There is no longer any question about the overt corruption that is the IRS and it’s worse than you thought. The newly released Lois Lerner emails are the smoking gun.
During his testimony, he pointed to emails sent by former IRS official Lois Lerner that appear to contradict the administration’s assertions that the targeting was not a coordinated effort from Washington.
The emails were released by the House Ways and Means Committee as part of its probe of the IRS scandal.
Sekulow explained that the emails show Lerner in contact with the IRS’ chief counsel and other top lawyers at least a year before the scandal became public. He said that Lerner wrote about coming up with new rules to restrict non-profit groups.
“They wanted to do it ‘off-plan,’ which means off the books so it’s not on the public calendar. And all of that was taking place while the targeting was going on,” he explained. Sekulow says the emails disprove the Obama administration’s story about the targeting originating in a remote office among lower level IRS agents.
Sekulow believes the email is a “smoking gun” in his plaintiffs’ case against the IRS.
“Legally, the IRS has been caught red-handed and the American people and certainly our plaintiffs are not taking it lying down,” said Sekulow. He believes a special prosecutor must be called on to investigate, since the head of the current probe has been found to be a big Obama campaign donor.
“When you see these emails and you understand what’s in them, you realize the highest level of the IRS was conspiring with Lois Lerner at least a year before this scandal broke. And what they’ve attempted to do now is just cover their tracks.”
Cleta Mitchell, an attorney representing some targeted conservative groups testified at the IRS hearings and listed the real crimes that have been committed:
“This scandal is not over,” said Washington Attorney Cleta Mitchell, who’s representing about a dozen of the targeted tea party groups. She rattled off a number of criminal offenses that have been committed in what she called, “this very ugly episode”:
“The lying has not stopped. There are lies upon lies in this ugly episode. The Commissioner of the IRS lied to Congress in March 2012 when he said there was absolutely no targeting, Mitchell declared, making sure to note that, “lying to Congress is a crime.”
She continued, “the Department of Justice refuses to investigate who it was that was responsible for releasing confidential tax information of Koch Industries to the president’s Economic Advisor who in turn , released it to the press.”“Or who released the National Organization of Marriage’s tax return? I represent NOM – we sued the IRS to try to get to the bottom of why our confidential tax information was made available to our political opponents. Where’s the FBI in investigating?….That is a criminal offense!”
“It is a criminal offense also for the IRS to release the confidential donors of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and the Republican governor’s Public Policy Council.”
Conservative organizations, whose donor information was released by the IRS… That’s a criminal offense! Who’s investigating that? And finally the lies…again – it is a felony to lie to a federal agency.”
Yes, the IRS investigations are a sham. They’re entirely phony.
When you read of the sheer harassment conservative groups have subjected to it makes your blood boil.
“Since that filing in 2010, my private businesses, my nonprofit organizations, my family and I have been subjected to more than 15 instances of audit or inquiry by federal agencies,” she added.
Engelbrecht’s personal and business tax returns were audited in 2011 – “each audit going back for a number of years.” Her business was inspected by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 2012 when neither she nor her husband was present. She said she was later fined over $20,000 even though “the agency wrote that it found nothing serious or significant.”
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms audited her business in 2012 and 2013, and the FBI contacted her non-profit group six times since 2010 in an attempt to “cull through membership manifests in conjunction with domestic terrorism cases,” she claimed.
“They eventually dropped all matters and have now redacted nearly all my files,” Engelbrecht said.
“All of these incursions into my affairs began after filing applications for tax-exemption. There is no other remarkable event. There’s no other reason to explain how for decades I went unnoticed, but now find myself on the receiving end of interagency coordination into and against all facets of my life, both personal and private,” she said.
The BATF? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
What’s really interesting is that Engelbrecht and her husband were harassed directly by Elijah Cummings himself.
Engelbrecht said shortly after founding and leading True to Vote and King Street Patriots, she was visited by law enforcement agencies and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), even though outside of filing their tax returns, she and her husband never dealt with any government agency in nearly two decades of running their small business.
Since when is it the job of democrat Congressmen to intimidate individuals and then defame them?
“Three times, Representative Elijah Cummings sent letters to True the Vote, demanding much of the same information that the IRS had requested. Hours after sending letters, he would appear on cable news and publicly defame me and my organization. Such tactics are unacceptable,” she claimed.
You’ll want to watch this too
Cummings accused Engelbrecht of well- take a guess.
Obama promised to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal and to that end appointed an Obama donor and political supporter. The Justice Department then refused to allow the Obama donor-investigator to testify before a House committee.
Barack Obama claims there is not a “smidgen” of corruption. How he could know that is interesting to many, including Congressman Trey Gowdy:
“How can the president say there’s not a smidgen of criminality when Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment and 41 witnesses haven’t been interviewed including the two that are here right now?”
This scandal is not over. It’s not old news. It’s just heating up and it has the potential to take this regime down. This is, as George Will said, the equivalent of Watergate. It’s certainly more important than a traffic jam in Jersey. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
The time for a Special Counsel has come. It’s obvious that the IRS is hopelessly corrupt. It is Barack Obama’s personal Gestapo. This can be forged into a weapon for the GOP. They can promise that this abuse will be halted. In 1981 Ronald Reagan fired all air traffic controllers.
