Last week we read with some confusion a long-winded self-congratulatory piece in the NYT that Obama lied about, . . . well, lied about pretty well everything particularly anything pertaining to his ‘historical’ Iran Deal. He lied about the Iranian leadership. He lied about the negotiations. He lied about Iran’s nuclear status. He lied about the content of the deal. He lied and lied, and did it with impunity, taking advantage of young, inexperienced, ignorant and “dumb” White House press corp – these demeaning terms come from the White House. With a couple of “useful idiots” the WH arrogantly bragged that it had created an echo-chamber to sell its lies. As Rhodes put it, “They literally know nothing.”
If you address the American people and lie about not having had “sexual relations with that woman, . . . Miss Lewinsky”, you’re a liar and you may be an abuser, but that lie is unlikely to have global consequences. When you lie to America about an agreement as consequential as The Iran Deal, the consequences will be world-changing.
When you lie about bringing down Qaddafi, Mubarak, or Assad, hundreds of millions are impacted. The actions behind the lies have already cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and have created 60,000,000 refugees out of the Middle East and Africa. Obama lied because he wants an Obama-sized legacy — damn the consequences. Pyres of corpses will make for a well-lit legacy. From the MSM, . . . “Crisis? What crisis?”
When you read the article, you find an ignorant writer who knows nothing about foreign affairs and much less about the M.E., guiding his boss Obama, a leader who clearly knows even less than he does, down a foreign affairs road of insanity. Narcissists driven by ideology, see all those they speak through and speak to, through blurred lens stuck in insecurity. They perceive them as lesser beings. For eight years this ignorance has guided the Nation into a quagmire.
The media plays its role in ensuring the deceptions resonate throughout America and around the world. Their leader not only uses the media to do his bidding at will, but he does so all the while telling the pretend-journalists, he knows that their intellectual cupboards are threadbare. Their response, of course, is not one of embarrassment, but is, “it’s not me he’s talking about. It’s them”.
As you read the piece, you cannot help but think how laughable this must be to people like Putin, Khamenei, Xi Jinping, Castro, or even Jong-Un. America’s leader is lying to America to sell it a bill of goods that will undermine its long-term power and influence, possibly even lead to the use of nuclear weaponry against it.
It is evident that those in power around this President are there for their political bent, not for their knowledge, or career experience. This is not an Administration where the best talent gets the job. We hear from the mind of one of its own, the completely willful ignorance and insouciance with which it views the world we live in. It refuses to understand the hatred and the fanaticism that exists around the world, or even the obvious ruthlessness of dictators like those from Africa which it invited to the White House for dinner.
In the past his defenders pretended that Obama’s lies like, “You can keep your doctor,” were simply uttered because he didn’t know he was lying. Or even better, he didn’t know, he’d only heard about it on the news. Today, late in his second term, the extreme arrogance admits it lied and it even describes how it created the lies to make them float. The “echo chamber” worked.
The lies have been effective. The lies blamed others for misgovernment. Anything negative was Bush’s fault. He was an easy one to whip — he’d left town. On other fronts, Congress was an easy mark. Obama just said they blocked him at every turn, even though the Republicans gave him free reign, as the current support of Trump highlights. The lies flowed about education, about hemorrhaging national debt, about immigration, about unemployment, and about healthcare.
As he leaves office, we will now hear the beating of the ‘climate change’ drums leading his lie parade into the globalist sunset. Those drums will not drown out the roar of Iran’s nuclear tests.
A constituent of the vast baby boomer generation with a career which has been fortunate to know the ponderous corporate worlds, as well as the intimately pressurized, and invigorating entrepreneurial domains of high tech and venture capital, I have harvested my share of mistakes meandering through corridors of enterprise from Silicon Valley, to London and endless, colourful, sometimes praetorian points in between. The voyage has provided an abundance of fodder for a pen yielding to an inquisitive keyboard, a foraging mind, and a passionate spirit.
Whether political or business or social or economic or personal, is it not all political? It is a privilege to write, and an even greater privilege to be read by anyone, and sometimes with the wind at my back the writing may occasionally be legible. I do not write to invite scorn, nor to invite respect, but if I get really lucky the writing can stimulate thinking. I also write for the very selfish purpose of animating my own processes, and engaging the best of what life offers. Above all, whether biting fire or swatting shadows, I am grateful to be gifted the freedom to write and publish whatever flows down to the keyboard. To all those who enabled this freedom, and to all those standing guard to preserve it, I am indebted.
