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The McKinney Pool Party Adventure

You can get a very good accounting of the players in the McKinney Pool Party here and here. What I want to focus on is the video and what Officer Eric Casebolt was facing.

Here is the raw video


As you watch the beginning of the video, you’ll note that all the kids who obeyed the officer and sat down were not hassled.

At about 1:59 you can hear Officer Casebolt instruct a group of girls (including bikini girl) to leave the area.

“Get out of here. I already told you.” said Casebolt. Casebolt then directs the girls to leave in a direction across the street and away from the action.

“You are leaving now” says Casebolt.

Bikini girl disobeys, walking over to two young men who we will soon see again.

Casebolt spots bikini girl and tries to escort her away from the area, and she resists. Then it hits the fan.

Bikini girl’s two boyfriends then charge Casebolt from the side.

This is where I side with Casebolt. As someone who has written here at length about cops being killed, all I could think was these punks could have been charging Casebolt with the intent of taking his weapon and using it on him. Casebolt was within his rights to be concerned for his well being, especially in the Obama/Holder anti-cop era.

Casebolt never aims his weapon at anyone and one of the punks was arrested. Casebolt then immobilizes bikini girl. A black man standing nearby is not troubled by Casebolt’s actions.

at 7:29 two officers return with the punk who charged Casebolt.

And some girls still were disobeying the order to cross the street.

At 8:00 Casebolt explains to the kids why they were there. They disobeyed. At 7:54 bikini girl is uncuffed.

Benét Embry is a local radio show host in McKinney. He is also black. He had this to say about the event:

Predictably, the incident is being framed as racist when it clearly was not. Black activists are cashing in as you read this. The parents who had no idea what their kids were doing are all breathless today.

None of them seem to give a damn about what their kids were doing wrong. ‘

Predictably 2, McKinney agitators are calling for the firing of Embry because he’s wandered off the plantation.

“Don’t listen to this fool’s show,” Facebook user Tracy Price-Thompson wrote on Embry’s page. “Petition to have it cancelled and taken off the air. But wait, he’s not engaging Blacks as his audience anyway. He’s pandering to whites, eating crow and shucking and jiving to please those who will never accept him.”

The incident seems to have been sparked by a fight between the organizer of the party- Tatiana Rhodes – and a resident of the area.


Predictably 3: Homes in the Craig Ranch area have been vandalized and its residents threatened.

The kids didn’t have permission to be there.
The kids didn’t obey the cops.
Two punks threatened a police officer.

This is bad time for law and order. It is a bad time for police. It is depressing how many people aren’t interested in facts, don’t wait for the facts to emerge and seize upon any civil disobedience to impose their preset agenda on others.

The wrongdoers will get a pound of flesh- Eric Casebolt has resigned. Reuters can’t even get the facts right. They report:

In the video, Casebolt is seen shouting obscenities at black youths in a multiracial crowd, shoving a black teenage girl, briefly pointing his gun at black youths and throwing the girl in her bathing suit to the ground, burying his knees in her back.

Watch the video- 2:45. He points the weapon at no one. And all of it without context.

Again, it boils down to respect for the law. If the kids don’t crash the pool without permission, this doesn’t happen. If she simply obeys the LEO, bikini girl walks home. But society is sick. I am not understanding why some think they are above the law- as though they have space to destroy. I am not understanding why reporting is as pathetic as I have ever seen.


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