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Obamas Mosque (Guest Post)

Our President, a supposed Christian visited a mosque in Baltimore a few days ago for the first time in his Presidency. In the press conference at the mosque, Obama said  that Muslim Americans keep us safe and that Islam has always been a part of America. There has not been a time in my memory that Obama has described the Founding Fathers of our country in much the same way. Our Founders were basically Christian, and used Christian principles in the drafting of the documents that are the foundation of our country.

The citizenry of this country should be embarrasses by this man and his constant affiliation with Islam. With the murders, bombings, the support of a global Islamic caliphate that calls for attacks on the citizens in this country in order to being instability and destruction to the American culture and way of life, our President persists in claiming that Islam is the victims of Islamophobia. It is Obama who has constantly degraded our counter-terrorist operations.

He talks of Islam children being bullied, of mosques being vandalized and claims that Islam is part of the American family. Is this possible when over half of all Muslims in the US agree that jihad is acceptable and that we should be governed by Sharia? And even when talking at the mosque, women were segregated, far away in the balcony listening but not being able to see the President see, Women in our own country are being treated as second class.

The FBI has reported many times that attacks of Muslims in this country is unfounded, there is not a hysterical reaction to the atrocities upon our people by “Islam terrorists”, a term Obama can even bring himself to say.

Obama then went to another straw man, saying “ we have to understand that an attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths”. I don’t remember Christians beheading people, shooting up clubs and stadiums ornplaces of business. I don’t remember having specific places being set aside at universities and airports for Christian worship. I don’t remember Christians demanding laws to be changed to fit the principles they believe in, nor working to restrict the freedom of religion as Islam has demanded. Criticizing those who demand that we live our lives on the terms they demand is not Islamophobia, it is the reality of pushing back on those who would demand we submit to the ideologies that they favor.

But of course, there are “terrorists” in the Christian religion. Those, like the Little Sisters of the Poor who refuse to buy into the Obamacare contraception mandate. This administration feels the need to suppress this free practice of their beliefs with government coercion

Obama made quite a point that our Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had copies of the Quran. Not mentioned that the fact that our Founding fathers had Qurans because they wanted to understand the twisted thinking of the Barbary Pirates who were seriously damaging our countries commerce off the coast of Africa. They felt if they could understand the enemy it would be easier to defeat them. It is disconcerting that since that time, not much of the Islamic ideology has changed.

Another part of Obamas submission to Islam on the part of Obama was his proclamations about Muslims that he said helped build our nation. I wonder it that would include those who changed the skyline of New York on 9/11, or the long lines at the airports because of potential bombings and the blood and treasure of our Armed Forces in the counter terrorism wars required to keep it at bay. These are some of the contributions that Islam has made to our way of life. Does this include all Muslims? No? But neither does it signify that we should let our guard down, or not verify those that arrive here.

And what of the mosque that Obama visited? Did Obama give legitimacy to a mosque that the FBI had under surveillance just a few years ago. It was shown to be a foundation of the Islamic Terrorism movement when one of the members was arrested for planning to blow up a federal building. The member Muhammed Hussain  was arrested in 2010 for plotting to blow up an Army recruiting center not far from the mosque.

This is the mosque that Obama chose to proclaim his affinity for Islam.

It is telling that he may have known this before he went, and decided that it was the mosque that he wanted to make his stand.

It is not “Islamophobia” it is the unfortunate position that America finds itself in. Forced to follow a President that we can’t trust.

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