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A mother’s moral authority is absolute- unless she irritates liberals


In 2005 Maureen Dowd once wrote that the “moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.”

What she really meant was the “moral authority according to liberals”

Aaron Vaughn was a member of SEAL Team 6 and was killed along with 21 other SEALs from Team 6 in 2011. After Joe Biden outed SEAL Team 6 as the group that killed Osama Bin Laden, Aaron Vaughn called his mom Karen with a dire plea:

“Aaron called me and said, ‘Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean of any reference to me or any of my buddies. Just disconnect completely,’” Karen Vaughn said her son warned after Vice President Biden publicly identified the SEALs on May 3, 2011 — two days after the raid. “He [Aaron] actually said to me, ‘Mom, there’s chatter, and all of our lives could be in danger, including yours’ … then I realized all of those families, you know, you’re talking about a community of around three hundred families who were all of a sudden made targets by this administration.”

Days later, Aaron was dead. Karen Vaughn has claimed that the obama regime put a target on her son’s back. She was totally ignored. No umbrage from the left, no national media paying attention.

Nothing, unlike Khizr Khan. Khan, the father of a fallen Muslim US Soldier, was invited to blast Donald Trump at the recent DNC. Khan threw this at Trump:

“Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? … You have sacrificed nothing and no one.”

That’s pretty amusing for someone who supports the wholesale savaging of the Constitution by America’s current reigning monarch. And pretty ironic for someone whose son was killed in a war voted for by Hillary Clinton. Edmund Kozak:

Trump was an opponent of the tragically shortsighted war in Iraq from the start. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was an enthusiastic supporter of that war. This didn’t seem important to Mr. Khan, who claimed that “if it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.”

Khan has been the darling of the media and a world apart from the treatment of Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was killed in Benghazi. She spoke at the GOP National Convention and was viciously attacked by the left wing media.  Chris Matthews said Smith “ruined” the Convention. He added:

“I don’t care what that woman up there, that mother has felt,” Matthews expressed. “Her emotions are her own.”

Hillary Clinton lied to both the families of the Benghazi dead and the rest of America, blaming a video when she knew otherwise. Now please pay attention. Clinton pretty much called Pat Smith and the Benghazi families liars:

“I don’t hold any ill feeling for someone who in that moment may not fully recall everything that was or wasn’t said.”

Then she twisted the knife:

Clinton got defensive and said that the clip was “unfair” because she quoted other people in that speech who believed that it was terrorism. She also tried to discredit those criticizing her for Benghazi by saying that there was a “confusion” in the minds of some people critiquing her.

In March Clinton said this about Pat Smith

“She’s wrong, she’s absolutely wrong.”

Yet back in December Pat Smith wasn’t wrong. The confusion was in Clinton’s mind:

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead was caught up in “the fog of war.”

When confronted by video clips of family members of Benghazi victims, Clinton said, “I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans. I did testify as you know for 11 hours and I answered all of these questions. Now, I can’t — I can’t help it that people think there has to be something else there, I said very clearly, there had been a terrorist group that had taken responsibility on Facebook, between the time that I, you know, when I talked to my daughter, that was the latest information, we were giving it credibility, and then we learned the next day, it wasn’t true. In fact, they retracted it. This was a fast-moving series of events in the fog of war. I think most Americans understand.”

Somewhere in the months since then what was the fog of war in Clinton’s mind has become a lie from Pat Smith and Charles Woods. Maureen Dowd is nowhere to be seen.

Where is Karen Vaughn’s absolute moral authority? Where is Pat Smith’s absolute moral authority?

Absolute moral authority has currency only where it advantages the left.

DOUBLE STANDARD: Khizr Khan Receives 50x More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC



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