This is what Obama and democrats wanted

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I am in London at the moment and until today the biggest thing on the news here besides football (soccer) was the violence on the part of the Russian fans. Sadly, something else has taken our attention.Stupidity reaches over the pond. First, a little background.

Islam on homosexuality:

Quran (7:80-84)“…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)” – An account that is borrowed from the Biblical story of Sodom. Muslim scholars through the centuries have interpreted the “rain of stones” on the town as meaning that homosexuals should be stoned, since no other reason is given for the people’s destruction. (The story is also repeated in suras 27 and29).

Quran (7:81)“Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?” This verse is part of the previous text and it establishes that homosexuality as different from (and much worse than) adultery or other sexual sin. According to the Arabic grammar, homosexuality is called the worst sin, while references elsewhere describe other forms of non-marital sex as being “among great sins.”

Quran (26:165-166)“Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, “And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing”

Quran (4:16)“If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone” This is the Yusuf Ali translation. The original Arabic does not use the word “men” and simply says “two from among you.” Yusuf Ali may have added the word “men” because the verse seems to refer to a different set than referred to in the prior verse (explicitly denoted as “your women”). In other words, since 4:15 refers to “your women”, 4:16 is presumably written to and refers to men.

Interestingly, the same rules don’t seem to apply in paradise, where martyrs for the cause of Allah enjoy an orgy of virgins and “perpetual youth” Quran (56:17) (otherwise known as “boys”Quran (52:24)). Quran (76:19) bluntly states, “And immortal boys will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.” Technically, the mere presence of boys doesn’t necessarily mean sex, however it is strongly implied from the particular emphasis on the effeminacy, handsomeness and “freshness” of the boys. The female virgins of paradise are also compared to pearls (56:23).

Islam is intolerant of homosexuality. Period.


obama and the left have conveniently papered that axiom over. Over and over and over. obama pals around with an Islamic preacher who asserts that homosexuality is “a despised act, it is haram, it is forbidden in Islam, completely, absolutely.”

And he still is in denial. That denial imperils us all. This is a story of one eff-up after another. Now one politician after another, along with obama,  seeks to prove what an effing idiot he is.

The shooter called the police to pledge allegiance to ISIS. ISIS claims responsibility.

The shooter’s father said seeing men kissing inflamed him.

Gary Johnson wants us to do everything humanly possible not to properly identify the evil.

Three times the FBI chose not to take this guy seriously.

Over at Mediaite, Tommy Christopher think it’s a good time to be amusing.

obama? He blames us.

So determined is the president to avoid the subject of Islamist, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-directed terrorism that he concluded his remarks with an astonishing insistence that “we need the strength and courage to change” our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

That’s just disgusting. There’s no other word for it.

I agree with Glenn Reynolds, who says “WHAT’S THIS “WE” SHIT, KEMOSABE?”

obama’s newest BFF’s, the Iranians, persecute gays– as does most of the Muslim world. As Milo Yiannopoulos notes, the left has chosen Islam over gays. It’s dark irony that left wingers say they support gays while they coddle a religion which is utterly intolerant of gays.

It’s called cognitive dissonance.

It’s also called idiocy.

We cannot treat cancer if we cannot call it osteosarcoma or non-Hodgkins lymphoma. They demand different treatment protocols. We cannot combat Islamic terrorism if we cannot identify it properly.




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Imam Muhammad Musri, the president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, where that imam spoke who you show in video saying it would be a kindness to kill all homosexuals, said something I agree with:

I want to also caution many of the media from rushing to judgment.

Yes, quit that.
Blaming guns is just plain silly.
This guy reportedly also had knives and explosives.
Heads were going to roll one way or another.

I also appreciated one of the shooter’s co-workers comment today:

Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim.

Shades of Nidal Hassan.
And Rotherdam, England.

Lying liars and the fools who support them…

Another mass shooting so the demac-RATS and Obama the Fink can further blame guns and issue a few executive orders confiscating all privately owned guns Hillary the Hag want to do so

Yes time once again for the Dems to blame the tool and not the person using it.

