Race based crimes seem to be on the rise.
Race-based hate crimes spike in D.C.; whites most common victims, but under-reporting feared
Race-based hate crimes jumped in Washington, D.C., last year even as most other types of bias crimes decreased, with analysts saying such incidents could be vastly underreported among minority groups uncomfortable coming forward to authorities.
D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black. The number of incidents was up from the 13 race-based bias crimes reported in 2012.
Of the 18 victims of race-motivated hate crimes last year, 10 were white, four were black, two Hispanic, one Asian and one of another race, according to D.C. police.
General mistrust of police among minority communities or language barriers among foreign-born populations could be reasons that victims don’t report, Mr. Friedman said.
“In the case of the District, there are very few hate crimes reported against Latinos and Asian-Americans,” he said. “But it would be wrong to conclude that there are none occurring.”
According to many of the political left, crimes against whites by minorities can not be considered as “racist hate crimes. This makes no sense whatsoever, when there is a tendency to for the left to automatically suspect any white on black crime, or officer on black incidents to be because of racism. Yet, as we all know, there has been an enormous rise in “Knock-out Game” attacks, usually perpetrated by Black youth on Asians or Caucasian victims including Jews.
‘Knockout Game’ Attacker Assaults Three Within 15 Minutes
New Jersey Police are on the look-out for a man who allegedly committed three separate “knockout game” punches within a 15-minute time frame. The victims sustained bruised jaws and bloody faces. The assailant was described by police as a six-foot or taller black man with an athletic build wearing a Brooklyn Nets hat.
The so-called game is actually a dangerous and sometimes fatal sucker punching of unsuspecting people by violent perpetrators with the intent to render the victims unconscious. The “knockout game” has flourished over the last year and is predominantly carried out by African American teens against whites, Asians, and frequently members of the Jewish community.
According to The Record, a 54-year-old man in a supermarket parking lot was blindsided with a punch to the face, knocking him to the pavement and causing a laceration to his face. Approximately ten minutes after the assault, the same alleged perpetrator attacked a 57-year-old man from behind, punching him on the right side of his face and jaw.
In Ferguson, it has now come out that Brown savagely attacked the white officer who ordered the two black youths to get out of the middle of the street. There are also around a dozen witnesses who disagree with the claim of Brown’s criminal cohort’s claim that Brown was “surrendering” and instead their statements support the report by the officer that Brown turned and attempted to charge the officer. As Brown had already beaten on the officer, nearly into unconsciousness, (if these dozens of other witnesses are correct,) the officer would have been fully justified in defending his life by shooting Brown before he could continue his attack. With the attitudes of Eric Holder and Obama, is it possible that some “bad-boy” black youth feel more empowered to perpetrate racially based attacks on others? Do they think that the Zimmerman -Trayvon coverage will now give them the advantage of public sympathy?
Current MSM press coverage over the events in Ferguson would seem to support such a conclusion.
Michael BROWN (not ”Wilson,” that’s the officer’s name) apparently acted in accord with his own rap lyrics.
Has anybody but me read them?
And, yes, violent.
These ”knock-out games,” are anything but games.
In fighting it is called a ”cold-cocking,” of someone who was taken by surprise.
Almost all crime is ”under-reported,” whether the victim was robbed, raped or cold-cocked on the street.
With the ”knock-out game,” picking on someone of another race seems to be part and parcel of the ”game.”
It causes an old bit of wisdom to be brought to mind:
When I lived in LB I always ”walked like I had a purpose.”
It was a defense mechanism.
On my own street there had been car jackings, muggings, shootings, and even murders.
People who are hit by these attackers were obliviously walking down their streets.
Now, it used to be OK to do that.
But I don’t think it is anymore.
People need to be prudent, be aware and not be so politically correct as to not cross the street (or turn into a business) if it looks like trouble is coming.
There’s another old bit of wisdom that explains why these thrill attempted killings have not abated:
@NannyG #1 – My husband gets upset with people…he says there are too many people ‘in their own world’ not paying attention to their surroundings. After reading your comment, I have to say he’s absolutely right.
I always ‘walk with a purpose’ and always scanning around… looking at my surroundings. Sadly you cannot afford to be complacent these days…
In 2012, Denton James Ward, a white student at Blinn College, was stomped to death by a gang of black “youths” at the McDonald’s in College Station, Texas. Three things did NOT happen after that murder:
There was no one convicted of the death of Denton James Ward.
White people did not protest, riot or loot and
Eric Holder did not go to College Station to investigate if Ward’s civil rights were violated.
Any questions?
Now just hold on there for a second, Bucko. There is no such thing as a “hate crime” involving a black perpetrator. It’s a matter of Justice Department policy. Only white perpetrators meet current Justice Department guidelines.
This is an official Take Down Notice. You have 30 seconds to comply.
By Order Of
Eric Holder
United States Attorney General
The only man arrested and charged in the McDonald’s case received a sentence of 90 days. That’s not even worthy of being called a slap on the wrist for committing a brutal murder.
If Holder can find me, he can kiss my patootie.
Would agree one 90 day sentence for this killing is totally unacceptable.
This is because the left considers this a political weapon directed at conservatives, so whites and conservatives are not allowed to claim it in reverse.
Note how the left wing site fails to mention that the killers were black, apparently not an important detail.
@Ditto: Did Holder and Obama visit the families and console them? Did Limbaugh or someone come down and incite riots and violence.
In California (and as CA goes, so goes the nation ….. eventually) whites are very close to becoming a minority.
Will crimes against whites become hate crimes w=once that tipping point is passed?
Ironically, Hispanics are taking over, not blacks in CA.
Blacks are still less than 14% of the US population.
There fare even worse when it comes to being part of this nation’s businesses:
Black-owned firms account for only 7.1 percent of all nonfarm businesses in the United States, employed 921,032 persons (that’s only 0.8 percent of total employment) and generated $137.5 billion in receipts (that’s only 0.5 percent of all receipts).
Are blacks STILL blaming ”racism,” for their own failures?
OTOH, Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States is 2.3 million, or 37% of ALL non-farm businesses.
44,206 of those Hispanic businesses bring in more than $1 million/year (more than double of ALL black businesses combined!)
And Hispanics had a language issue to overcome besides being new to this country.
Seems like they don’t blame anyone (else) or anything (else) but buckle down, get to work and make it on their own.
Too bad black Americans (in the main) won’t do that for fear of looking like they’re ”acting white.”
Numbers all from the US Census site.
‘Anti-white statements’ made after jogger shot with pellet
Crickets from the MSM, Obama, Holder, Sharpton & Jessie Jackson.