Clinton.
Poll after poll since the conclusion of the Democratic and Republican conventions has found Clinton with a healthy, though not insurmountable, national lead over Trump. She’s also inching further ahead in battleground states.
The Democrat led the Republican by anywhere from 7 to 8 points in polling averages of national surveys. Also: Clinton led by 7 points in Virginia, 9.5 points in Colorado and 9.2 points in Pennsylvania.
The former secretary of state built her lead on advantages with key demographics like non-white voters, college-educated white voters and women. Clinton’s lead also was fueled by Trump’s loss of support among members of his own party.
Trump got the nomination by bullying the opposition. That worked when he as appealing to the far right portion of the party and those wanting change. The problem is that you need the independents. This isn’t the way to get them on your side. Worst of all, Trump seems unable to learn or change.
On the heels of his campaign’s worst week yet, Donald Trump suggested that it is his temperament that “has gotten me here” and said he has no plans to change it.
“I think that my temperament has gotten me here,” Trump said in a Tuesday morning interview on Fox Business Network. “I’ve always had a good temperament and it’s gotten me here. We beat a lot of people in the primaries and now we have one person left, and we’re actually doing pretty well there, but we’ll see how it all comes out.”
He wants to assuage his ego more than he wants to win. The Captain of the Titanic felt the same way. Short of a Hillary Clinton imprisonment, he hasn’t got a smidgen of a chance.
And he knows it.
Donald Trump said Thursday that even if he loses his presidential race to Hillary Clinton, “it’s ok,” because he’ll return to “a very good way of life.”
The Republican nominee has been tripped up by numerous missteps on the campaign trail in recent weeks and faces daunting polling in swing states that he must win to reach the White House.
On CNBC’s Squawk Box, Trump doubled down on comments from a day earlier that President Obama was the “founder of ISIS,” but he acknowledged the possibility of defeat come November.
“I’m a truth-teller,” Trump said. “All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days, I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I”m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s OK. I go back to a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do. I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.”
Hillary Clinton is the most vile and corrupt candidate the democrats have offered in well, forever. Beating her should have been a cakewalk. People don’t like her and want to vote for someone else. It seems that every time some issue comes up that could put a real dent in the Clinton machine Trump rescues defeat from the jaws of victory. No one can win when all who support you spend all their time defending stupid words and interpreting what was said. It is true that the media is viciously antagonistic to Trump but somehow that doesn’t stop Trump from giving them more and more material. Unless he leaves the race, get ready for a loss of monumental proportions.
It’s almost as if he’s being stupid on purpose. Back in January I wrote:
Unless he really is a Trojan Trump.
You can’t help but wonder.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Obama wants Hillary the Hag so she can continue his New World Order(NWO)as decreed by the sinister CFR and the Useless Nations
You’re an idiot oblivious to the tsunami(s) that’s barreling down on you. There’s so much idiocy in your post, there’s no point in even trying to debate. You’re clueless.
Already the Republican media is pointing fingers of blame for this Trainwrecks loss
There is very little conservative Media but the LSM is laughing their asses off. They gave him so much neutral coverage that they assisted sweeping him to the Nomination, now he is chicken feed for them all to peck at.
Before the Nomination they tried to say the Nevertrump was a tiny minority, then they will come around now its Cruzs’ fault its Ryans fault whats wrong with you people you are voting for Hillary, all the while the LSM ignores the fact she is not the legitimate candidate as per Wikileaks proof, and that body count is up to 6 with the recent explosion in DC. There are those who are calling for Julian Assanges assassination
So the RNC and the Media have done it again just wait for 2020 or “something”.
Dr. John,
Knowing that putting someone else in would guarantee a Republican loss and the advent of the alinsyite, I have lost any respect I had for you. Go join the libtards and enjoy the horror of the hildebeast-she’s your kind of people!
Hate to say it, but your article exemplifies why Trump is ahead. Our PC culture is at a tipping point. We either step up to the plate, and tackle things openly, directly, and w/o fear of offense, or we fall prey to the globalist who want to run the world their way. I personally could care less that Trump is pissing people off. He’s pissing off the right people is the point.
Anyone else could win. Anyone else. Pence could win by himself. The blind Trump supporters are deceiving themselves. You really think Trump is doing well?
