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ISIS Beheads Another American…

ISIS has beheaded another American:

The Islamic militant group ISIS has beheaded Steven Joel Sotloff, an American freelance journalist who was abducted a year ago Syria, a jihadist monitoring organization said Tuesday.

The monitoring organization, SITE Intel Group, made the announcement on Twitter. It said that ISIS had also threatened to execute a British captive, David Cawthorne Haines.

Meanwhile Obama dithers as usual. He has no idea what to do and because of this the world can see his cowardice. Meanwhile the media makes excuses for him:

“He is being cautious,” CNN political analyst Gloria Borger declared. “And everybody would agree that’s a good thing – nobody in this country wants boots on the ground or to go to war.”

“We have someone who is careful and cautious and also somebody who, I think, views everyone watching things around the world with their hair on fire,” Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart declared. “He sees himself as someone, it’s his job to tamp it down.”

We have fanatical Islamists rising to power throughout the middle east thanks to Obama. We have Russia threatening its neighbors because they know Obama is too much of a coward to stop them. We have China doing the same thing due to the same reason.

This is all the result of giving the reins of power to a community organizer.

But hey, this war shouldn’t effect any of us in America right?

CNN national security analyst and former CIA operative Bob Baer said on “The Lead” Tuesday that the “people who collect tactical intelligence on the ground, day-to-day – and this isn’t Washington – but people collecting this stuff say they’re here, ISIS is here, they’re capable of striking.”

CNN national security analyst and former CIA operative Bob Baer (Credit: CNN’s “The Lead”)
At this moment, he said, U.S. intelligence agents are keeping tabs on suspected Islamic State militants who may have crossed the Mexican border to gain entry into the United States. Other suspects, he warned, are American citizens who have returned from places like Syria.

“They can’t prove it. They’re waiting to get enough intelligence to actually run them in. And then there’s the unknown, of how many people have come back they’re not even aware of,” Baer told CNN. “The people who do this for a living are very alarmed.”

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