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Megyn Kelly did Trump – and the GOP- a favor


Without a doubt Donald Trump is enjoying every minute of the attention being accorded him in his quixotic crusade for the Presidency. What Trump doesn’t like is being in a situation he can’t shout and bully his way out of and we all witnessed it in the GOP debate. As a review, here the Kelly-Trump confrontation:

Following the debate Trump exploded at Kelly

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.”

Many interpreted that as a menstrual connotation, but Trump denied it.

There has been an amazing amount of fallout from that night and Trump’s supporters have been savaging Kelly.

Trump denied using the language Kelly spoke of but his memory seems impaired:

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said Friday he can’t recall using words such as “dog,” ”fat” and “disgusting” to insult women he believes have slighted him, but such language litters his Twitter feed and other public comments he’s made for years.

Then Trump went out and called Kelly both a “bimbo” and a “lightweight.” Then he added:

“She’s not very tough and not very sharp,” Trump said during a phone interview on CNN. “I don’t respect her as a journalist.”

She was tough enough to piss him off. More Trump comments:

In tweets sent last year, Trump called Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington “a dog who wrongfully comments on me” and said she is “ugly both inside and out!”

In 2012, Trump wrote on Twitter of singer Bette Midler: “But whenever she sees me, she kisses my ass. She’s disgusting.”

Trump is a foul mouthed misogynist. I agree completely with Steve Hayes when he says this is not going to end well.

We assumed that at some point they’d embarrassed to be associated with him: If not his slander of Mexican immigrants, then perhaps his mockery of POWs; if not his kindergarten Twitter insults, then perhaps his sad and compulsive boasting; if not his incomprehensible answers to substantive questions at the debate, then maybe, finally, his juvenile and misogynistic put-down of the female moderator.

Trump is an insecure narcissist. All this would be great entertainment if Republican aspirations for the White House weren’t at stake.

Anyone who paid any attention to the debate knows that each of the candidates were asked an opening question specifically designed for them. Moreover, the questions were all aimed at a soft spot in the candidates. Dr. ben Carson was asked if he felt qualified to be President never having participated in politics. Trump was queried on his abusive language toward women.

It wasn’t off base. Trump used that language repeatedly. He is abusive and he is a bully.

Some circulate a petition seeking Kelly’s removal from future debates. It’s disappointing to see some conservative sites pile on Kelly. Some are trying to use an old interview of Kelly by Howard Stern to smear her.

It’s here if you want to listen. Kelly indulges in some salacious talk but spends most of the time parrying Stern’s usual perversions.

Yet, Kelly did Trump a favor, despite what I felt was at times high school repartee with her cohosts.

Does anyone think for one second that this would not have surfaced during a lengthy campaign?

Does anyone think for one second the left would have avoided bringing up the “Trump war on women” topic?

Wake up and smell the coffee.

If somehow Trump survives this, he’ll have been given a gift by being able to clear the air before the left smacks him with it. If Trump thinks this was tough, he better shop for a better set of big boy pants. The left will be body-slamming him like he’s never seen. What will he then threaten? Not to be nice to his opposition? Will he threaten to stop making political donations to democrats? One can only imagine the fusillade of boorish verbosity that would be loosed. Ultimately America would have but one response to Trump:


“Ya fyuhd!”

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