You have some remedial reading to do as this is a profoundly ignorant assertion.
@Unoffended Anti-globalist Patriot:
You believe that moderates and independents are the right people to piss off?
I’ve done my reading-if you don’t appreciate the danger the hildebeast represents and allow your hatred of Trump to dominate you, there’s nothing I can say.
I’ve had this feed on my page that gets tens of thousands of views per day. This blog is being deleted today just like red state and right scoop and weekly standard have been ditched. Good luck you purist fools.
The entire goal of the Overton Window (what is politically OK to discuss in politics) is to cause the non-Dem to lose.
The Overton Window is a liberal construct.
It is a defining of limits and terms so that the Republican is in a corner cowering.
The call from the Left as well as from the GOPe is for Trump to lose to prove them correct.
For Trump they are insisting he beg permission for each talking point.
This is called ´´being a cuckservative.´´
It is a losing position.
Peter Weber of The Week misses this as badly as DrJohn does.
He writes:
In other words, he’d run his talking points by the opposition.
In other words, he’d be a cuckservative.
And he misses the point BEHIND Trump’s words, which is not saying terrible things about people, it is expanding the realm of politically acceptable speech without asking permission for the opposition.
I have a hard time understanding how so many Republicans have bought into the PC lie.
How many of them would rather be so ”polite” by never ”offending” any of the ”special snowflakes” that they LOSE!
There is no end to such special snowflakes.
Watch where they lead you.
Right into losing, quitting, ceding the gov’t to their side, as they know best.
New York sarcasm rarely makes friends. I’ve learned that the hard way. The Donald hasn’t learned it YET.
DR.J As a JERSEYITE you understand. Your post is right on point
On point #2:
If that were true, what exactly is his clear meaning? Doesn’t say.
Obviously you won’t say because, to do so, would invite debate as to whether that was really what Donald Trump meant.
From point #3:
REALLY???? Remember Ted’s famous remark about “New York values?”
Sen. Ted Cruz kept the entire ”far right” of the party tied up in his camp until he dropped out, last.
Then there was:
Is that simple name-calling draped in analogy?
Yes, it is.
Lastly, for me, was this:
Name the person who could ”cake walk” to victory against Hillary.
The Electoral College is skewed in the Dem direction.
It was NEVER going to be easy for ANY Republican to beat whoever the Dems put forward.
The media is in the Dem bag, hiding Hillary’s weaknesses and emphasizing her opponent’s mistakes.
The elephant in the room, that is missing from this essay, is that this is an election between nationalism and globalism as to the direction of our nation.
Hillary is a globalist BUT, so were many of Donald Trumps opponents in the primary.
THAT’s why they lost.
I’m done as well-let them serve the globalist alinskyites.
@Nanny G:
It doesn’t matter to the author. The lsm has given him the answers he needed.
What a load of crap. Still working for the democrats I see
@Nanny G:
LOL. So now asking for more class, and less crass, in a presidential candidate is demanding the candidate get someone’s permission for what they say? How warped a logic is that?
Ummm, so now choosing one’s words “carefully” also means getting permission to speak those “carefully” chosen words? What planet do you live on?
Oh, pleeeeze……………Trump has said despicable things about his opponents. Things that you Trumpsters don’t seem to have an objection to, but had his opponents returned volley for his volleys, you would have been apoplectic. This tactic is Trump’s version of Rules For Radicals.
And your proof of that can be found where? Or do you not lump Constitutionalists in with the alt-right?
Nice move there, Bubba. That’s the way to win hearts and minds of those who object to Trump; call them haters. But then, spreading slander and hurling insults seems to be the modus operandi of your chosen candidate, so we should really expect nothing else from you.
You got it-that’s EXACTLY what you can expect from me. I am NEVER HITLERY and intend to stay that way. You go hang with your dimocrat buddies and let her win. Republicans used to fight against candidates like her. Rinos like McCain and Romney tried to be nice and look what happened to them. I want a street fighter this time as it is the only hope we have.
I think you miss the trend out there, we are sick and tired of politicians that promise us everything and do nothing. The republicans have had the power of congress and the senate and yet stand by and let the left dictate the agenda. ENOUGH!