More useless gun control laws always expect the Stupid Jackass Party(Demacrats)to push for even more useless gun control laws

This should serve as a wake up call for the gay community that so loyally aligns itself with the Democrats. Take note that the left wants to use the slaughter of their 49 For purposes other than addressing the problem and protecting them. No, they would rather use those deaths to further the anti-gun, anti-Christian and anti-Republican agendas. As with gun control, they can only hope that their weak and misdirected attention will result in MORE tragedies that can be put to good use.

It’s all Bush’s fault. I can’t wait until he’s out of office. Oh … wait …

@Spurwing Plover, #5:

More useless gun control laws always expect the Stupid Jackass Party(Demacrats)to push for even more useless gun control laws

Yeah, the current state of affairs is working so well, isn’t it?

A guy the FBI had investigated twice, with a history of domestic violence and past restraining order, yet it’s still perfectly legal to sell him a military-style firearm without any further consideration. It will probably come out that he had accessorized his killing equipment with high capacity magazines.

I wouldn’t prevent people from acquiring firearms—unless they shouldn’t be able to get them. Do I care if one side effect might be a bit more inconvenience and delay for the average purchaser? Not one damn bit.


A guy the FBI had investigated twice, with a history of domestic violence and past restraining order, yet it’s still perfectly legal to sell him a military-style firearm without any further consideration. It will probably come out that he had accessorized his killing equipment with high capacity magazines.

HELLO?!? Are you even reading what you are writing? You want MORE of this “protection”? How is that helpful?

Because of PC, the fact that this guy was a Muslim trumped all other considerations. Just like with Nadal, regardless of the warning signs, the fact that he was a Muslim meant the authorities had to disregard all that or be “Islamaphobic”. You want your system to work? Apply it to those that NEED it applied to rather than the soft targets you always concentrate on.

You left wing crybabies whine about “hate speech”, referring exclusively to someone pointing out that liberal policies fail 100% of the time regardless of if the President is black or not and completely ignore, due to PC cowardice, an Imam preaching to his attentive flock that gays needed to be exterminated. The left denounces NONE of that and the “religion of peace” does nothing to stamp such hatred out.

So, once again, every recommendation made by the left glances off the actual problem and careens off into space. God, I will be glad when the adults take charge again.

I want the enforcement of laws and regulations that actually have an effect, and right-leaning gun advocates know well enough that this is entirely possible, because they resist each and every argument and initiative in that direction. They seem to believe that America would be best if it were like some pre-Wyatt Earp Dodge City.

They automatically characterize any and every effort at genuinely effective regulation as a fundamental assault on 2nd Amendment rights.

The 2nd Amendment is not a guarantee of an unrestricted right to own any and every type of firearm, regardless of circumstances. Nor is it a guarantee that the seriously irresponsible or mentally imbalanced may own them. It’s a statement of a general, underlying principle, from which more specific law and regulation would follow.


I want the enforcement of laws and regulations that actually have an effect, and right-leaning gun advocates know well enough that this is entirely possible, because they resist each and every argument and initiative in that direction.

How many of your beloved regulations failed to stop San Bernardino? How many of them failed to stop Orlando? How many of them failed to stop Roof in Charleston? What good would MORE misguided regulations do?

If Mateen had not been Muslim, he would have been stopped. He would have been flagged for traveling repeatedly to Saudi Arabia, flagged for ties to a known terrorist and flagged for repeatedly violent behavior. Hell, he should have had his CHL revoked for domestic abuse. Yet, he got a job with a DHS subcontractor (!!!!), kept his CHL and bought his weapons. What is the new law you would put in place to correct that stupid shit?

You have all the regulations you need and all you are going to get. Why don’t you hitch up your big boy pants and start applying those regulation to those that pose a threat to the citizens instead of your political opponents?

When something is not effective, you change it so that it becomes so. Is this approach somehow difficult to understand? If something isn’t working, you fix it.

If people with suspicious past histories are getting through the screening, legally purchasing firearms, and then committing mass murder, you look to the effectiveness of your screening processes and make the needed changes.

Do you entirely give up on attempting to cure a disease because the first thing you tried didn’t work?


