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He’s a jerk, but now he’s our jerk. And yes, he can win. UPDATED

Donald Trump has won the Indiana primary in landslide. With Ted Cruz dropping out and barring a coup d’etat at the convention he is the nominee.

Trump’s negatives are very high (but then, so are Hillary’s) but it is undeniable that there is a hunger out there for what he represents. And that is, being out of the yoke of the establishment. Statements such as this

“The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That’s the conflict here,”

really piss people off. The GOP overlords make clear that your vote doesn’t matter. It’s an Outer Limits kind of thing:



Voting for Trump makes people feel like they still are part of a democracy and they want a voice. For better or worse, Trump is not beholden to mega donors. In fact, they’re sitting on their checkbooks, and frankly, that will provide Trump with even more appeal to the average voter.

Trump can win. He can beat Hillary. Some interesting rumblings are afoot. There is a recent Rasmussen poll showing Trump over Hillary 41-39:

Last week, Rasmussen Reports gave voters the option of staying home on Election Day if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the big party nominees, and six percent (6%) said that’s what they intend to do for now. Clinton and Trump were tied with 38% support each; 16% said they would vote for some other candidate, and two percent (2%) were undecided.

But Trump edges slightly ahead if the stay-at-home option is removed. Trump also now does twice as well among Democrats as Clinton does among Republicans.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 41% support to Clinton’s 39%. Fifteen percent (15%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Trump has reached a new high level of support among Republicans:

Donald Trump reached a new high among Republicans in a national NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll released Tuesday.

The real estate mogul has 56 percent support, more than doubling his advantage over Ted Cruz, who sits at 22 percent. John Kasich rounds out the survey with 14 percent support. An additional 7 percent remain undecided.

But it’s later on in the article that things get interesting:

In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, Clinton beats both Trump and Cruz, though many voters haven’t surveyed haven’t decided who they would vote for. Of those who did, however, Clinton tops Trump by 6 percentage points (43 percent to 37 percent) and Cruz by 14 percentage points (44 percent to 30 percent).

Six points is not a big lead for now and that was with Cruz in the race. But here’s why Trump can win. A CNN/ORC poll shows Clinton leading 54-41 but again, it’s in the nitty gritty where the important stuff lies:

While Clinton is better trusted than Trump on many top issues such as terrorism, immigration, healthcare and climate change, he leads Clinton, 50 to 45 percent, among who voters say would do a better job handling the economy.

Clinton is going to get absolutely pounded by Trump’s version of Sherman’s March to the Sea. He is going throttle her on foreign policy and judgment. Obamacare is staring into the abyss with dramatic rate increases that could emerge one week before the election.

“Proposed rate hikes are just starting to dribble out, setting up a battle over health insurance costs in a tumultuous presidential election year that will decide the fate of Obamacare.”

The headlines are likely to keep coming right up to Election Day since many consumers won’t see actual rates until the insurance marketplaces open Nov. 1 — a week before they go to the polls.

That’s right: just one week before the election date, Americans will be served with what now appears will be double (if not more) digit increases in their insurance premiums. Politico is spot on in saying that “the last thing Democrats want to contend with just a week before the 2016 presidential election is an outcry over double-digit insurance hikes as millions of Americans begin signing up for Obamacare.

There’s Clinton’s waffling on the TPP, which she was all on favor of until she wasn’t.  Then she was going to put coal miners out of jobs and coal companies out of business until suddenly she wasn’t.

Clinton waged war on women until she suddenly didn’t.

Yes, Trump is behind in some polls, but not all of them. The battle hasn’t even begun yet. But here’s the thing:

…he leads Clinton, 50 to 45 percent, among who voters say would do a better job handling the economy.

And as we all know, it’s the economy, stupid. It’s the #1 issue for the country. Yes, he’s a jerk. But now he’s our jerk.

And he can win.

Hillary is calling on the press to stop Trump:


via the Weekly Standard

This speaks to a deficit of self confidence.



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