It’s fine that people don’t like Trump. It’s fine that they disagree with Trump. They’re not content with that, and I think things are going to get worse. Potentially, a lot worse.
There have been multiple Trump rallies which have had disruptions and Trump had to cancel a rally in Chicago for security concerns. Protesters have been targeting Trump rallies everywhere. Bernie Sanders took a bath in the irony pool when he asserted that Trump should take responsibility for the violence at Trump rallies which is instigated by Sanders’ supporters.
Watch as a “protester” provokes the audience and gets clocked:
Those behind the violence are usual suspects: ANSWER, ICIRR, La Raza of Chicago and, the George Soros funded organization, has indicated that it will continue to attempt to deprive Trump of his right to free speech and free assembly.
“Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” the George Soros funded MoveOn web page states. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”
Then things took a dark turn when an idiot rushed Trump while he was on stage.
The idiot, Thomas Dimassimo, claims he meant no harm. But then again, Dimassimo has other intriguing actions on his resume:
The incident at Trump’s rally on Saturday, was Dimassimo’s most recent protest. In April 2015, then a Wright State University junior, he helped lead an anti-racism protest that included students standing on American flags and holding signs saying, “Not my flag.”
Bernie Sanders supporter. “Not my flag” (image via Daily Mail) That says something.
What’s really disturbing about all of this is the potential for escalation of real violence- not the stupid small stuff happening now. Who knows what the Soros-backed groups are likely to do should Trump take the GOP nomination? If Trump is the nominee I fully expect some left winger to take Trump out of the equation – permanently. These people are insane. They think nothing of depriving you of your Constitutional rights. So why not deprive you of more?
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Perhaps Donald should upgrade his suit from silk to kevlar, we know democrats and socialists are much more violent.
Donald has a concealed carry license
and he wears protection..
on another note.. Russia sent an assasin to go after the man who tattled on the red headed spy (not to be confused with the ancient bently the blonde spy).
maybe he could have made a side trip?
Why now.
Some Bernie supporters have been threatening a 70 year old WOMAN simply for putting up Trump signs in her own yard!
Still no demand from Bernie for his own supporters to abstain from threats and violence and crime.
In fact, Bernie supporters are bragging abot their violence…..
the best hope to put the GOP in the White House would be an attempt because without that chances don’t look too good
The left is fairly certain that Donald Trump will be stopped by the ballot box. It’s to the advantage of the left that he not only remains in the race, but wins the republican nomination. He’s the GOP’s big problem, not the Democratic Party’s big problem.
There might be far more danger in the fact that Trump has likely enraged many mentally unstable individuals who are part of ethnic or religious groups he has insulted. A lot of mentally unstable people have guns these days. There’s also the possibility that someone on the right who perceives Trump as a serious threat might be coldly calculating the political usefulness of blame shifting. Psychopaths don’t tend to be leftists. The concepts of collectivism and societal obligations and responsibilities tend to be entirely lost on them.
@Greg: @Greg:
Wow, you are completely delusional. “Psychopaths don’t tend to be leftists.” That’s some major BS. Leftists killed more people in the 20th century than anyone. Hello? Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Kim Jong Il and yes, even Hitler (national Socialist).
I thought the 1st Amendment applied to GOVERNMENT attempting to stifle free speech. Did you think it meant i Can’t tell you to shut up?//
Since Trump has grabbed control of the GOP clown car Obama’s poll numbers have gone up into a plurality positive AND the electronic markets have risen from50% chance of winning the White House to 70%
Dems HEART Trump !!!
HAHA I love it when conservatives have to go far back into history to justify the actions of the present right wing
what about Genghis Khan??? He wasn’t a lefty
So There!!
Look at ISIS small government anti gay anti abortion anti communist theocrats are they lefties ?
Dems 70%
also at 70% Dems win
How ironic that liberals keep calling Trump a nazi etc. When THEY are the ones using nazi tactics.
Ronald Reagan said if Fascism ever comes to America it will be through liberalism.
He was right.
It’s here.
@john: The muslim vote goes toward the socialist side they flood to Europe to take advantage of all the government handouts. The socialists tolerate the anti gay, no womens rights ,Anti-semitic, anti- christian, child molesting immigrants…go figure or get a clue.