Someone once wrote a post that said you’d have to be an idiot to believe anything obama says.
What bothers me is why the left is not bothered the constant flow of deceit.
They aren’t bothered because it’s THEIR deceit. They will make a story about Bush’s deceit about WMD’s, then make themselves outraged over something they know is a lie because it suits their purposes. Likewise, they will snicker and wink when they hear lies about our national security because they know weakening US power and influence furthers leftist goals (ignore for the moment that, as non-Muslims, they would still be as dead as other capitalists). Lies are necessary to further the liberal agenda because the facts are far too damaging.
You know what’s funny? Even with all these machinations they never actually did “sell the Iran deal to the public”. Just like with Obamacare they’ve never gotten a majority of the public to think this is a good idea.
I mean, it would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic and horrifying.
Next Obola will go to Hiroshima and apologize for America saving lives and ending World War II!!
@Common Sense: Well, you know the whole war was our fault for cutting off oil and scrap iron sales to Japan. Plus, we didn’t have transgender restrooms.
@Bill: @Bill: I do believe that most of the left is incapable of comprehending the consequences of events, issues and actions until it is too late. Their decisions and world view is based upon ideology lacking in facts and reason. That is why left leaders end up with so many unintended consequences.
@Bill: Yep, and it was a vast right wing conspiracy that forced Slick to get a hummer in the Whitehouse!!
I think you need to get your own ludicrously dysfunctional party in order before presuming to pass judgement on the one that’s kept the country running in spite of it. Controlling both Houses of Congress, republicans have managed to accomplish absolutely nothing. Now they’re going to try to add Donald Trump to the mix?
The cover of Time (halfway down the linked page) sums up my thoughts quite well. I voted for Reagan in two presidential elections. I haven’t voted for a republican candidate since then. Something changed. It wasn’t all me. At this point, the GOP has become a party that I no longer even recognize.
What is Donald Trump? People don’t have a clue, but they’re enthusiastic about what they imagine him to be. I think they’ve lost their minds.
Yes, I’m quite sure that is the reason for WWII
@Common Sense:
And to take all those Pedophile Airlines flights.
kept the country running? isn’t that a matter of interpretation. I’d suggest it was the over budget by 20 Trillion that kept it running. I realize a lot of that money only went to the bank accounts of dimocrats, such as Hillary, for all the illicit deals they have pulled off, and the payments to cohorts for such bamboozles as solar energy and windmills. None of which have turned a profit.
Republicans controlled the House of Representatives during 17 of the past 21 years. Maybe you should ask them why the national debt has soared. Possibly it has something to do with repeatedly cutting taxes even though deficits are rising. Borrowing money to finance wars which you’ve underestimated the cost of by 5 to 6 Trillion dollars can run up the debt. So can tanking the national economy.
Basically, republicans screwed up royally, and then left Obama with both the blame and the bill. And now they want to make a genuinely narcissistic billionaire reality TV host president, to sort things out.
@Greg: Let me get this straight… you think the REPUBLICANS are dysfunctional? Well, let’s have a look at YOUR house.
You will have your choice among these: a bitter, nagging shrew that is willing to allow her husband to sexually abuse women (and, allegedly, little girls), even attack the victims to preserve her political career, someone whose one and only singular “positive” consists of her experience, which is filled with failure and corruption. This candidate put national security are risk by having her own secret, private, unsecured server on which she put over 2000 classified documents, 22 of which are too sensitive for the investigators themselves to view. Your defense of her actions is that “there is no proof she intentionally broke the law”, making her abysmally stupid if not totally corrupt.
OR, you can choose an avowed socialist with a history of shirking work, a misogynistic pervert who liked to imagine, as he choked his chicken, that women secretly enjoy being gang raped, whose proposals will add to Obama’s $11 trillion of new debt another $18 trillion.
Yeah, Greg, if I were you, I would certainly be pointing to someone else’s flaws… that way you won’t become too depressed over the socialistic turn your own party has taken.
