Let’s hear what you have to say about tonight’s debate! It ought to be entertaining. I am really curious to see how Donald Trump behaves in an environment he cannot control and he can’t bully anyone who disagrees with him.
His head could explode.
So what do you think?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@retire05: You continue to call me dishonest and a fraud.
Pretty strong statements. I use my real name and you visit my Facebook page. My activism may be different than yours but it involves many hours of speaking with and influencing people to become vegans out of compassion for the animals, for improved health and for a sustainable environment–fraudulent? how so.
Where have I lied? I’m an open book—nothing to hide no need to lie.
When I stop having fun I’ll be gone
@Richard Wheeler:
obviously you didn’t check the def. it means ‘to cast doubt’
You don’t think being a songbird casts doubt about integrity?
You now being ‘in the movement’ I thought you might like that choice of words. But substitute ” how much you attempt to let him off. ” if it soothes your sensitivities
You’ll go to any extremes to fulfill your wet dreams, it seems.
I’m surprised you’re not commenting on Shrillary dropping out.
@Richard Wheeler:
Are you going to start publishing some of the ‘thank you’ cards and letters from the animals thankiing you for your compassion? Do you think all the mosquitos in the world sleep better knowing you’re not going to slap them the next time they ‘inject’ you? And I’m sure there are whole herds of cows that are thankful they’re going to have their misery drawn out another week because not as many people are eating them now so their pen time is now one-two weeks longer. That would be like putting your head in a noose and then making you stand there 24 hours before they drop the door. It’s not like the cow is going to get a pardon, they’re still going to the executioner. Next time you get a thank you for that extra week, we’d like to read it. I don’t think it’s about the animals, I think it’s about ‘self importance’ wanting to feel as if you ‘make a difference’ when it is all a smoke screen. If you want to really help a cow, make them execute them a week sooner and put them in the freezer. I’m sure the freezer would be more comfortable. While they’re at it, see if they’re pushing to get the baby parts market prices up? Save the cows, slaughter a baby…. Socialist liberal rants.
@Richard Wheeler:
I call it as I see it.
So what? Even the authors on this blog do not do that. Are you slamming them because they don’t?
For years I have been dealing with people like you that talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk. You want to save animals (or maybe only certain animals) yet you buy two pure bred dogs. You feed your dogs dog food that is 20% animal content. You think that handing out flyers and marching in parades absolves you from actually saving animals, like pound puppies. Or mustangs.
If you don’t like the word lie, then let’s use the word misrepresent
So obviously you enjoy being exposed as a fraud.
Now, when are you going to admit you voted for both Clinton and Kerry, one draft dodger and one who impugned other soldiers?
@Richard Wheeler:
I know that Roosevelt, as Asst. Sec. of Navy, was denied by Wilson for wanting him fit the navy for war but found nothing about him trying to enlist.
As for believing Trump about stating he is a conservative, it would be like believing Obama stating he is not a Marxist.
Ret05 : Again I use my real name and my F.B is open for you.. How am I a fraud?
BTW I believe in saving all animals–not just pets.
@Redteam: You love to ramble–more and more people are becoming vegans. You don’t understand that–so be it.
@Richard Wheeler:
Hey, I give you credit for that, I’ve acknowledged that you don’t slap mosquitoes when they bite.
I’ve never heard that to be a ‘major’ movement. Probably as many quitting as are joining. After all, the sole intent seems to be to get you to donate money to the gay movement and for most persons that would wear thin rather rapidly.
How big is this ‘vegan’ movement? Only 6% of the people say that they eat one vegetarian (NOT VEGAN) meal per week. Only 4% say they eat vegetarian for one full day per week. The number of Vegans vs Vegetarians is not measurable, too few to measure. I got that off Google. So just as i suspect as soon as they get tired of supporting gay fundraisers, they leave the movement, which they were never ‘really’ in anyhow.
I was telling my wife the other day how admirable of you it is that you are willing to sit there and let mosquitoes make a meal off of you without you retaliating. I have one of those bug zappers out by my pool, so I can keep my hands clean and wipe them out humanely. No thanks necessary. My privilege.
@Richard Wheeler:
Do you really not know? Do you really think handing out flyers and marching in parades makes you an animal activist? Are you really that dense?
And again, no one here uses their real name. Not one of the authors do. I fully understand why. There are those, even some in your animal rights movement, that are vicious and would attack them if they wrote something the animal rights loons didn’t like.