Exxept that leftist “fixes” don’t fix the problen, do they? Interesting how yet another muslim was responsible for this slaughter, just like in San Bernidino an Ft. Hood, yet the left insists -despite all evidence- that islam gas nothing to do with it. Of note, how many of these yerrorist attacks did we have after 9/11 when Bush was taking the fight against islamic terror to Iraq and Afghanistan, versus the number since Obama declared “victory” and pulled all our troops out of Iraq and severely reduced the number in Afghanistan?

Interesting that in spite of all Chicago’s gun restrictions, they still are on track to have an increased murder rate this year.

Interesting that all these mass slaughters keep happening at gun free zones, yet leftists don’t think that needs to be fixed. Compare the results of this latest jihadist terror attack at a gun free zone with the result from Garland, Texas last year at Geller’s Draw Mohammed conference, when TWO heavily armed muslim jihadists showed up and got taken out by good guys with guns.

With the track record of leftist “fixes” on the economy, obamacare, the rise of ISIS, just to name the most glaring, one should view any proposed leftist attempts to fix things with a collosal dose of skepticism.

I see the New York Daily Manure Spreader(News)is blaming the NRA just like all typical dumber then a sack of rocks liberals always do Recall this is the same liberal leftists rag that gave out the adresses of all the gun owners in the area then the reporters wants protection Here hope this news rag gose bankrupt


When something is ineffective, you change it so that it becomes so. Is this approach somehow difficult to understand? If something isn’t working, you fix it.

Do you fix it with more layers of incompetence? That’s what you propose; more federal cracks for known, identified, investigated terrorists to fall through.

How about targeting the terror suspects? Now, THERE’S a change for you.

If people with suspicious past histories are getting through the screening, legally purchasing firearms, and then committing mass murder, you look to the effectiveness of your screening processes and make the needed changes.

This guy slipped through because he was Muslim and this administration will see 49 people slaughtered before they will be accused of profiling a Muslim. So, which is your preference… dead people or profiling likely suspects?

Do you entirely give up on attempting to cure a disease because the first thing you tried didn’t work?

You are treating cancer with aspirin. You keep losing patients, but you don’t care… your political buddy sells the aspirin. The left is not in the curing business; they are in the control business.

@Pete, #15:

Exxept that leftist “fixes” don’t fix the problen, do they? Interesting how yet another muslim was responsible for this slaughter, just like in San Bernidino an Ft. Hood, yet the left insists -despite all evidence- that islam gas nothing to do with it.

Who’s saying that Islam has nothing to do with it? The claim that the left is saying that is a right-wing propaganda meme.

Of course Islam has something to do with it. The terrorists are part of a lunatic, homicidal-suicidal death cult, that’s like a virus which has been specifically designed to exploit scriptural passages in a particular religion’s written text. It’s designed to attract the angriest, most seriously disaffected and unbalanced elements within a particular culture, offering them a means of transforming their own senseless, violent exits from the world into something honorable and worthy of rewards. It’s an evil parasite that feeds on a particular religion. It isn’t the religion itself.

All authoritarian religions are subject to this sort of corruption. Any belief system that stops people from thinking for themselves has such a dangerous potential. Christianity can be so abused. All it takes are weak-minded followers and a forceful, crack-brained leader.


Wait…is this the same Greg that was castigating me on another thread for
presuming that anyone could know anything about the muslim shooter’s motivation for murdering people?

But hey, I’ll welcome you to the group that recognizes that islamic ideology is the problem here.

Perhaps you should have a discussion with Obama then, as well as the ACLU, the NYT, and every blowhard celebrity blathering on about gun control while refusing to even utter the words, “muslim terrorist act”.

an Islamic preacher who asserts that homosexuality is “a despised act, it is haram, it is forbidden in Islam, completely, absolutely.”

If homosexuality is completely and absolutely forbidden, how can an Islamist be considered faithful, if he practices homosexuality by Sodomizing boys? (And of course, we haven’t even touched on bestiality).


Do you fix it with more layers of incompetence? That’s what you propose; more federal cracks for known, identified, investigated terrorists to fall through.