I think it has to do with the $11 or 12 trillion Obama himself will have added to our debt with nothing but policies to add to that debt. It has a LOT to do with a complicit media that will vilify any Republican attempt to reform entitlements,the largest and most out of control spending we have, since Democrats have to buy their votes with entitlements rather than use their positive accomplishments to prove their valued.
The bill was left by the liberal Community Reinvestment Act which created the recession. Obama never made a single payment. He just printed money and loaned it out at 0% interest (say, isn’t that a Muslim belief… that charging interest is BAD?) to keep his economy from going completely down the tubes. HE will leave a tremendously expensive bill for the next President to cover. Of course, Hillary or Bernie would simply do what every liberal does; ignore the problem, blame someone else and run up more debt.
@Bill, #13:
Democrats will have controlled the House of Representatives for only 2 of Obama’s 8 years in office. Only the House can originate revenue and appropriation bills. How does a President that republicans assert is too incompetent to tie his own shoe laces add $11 or 12 trillion to the national debt?
Why do you think it would be that the increased holdings of America’s 17.5 million millionaires and billionaires is approximately equal to the total amount of the national debt?
Is this pure coincidence? Or is it possible that, over time, cuts in high-end taxes that are not “paid for” with comparable spending cuts transfer wealth upward, while simultaneously increasing our collective debt by roughly the same amount?
This is a crazy idea, I realize, being based on common sense and simple arithmetic. It does fly in the face of a basic tenet of the republican faith, which tells us that cutting taxes raises revenue.
What observation should tell us is that repeatedly cutting taxes has raised the national debt. That’s the reality. We’re deeply in debt as a nation because we consistently spend and commit more money than we take in. Iraq and Afghanistan, for example will ultimately add $5-6 Trillion to the national debt. No thought whatsoever was given to where the money would come from. We were told that the Iraq war would “pay for itself,” as I recall.
Couldn’t be, It’s just a brain fart of a liberal socialist.
You mean like Obamacare, which was crapped out of the Senate but was deemed a tax in order to be Constitutional? Obama got a lot done in his first two years when he had full control; he blew a trillion dollars on a “stimulus” that didn’t work, funded more and more illegal immigrants, got the money-pit Obamacare, printed tons of money to keep his sorry, stagnant economy afloat and, with his lap dog Harry Reid in control of the Senate, kept budgets and economic bills from ever seeing the light of day.
But, from what you are saying, IF the economy is doing better as the left claims, then obviously the Republicans, not Obama and the Democrats, should get the credit, right?
You can’t have it both ways.
There is ZERO credibility for someone spouting nonsensical socialist claptrap claiming they voted for Reagan – alledgedly TWICE – unless said troll became clinically insane after having voted for the penultimate non-socialist Reagan.
@Bill: You’re an idiot. Obama had ‘full control’ for only a few months until Kennedy died. Obamacare saved trillions and insured millions.
@REEM: NO proof dude. Obola cost 6 million Americans their health insurance just for starters!!
@Common Sense: Sounds like REEM got REEMED
@REEM: “spades”? How racist. Obama had the House and Senate for two full years. You are capable of changing history only in your own musty, moldy mind. I remain aware of reality.
Obama has been the most failed President in history. He should be pulling for Bernie as he has the potential to be an even bigger disaster than Obama has been. Hillary might, as she enriches herself, actually improve on Obama’s economy (but, who couldn’t… besides Bernie?).
@Greg: Get over it Greg he is the worst president ever, the world has no respect for him at all
Poverty increased 22 % under his regulation crazy administration. He loves the poor so much he made many many more of them.
And mass shootings why he is reigning chamion
Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents
Ronald Reagan: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5
George H. W. Bush: 1989-1993 (4 years) 12 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 3
Bill Clinton: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4
George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5
Barrack H. Obama: 2009-2015 (in 7th year) 162 mass murders
Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 18
He has more than the previous presidents listed combined!
He completely devastated race relations.
Greg he SUCKS.
And as far as cleaning up our Party , well is Bernie a democrat, is Hillary under criminal investigation?
Did Obama lie and give Iran nuclear go ahead and they play with ICBMs.
Greg Pfffft wheres the party of Kennedy?
