Let’s hear what you have to say about tonight’s debate! It ought to be entertaining. I am really curious to see how Donald Trump behaves in an environment he cannot control and he can’t bully anyone who disagrees with him.
His head could explode.
So what do you think?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@retire05: You say Trump “may be an asshole”-OK Faint praise but he’ll take what he can get.
@Rich Wheeler:
I don’t care what Trump will take or what he will not take. What I care about is you misrepresenting what I said so you can further your own agenda. If you are going to quote me, then quote exactly what I said and stop trying to make it sound like I said something else.
You continue to prove how dishonest you are, but then, you are a left winger so I guess you just can’t help yourself.
@retire05: Alright alright You said Trump MAY be an asshole.-Let us know if you come to a decision on that..
@Rich Wheeler:
Are you admitting you deliberately were misleading, since you were?
I don’t care if Trump is, or is not, an asshole. Doesn’t affect me one way or the other.
@Rich Wheeler:
They might wonder about me, but there is no mystery about you. You’re solidly in.
So now you’re concerned about people spending time reading your wife’s FB page. Well, put you mind at ease, I have no clue about her name or what her FB name is and don’t care to.
Now you’re telling us that La Habra is having gay parades and they’re calling it a Cornhole festival, or something. Well, I guess that fits for gays. Good old boy Repubs? Conundrum.
I will concede you keep us well informed. I guess you deserve thanks for that. Do you fly a rainbow flag on your flagpole?
@retire05: Careful there Retire, since Rich is in ‘the movement’ he’s keeping up with assholes.
Yes, I know he’ll deny it, but facts are facts.
You did see where he was out with the ‘gang’ over the weekend? Since he’s gotten into the Runkle crowd, it’s never a dull moment.
@Redteam: You’re the self proclaimed expert on ass chaps—how many pairs? did you say you have.?
What do you do for that big belly of yours?
As I Predicted Cruz has moved up. Bush and Walker are through, Down to six Rubio, Cruz, Huck ,Kasich,,Trump and Carson
Dr. John Question for you When Trump insulted Latinos many thought his quest for nom. was over. When he insulted John McCain and veterans many thought it was over.
Now that he has insulted women and kept his commanding lead in the polls the question shifts to the make-up of the Republican Party.
Who are these people? What has the Republican Party become?
@Rich Wheeler:
What has the Democratic Party become?
You elected a man, twice, that was a notorious womanizer and was even accused of rape yet now he is the most beloved member of the Democratic Party.
You chose as your nominee a candidate that had lied about his “brothers in arms” in a Congressional testimony, gave aid and comfort to the enemy, accused our military of killing women and children “in the middle of the night.”
Elected, twice, a man who had never done anything but cause dissention among people with his community “organizing”, who smeared his opponents to the point where they dropped out by illegally going after the opponents sealed divorce proceedings.
You elect those who belong to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a caucus started by self-proclaimed Socialist, Bernie Sanders. You elect people like “Call me Senator” Barbara Boxer, and radicals like Nancy Pelosi.
Clean up your own steps before you start questioning others.
@Rich Wheeler:
you don’t have to concern yourself with that, you’re safely ahead.
@Rich Wheeler:
Why would the ‘self-acknowledged’ expert on the Republican party ask that question? You would think he knew. Guess he’s not the expert he fancies himself to be.
@Rich Wheeler:
How is calling a rapist a rapist an insult? I’m a veteran and I didn’t see any insult of McCain. McCain didn’t help himself very much when he collaborated with the enemy.
@Redteam: It’s true, as this is playing out exactly as I’ve called it. I’ll keep you updated and out front on the whole process–see 46 and 58
I know exactly who the Trump supporters are. Just wanted to hear from the good Dr. I always know I’ll hear from my tag team stalkers.
@Richard Wheeler: I haven’t seen you make any predictions, just a wish list.
You need to be concerned about who the socialists are going to nominate. I might listen to those people crying, I think you’re afraid to pick sides on the Dim side, afraid you’ll be ostracized if you pick wrong.
Don’t pick Shrillary, she’s already dropped out, just waiting for the right time (after she gets enough fund raising) to announce.
Right now it’s looking like Jesse Ventura.
@Redteam: Jesse–Navy man like yourself. Bet you didn’t know The Donald was a big supporter of his. Hell , The Donald’s been a big supporter of Harry Reid and Hillary.. I’m enjoying his speech in Michigan. Like Jesse he’s an entertainer.