It’s time to get a non politician in there, and while we’re at it limit all federal government offices to 12 years maximum!
PS, do you remember what the polls said about the Carter vs. Reagan race?
I’m in agreement that if Trump loses it’s his own fault. Like I explained to Rich on another thread, my anger is more towards the so called “Republicans” who endorsed Hillary. They have now been outed and need not ever return to pretend that they are Republicans given that they have endorsed someone who stands against everything the Republican Party is supposed to stand for (and who is also a criminal who jeopardized and possibly compromised national security for personal gain). They are nothing more than political whores who are out to use the party for their own wealth and power. If they wanted to stand on principles they could have taken Cruz’s approach or endorsed Johnson. If anyone has seen The Shooter with Mark Wahlberg, this reminds of the scene where Ned Beatty’s character tells him, “There’s no Democrats and Republicans. Only haves and have nots.” The Republican whores along with Hillary’s get out of jail free card are living proof of that.
@bwax: Reagan, like JFK and Clinton was Irish. They had likeability.. Obama and “w” also likeable.
Majority of Americans and particularly women can’t stand Trump’s N.Y, sarcasm and crude manner—only good news is he’s running against HRC.–Probably won’t be enough to overcome his liabilities.
Trump’s likeability quotient mirrors Goldwater and Dole
So, being Scottish is bad?
Weird, almost racist.
Jews are bad, too, I suppose.
But, as I’ve said before, dummies have voted for people for just as bad reasons as, ”they were Irish.”
It’s not hard to believe; many people actually do like Clinton and plan to vote for her because they trust her. Replace Trump and the next candidate will lose too.
Why are you telling me that? I don’t vote for someone who has Constitutional values that do not match mine. Why don’t you pack up a suitcase, put gas in your car and travel to those states that keep electing RINOs, up for reelection every two years for the Congress and six years for the Senate, year, after year, after year? Plead your case to them. They are the ones that keep electing politicians that promise us everything and do nothing. Or are you just a keyboard activist?
@Nanny G: Newsflash People vote for candidates they like–after all they are gonna be in their living room almost every night. Large majority of people don’t like Trump–capiche? It’s really that simple–he can’t get past it. I think he’s beginning to realize he’s gonna lose, but he can’t change what worked for him in the Repub Primaries.
BTW certainly don’t believe Scots,Jews or Germans are bad—but how many have been Prez, since 1960?–how many Prez have been Irish?
A day late and a dollar short, again. dr J
What is that old MA expression??
“Dawn breaks on Marblehead”
In making such an ignorant statement you prove that you completely unfamiliar with this blog or the posts in it. I suggest you go back and do some reading before you opine again as to how I feel about Hitlery Klinton.
As for Trump, you can also go back and read my posts. See how hard I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I was accused here of being a “Trumpist” so I figure I’m pretty much on target with everything.
@Bookdoc: hope ? You still have hope ???
@DrJohn: you only stopped bring a trumpist when the laughter became deafening
@Nanny G:
Nan, you might want to read the post.
His reference was clearly about taking her out, but it was a joke. It was a galactically stupid joke. I don’t for one second think he was serious, but God Almighty why even go there? Why give the left wing morons something to slam you with?
I suggest you and everyone else here read this
The problem with our liberal friends is not they don’t know anything, it’s that they know so much that isn’t so.
Read this
Here’s another one for you, cupcake.
Dr. John, too late my friend. At this point it’s a no return deal. You bought him, you keep him.
@DrJohn: No no Dr welcomed back from the dark side to his original position on Trump
My observations. The MSM hates Trump because he can’t be controlled. They will actually have to tell the news insteadof making it up or slanting it to their bias. Those on the hill have been using taxpayers as an ATM for years and abusing them to garner wealth and power. They know Trump is no politician and has a different way of getting things done. They don’t want their gravy train to stop so they don’t want Trump.
Do I agree with everything Trump says? Of course not. Anyone who believes they have to agree 100% is foolish. I do know that I want my children and their children to have a future that is not socialist or communist. I didn’t hear hillary raging that the communist flag was flying over the democrat convention instead of the American flag. I don’t hear hillary talking about making American citizens the priority. I don’t hear that she wants to make America great again. The woman is a criminal and belongs in jail but those in power are so corrupt and want to advance their NWO agenda they will support her..