Well, clearly the target-rich environment created by “gun free zones” is not working. “Had the signs worked, this heavily armed radical Democrat should have immediately realized he was being naughty in his decision to kill fellow Democrats, and turned around an gone home. Greg therefore must surely understand the necessity of “fixing it” by removing such ridiculous restrictions to free exercise of our 2nd Amendment rights, and thereby allowing for some of those Democrats to use their constitutional right to self-defense.


Of course Islam has something to do with it. The terrorists are part of a lunatic, homicidal-suicidal death cult, that’s like a virus which has been specifically designed to exploit scriptural passages in a particular religion’s written text.

I guess it doesn’t help when their Imams are preaching, right out in the open, a message of hate and murder, does it? It would appear that a large dose of the insanity is built right into the religion.

Even after the FBI laid out its evidence, Obama still stumbles around the subject like the words “radical Islam” are blocked from his teleprompter.

@Ditto: Well, golly, who needs self defense? Did you see how quickly the disgruntled worker was put down (I am being careful not to seem Islamaphobic)? Why, in mere hours and 49 lives, the tragedy was brought to a rapid conclusion.

The police were held off with threats of explosives; if you are on the inside, your only hope is self defense. Perhaps “No Terrorists Allowed” signs will be the next liberal innovation.

Katie Courics little act of decite l violated gun laws These media worms and real low

@Bill, #19:

I guess it doesn’t help when their Imams are preaching, right out in the open, a message of hate and murder, does it?

You’re talking about extremists who are part of the problem, not about the average Islamic cleric. Those are the ones that you hear about, because those are pretty much the only ones that get media attention.

Even after the FBI laid out its evidence, Obama still stumbles around the subject like the words “radical Islam” are blocked from his teleprompter.

Obama, visibly angry, just addressed that particular bit of politically opportunistic stupidity in a televised address. There’s a perfectly good reason why he doesn’t routinely use the term, and he explained that in detail, just in case anyone who is capable of understanding hasn’t figured it out before now.

Here are President Obama’s comments in their entirety, made 06/14/2016 at the U.S. Treasury. The link will jump to the point where he makes a statement about firearm regulation, and then about the “Islamic terrorism” meme, recently promoted by Donald Trump.

Obama is the adult in the room. Of course, no one who would consider voting for someone like Donald Trump will ever figure that out. Unlike the President, this man is pitching to ignorance, prejudice, and fear. Banning reporters that represent a major national newspaper from his campaign events is an effort to control the information and limit the opinions that the public has access to. Why would he want to do that?


You’re talking about extremists who are part of the problem, not about the average Islamic cleric.

That’s not the question. The problem is that no one addresses THE problem. You and others others on the left pretend like there is some question when a killer screams “allah akbar” while murdering his victims as to what his affiliation might be. You and others on the left pretend you can’t fathom how someone like Mateen could have gone off the deep end like this when it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that these vicious Imam’s are preaching this very action.

You strongly denounce ALL Christians because a very limited few preachers denounce homosexuality as a sin. Well, they denounce adultery and lust as sins as well… who is killed over that? A Christian may tell you you are GOING to hell… a Muslim will actively attempt to PUT you there.

Obama, visibly angry, just addressed that particular bit of politically opportunistic stupidity in a televised address. There’s a perfectly good reason why he doesn’t routinely use the term, and he explained that in detail, just in case anyone who is capable of understanding hasn’t figured it out before now.

Hmmm. But, it is supremely important to label this a homophobic hate crime, isn’t it? By your and Obama’s measure, it does not help to accurately identify the specific nature of the crime, yet is is vastly important to rapidly blame guns (the WRONG guns, by the way), Christians, Trump, Republicans and gay-hating. So, therefore, by your way of thinking, it is better to be totally inaccurate than bother to be accurate. This explains why liberalism fails 100% of he time.

Obama is the cynical, opportunistic, hypocritical liar in the room.

It was a homophobic hate crime, committed by a radicalized Muslim. Do you doubt either part of that? Obama doesn’t.

@Greg: What motivated him, his homophobia or his ISIS allegiance? Or, did his Muslim faith, fomented by racist Imams, fuel his homophobia?