Jesse once said to panty waisted trophy hunters “Until you’ve hunted men you haven’t hunted yet.”
@Richard Wheeler: So you’re going with ventura?
@Redteam:If he runs as a Repub. I’ll take a look—Would love to see this Navy Seal go right at draft dodger Trump and trophy hunter The Donald Jr–. great entertainment
No surprise Rich would sing the praises of Ventura. You know, the guy who couldn’t handle being put on the ground by America’s most prolific sniper. And the guy who sued Kyle’s widow after Kyle was murdered? I doubt Ventura will be showing up at any SEAL reunions in the near future.
Seems Ventura and Rich are cut from the same cloth. Both are frauds.
@retire05AKA RT’s tag team partner: Where did I say I’d support Ventura? Fraud would be draft dodger Trump who can’t remember which of his bad feet kept him from serving..—
Ventura and Trump are both self promoting clowns. Good entertainers.
@retire05: For the record Ventura won the defamation suit against Kyle–jury confirming that Kyle had lied in his book.in referencing the knock down and in claiming Ventura was a traitor
@Richard Wheeler:
#1) I wasn’t responding to you. Please note, my comment was addressed to Redteam.
#2) It only took you 17 minutes to respond to my comment addressed to Redteam.
Who’s the stalker?
What kind of low life sues the widow of a murdered hero taking money away from his widow and children? Obviously, your kind of low life.
@Richard Wheeler:
If serving honorable is so damned important to you, why did you vote for Obama? And yes, Clinton was a draft dodger. Bet you voted for him, as well.
@rich wheeler: You do realize that per the judge’s jury instructions, the decision wasn’t to determine whether or not Kyle hit Ventura but whether or not Kyle caused harm to Ventura’s reputation and that the overwhelming majority of witnesses supported Kyle’s version of the facts and the few who supported Ventura were with his group? You do realize that the only reason Ventura won the case is because for some bizarre reason Kyle’s lawyers agreed to allow for a majority decision instead of a unanimous one? You do realize the decision was made AFTER Kyle was killed meaning his testimony was lacking? You are aware that Ventura’s comment, “Until you’ve hunted men you haven’t hunted yet” was meant to imply he served in VN which he never did? You realize that wasn’t the first time Ventura tried to make it sound like he served in VN? Finally, you are supporting a 9/11 truther over someone who was the single most successful sniper in U.S. military history. Amazing.
@Richard Wheeler:
draft dodger ? I don’t think Bill’s running is he?
@rich wheeler: I don’t know what the ruling in the trial was about whether Kyle knocked Ventura down, but I do know that several persons testified at the trial that Kyle did knock Ventura down. So since he won, it must not have hurt that he actually got knocked down in the deal. I wasn’t at the trial and have not read a transcript, but did read the testimony of at least 3 persons that testified that he did get knocked down.
@another vet:
Yep, that’s ole Rich, he’s gonna support the dog (MFA) every time.
He actually was a ‘felony draft dodger’ having failed to report when legally ordered to.
@another vet: I got no dog in that fight. Merely pointing out jury’s decision. Both men served honorably as Navy Seals.
@Redteam: James Janos (aka Jesse Ventura) had 3 or 4 witnesses who testified on his behalf. Kyle had 3-4 times as many. Kyle’s witnesses were comprised of both friends and strangers some of whom claimed to have witnessed the altercation and some of whom didn’t but who claimed to have seen Ventura’s lip bloodied. Ventura’s witnesses were all friends. When Kyle’s widow pushed for a new trial (which I believe was turned down) that would be held in a venue that didn’t favor Ventura like the first one did, one of the chief arguments of her lawyers was that none of Ventura’s witnesses were present at the bar.
Kyle accused Ventura of making derogatory statements about the Iraq War, Bush, and the SEAL’s. Ventura only denied the latter. If the conversation never took place as he claims, why didn’t he deny making the other two statements? Ventura also claimed he never heard of Kyle prior to all of this. So here we have someone who constantly talked about how close he was to his “SEAL brothers” and who regularly attended SEAL functions yet he never heard of Chris Kyle who was legend in the Special Ops community and with the SEAL’s in particular. Something doesn’t pass the sniff test.