3 posts in a row, talking to yourself a sure sign of total mental collapse.
Left wingers protest, often violently. That’s what they do. They have been trained to do that by their professors, like William Ayers, who teach them Saul Alinsky tactics. We saw the results of that when Obama said “They bring a knife, we bring a gun” and other incendiary comments. And we, rightfully so, blamed Obama for inciting violence with his words.
Trump supporters seem blind to the fact that Trump has also made incendiary comments. Comments that not only fueled his supporters, but the violent left as well. They want to hold Trump to a different standard, not the same they held Obama to.
We know what the left does. And if you think it is bad now, just wait until there is a President Trump (God forbid) after he has been elected by Dancing With The Stars groupies who seem to think his 30 second sound bites are an actual solution to the problems of the nation.
Never again can conservatives criticize the Democrats for falling for the shiny object called “Hope and Change” when they have fallen for the shiny object that is a man who has made a career of being an insider, buying and pedaling influence and promoting only himself, not the foolish lemmings who currently support him.
Trump supporters desecrate cemetery !! with vets
OMG !!!!!
ohhh look here is a car with a Trump bumpersticker parked on a grave
haven’t seen any pics of Volvos or Priuses yet
Trump has intentionally made himself the Huey Long of the 21st Century. That alignment carries many readily foreseeable consequences.
obama is a sociopath. I’ve laid out the case for that repeatedly
@John, #6:
Psychopaths, by definition, lack to varying degrees a normal person’s capacity for empathy. This naturally disinclines them to have much concern about the well being of others. They wouldn’t see any more point in the left’s social programs than they would in making an anonymous contribution to a charity.
The problem with the infamous people on your list isn’t that they’re philosophically leftist, as many of them were. The problem is that they’re psychopaths. I don’t believe Fidel Castro actually belongs on the list. He’s a far-left socialist, no doubt about it, but I don’t believe he’s a psychopath. Nor was Hitler a leftist. That pet theory of the contemporary right is total bullshit. It’s an exercise in historical revisionism. The only people who believe it are those who are also on the far right.
Hitler was a right-wing lunatic. Deal with it. I have no trouble accepting the fact that Stalin was a left-wing lunatic. The word that matters is lunatic. That’s the common denominator.
On a lighter note: Proof that Bernie Sanders is behind the anti-Trump demonstrations.
@john: That behavior is unacceptable civilian or vet graves, done by dems or reps, the graveyards policy of flat markers sure made it easy for assholes to turn it into a parkinglot.
@retire05 –
I’m glad you were able to write more eloquently of what I was thinking.
@Nanny G: This is called fascism.
@Greg: doubtful. The people are pissed off. they are tired of being used as an ATM. They are tired of electing officials that do nothing but get to the hill ignore their constituents all the while they are gaining power and wealth . The establishment, both parties, is supposed to defend and uphold the Constitution and it is obvious neither party is doing it. They continue to rip up with Constitution by allowing two men who are not Constitutionally eligible to run. rubio an anchor baby born in the USA to two Cuban citizens; and cruz born in Canada to a Cuban citizen father and a supposed US citizen mother (although it has been found she was probably a Canadian citizen) – regardless he is not a NBC and if all is found true, he may not even be a US citizen – however I have gotten off onto a tangent for another story, another thread. -and by allowing a man who has no authority to continue to write law. BOTH parties are at fault. BOTH parties need to have a clean sweep.
Trump is ‘beholding’ to no one. He doesn’t need their money and will not be intimidated or extorted. Both parties and the MSM are peeing their pants because Trump is saying it like it really is. They are scared to death their golden goose will be cooked, that their illicit deals will be curtailed. They don’t want the American citizens to know the truth, they don’t want them making decisions on their lives. Yes the people are pissed and if I were a betting woman, I would bet a revolution is coming. Our country is spiraling down fast and if it doesn’t start to recover, we will be the next USSA.
If you (general you) don’t care about yourself, think about your children and their children. Those are the people who will be paying the price.
I fear for our country.
So what? When you are angry it is the worst time to make a decision.