First and foremost, he was a radicalized Muslim inspired by ISIS. This is the pertinent fact and what we need to be looking out for to prevent. Making it a “hate crime” (though it should be a lesson that these Muslims hate Americans) or some sort of verification that we need more gun laws to restrict the law abiding only opens more citizens up to attack. To formulate a plan to effectively attack the terror threat right here in our own neighborhoods requires and honest assessment of the circumstances.

But that won’t help the liberal agenda, will it?

Blaming the NRA for this is Stupid but just what all brain dead liberals always do especialy if the work for the New York Daily Manure Spreader,New York Slames,Washington Compost and Medford Mail Trashbin

But that won’t help the liberal agenda, will it?

I’ve heard plenty of criticism of Obama’s speech today, of how he’s not doing anything about ISIS, from your presumptive gasbag Donald Trump, and from assorted elected republicans such as Rick Scott and Darrell Issa. They all take exception to the fact that he won’t say “Islamic terrorism” every time he comments on the topic. Nor do they acknowledge the fact that he has been doing something about ISIS, with great persistence—and without any support from the GOP, thank you very much.

Criticism is pretty much the full extent of their input. Not one of them has ever stated specifically what they’d be doing differently, assuming they would ever get off their useless posteriors long enough to do anything at all. As with Donald Trump, that’s all left to the imagination. The reality is that they won’t take the political risk of suggesting anything specific, and certainly not of acknowledging anything that has been accomplished without them. Not with whatever election is coming up at any given point in time. They won’t even stick their chicken necks out far enough to allow discussion and debate of Obama’s request for Congressional authorization to use military force against ISIS. That’s been sitting in a bottom desk drawer somewhere for a year and a half now. They give you some bullshit such as, Well, he already has all the authority he needs, and then later go into their perennial rant about how He’s always acting in an unconstitutional manner without proper authority.

The problem doesn’t have an effing thing to do with “the liberal agenda.” It doesn’t have anything to do with Obama’s imagined ineptness. The problem has to do with the hypocritical, politically opportunistic nitwits that are currently in control of both the House and the Senate, but seem unable to accomplish anything the least bit useful in spite of that.


Criticism is pretty much the full extent of their input.

Well, see, there you expose your ignorance. They indeed have. One, stop bringing refugees from Syria while we have no way to vet them. Notice how the FBI failed to stop a KNOWN terrorist associate from buying weapons? This same precision is currently determining who, among 10,000 or more people with practically NO documented background, can be allowed into this country and turned loose. Even the FBI itself says it doesn’t have the capability to do the job. YOU are opposed to this.

Putting more troops BACK into the war zone is proposed, a sad necessity made so by one Barack Hussein Obama and his incompetence. We are going to have to have more training, more direction and more fighting and dying. Thank you, Obama, for creating the growth culture for ISIS.

Cease with the overly restrictive ROE in the war zone. We need to be hitting more targets and less round trips with weapons. See above for the requirements to accomplish that.

End the PC in addressing the radical Islamic threat. This is how Mateen slipped through the cracks opened wider by Obama, Holder, CAIR and the ACLU. Call the enemy by its name, go out and find that enemy and eliminate it.

Yes, the problem IS the liberal agenda because you liberals put it before everything else. First, there’s gun control, even though you have truckloads of it even as you put PC restrictions on their implementation. Add to that the incompetence of federal employees that are NEVER held accountable and you have all the arguments against more gun control. Additionally, while you rainbow all your little memes and profiles, you purposely and purposefully ignore the try threat, not just to gays, but to the entire populace. And then there’s the political season; you make this horrific crime about “rhetoric” instead of dogma… Muslim dogma which is being openly preached all across the nation. The left wing agenda allows for declaring criticism of the left, of gay “marriage” or of global warming to be declared “hate speech” but not exhortations to go out and kill people because the don’t happen to be Muslim.

Actually, you should stop referring to crimes committed by humans because, as a human, I think you are indicting ALL HUMANS when you do.

And Obama’s ineptitude is not imagined. It is quite real, quite definitive and measurable. Thinking he has the best interests of US citizens at heart is what requires the suspension of reality and vast imagination.

They still stone people in those nations and Obama wants to bring them here talk about being Irresponsible