@Richard Wheeler:
You and Ventura’s lawyers claimed that the jury confirmed that Kyle lied. The jury was in fact deadlocked. Normally that would have resulted in Ventura losing the case but Kyle’s attorneys agreed to allow a less than unanimous decision allowing Ventura to win. Given that there were more witnesses backing Kyle’s claims it is hard to see how the jury confirmed that he lied.
@another vet:
We will never know if Chris Kyle put Ventura on the ground or not because Kyle was murdered before he could testify. Ventura, as was properly pointed out, claimed harm to his reputation. Seems to me that Ventura had taken care of that long before Kyle entered his life.
Our laws say we have the right to face our accusers in a court of law. Ventura would have had to climb in Kyle’s casket to be able to do that. But once Kyle was dead, it should have ended there. Ventura wasn’t interested in his reputation, he was interested in financial gain. He wanted to deprive Kyle’s widow and children from reaping the financial gain from Kyle’s book and the movie.
The case, IMHO, was a clear cut case of injustice. Kyle was dead. His widow and children did not have anything to do with the incident between Kyle and Ventura yet Ventura, who touts his SEAL values, went after them. Was Kyle proven a liar? No. But Ventura was certainly shown up for the slug he is.
Ventura may have served honorably, but that most certainly is not how he lives his life now. Like Benedict Arnold, John McCain and John Kerry, Ventura has smeared the honor of the uniforms they once wore.
@another vet: You make it sound like Kyle had some rotten lawyers—sniff test indeed.
05 To compare John McCain to Benedict Arnold? You’re sounding like Trump–I believe that draft dodger’s words will come back to bite him.
@Richard Wheeler:
McCain likes to brag about how he is on the side of veterans and their families. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When the POW hearings were conducted, and families wanted to have the reports on their lost sons, brothers, husbands and fathers, McCain was the singular opposition to having those documents declassified so that families could at least have that. He blocked it, against the wishes of the family members.
I am particularly familiar with one case. The case of Lt. Donald Matocha, USMC. The Matocha family went to McCain to have him assist in bringing back the remains of Lt. Matocha. He refused, telling them the door to that history had been closed. Instead, Congressman Sam Johnson, a 7 year guest of North Vietnam , helped them bring Lt. Matocha home.
I have no use for McCain. As I told you before, his last honorable day was the day he disembarked from the plane putting his feet on a tarmac on U.S. soil.
But why am I not surprised that you are seemingly a fan of McCain, Kerry and Ventura?
As to draft dodgers; are you telling us you didn’t support Bill Clinton for President? Yes, or no?
@retire05: I agree on all points. Ventura had it made with his lawsuit- the trial and jury were on his home turf, the large time gap between the incident and the trial, the agreement between the lawyers to allow for a less than unanimous decision which alone would have cost him the case, and he was going up against a dead person who couldn’t defend himself in court. All of that and the best he could do was a deadlocked jury and a less than unanimous decision. About the only thing his attorneys could point to were inconsistencies in the Kyle’s witnesses’ statements. The trial took place seven years after the fact. Recollections become blurred over time unless it is something really seared into one’s memory like being in Cambodia on Christmas Day, 1968 while Nixon was President.
As for Ventura’s honesty and integrity, for years he alluded to the fact that he was in VN and allowed rumors to exist that he was. Prior to this, I recall reading about how he was in VN and awarded the PH. It was written in his bio on the Internet Movie Database and has since been removed. It wasn’t until this trial that he finally publicly admitted that he wasn’t in VN.
As for his whining about defamation, Kyle’s claims pale in comparison to Ventura accusing Bush of being a 9/11 co-conspirator or of Nixon killing Kennedy. How do you compare what happened in a bar fight to murdering 3,000 plus people or murdering a sitting President? Even if Kyle’s accusations are not true (which is doubtful) this was a case of Ventura getting a taste of his own medicine and I have no sympathy for him. And each of those cases were all about one thing-making money.
@Richard Wheeler: He definitely had some bad lawyers. Not moving to have the venue moved and then allowing for a less than unanimous decision cost Kyle’s widow the case.
My problem is with draft dodgers who defame the honorable service of others.
Also chicken hawks who wrap themselves in patriotism, find it easy to send young men off to war, yet managed to find ways to avoid service during war time.
@Richard Wheeler:
Glad to know your rules. But you seem not to care about those who served, yet gave sworn testimony lying about the service of others, or draft dodgers who waited until they got into the Oval Office before they did their best to destroy our military while his wife used their Marine detail for bellhops. Again, you avoid answering if you voted for Clinton, although you probably did.
