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Driving Miss Crazy


In the worst surprise of 2015, Hillary Clinton declared herself a candidate for President in the 2016 election and it could scarcely have gone worse. Her office released a statement claiming that Hillary has

‘fought children and families all her career.’

Her campaign sent website visitors to a broken YouTube channel. Her campaign logo screams “Hospital this way.”

Hillary is kicking off her campaign in a van on a “listening” tour through Iowa. She has a Secret Service agent for a chauffeur. Hillary sent out a Tweet that said

“Every­day Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.”

Hillary has been chauffeured around for nearly twenty years. She hasn’t driven a car since 1996. You know, just like everyday Americans.

She gives speeches to Goldman Sachs for $200,000 each. Just like everyday Americans.

Hillary has remade herself more times than Joan Rivers, plastic surgery and all. We’re up to Hillary v.67. She has to continually remake herself because America doesn’t like any of her past versions. Swing state voters don’t find her to be honest or trustworthy.

Form the Washington Post:

“Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times. But the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” Clinton says. “I’m hitting the road to earn your vote, because it’s your time. And I hope you’ll join me on this journey.”

The studied understatement was intentional, an attempt to answer critics who wrote off her 2008 campaign as a nervy juggernaut of ambition and guile. This time, Clinton seems to be saying, the campaign is about voters and not about her.

Crazy talk. I don’t know who is stupid enough to believe that. Of course it’s all about her. Everything she does is about her and nothing else.

There are a slew of questions for her to answer, and that’ll be the next post.

In the meanwhile, be thankful you’re not her chauffeur. you know, one of the “pigs” that used to guard her life in the White House. Personally, I think she’s driving through Iowa looking for a good place to bury the hard drive.


Hillary says she’s driving in a “Scooby Doo” van. That’s so late 60’s. Just like Hillary.

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