You just want other people to save them while you give your money away to a group that doesn’t even achieve that goal. If you wanted to save animals, you would take them in like so many orphans. Give them a home. Protect them. Feed them. Pay their vet bills. But instead, you pay out good money to a scam artist, Runkle, and hand out flyers and march in parades and say “See what a good guy I am” and I guarantee you have never saved one animal by doing that because saving an animal is a personal action that you are not taking.
How do you save an animal that you never interact with?
To my rambling tag team stalkers Good morning. Enjoy the day.
@Redteam: Some #’s from Google—1971 1% of Americans identified as vegetarians
2012 Gallup Poll 5% veg. 2% vegan
2013 Harris Interactive Poll 7% veg. 6% vegan
Suspect CORRECT #”S between Gallup and Harris
No question number of veg/vegans growing.
Compassion/Health/Sustainable Environment——
@Richard Wheeler:
But did you notice that they are really only talking ‘vegetarian’ because there are not enough vegans to count and their definition of a vegetarian is someone that eats one meal a week without meat.
It has nothing to do with how many eat no meat at all, just skip one meal per week. Why the need to try to BS people? Just tell the truth, there an less than 1/2 of 1 % that even ‘claim’ to be vegan. And that is using only the loosest possible definition.
As long as you’re using meat in your family, you’re not vegan either. Stop feeding those dogs meat.
@Redteam: You are making stuff up . KISS vegetarian eats no meat ,chicken or fish–ever as in NEVER
Vegan –in addition eats or drinks no animal by products–eggs, milk, cheese–ever AS IN NEVER
Americans who identify as vegetarians—5-7%
Americans who identify as vegan 2-4%
Humans are omnivores–only eat meat by choice–ie Don’t need it to be healthy
Canines are carnivores and obviously have nothing to do with survey’s quoted.
I don’know if you take any meds. but good chance you could quit em if you moved towards being a vegetarian. My wife had terrible stomach problems that disappeared when she became a vegetarian.
@richard Wheeler:
I would recommend that you get out of the medical business. I’m reasonably sure you won’t get an MD to put a person with atrial fibrillation on all grass diet.
You can’t find a link to a reputable site that will state as many ‘vegans’ as you state. I told you what I found and that was the most liberal site I could find.
Claiming to be a ‘vegan’ or ‘vegetarian’ is just a ‘feel good’ thing, kinda like saying you jog or participate in gay parades. It has nothing to do with ‘actuality’ only something to ‘create a discussion’ with fellow libs/socialists.
You can’t be a member in good standing or conscious if you kill animals for any reason, especially only to feed another animal. I know that anything that doesn’t fit with what you want to do is only an option and is not required, but you are the one that defined what MFA stood for. I got bit by several biting flies today while at the beach and didn’t kill any of them because I realized they were only doing it for survival and didn’t mean me any harm, so I let them live. And I’m not even a member of MFA. Keep killing those horses to feed your dogs and you’re gonna get kicked out (unless you contribute enough for forgiveness of your sins)
@Redteam: This has absolutely nothing to do with politics, religion, sexual preference etc. Why would you want to make it so. Seems foolish.
I used Google, same as you, to get numbers on Americans who consider themselves vegetarians or vegans. These numbers are growing as people become more aware. Anyone can look it up.
I wish you good health RW.
@Rich Wheeler:
Just for the record Rich. You brought it up (see below). Just as you referred to your FaceBook page. If you don’t want someone to address something you write that goes off topic, then don’t write it.
@Rich Wheeler:
I notice you didn’t link to those ‘statistics’ you attempted to quote. That’s because they don’t exist.
That’s all it does have to do with. If you weren’t out telling all your buds how great you were feeling on your new diet, you wouldn’t be on it. I don’t quite understand that anyhow because you’ve been telling us what great condition you were before you went to the grass diet.
@Ditto: Thanks Ditto. Yes, it’s is typical of many socialist liberals that they want to bragg about all the great things they are doing but don’t want anyone to criticize their decision to be stupid.
@Ditto: @Redteam:
Interesting article about the “animal rights” activists:
How many on the right side of the political spectrum have you ever known that was as radical as Rich is with no meat, no animal products like milk, cheese, eggs? I’ll warrant the number, if existing, is miniscule. Even the head of Rich’s favorite animal “rights” group, Mercy For Animals, is also a radical gay “rights” activist. Nah, no politics involved there.
Odd that those like Rich would be so fanatical about the use of animal products when the very organic vegetables they eat are fertilized using cow/chicken manure in lieu of chemical fertilizers. Never mind that they seem to have no problem wearing animal products like leather belts as Rich’s animal “rights” compadres do. Those belts were not made from road kill.