So if you voted for Clinton, or Kerry, you are a fraud, once again, not holding them to the same standard of respect for the military you demand from someone on the GOP ticket. No surprise that you would respect a Democrat draft dodger and men who served and then turned their backs on POWs and their families. .
@Richard Wheeler: Take some time to Goggle Chris Kyle and Marcus Luttrell. The left has launched a pretty good smear campaign against both of them.
I take it you had an issue with Clinton when he sent us into Bosnia and Kosovo or FDR when he was clamoring for U.S. involvement in WWII or Wilson when he went out of his way to get us into WWI? All three avoided service during war time. Clinton- Vietnam multiple times. FDR- Philippine Insurrection. Wilson- Indian Wars.
@Richard Wheeler: $79
That is NOT a true statement. I’ll let you figure out what’s wrong with it.
@Richard Wheeler:
His name at the Hilton was ‘songbird’. Does that need defining? (well, other than for Rich).
Trump was not a ‘draft dodger’. Clinton was. There is a difference. Thousands of people got college deferments, that’s all Trump ever got. Once he reported, he failed the physical. Thousands flunked the physicals. That is not Dodging. Failing to report as ordered is Felony Draft Dodging. Did that keep you from voting for Clinton?
@Redteam: The guy was admittedlly dancing , drinking and chasing tail in NYC nightclubs. Bad foot gets him a medical and he doesn’t remember which foot it was?—“it’s in the records. Look it up.” he says. Then something like I’m for the guys who didn’t get captured—I’m a winner—I’m very VERY rich—I’m an Ivy Leaguer Wharton Business School–I’m VERY smart—I’m a Winner—yada yada–Did I TELL YOU I’M VERY RICH——–ENOUGH We know– Everybody loves you Donald.
AV FDR tried to resign AST SEC NAV to enlist WWI but was rebuffed by Prez.
Can you believe Trump?–says he’s a Conservative like Reagan.
@Richard Wheeler:
it’s a good thing you don’t dislike rich dimocrats as much as you do rich repubs.
Is there a reason you won’t confirm that you voted for “official US Traitor” Bill, Slick Willie Clinton. Also known in most circles as a rapist.
I’ll make it easy; I voted for Bill Clinton: Yes_____ NO_____
@Richard Wheeler:
I’m rather surprised you admit that, but must come from hanging with the Runkle Gay Society.
@Redteam: You can’t discuss anything anymore without talking about gays?? Actually Trump is a big supporter of gay rights
Do you think Trump is a Reagan Conservative as he claims?
I’d be against any rich Democrat that arrogantly bragged about it.
BTW Your guy Walker now 3rd in Iowa—Through
Ventura endorsed Trump! Wants to be his V.P. Ya gotta love politics 2ND only to College Football
@Richard Wheeler:
I have never stated a favorite, nor have I stated “my guy” that’s something Runkle Followers would say.
Did you vote for Bill Clinton?
@Redteam: Draft dodger Trump was a big supporter of draft dodger Clinton Neither had a felony indictment. Difference is disco dancer draft dodger Trump impugned a Navy Officer that spent 5 years as a POW–A man you’ve also impugned yet voted for.
@Richard Wheeler:
splitting hairs? Did I mention indictment? I only said he was a felony draft dodger. I didn’t say he had been convicted for it. He will always be a felony draft dodger, no matter how much you attempt to get him off. In a lot of women’s minds, he’s also a rapist. I’ll take their word for it.
If telling the truth about someone ‘impugns’ a person, it is the fault of the person impugned.
If McCain was a songbird, me calling him a songbird is not impugning. being the songbird was impugning. McCain would not have worked so hard to keep POW records from being released if it showed him to be a hero.
So you did vote for Slick…….I was pretty sure….. Now we know…..
@Redteam: A person cannot impugn himself..
It’s not possible to “get someone off” a crime for which they’ve not been indicted.
Do you like that Trump/Ventura ticket? Trump endorsed his Minn. run.
How many posts do you think Rich will enter still refusing to answer that question? You already know you won’t get an honest answer from Rich. He’s a fraud, a dishonest fraud.
A better question would be if he voted for John Kerry for POTUS. No one impugned veterans of the Vietnam War worse than he did. But hey, Rich probably thinks John Kerry is an honorable man.