You birthers drive me crazy. Never mind that Canada has attested that Mrs. Cruz was never a Canadian citizen, but hey, don’t let facts stand in your way of a good conspiracy theory. And never mind the large myriad of legal scholars (except for that idiot, Lawrence Tribe) that says Rubio and Cruz are both NBCs.
And he will not be beholding to the idiots that are voting for him now.
Do any lefties own any guns at all? That might put a crimp in your PROJECTION .
@John: Ah yes…there’s that love…I mean hate. Assenting to assassination…definitely representing a small, minority part of the population that should be resisted at all costs…like the KKK.
@SkippingDog: I think Trump is the “Trump” of the 21st Century…
@john: Most respectable polls show Trump winning, 83% over Hillary…
It’s simple fact.
@John: #4
Remember when you said this?
“No need to wait Nanny you could go help right now in the fight against ISIS”
So, are you going to volunteer to attempt to assassinate Trump now?
@Greg: #5
“Psychopaths don’t tend to be leftists.”
But psychopaths who commit mass shootings do.
As Kitt provided:
Dr. John says: “
But in actuality the people that are insane are all the fools that sit still for the existence of these bastards!
@kitt: He is already wearing a bulletproof vest —
Palin went from wide open at a rodeo – to totally surrounded by official security at a strawberry festival in less than 24 hours in FL —
@Petercat, #28:
It is an interesting and informative article. Particularly when one continues on reading beyond the title.
Most liberals are rooting for Trump; because he’s the most beatable. Most conservatives are rooting for Bernie. Ditto.
Most of the protestors belong to groups which feel threatened by Trump supporters — personally threatened. I wish that everyone respected the First Amendment,
Anti-trump add, run by a GOP super PAC.
@Greg: #31
I did. This is fun!
@Larry Weisenthal: #32
“Most of the protestors belong to groups which feel threatened by Trump supporters — personally threatened. I wish that everyone respected the First Amendment,”
After viewing the Chicago videos, I believe it’s the other way around.
Liberals are the ones who don’t respect the 1st Amendment rights of people who disagree with them. Look at most universities, Trump’s campaign speeches, just about any venue where Conservatives try and speak freely.
If the protesters are so afraid, Why did they go there?
They didn’t go there because they were afraid, they went there to make others afraid.
They have the self-important delusions that if they scream loudly enough, make enough threats, that we will be convinced to dump Trump.
And they won’t bother voting in the general election, because they believe that they are correct.
Liberal beliefs in intentions over actions are working in our favor.
A minor, inconvenient set of facts.
@another vet #36 –
While I have no love lost for those causing trouble at Trump rallies, similarly Trump has set the table for this possibility by the tone of his rhetoric and his oft-repeated remark, “I’d like to beat the crap out of that protestor.” It’s much like what Retire05 commented above in #12. I’m surprised it has taken this long to reach this boil-over point.
And, as Retire05 noted in #22, making a decision while angry always result in a poor outcome. In my line of business, we were taught not to make poor decisions, especially when angry. They get men killed. It is also one of those life lessons taught by our parents, well at least mine did.
I’d rather see the Republican party and the conservative movement lose and implode.
@Petercat: Also not bible toting bible thumpin’ conservatives either huh 😉
Of course, “hate-filled rhetoric” is defined, by the left, as any words organized into a sentence that forms a thought they, the left, disagrees with.
Gee, what do you suppose could happen when a deranged leftists attacks a Presidential candidate and they score an interview on CNN? Anything there that could encourage more useful idiots?
Oh, so they employ their little fascist extravaganzas just because they like fascism? Well, that makes sense, too.
And this is why the VAST MAJORITY of mass shootings are perpetrated by leftists. And ALL of the disruptions of political events.
@Youare Assholes:
You are pretty thoroughly stupid. Are you aware (as I said previously) that almost without exception, recent mass killings (since Obama has been in office) have been committed by liberals? I guess that makes YOU the asshole.