But, you would vote for either ahead of Trump. That must tell you something.
@Redteam: You are too soaked in ignorance and self importance. Bernie calls himself a socialist, I will take him at his word. Just because I will not sacrifice my integrity to worship Trump. To skip voting is not an option there are important local and state offices up for grabs, I will keep my eye on the presidential choices.
When did voting for someone become a symbol of sacrificing integrity to worship? when I vote for someone to lead the local youth baseball league, I’m not pledging to ‘worship them’ am I? So whenever you make the decision as to who you will vote for, you are casting that vote as a pledge to ‘worship them’? If that were really the case, I wouldn’t vote.
Oh wait, you’re saying you have to choose which one to ‘worship’?
Will it depend on who puts the best cushion on the floor for you to bow on? That worshipping stuff might get painful.
Did you really mean to say ‘worship’?
@Redteam: Trump following has become so cult like it seems its all I can compare it to. The republican elite have made their choice, its the wheeler dealer. Unite with them if you wish. Thats all the answer I will give to you, you lack respect or understanding for the electoral process set up by the founders.
Now the subject leads to Obama bashing lets unite in that.
Who in the hell is that? My neighbors are ‘the elite’? , boy would they be surprised to hear that. Is Hillary the choice of The Dimocrat ‘elite’?
Actually I’m 100% behind the process that was set up. The ‘people’ elect who they want to represent them in Washington. Everyone’s vote counts as ‘one vote’ and whoever gets the most, wins. So far as I know, in the Republican primaries, the person receiving the most votes, has won.
So enlighten me, which part do I not understand or respect?
@Redteam: You are absolutely ignorant as to the delegate system set up by the founders and have insulted it in your posts previously, I have no time or desire to educate you, go look it up and learn for yourself, at your age its long past due.
nor the ability. I notice you evaded all of my questions. Don’t know the answers?
The ‘founders’ did not set up a ‘delegate system’.
So that’s not possible.
Thanks for keeping up with my birthdays.
You sure are having a bad month, maybe June will be better.
You continue to spout you total ignorance go learn fool
The Founding Fathers created a republic, “a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people.” Because they were concerned that presidential elections would become occasions for “tumult and disorder,” they agreed upon a system for electing presidents indirectly. The original electoral process established in Article II included the Electoral College, and a complicated set of rules by which these electors cast their votes. The increasing role of parties had led to complicated election results in 1796 and 1800, so by 1804 Americans passed the 12th Amendment which loosened the rules to allow political parties to play a much greater role in presidential elections.
We do not live in a democracy we live in a republic.
The original delegates find any familar names most likely YOU dont.
William. Samuel Johnson
Roger Sherman
Oliver Ellsworth (Elsworth)* Delaware
George Read
Gunning Bedford, Jr.
John Dickinson
Richard Bassett
Jacob Broom
William Few
Abraham Baldwin
William Houston*
William L. Pierce* Maryland
James McHenry
Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer
Daniel Carroll
Luther Martin*
John F. Mercer*
Nathaniel Gorham
Rufus King
Elbridge Gerry*
Caleb Strong* New Hampshire
John Langdon
Nicholas Gilman
New Jersey
William Livingston
David Brearly (Brearley)
William Paterson (Patterson)
Jonathan Dayton
William C. Houston* New York
Alexander Hamilton
John Lansing, Jr.*
Robert Yates*
North Carolina
William. Blount
Richard. Dobbs Spaight
Hugh Williamson
William R. Davie*
Alexander Martin* Pennsylvania
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Mifflin
Robert Morris
George Clymer
Thomas Fitzsimons (FitzSimons; Fitzsimmons)
Jared Ingersoll
James Wilson
Gouverneur Morris
South Carolina
John Rutledge
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Charles Pinckney
Pierce Butler Rhode Island
Rhode Island did not send any delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
John Blair
James Madison Jr.
George Washington
George Mason*
James McClurg*
Edmund J. Randolph*
George Wythe*
@kitt :Rt is FA’s leading Trumpeteer. He’s been clueless since he first firmly and securely pushed his wizened head up Trump’s ass.
Have you noticed how he can’t stop talking about “assless chaps”–numerous references in recent weeks. RT–Donnies constant pained scowl??
