A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
More funnies:
ISIS and Al Qaeda are as much Muslims as Jim Jones was a Christian. Using the name of God for one’s own ends is very old and that’s what these leaders are doing.
Although they have faint hints of Muslim concepts, they could be due to cultural beliefs rather than from reading the Koran. Almost none of them can read the Koran or tell the Koran from the Farmer’s Almanac. Being able to read the Koran in Arabic is an absolute requirement for being a Muslim. The vast majority of those in Afghanistan and Pakistan, put their fingers over the words believing the word of God would be absorbed into their bodies. They are the laughing stock of the Muslim world.
Many of these suicide bombers have mental problems. What happens when you don’t have a mental institution? Somebody is going to use those people for their own gains.
The proper term for these group followers are “heretics.” Once they are called out as heretics, those groups will not have the legitimacy of even those that think they are Muslims but are not.
You parrot the PC nonsense of muslim taqqiyah quite well. It won’t save you from beheading unless you either convert to their cult or agree to pay the jizyah and live as a second class citizen under muslim overlords.
The dirty little secret – which you would know if you had actually read the koran – is that ISIS and Al Qaeda are living exactly as Mohammed told them to do. You can babble on in your denial all you wish, ignoring the very islamic concept of abrogation, the tenets of shariah, Mohammed’s bloodthirsty spreading of his cult, the penalty of death islam demands for the “apostasy” of converting from islam to an actual religion, the discussion in the koran of the correct size of rock to use to stone people to death, the fact that a woman must have 4 non-related witnesses testify on her behalf that she resisted being raped or else she is considered guilty of adultery…that doesn’t alter reality for anyone with a brain.
Denial of the intrinsic islamic essence of ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, or any other group pushing the bald-faced lie that “ISIS isn’t islamic” only demonstrates your lack of common sense and your morale cowardice.
Bonus Photoshops: Soup is For Winners
BrianWilliamsPalooza: Brian Isuzu – Joe’s Younger Brother
The Continuing Saga of Brian Williams, The Saga Continues II, III, IV
Scratch an Islamic terrorist, find a Kremlin offspring. ISIS and so-called “novorossiya” are nothing but twin brothers.
Yet more funnies:
@Pete They are picking and choosing quotes out of the Koran. the Koran says not to harm the Jews or attack Israel. It forbids hiding ones army in population centers and to fight on the battlefield. It forbids attacking unarmed people. It forbids terrorism. The punishment for terrorism is the removal of an arm on one side and the leg on the other side. The Koran forbids suicide. The punishment is that one carries their wounds into the afterlife. Holy warriors do not get virgins in heaven. The punishment for using God’s name in vain like these groups do is punishable by death. They do not have power to define what the Koran says. The Muslim religion has checks and balances for what is and isn’t holy and these groups have been deemed unholy. Communities are forbidden to launch wars. Only heads of state can. Sneak attacks are forbidden.
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