Promise to fire every single IRS employee and start over.
Can’t lose.
The legitimacy of the IRS depends on its being trustworthy, and it has forfeited that trust completely. GOP candidates, promise us you’ll do this for America. Restore our faith in government. Free us of this tyranny.
Image courtesy mojosteve

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Zero is correct.
There is not a smidgen of evidence.
There is a massive collection of evidence, a tidal wave of evidence, a Krakatoa explosion of evidence.
The IRS is the enforcement arm of Project Zero. Do not speak against the King. You will go to jail. The IRS brought down Al Capone. They can do the same to you.
So he is technically correct.
His whole body is in the cookie jar.
And he is counting on the Lame-Stream Media to hush the whole thing up.
You gotta pay big bucks to shush the leakers.
As Sen Sam Ervin remarked, “follow the money.”
Cleta Mitchell said she received a phone call from the FBI two hours after releasing her per posed statements to the committee , as required. Her per posed statement ‘that the FBI has not contacted her or any group that was targeted that she knows of’. Coincidence? Someone told the FBI this would look bad so they called. Who tipped off the FBI? Duh! If this does not prove that the Dems are using the levers of government to maintain power an
suppress the right what does?
It doesn’t take much of an intuitive entenna to sense that the Gladhander-in-Chief was outright lying when he responded to O’Reily on this question.
He and his handler can only hide him behind the “I wasn’t in the room for that,” excuse for so long — time’s up.
@James Raider: Please reread mathman2’s #1 comment — obie – in this case was actually telling the truth — there is not a smidgen of evidence — there is a mountain!!–
Just kinda like the “what the meaning of ‘is’ is” crap from ole B-J
Thr reality most Americans see is that the IRS is a non issue. Obama’s approval has been going UP for the past 2 months.
We have a big problem in this country, after allowing a complete takeover of our government by forces with no interest in continuing our Republic. It will be extremely difficult to redirect our country back to the country we once were… as evidence I will offer this: The Obama regime owns the DOJ, and two seats on the USSC. They also own the Senate, and don’t get much resistance from the House either. All Federal la enforcement is under the regime’s control, as is all of the Federal regulatory agencies (by appointment of various “czars”). The dreaded IRS is solely owned. Military leadership has been gutted of all opposition to the regime, he also owns all of the intelligence agencies. He owns all of that at the point of a gun, not necessarily through much loyalty; those close to him understand what can happen if they betray him so they chose to stay knowing he won’t fire them out of his own fear that they would do to him what he wouldn’t hesitate to do to them. He even owns the election process, how else could various districts show results over 100% of the registered voters responding in his favor?
So…. how are we gonna fix it?
Not a change, lol! Good luck in 2028!
Shall we apply that same logic to the George Washington Bridge “traffic study” investigation?
With so many hints suggesting access to federal disaster relief dollars may have been manipulated by republican state officials to further a multi-billion dollar private real estate development project, where is Mr. Investigation, Darrell Issa?
Apparently looking into that one wouldn’t be politically useful.
When was there a federal Congressional hearing on the George Washington bridge issue? Was it on CSPAN? I missed it. I would have loved to see that bat fastard, Christy, put under oath.
Tell us, Greggie, if Lois Lerner had nothing to fear by testifying because she had broken no law, why did she invoke the Fifth? Ummm?
If you aren’t smart enough to know the answer, perhaps you can get this one to help you.
And let’s look into Abortion Barbie’s ethics violation issues, shall we? And of course, there is nothing like using almost $150K of campaign money to pay for her tony luxury apartment in Austin when the leg is in session only every other year.
@retire05, #10:
The point is that there hasn’t been one.
I’ve concluded that an increasing likelihood that people will unquestioningly believe the total bullshit continuously shoveled into their heads by FOX News correlates directly with diminishing levels of intelligence. If a person isn’t incapable of independent thought, angry, and out of touch with reality to begin with, prolonged exposure to FOX propaganda will make them so. Jon Steward nailed it perfectly: FOX News has become a “spite-driven anger machine.” It turns viewers into angry, spiteful people, who become content being told what to think rather than thinking for themselves. And it’s a relatively mild poison, compared with the virulent extremism of a lot of other sources of bullshit out there.
Excuse me? You seem to have me confused with someone who actually likes Chris Christy. I don’t happen to be one of them.
And why would there be any Congressional hearings into a state issue? Or is that just wishful longing on your part?
You should get getting your information from a comedian. You want spite driven propaganda? Tune into MSMBC. Any station that is willing to hire a man that is responsible for the deaths of others, like Al Sharpton is, long ago ceased having the right to claim the mantilla of a “news” channel. How about the hatred spewed by the likes of Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews? Or does leftist hatred not count with you? MSNBC turns its viewers into angry, spiteful, mind numbing stupid people. I suspect you’re one of them.
@retire05, #13:
Because of indications suggesting that federal disaster relief dollars were used as a state-level political slush fund.