Taking my wife to Coronado and The Hotel Dell for her birthday—magnificent place—hang in there
glad you finally figured that out.
I’m glad you finally figured that out.
Are you implying this was still the ‘founding fathers’ doing?
Geez, you finally figured that out. I’ll bet you can’t quote any time or place that I’ve ever said or implied this is a democracy.
tell all of us how many presidents were elected by that list of founders? Or do you need me to tell you?
@Richard Wheeler: I’m sure you’ve got your chaps and rainbow flag all packed for your trip. We’ve all heard of the big shindig there in Coronado, all the ‘guys’ will be there. Have fun Richie, and keep that flag waving.
@Richard Wheeler: Nice work Richard. That place is really a walk in history. The Sunday Brunch is a real winner as well. Drive safe.
@Richard Wheeler:
And, just for clarification Little Richie (Chaps) Wheeler has voted for Trump at least as many times as I have. Right Richie?
@Common Sense:
Whew, yeah especially after all that exercise, flag waving and all, Sat night. Be sure to take a lot of Tofu for that Brunch.
@Redteam: #28 The ‘people’ elect who they want to represent them in Washington. Everyone’s vote counts as ‘one vote’ and whoever gets the most, wins. thats a democracy pure democracy so you cant have it both ways. The delegate system set up by the founders that you denied in #30 is the system set up to choose a candidate for a general election, Trump as I stated before could not even qualify in the republican Party as a delegate yet he qualifies as a candidate, in a system he called rigged. It should be further rigged to keep clowns like him off ballots. He has only changed parties 6 times. He has no idea what the party objectives are, and now I am done with you today, as you twist and writhe to make a pointless argument that does not follow the intent of the post Obama Admin – Arrogance Soaked in Ignorance = Experts In Lying , technically thats being a troll, you began your trolling in #24. Leave me alone now. Back under the bridge to dream of men in chaps.
@kitt: Wow where did that libturd rant come from?? Proud to be one eh?? Your president lied to America about Iraq, ISIS, his healthcare plan, Benghazi and has Benghazi blood on his hands. Good thing this traitor only has a few months left. And you support hilldabeast, another liar and traitor. I am not a Trump fan and could care less how many times he has changed parties. Frankly neither party has served America well as of late. What I can say with commitment is that I will vote for anyone who has the greatest change of preventing hilldabeast from getting to the whitehouse.
@Common Sense: @kitt: Sorry gotta back down, looking at your rants I think your just pissed about both parties. On that I can almost agree but like I said, anyone that has the best chance of keeping hilldabeast and slick out of the whitehouse has my vote. Not all that happy about it either.
@Common Sense: point out the liberal part.
here is over 1000 lies the POTUS has told he aint done yet
By calling him my president you meant to insult so not nice.
And HRC wants slick in charge of the economy the libs lied their a$$es off about surplus and we know it.
The Twofer is wholly unacceptable, the bitch is back.
Red just got what he asked for, his words fed to him.
@kitt: I deserve the hit and apologize. Your definitely in my do NOT harass book!! America certainly has issues with what we consider Presidential material!!
@Common Sense: Too many of us are in a WTF jaw drop. Evidence is hundreds of articles on the rise of Trump and the left is having its own issues.The beauty is the left is much more likely to become violent in its protests. This is going to go down in history as the election that America was off its meds.
@kitt: I totally agree Kitt. America has been rocked by politics on both sides and I see no clear path to recovery by any of the knuckleheads in Washington. As far fetched and weird as it looks the only potential with reason is someone out of the Washington mainstream. Someone who has a proven track record of perseverance, success in business, and the ability to work well with others. As far as I can see at the moment, Trump has issues working well with others. Then again Obola has demonstrated this quality for a long time. Off the meds is correct, needing new and different meds maybe!!
@Common Sense: Obama does work well with others he has thoroughly contaminated the government at all levels in all of its departments with his “like thinkers”. Waste fraud corruption are not just a liberal problem.
There is a solution Article 5 convention of States.
Actually that was the elections of 08 and 12.
@Redteam: I thought those were for FREE meds.
@Redteam: lol I thought those were when we started, the heavy stuff any way, admitting a problem being 1/2 battle. 😉