I fear for our country. Trump is not perfect by a long shot but I know he loves his country, he wants to make America great again and most of all he wants AMERICAN citizens to be the priority.
That’s the narrative the left-owned media is now blasting, and sadly, it’s meant to make would-be Trump supporters “quit”.
All propaganda, all bs in the polls. Trump has this easy…unless the now unified leftist propaganda can do what it does best…scream lies louder than it’s opponents.
If Trump loses, it’s only because he’s opposed the political/media elite that have built up they’re own wealth and power while pretending to care about anyone else…
Leftist media controls the country, not the people.
Had to pass this on-from an older friend of mine:
Like many citizens, I’ve wondered and tried hard
to understand why Trump has such a remarkable
following (it’s obvious why he shouldn’t!). Then
a friend sent me this raccoon story. It makes no
difference about your political leanings, this is
just a good explanation of WHY.
Dear Representative,
From the time I was able to vote I voted
Republican. I am 70+ and have a great deal of
respect and influence with hundreds of senior
ballplayers who also network with thousands of
others around the country.
I received your questionnaire and request for
money to help support the Republican nominee
for the office of the President. Rest assured, I
strongly agree with every question as I have since
Obama was elected. Unfortunately, an important
question that was missing was, “What have the
Republicans and their Party done for the
American people lately?” While you seem never
to have listened to us in the past Forty Years, we
gave you a majority in the house and senate two
years ago and you have done nothing with the
power we provided you. And Now, you want
more of our money?
You should be concerned about our votes not our
money. You are the “establishment” and it’s
apparent all you really want to do is to save your
jobs and line your pockets. . . Well, guess what?
It’s not going to happen. You can shake in your
boots when I tell you our support is for TRUMP
and he hasn’t asked for a dime.
You might think we are fools because you feel
Trump is on a self-destruct course but you look
outside DC and listen to the masses. Few, if any,
have achieved what he has, especially in a state
of New York.
If you really want to know how the majority of
people feel, and this applies to both democrats
and republicans, read on, it says it all.
You’ve been on vacation for two weeks, you
come home, and your basement is infested with
raccoons. Hundreds of rabid, messy, mean
raccoons have overtaken your basement. You
want them gone immediately. You call the city,
the county and 4 different exterminators. Nobody
can handle the job . . . But then you hear of one
guy and this one guy guarantees to get rid of
them. So you hire him. You don’t care if the guy
smells, you don’t care if he cusses and swears,
you don’t care if he’s an alcoholic, you don’t care
how many times he’s been married, you don’t care
if he voted for Obama, you don’t care if he has
plumber’s crack, you simply want those raccoons
gone! You want your problem fixed! He’s the
guy. He’s the best. Period.
Back to Trump.
Here’s why we want Trump. Yes he’s a bit of an
ass, yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care.
The country is a mess because its politicians suck.
The Republican Party is two-faced & gutless, and
illegals are everywhere. We want it all fixed!
We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care
that he insults people, we don’t care that he had
been friendly with Hillary, we don’t care that he
has changed positions, we don’t care that he’s
been married 3 times, we don’t care that he fights
with Megyn Kelly and Rosie O’Donnell, we don’t
care that he doesn’t know the name of some
Muslin terrorist.
This country is bankrupt and appears weak. Our
enemies are making fun of us, we are being
invaded by illegal’s, we are becoming a nation of
victims where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a
special group with special rights to a point where
we don’t even recognize the country we were born
and raised in. “AND WE JUST WANT IT
FIXED” and Trump is the only guy who seems to
understand what the people want.
We’re sick of our politicians, sick of the
Republican Party, sick of Democratic Party and
sick of illegals. We just want this thing fixed.
Trump may not be a saint, but doesn’t have
lobbyist’s money holding him, he doesn’t have
political correctness restraining him, all you know
is that he has been very successful, a good
negotiator. He has built a lot of things. He’s also
not a politician, not a cowardly politically correct
politician. And he not only says he can fix it, he
says he will fix it and we believe him.