Rich will brag how he hands out flyers, marches in parades and donates over $10,000 annually to groups that hand out flyers and marches in parades but do nothing personally to save animals (like taking them home and being personally and financially responsible for their health and welfare) but when it comes to the destruction of human infants, will say he would “advise” against abortion. So advise equals activism, I guess. But no flyers, no parades for the 57,000,000 babies slaughters since Roe vs. Wade.
@retire05: To quote a famous Conservative “There you go again.”
You and your tag team partner. Politicizing vegetarians??
@Rich Wheeler:
Which means what exactly?
I understand you’re not real bright, but perhaps you just failed to notice I was responding to both Redteam and Ditto.
Thinking you are too cute by half by calling Redteam my “tag team” partner, I have explained to you, multiple times, I do not know him. I know not where he lives, what his name is, or any other personal information about him. Makes making a “team” pretty difficult.
Also, I noticed that it took you only 38 minutes to respond to my post. And you call me a stalker?
You blather on about how Redteam and I post so much more than you do, yet it has been three days since I posted on this thread and in that time you have posted 5 times even trying to instigate posts from us with your “To my rambling tag team stalkers Good morning. Enjoy the day” entry on the 14th. Nice to see that you remain ever the hypocrite.
Give it up, Rich. You have been outed as an animal “rights” fraud with your pure bred dogs and your leather chairs and friends who wear leather belts. Pretty hard to defend a position when you, yourself, violate it.
@retire05: Bear in mind that Rich says the reason Vegans are vegans is because it’s cruel to kill animals just to satisfy the urges of humans. Not because meat doesn’t taste good or is not good for you, but because slaughter animals are mistreated. Then they go and kill those very same animals just to feed their dogs. Why is it more humane to kill a cow to feed a dog than it is to kill a cow to feed a human?
I can assure you that Rich will never attempt to answer that question.
I’ve figured it out why Rich is so fascinated with tag teams. I’m pretty sure he and Runkle are getting ready to team up…
@Ditto: Thanks Ditto–Lets get back to politics. It’s clear vegetarianism is a tough subject for some meat eaters to deal with honestly or rationally. For ANYONE to politicize it-absurd
Do you think Trump can hold this lead and secure the nom? Realize there’s a long way to go .Do you think Walker still viable if he loses neighboring Iowa?
Your thoughts on a Rubio/Kasich ticket?
On Dem. side…Will HRC hold on to win nom? Who would be your Repub. ticket. Thanks
@Rich Wheeler: It was a safe bet that you would duck my questions. No linkee…
How did you get on vegetarianism, you were talking veganism. quite a diff.
I’ve told you more than once that she has already dropped out. She just hasn’t told the ‘poor souls’ yet so they will keep sending her money. The plan is to take donations thru Oct then dump the Dims. ( She may be planning her jail time)
@Redteam</ Pretty simple Google vegetarian and vegan You'll get the numbers I gave–You know that. Glad you’re learning the difference
Why not a link from you showing your HRC dropped out claim.
You;re problem RT is whether you’re kidding or serious you make no sense–Personally I just think your laughable—always referencing gays, mosquitos., gay mosquitos. Like Trump I expect you'll do a fade. One things certain HRC will be around long after he's gone
@Rich Wheeler:
Yep. Once you got your ass handed to you, now you want to change the subject. No surprise.
Frauds, when exposed, always want to change the subject.
@retire05: If you wanna debate benefits of a plant based diet vs carnism we can do that
Compassion, health, sustainable environment.
Would you claim carnists are as healthy as those who abstain from eating meat?
Many wait till they’re ill and they’re Drs. tell them to cut back or cut out the meat.
Better late than never–same thing with exercise-never to late to start.
I take NO meds–how bout you?.
Fraud That would be you 05
@Rich Wheeler: The thing that stands out with me is that you can’t provide a link to the claim you made. I had already ‘just Googled” and found the numbers I quoted and I gave a link for those, then you come along and start whistling Dixie. You know you can’t show a link proving that Vegans are on the rise even if you accept the phony claim that anyone that misses meat for one meal is a Vegan.
As soon as you provide that link proving your numbers I’ll give you the ‘insiders’ link to the Clinton campaign site that says she’s already dropped out, just playing the fools for all the donations she can get.
You don’t need to try to figure out if I’m kidding or serious. I’m always serious. You can bet the money in the bank on that.
@Rich Wheeler:
BS, why would a Dr tell anyone to stop eating meat. Did you or did you not say that humans are Omnivores and can eat which ever they choose? That means that if meat is bad for them that grains are also. Probably the no. one harmful food for anyone is wheat.