Unlike FOX, MSNBC does not pretend to be a news outlet. MSNBC is all about opinion.
And Greg the idiot flings yet another unsupported allegation:
“Because of indications suggesting that federal disaster relief dollars were used as a state-level political slush fund. ”
Like the people in the White House aren’t the masters of corruption?
@Scott in Oklahoma, #15:
I would think you’d be just fine with unsupported allegations, given that the Big 4 FOX Scandals are composed almost entirely of them.
Those paying close attention have noticed that republican investigative committees, who have produced an unending stream of slanderous allegations, have yet to prove anything.
Which party did the phrase “culture of corruption” originally apply to? There was a reason for that, and historical revisionism hasn’t changed it.
So let me see if I understand you correctly:
four dead Americans in Benghazi, where no attempt was made by our government to rescue them and consequently, they were left to die, is not a scandal?
the IRS harassing conservative groups, along with religious groups, and the releasing of private tax returns by the IRS to the press, is not a scandal?
the billions of taxpayer dollars that have been wasted on “Friends of Obama” companies like Solyndra, and other “green” companies, is not a scandal?
the President’s signing of the Affordable Care Act, then refusing to enforce the very law he lobbied for, using Executive Orders to unconstitutionally refuse to enforce the law, is not a scandal?
You seem to think that unless Obama admits that yes, he ordered the IRS to violate the very law they are charged with honoring, unless he admits that it was he that ordered no help be sent to Benghazi, unless he admits that he is violating the very Constitution he swore to protect and defend when he refuses to enforce the ACA, there is no proof of wrongdoing.
Tell me, Greggie, when did you become such a useful idiot?
@retire05: Oh come on now!
Do you not see – that even if obie admitted anything of which you speak – it would still be Bush’s (add Nixon’s, Reagan’s, Quayle’s, Sarah Palin’s, and if necessary – Hoover’s) , and Fox News’ fault — it is so absolutely clear to the useful idiots out there — I mean after all — a statement by obie re “not a smidgen of corruption” is an absolutely truth —
since there is actually a he!! of a lot more than a smidgeon! And the useful idiot points fingers at Fox News – duh — BO’R covers obie’s butt by not challenging the “smidgeon” BS — and still hasn’t — a week later — Fox News sometimes is duh lib’s best buddie!
The answer to your last question is: They were born idiots — some actually evolve out of it if someone kicked their a$$es hard enuff when young enuff to get their brains to start migrating from their a$$es toward their heads! — or thought enuff of them to tell them to get off their damm horse at some time in their semi-adult existence.
Please do not feed the UI troll!
It’s a tragedy. And, apparently, a political opportunity. I was pretty much scandalized by how quickly republicans attempted to exploit it in an effort to swing a presidential election, before they even had a basic outline of what had happened. FOX News was helpfully making details up right from the get go. “FOX News has learned from never-to-be-identified and never-to-come-forward sources on the ground in Benghazi that…” What a load of manure! They’ve pulled their audience straight into fantasy land, and convinced them that anyone who doesn’t unquestioningly accept the fantasy is part of the Leftist Mainstream Media Conspiracy Against America.
They were investigating groups with names suggesting a political purpose that were filing for a tax exemption for which groups that are primarily political are specifically ineligible. That’s what the IRS is supposed to do. Further, they also selected groups that were non-conservative for the same sort of extra attention. This has been clearly established.
No more than the billions in special considerations that have gone to a fossil fuel industry which has no real need for them, considering the level of their profits. No more than the billions that have gone for subsidize corporate farming enterprises. Republicans generally don’t like green energy. Republicans seem to believe oil reserves are inexhaustible. These characters view the world in terms of profits and don’t seem to look much further ahead than the next business cycle. They seem to believe that compact fluorescent lights that reduce energy consumption by 75% are some sort of progressive scam. They don’t seem to grasp the idea that poisoning the drinking water of half the population of an entire state suggests closer industry regulation might be in order.
Nope. If there were anything unconstitutional about the way the Executive Branch has been implementing the law incrementally to take various complications into consideration, republicans would be able to do something about it, instead of just babbling hysterically and pointing their fingers. They have the power to bring the issue to the floor of the House. They don’t, because they know their accusations wouldn’t stand up to the close inspection that would follow. They’re making them for no other reason than to please their constituents and to manipulate public opinion.
Even though it’s not Federal, Holder’s Nazis are all over it already. A traffic jam is more important than the dead CBP agent, killed at the hands of guns handed over by Holder. A traffic jam is more important than holding accountable those who hand over private IRS information- a Federal crime.
@This one:
I put up commercials with a little girl crying on a flag-draped coffin, sobbing for her daddy and asking why, and Hillary standing behind her saying
“What difference at this point does it make?”
Do not forget, the IRS is set to run Obamacare.
….and to think, the creed of the Democratic Party once was; “Equal Rights to All Special Privileges to None”
So, I’m curious, what is the Democrat Party ‘creed’ of today? In 2014?
I wonder if our resident Democrats could answer that curiosity for us? It would be really interesting to hear…