And we believe him because he is too much of an
egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called
a liar. Also we don’t care if the guy has bad hair.
We just want those raccoons gone, out of our
house, NOW.
You are welcome to pass this on. I feel this is
why hundreds of thousands of people that haven’t
voted in 25 years are registering to vote this year.
The raccoons have got to go.
A 70+ year old voter
I had left the site but got an email on a comment I made-this was in my email when I checked it!
Sorry-just the usual libtard propaganda-just like the story that the SS interviewed Trump about the “threat” he made. Your libtard buddies in the lasm have you. It’s always “someone in the organization” that tells the story. Go hang with your libtard buddies-that’s your group.
By the way, isn’t is possible Trump had a come to Jesus meeting with the republicans and told them how it is going to be? I could give less than a s**t about what the rino rnc thinks. They have betrayed my trust too many times. I am sure they will welcome another former rino such as yourself.
Does anyone truly believe that Trump’s demeanor changed from before he won the nomination to post-convention?
I posted multiple times about the pro-Trump coverage the media was pumping out pre-convention was absolutely going to become a heavy barrage of negativity once it was only Trump and Hillary left running. The only candidate equally as assured to be easy for Hillary to beat was Jeb!, so the media put forth extra effort to support Trump in the primaries. After Cruz wrote his book excoriating DC political corruption and called out the RINO McConnell as the liar that he is, the GOPe was never going to support Cruz – who would viscerate Hillary in any debate.
So now we are stuck with Trump. Not one of the better choices, but no amount of bootish, NYC arrogance erases the fact that Hillary is so corrupt, so dishonest, so inherently EVIL, that I have no other choice than to vote against Hillary.
Can you imagine the caterwauling from the left if any conservative candidate was under a SECOND investigation by the FBI for having a money-laundering slush fund that gobbled up over 250 million dollars from foreign entities so blatantly buying influence from an otherwise incompetent, feckless, and contemptibly traitorous SecState?
And what of those huge crowds that nanny pointed out that show up for the GOP nominee?
I think they may just be a little disappointed in having to vote for some other gop loser
Does this mean that the initial reaction of the hippies and leftists was correct??
And that the GOP “base” we’re idiots?
If the other loser Republicans allowed Trump to “bully” his way to the nomination (how he “bullied” his way to it I have no idea, unless “bully” is a synonym for “won”), what makes you think any of them or any other R could win it and go on to lead?
I don’t like him, I don’t want him, but he’s all we got, and he ain’t going nowhere.
You’re awful sensitive about this. That suggests an underlying insecurity. Not once have you addressed anything I’ve written. Thus one can only infer that you condone your candidate attacking Gold Star moms and saying colossally stupid things.
If I were you and were truly confident about Trump I wouldn’t even bother commenting here.
@Bookdoc: imho anyone who hasn’t bothered to vote in the last 25 years can’t suddenly call themselves a patriot.
Trump badmouthed a gold star mother. He called Mac a loser because he was captured. He maligned Cruz’s wife and father. He ridiculed a disabled announcer.He laughs off his 4 bankruptcies which have hurt many I could go on but why bother. His base of angry old white men, like yourself, love him.
Where’s he gonna get 66 million and 270??
Millions of Dems want the Donald to stay in
Don’t they count also?
Dr J was for him before he was against him
It is all to late now you guys own him. Your “base” loves him. As Nanny pointed out look at the huge crowds he draws.Too late to switch to an electable squishy moderate like Rubio or Bush
Here’s another fractured ”fact” for Trump detractors to use to pile on Donald Trump.
Last night, for the umteenth time, Donald Trump spoke about how the Heritage Foundation was one of the think tanks he ran all of his potential Supreme Court picks by.
Those eleven have wonderful records.
So, how did CNN report it?
They said, this AM, that Donald Trump was AGAIN using Judges heritages to base his decision on as to potential Supreme Court picks!
I doubt they will have the nerve to put this lie in print, but I watched it about an hour and a half ago.
What liars.
Using the media to get your Trump talking points?
Just as liable to lead you astray.
“astray” ???
off the correct political path ?
down into the abyss of socialism ?
@MM: You don’t debate it because you can’t. Trump was never electable and any one of the other 16 options would have beat her.