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The man who should be America’s President

Today British Prime Minister David Cameron gave a speech about the need to act vis-a-vis the threat posed by ISIS.

You can see the speech in its entirety:


Among measures announced:

Legislation will be drawn up to give the police statutory powers to confiscate the passports of suspect terrorists at UK borders
The UK will challenge any attempt by the courts to water down these powers
Plans to block suspected British terrorists from returning to the UK will be drawn up on a “cross-party basis”
Terrorism prevention and investigation measures (Tpims) will be extended, to include the power to relocate suspects
Terrorists will be required to undergo de-radicalisation programmes
Airlines will be forced to hand over more information about passengers travelling to and from conflict zones.

Cameron added:

“Adhering to British values is not an option or a choice. It is a duty for all those who live in these islands so we will stand up for our values, we will in the end defeat this extremism and we will secure our way of life for generations to come.”

The Guardian, the NY Times of England, was not impressed, but I was. The terror threat has been raised in England to “severe.” The comments following the article made very clear that the British do not take the terror threat seriously or the comments are being made largely by Muslims.

Some government officials were quick to throw legal roadblocks in the way.

The difficulties facing Cameron were underlined by the former Conservative attorney general Dominic Grieve, who warned that removing passports from UK-born citizens returning home would breach international law and UK common law. Grieve said “even taking such powers on a temporary basis is likely to be a non starter”.

There was some agreement:

Britain’s governing coalition has agreed that potential Jihadis who return to Britain from abroad should be forced to undergo a de-radicalisation programme when they arrive back in the UK.

You might not agree with Cameron, but give him credit. He has a plan. Our blockhead in chief has no plan to defeat what he called a “cancer” other than to play golf and fundraise. Leading with your behind doesn’t cut it, especially when you’ve decided there is no such thing as Islamic terrorism.

At least Cameron sounds like he gives a damn.

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