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The T in LGBT does not stand for tolerance


What an interesting time in which to live.

Great pleasure is taken in the growing acceptance of gay rights:

The fight for marriage equality continues to dominate global headlines, but a new survey reveals a surprising divide on the acceptance of homosexuality around the world.

Part of the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project, the “Global Divide on Homosexuality” poll found generally broad acceptance of homosexuality in North America, Europe and much of Latin America, while Russia, much of Asia and predominately Muslim nations were more inclined to reject it.

Researchers found that a staggering 88 percent of participants in Spain felt that homosexuality should be accepted, followed by 87 percent in Germany, 80 percent in Canada and 60 percent in the United States. On the flip side, a mere two percent of Pakistani participants felt homosexuality should be accepted, followed by just one percent in Nigeria.

But now acceptance of the gay lifestyle is not enough any longer.

Opinions on marriage equality, LGBTQ rights and religion run across an extremely large spectrum. Just look at your friends on Facebook and you’ll see what I mean. But there’s one opinion that a friend of mine posted on one of my marriage equality statuses that I just can’t accept any longer: “live and let live.”

Now, let me say that this friend is an extremely dear friend, and our families have been close for over 20 years. I’m positive that he meant no offense by it. If I had to guess, it was his way of saying, “Hey, I’m cool with you being gay.”

However, the moment I read his comment, I realized that that is the problem. To live and let live is not enough anymore. It’s no longer sufficient for our straight friends to say, “Hey, I have no problem with you being gay,” or, “I have gay friends.” Guess what? We have no problem with you being straight, and we have straight friends as well.

It’s also not OK for members of the LGBTQ community to say things like, “As long as it doesn’t affect me, I’m OK with it,” or, “I don’t have that problem where I live or where I work.” None of that is acceptable anymore. What we really need is for LGBT people and our allies to stand together and say that enough is enough when it comes to homophobia.

The author demands that everyone become an activist for the LGBT community. God help you if you don’t. If you expected tolerance to be a two way street you’d be mistaken.

Refuse to bake a cake? You need to be destroyed.

Refuse indoctrination and you’re a hate group.

Two gay entrepreneurs hosted Ted Cruz for a discussion Israel. The response? Boycott them! wails the “Rainbow Jihad”:

The irony is that the gay backlash to Cruz’s hosts might engender sympathy with gay marriage opponents. Cruz spent Friday afternoon talking off the record to pastors in Nevada; he would spend Saturday evening at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “spring kick-off.” He was already entering those rooms as the sponsor of legislation that would allow states to ban gay marriage, no matter what the Supreme Court decided this year. Now, he’d be the latest veteran of a culture war waged by gay rights activists. First they came for Brendan Eich, the former CEO of Mozilla. Then they came for the Memories Pizza restauranteurs in Indiana. And then they came for Weiderpass and Reisner and Cruz.

“The swarm of locusts we’ve dubbed ‘the Rainbow Jihad’ on my show is so out of control, it now threatens it’s own benefactors,” said Steve Deace, a conservative Des Moines radio host. “If these cultural Marxists won’t even tolerate leaders in their own community like Reisner having a peaceful dialogue with the other side, then it’s not a movement but an inquisition.”

And if you happen to belong to the Coalition of African-American Pastors and happen to believe in traditional marriage? Well, then you have no right to free speech.

The LGBT community even goes so far as to equate their so-called struggle to the civil rights struggle of the 50s and 60s…The civil rights struggle was for blacks to be seen as humans…The civil rights movement didn’t infringe on anyone else’s right. It didn’t seek to take anyone’s rights away…

But same-sex marriage advocates don’t only want the right to marry – they want to take away our rights in the process…They stand proudly for same-sex marriage, but dare anyone to disagree. If you believe in traditional marriage then they want to fine you, jail you, and taunt you.

For them, tolerance is a one way street- an excursion on the “Mywayorthe Highway.”

Some do seem to get it:

Roseanne Barr was practically drawn and quartered by the liberal gay left in 2007 when she had the nerve to call them out for something that some of us have thought but kept quiet about. “Never once in my 54 years have I ever once heard a gay or lesbian person who’s politically active say one thing about anything that was not about them,” said Barr. “They don’t care about minimum wage, they don’t care about any other group other than their own self because you know, some people say being gay and lesbian is a totally narcissistic thing and sometimes I wonder.”

Sometimes I wonder, too. Why do I say that? Because after writing about gay culture, health and political issues for 30 years, it’s only the men and women I see working through non-gay groups — with a broader vision of equality and social justice — who seem to care about interests other than their own. Not only that, but among LGBT-rights advocates there is an angry intolerance of anyone who isn’t willing to toe the line of the far-lefties who are most visible and vocal in the organized gay political community. Just this week I’ve been appalled to see some friends on Facebook boasting of “de-friending” others who dared to “like” a Republican, and justifying their harsh behavior by invoking the usual rhetoric of the persecuted gay victim of Republican/evangelical/heterosexual oppression. It doesn’t seem to cross their mind that they are every bit as intolerant as they their former Facebook friends allegedly are. They don’t seem aware that their behavior is every bit as hurtful as their “oppressors.” I suspect that it doesn’t even occur to them that the tolerant society they claim to want requires dialogue, friendly disagreement and mutual respect. It’s not a one-way street where “we” get all we demand and “they” get nothing more than our self-important “friendship.”

The LGBT community has got to engage in more self-scrutiny and rein in this fascism lest they steel resolve against them in those whose minds they would like to influence in their favor.

And speaking of tolerance, check out the response to Bruce Jenner by the left once they learned he was both a Republican and a Christian. See how left wing tolerance really works.

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