12 murdered by Islamic terrorists to “avenge the Prophet Mohammed” in a late morning attack on the office of Charlie Hebdo.
Gunmen have attacked the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris Twelve people have been killed, four are seriously injured Four cartoonists, including the magazine’s editor-in-chief, are reportedly among those killed Paris has been placed on the highest level of alert following the attack President Hollande called it an act of “extreme barbarity” There has been international condemnation, with UK Prime Minister David Cameron calling the act “sickening” In 2011, the publication came under attack after naming the Prophet Muhammad as its “editor-in-chief”
Also, live updates at the BBC. As of the moment, the 3 terrorists responsible are still at large. The attackers displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training.
A few years ago, I questioned the wisdom of Charlie Hebdo‘s judgment in poking a stick into a hornet’s nest of the religion of the thin-skinned. But absolutely did they have the right to do so. Within that post, I covered a bit of history on the depiction of Mohammed in art.
Among those murdered were 4 cartoonists and editor-in-chief, Stéphane Charbonnier.
Charlie Hebdo Editor Stéphane Charbonnier said:
he wasn’t afraid of threats against the magazine for criticizing Islam. “If we worried about the consequences of each of our drawings in each of our 1,057 issues, then we would have had to close shop a long time ago.”
“Extremists don’t need any excuses,” he said following the 2011 firebombing of his magazine. “We are only criticizing one particular form of extremist Islam, albeit in a peculiar and satirically exaggerated form. We are not responsible for the excesses that happen elsewhere, just because we practice our right to freedom of expression within the legal limits.”
“If they are not amused by our cartoons, they don’t need to buy our magazine. Of course they are allowed to demonstrate. The right to protest needs to be protected, so long as one abides by the law and refrains from violence.”
Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005 has stepped up security in wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack.
Charlie Hebdo is part of a venerable tradition in French journalism going back to the scandal sheets that denounced Marie-Antoinette in the run-up to the French Revolution.
The tradition combines left-wing radicalism with a provocative scurrility that often borders on the obscene. Its decision to mock the Prophet Muhammad in 2011 was entirely consistent with its historic raison d’etre.
The paper has never sold in enormous numbers – and for 10 years from 1981, it ceased publication for lack of resources.
But with its garish front-page cartoons and incendiary headlines, it is an unmissable staple of newspaper kiosks and railway station booksellers.
The 3 Islamic gunmen and those who support them haven’t “avenged” Mohammed. They’ve only stirred a hornet’s nest of defiance. Expect more “Danish” cartoons. Expect more “eff U’s” at Mohammed and Islam (true “religion of peace” practitioners of Islam will be able to weather the criticism and insults; if they cannot, then they are not practicing a religion of peace and tolerance). It’s okay to be offended; it’s not okay to react with violence.
Your Allah is not the greatest. He is the worst.
And for those who ask “Where are the moderates?”, “Why aren’t they condemning the attacks?”, well unless you only have selective hearing, they are doing just that right now.
From the BBC Live feed:
Readers are welcomed and encouraged to provide updates in the comments section, since this news is still breaking. (Other FA authors are also welcomed to update this post).
16 most shocking Charlie Hebdo covers.
Also blogging:
Dr. John (Would have saved the trouble of blogposting, had I known Dr. J had this covered).
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
I don’t recall where Christians have created and sent out “death squads” when God is mocked…
Live BBC:
I think we saved the French from the Germanic tribe several times, but I would not support any loss of American lives to save them again from their own stupid immigration policies. We have one too many muslims in Washington DC NOW!
rightwing religious fundamentalists who want to put “their” religion into government
Not in recent memory anyway. 😉 No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Aljazeera English links to cartoonist reactions.
@Jim+S #4 My point exactly. And although I admit I am not familiar with current French ‘law’ it seems to me Freedom of Speech does and should exist without this kind of threat.
Look what we have to ‘put up with’ hearing here in America.
I’ve been watching as some moderate Muslims condemn this attack by Muslims in Paris.