I have never heard of a Dr telling anyone to cut back or stop eating meat. Why would they?
I think you’re making things up as you go along.
Give me an example of an illness caused or exasperated by eating meat.
Here’s what Google says:
Throwing flint-pointed spears at cabbages was probably how the veggie shish kabob was invented.
Here’s a little more Richie. Give me some equivalent quotes showing all these statements about how good grain is for the human body. don’t believe you will find any.
Come on Rich, give me the links to the stories about how Eating Tofu is good for you.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1250532/Being-vegetarian-does-harm-environment-eating-meat.html#ixzz3ivYWM8I2
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Don’t throw that kind of comment up there, Rich might jump off a cliff.
NOTE: RICHIE veganism causes your manhood to go away.
I could go on and on Rich, but even you should have the message by now.
@Rich Wheeler: Ok, I’ve got some of my points, let’s see your’s.
Rich has done run and hide….
@Rich Wheeler:
Not my circus. Not my monkey. I was raised in rural farming communities. I have no truck with vegetarians so long as they leave me and my dietary choices the hell alone. They start pushing me, I’m going to push back.
Hold the lead? Certainly.
It’s far too soon in this process to tell. Trump is now beginning to assemble his political team and he is making some very interesting and intelligent choices. Trump is a highly experienced expert at executive organization, (far better than most of the other candidates,) and this could give him a huge edge. He is working with Sessions to flesh out his full immigration strategy and that alone could bring Conservatives online.
Trump is going to be fighting the establishment press all the way, but the press has a huge problem. The more they attack Trump, the higher his poll numbers rise. He knows how they play their game. He also plays very well with so many US voters who are fed up with the corrupt political machine of both parties, and with the MSM talking heads telling them who to vote for. Trump’s main weakness is his tendency to shoot off his mouth, but that is something that a savvy campaign manager can help him deal with.
Walker needs to engage. I think that FOX New’s unexpected and unusually aggressive debate moderation plan threw many of the candidates off their game (with the exception of Bush, Rubio and Kasich whom were all thrown softballs.) FOX’s choice for the moderators to run the debate like Democrat attack dogs has backfired on them, as only fellow FOX personalities leftist news agencies and Democrat seem to have approved.
A sure loser of a ticket. If the RNC gives us that or a similar combination with Bush, they might as well call it quits and go the way of the Whigs.
I seriously doubt it. It would take a miracle to salvage her Titanic campaign now that it has hit an iceberg of her own making.. No one trusts her, not even a large percentage of Democrats and she has the likability of David Duke.
Cudos. Greg that was a fairly good Joke.
Are you familiar with Sci-Fi Writer Larry Niven? His Kzinti have a saying about herbivores: “you don’t need brains to sneak up on a leaf!”
@Redteam: Lets start with this. My health is great- no meds no doctors 5’11 185–on average Drs. die young..
You’re the guy who has health problems. Ask your doctors if you’re overall health is affected by your consumption of meat and dairy products. Let me know what they say? What they suggest–I trust you’ll accurately repeat what they tell you. Then we’ll continue.
BTW no viagra needed Agree with Trump ” If you can’t get it up you don’t need viagra–you need to find a new woman.” Heard him say it–lol
@Ditto: I believe Trump appeal limited to upset Tea Party folk Not enough to win nom. and certainly not enough to win G.E. He won’t prevail with women ,Latins,Blacks or any other minority–There is no path to victory for him in the G.E—The Republican Party knows this.
@richard Wheeler:
They will tell you that eating meat, including red meat, is not bad for you as long as you do it in moderation. People need the protein that comes from animal products. Pete tried to explain that to you, but you ignored him. Guess you think you know more than an actual M.D. Where people get in trouble is when they are basically meat eaters and do not complete their diet with grains, fruits and vegetables.
My spouse had open heart surgery. He had a “widow maker” and we had a great surgeon who trained under Michael DeBakey. I asked if red meat was now taboo. He said “No, just not every day. Chicken and lean pork and a steak once a week is fine.” Not all heart disease is due to what you eat. Some is heritary.
Even if the vegetables you eat are organic, they are fertilized with animal manure. Doesn’t it bother you that those poor animals are having their manure used to grow your vegetables? Hydroponically grown vegetables are fertilized.
You claim you take no meds. Goody, goody for you. But I will bet a dollar to a rolling donut that you load up on vitamin supplements, most of which are synthetic and not derived from natural sources. That will work for only so long. Vitamin supplements are not as healthy as the real thing.
