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Of Obama, Historic Things, And “Double-Standards” (Guest Post)

In the wake of the tragic shooting last Wednesday night in Charleston SC, Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama reiterated his call for the Confederate battle flag to be relegated to a museum.

White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters aboard Air Force One Friday that the President, “believes the Confederate flag belongs in a museum.”

OK, fine, but what about other historic artifacts? Do they belong in museums as well? Obama called the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, where the shootings took place, “a sacred place in the history of Charleston, and the history of America.” By Obama’s standard, the church should have been in a museum as well.

Or is this another example of Obama’s “double-standard”? Obama BELIEVES the Confederate battle flag should go, but not the church. After all, the Confederate battle flag is part of American history as well, regardless of how often liberals want to deny it.

Here’s yet another example of Obama’s “double-standard”. Obama is golfing in Palm Springs CA, this week-end. Golf courses take lots of water to keep the fairway grass and the greens grass healthy and green. The course upon which Obama plays used 36 billion gallons of water last year. But California is suffering through a drought. Yet the golf course on which Obama plays is nice and green. In what has to be an effort to mitigate Obama’s “double-standard,” White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz said on Thursday:

This administration’s commitment to helping those affected by the drought is second to none.

Some commitment.

The tragedy in Charleston servers as another illustration of Obama’s “Do as I say, not as I do” attitude. So does Obama’s golfing.

And while we’re on the “double-standard” concept, let’s go a bit further. NAACP President Cornell Brooks, on Friday while criticizing the Confederate battle flag, said that it is an “emblem of hate.”

When we see that symbol lifted up as an emblem of hate, as a tool of hate, as an inspiration for hate, as an inspiration for violence, that symbol has to come down.

Brooks, are you guilty of applying a “double-standard” when looking at the Confederate battle flag, an emblem used to rally troops in the days before modern communication? By seeing it only as an “emblem of hate,” are you disregarding the opinions of others such as Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who said of the flag, it’s “… part of who we are” as South Carolinians? Are you disrespecting all the men who fought and died under that emblem?

Who died so that you got appointed official “emblem authority”?

Yes, the “bully pulpit,” a term coined by President Theodore Roosevelt, that is a position of authority that provides its occupant with an opportunity to speak out on any issue, provides Obama and Brooks with a platform for forwarding their opinions. But when their actions are contrary to their opinions, a “double-standard” occurs. The bully pulpit does NOT provide for that action. Sadly, it is up to us to recognize when a “double-standard” is being foisted because the MSM won’t.

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