The left has grown comfortable with inciting violence and not being held responsible. Remember the Zimmerman case where the address of his supposed parents (the wrong people, an elderly couple) was tweeted out and mobs surrounded their home? How about the media holding anyone responsible for the riots in Ferguson over the lie of “hands up, don’t shoot”? Or, the threats made against Wilson’s life? The mayor of Baltimore encouraged rioters to riot. The left all the way up to the President himself excused the violent actions of Occupy Wall Street. The left wing media whips up stories of racial injustice (often false) and unleashes violent mobs to intimidate governments to bend to their will.
Basically, Trump is saying he has had enough and his supporters say the same thing. Of course, those pulling the strings behind the useful idiots marching out and committing violent acts for their 15 seconds in the limelight don’t care who gets crushed in the onslaught; they have a larger purpose in mind… the downfall of the United States government.
Basically, Donald Trump’s appeal comes down to the fact that he’s standing behind a podium in front of a national television audience shouting “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”
Does this demonstrate that he’s qualified to become Commander in Chief of the most powerful military force on the planet, or that he shouldn’t be allowed to come within 500 yards of the Oval Office?
Would you want that finger he’s pointing in the photo up above on the nuclear trigger?
@David: Trump wasn’t on my mind. I was making reference to John pointing out how asinine the comment was that “psychopaths don’t tend to be leftists”. The proof he provided is indisputable, at least to those of us who regard the dictators he mentioned as psychopaths.
This country is more divided now than at any time since the pre- and post- CW era. The flames of hostility and divisiveness have been fanned by the current administration for seven long years and show no signs of abating. Trump recognizes this and is no doubt fanning those flames to his advantage. I’m not so sure we will ever come together as a country again. Look how long it took us to fracture (compliments of the left) after 9/11. If the WWII generation had that much “staying power” or unity, the war would have turned out quite differently. In reality, we are two different countries within our borders. Which by the way, one side would like to get rid of.
In addition, most of the “
gunpeople violence” in this country is in areas that are solid Blue. Only an asshole would “know” otherwise.@Greg: I wonder how many people have seen Peter Finch’s classic tirade in Academy Award winning Network 40 YEARS AGO-unbelievable—You can bet The Donald saw it.
Trump still only plays to that 20-25 % of the electorate—really hard to say how much he can expand on that–Obama at 52% approval–majority of the country is actually doing pretty well.
Think Kasich slows him tonight with a 41%-36% win in Ohio Cruz about 19% Rubio 3%
Mizzou state to watch . Trump leads but Cruz closing—Cruz win, though unlikely, combined with Kasich win would severely wound Trump.
Bernie needs to win Illinois to stay at all viable–toss up. HRC wins the rest.
A.V. You are sounding more and more like Finch
@Richard Wheeler: Perhaps you can elaborate and be specific for once since I never saw the movie.
@Richard Wheeler, #43:
An excellent film! Glenn Beck has stated that the Howard Beale character had a powerful influence on him. A short video clip, in which Howard finds the magic power button: I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!
As Obama’s election so ably demonstrated there are only a few things that ”qualify” one to become President of the USA and Commander in Chief of our armed forces.
1. Be a natural born citizen (or pass for one).
2. Be 35 years old or older.
3. Get the most Electoral College votes.
Who said
“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
Who said
“Get in Their Faces!”
Who said
“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
Who said
“Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Who said
“We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
Who said
“It’s time to Fight for it.”
Who said
“Punish your enemies”
Who said a Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
Who called Republicans “hostage takers”?
That would be one Barack Hussein Obama, encouraging people to kick asses, get in faces, punch back twice as hard, stay angry and punish your enemies.
Civility? Like when obama’s campaign called Mitt Romney a murderer?
Just food for thought.
Obama has a low key temperament. He’s slow to anger and tends toward thoughtful deliberation. He acknowledges the complexity of things and takes those complexities into account. Trump seems comparatively volatile. He seems like an impatient person who tends to go with his initial impulses, and who probably has a hard time admitting when he’s wrong. He seems to view the world in a rather simplistic and superficial manner, figuring he can just bulldoze his way through the complexities without worrying about the small details.
@Greg: There it is—classic Thanks for posting.
Trump and Obama personalities –just about total opposites.
@Greg:” Basically, [Barack Obama’]s appeal comes down to the fact that he’s standing behind a podium in front of a national television audience shouting “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”