I really wish, however, that these moderates could stop supporting terrorists in worldwide jihad through their mandatory zagat (what Catholics call a tithe).
After moderate Muslims pay the zagat to the Mosque it is split up into several equal portions.
One of those portions supports JIHAD.
What General Sisi of Egypt said it true: Islam needs to reform.
It certainly needs a way for moderate Muslims to obey their obligation of paying the zagat without one penny of it going to JIHAD.
Mixed Reaction From Social Media Users in Arab World:
There comes a point where you have to seriously ask if our President has a mental problem.
He just recently “lectured the world” by saying the French Cartoonists should have had “better judgement” Seriously??
What IS this Person?
Does he or his ‘handlers’ EVER THINK?!?
He opens his mouth and removes any doubt he is a major…
..[fill in the blank there are too many to choose from]
NO wonder we are a laughing stock in the world…
Ring any bells:
“What do we want?” Dead Cops! “When do we want it?” Now!! – What resulted??
What was the “National Conversation” about “this” “Freedom oF Speech” by Al notverysharp.
Sure, Obama said ‘words’ ….wink-wink and carry on…
Ugh! 2016 cannot come soon enough!!!!!!
@Wordsmith: Add to your list, Zaid Jilani.
Zaid was a blogger at the Center for American Progress’ Think Progress.
Zaid now blogs for Bold Progressives, which is behind the Draft Elizabeth Warren campaign.
He also writes for Salon.
Democrats.org, the site of the Democratic Party, had also featured him as their youth activist. http://www.democrats.org/news/blog/40th_anniversary_of_the_26th_youth_activist_feature_zaid_jilani
OK, enough background.
Zaid Jilani Tweeted after this attack in Paris:
Will the Democratic Party and Bold Progressives finally end their ties with Zaid Jilani?
Wouldn’t have missed this post for anything. Glad you did it. Love your drawing.
European Parliament’s Head of Press Tweets Muslims ‘Being Framed’ for Paris Attack
Terrorists kill Frenchmen and it’s called a terrorist attack. Terrorists kill Americans and it’s called workplace violence. Go figure.
On Buzzfeed: 22 Heartbreaking Cartoons From Artists Responding To The Charlie Hebdo Shooting
This sh-t must cease. The only question is how to make it stop.
Not to worry.
The terrorists will soon be released, in exchange for some French diplomats.
They should be executed now.
Will never happen.
@Greg: Thanks for that link, Greg.
Shows how the world will not submit to these threats.
I don’t know when it will cease but I want to remind people of its nasty start.
Years ago (2005) the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published a series of 12 drawings after a local author said he was unable to find any artist willing to depict Mohammed for his upcoming illustrated book.
And, actually, there was NO FUROR, not at that time.
In fact several Muslim countries, including Egypt, published those original 12 cartoons and for 4 full months nothing happened.
THEN, Akhmad Akkari distributed three fake Mohammed images in the Middle East in a booklet to incite outrage by being associated with the Jyllands-Posten ones.
The creator of those three horrid cartoons was a Muslim imam, Akhmad Akkari, supposedly a religious man.
Akhmad Akkari toured the Middle East with these fake cartoons falsely alleging that Islam was not an officially recognized religion in Denmark.
Akhmad Akkari also claimed to speak on behalf of 28 Islamic organisations, many of which later denied any connection to him.
All 15 can be seen here:
It is now thought that these three bonus images are what ignited the outrage in the Muslim world.
If you look them over you can understand why.
They are egregious.
@Nanny: 7.62 mm Full Metal jacket courtesy of M1A1. Not enough Chris Kyles.
Thanks. Considering I had to do it through an online site at the time, using my keyboard like working an etch-a-sketch, I thought it came out quite well.
Ya know…. every time there’s one of the non-muzzie mass shootings, the cry goes out from the Left that we need more gun control… This despite the fact that it doesn’t work, punishes innocent gun owners, and violates the Constitution. So where’s the call to ban islam… maybe put a 30 day waiting period on buying a koran…. banning “assault korans” i.e. the ones with the scary suras…