Why do you think babies are fed milk? Some babies can’t tolerate cows milk so parents feed them goat milk. But it is still milk from an animal. By your rules, we would deny babies the very thing that allows them to grow. The protein from animal products is the very reason you continue to feed your dogs dog food that contains animal products. Get back to us when you stop doing that to your dogs.
@Ditto:You need brains to tie an elephant carcass to your jeep–troll till a lion follows–turn your headlights in his face–shoot him ,trail him, skin and decapitate him Then try to hide the GPS. That dentist should stay in hiding.
@richard Wheeler: Totally ducking the issue again? I gave you the arguments against, I guess you can’t refute them. Do you realize that all those cows in the slaughter pens are in great shape up until they fall dead?
I had forgotten that I was giving you that info on Sat nite when you’d be out with the boys and your rainbow flags raising money for Runkle.
So all the evidence proves you’re wrong so the answer is to give up and not address the questions.
@rich wheeler: Do you want to bet that some US hunter kills a lion every day in Zimbabwe? The Gay/animal rights people just saw an opportunity with Cecil to raise some money.
@retire05: @retire05:
I disagree with that doctor. The only time I’ve ever had problems with cholesterol is when I was put on a ‘low fat’, no red meat diet. Soon as that happened I reversed course and went on Atkins. Which is basically eat all the fat red meat you want just as long as you lay off the stuff that causes you to get fat, basically wheat and starch products.
As all those links above show, humans are built to eat meat and animal products. It keeps their system in balance. Cut red meat out and your system gets screwed up and no amount of ‘meds’ and ‘vitamins’ will do anything for you. If Rich is eating 100% as he says (which I doubt) then his body chemistry is way out of balance. I suspect it is causing severe brain shrinkage (some of the things he says indicates that) and his manhood is kaput. (The sad part is that it causes a brain function malfunction where you don’t realize you are in trouble) You start doing things that you didn’t do in the past, such as parading in pride parades and hanging with strange crowds.
But he’ll learn (hopefully before the ‘permanent’ damage sets in)
What do you disagree with? The cardiac surgeon didn’t say cut out red meat. He said eat red meat in moderation. For some who eat read meat every day, that means to replace some of those meals with chicken, pork or fish.
I take it Rich has been a vegan for a relatively short time (going by what he said about his leather chair). It takes the body a while to react to such a radical change. You don’t stop consuming animal products (protein) and have health problems the next day, week or even month.
Rt—you’ve had heart problems–O5–same with your husband.
Lets get serious for a moment—heart problems can come from blocked arteries and being substantially overweight.
Here’s what we know eating too much meat creates both these problems
We also know1)-vegetarians on average are lighter and suffer less heart attacks.–how many males 60-80 do we know that have suffered heart attacks?–almost always overweight and excessive meat eaters.
2) vegetarians are less prone to cancer.
05 Have you ever heard of med Dr. tell a recovering heart attack patient to eat MORE meat.
I don’t consider going from being a carnist to a vegan gradually over 3 months a radical change–it just felt right.Study the Blue Zones if you get a chance
We are talking about HEALTH—YOURS AND YOUR LOVED ONES–Too important to politicize-or joke about as RT is prone to do
@retire05: Specifically what I disagree with him about is cutting red meat. When you cut red meat, something has to substitute for it, that ‘something’ generally works out to be worse for you. All diets should be balanced to some extent, but cutting red meat to once per week is not ‘balanced’. As I said, I once (in the early 80’s had a doctor that recommended I go to ‘low fat’ diet. Later he said it ‘obviously doesn’t work for everyone’. I’ve never heard of a diet that works, long term, better than Atkins diet and it has no limits on fat meat. (within reason)
True, but the day he went to ‘vegan’ his health started a downhill slide and depending how much damage he does before he wakes up, it may not be reversible.
@richard Wheeler:
Well you certainly aren’t taking it seriously as long as you’re destroying your body from within.
That’s a generalization considering that what you said can ’cause’ heart problems is actually what heart problems are. Almost always ‘blocked arteries’. What may be a reason for blocked arteries? too much cholesterol, what causes high cholesterol, eating starchy and grainy foods. Wheat is probably the single food that causes fat. Eating red fat meat will not raise cholesterol. Cholesterol in meat is passed through your body. Cholesterol made by your body is stored in fat which is caused by sugar, grains and starches. All from plants. How about it Rich, is sugar or red meat worse for your body? Not sure where you get the idea that ‘fat’ comes from meat. meat is all protein,, not stored in the body.