This is what psychotic looks like

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psychotic 1


noun, plural psy·cho·ses Psychiatry.
1. a mental disorder characterized by symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations, that indicate impaired contact with reality.

These two people displayed a severely impaired contact with reality today.

Patient Sibelius:

Classic case of psychosis. Patient presents with loss of contact with reality, punctuated with outbursts of patently false statements.

Sibelius said:

‘No one indicated it could possibly go this wrong’

Ah but they did.

Washington (CNN) – The Obama administration was given stark warnings just one month before that the federal healthcare site was not ready to go live, according to a confidential report obtained by CNN.

The caution, from the main contractor CGI, warned of a number of open risks and issues for the web site even as company executives were testifying publicly that the project had achieved key milestones.

On Capitol Hill on Monday, Medicaid Chief Marilyn Tavenner, whose job it was to oversee the October 1 rollout of the website, said she did not foresee its problems.

“No, we had tested the website and we were comfortable with its performance,” she said. “Now, like I said, we knew all along there would be as with any new website, some individual glitches we would have to work out. But, the volume issue and the creation of account issues was not anticipated and obviously took us by surprise. And did not show up in testing.”

Patient Sibelius made the statement

“The website has never crashed – it is functional but at a very low speed and very low reliability and has continued to function.”

Ironically, as the patient testified…

And it was not the first time.

Patient Obama:

Another classic presentation, including mental confusion, hallucinations, verbal flailing about with a desperate need to deflect responsibility. Learning that he had earned with Four Pinocchio’s by the Washington Post caused the patient to experience a psychotic break and begin to utter statements that had no basis in reality. The patient uttered something about “bad apples” causing people to lose their health care plans.

Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, these bad apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received or used minor pre-existing conditions to jack up your premiums or bill you into bankruptcy.”

Patient Obama then made a statement that seemed to vindicate the apples:

“Now if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act came along and you really like that plan, you are able to keep it.”

Here is the video


But were the patient to be in touch with reality the patient would know that 2 million have lost their insurance plans so far, unable to keep their plans.

And then patient Obama suggested that those needing insurance purchase it from a non-functioning source.

So if you’re getting one of these letters, just shop around in the new marketplace. That what it’s for.

Patient Obama’s approval rating has fallen to a new low, which may act as a stressor causing further aberrant behavior.

Treatment of psychosis involves anti-psychotic medication and psychotherapy, and removal of stressors, the inability to tell the truth perhaps the most significant among them.

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Since we’re armchair analyzing, body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass picked up certain emotions from Obama’s body language during his 30 minute speech in the Rose Garden last week:
beat up

Obama and Sibelius are members of the new American pathocracy. Pathocracies have occurred frequently throughout history, as sociopaths and narcissists are attracted to politics by their obsessive desire to control others. Read my 2009 article in AT.

This definition fits both Mr. Obama and Ms Sibelius: functional but at a very low speed and very low reliability and has continued to function.”

141 reasons why it’s OK to laugh at anyone who thought Obamacare was a good idea:

Here are 341 reasons why Democrats and unions that support Obamacare want exemptions for themselves

Actually, this is what psychotic looks like: Senate Republicans Block 2 Obama Nominees

Republican objections to Ms. Millet, however, had nothing to do with her judicial temperament or political leanings. Instead, Republicans say they want to refuse Mr. Obama any more appointments to the appeals court, which is widely recognized as second only to the Supreme Court in importance and often rules on the legality of executive branch actions.

You’ve voted in a pack of idiots who want to keep the government from working as it should; who want Affordable Health Care to fail; who want to retard economic recovery, so long as one of their own isn’t in the White House.

Five years of unrelentingly negative messages about everything, and five years of behavior that’s more like that of saboteurs than American statesmen. These people are the dysfunction.

The Obamacare website is a website. The problems it’s had are technical problems relating to its function as such. They’ll be fixed.

The right has attempted to conflate the website’s roll-out problems with the Affordable Care Act itself. I’m not sure whether this is just a typically disingenuous ploy or whether they actually believe one thing is somehow a direct reflection of the other. In any case, the passage of time will reveal the truth.

@Greg: Ironic, your use of the word, ”pack.”
Obama can pick any Cabinet member he wants and get bipartisan support.
BUT with judges, who are given lifetime terms that extend far beyond a president’s four or eight years in office, sentiments can and should be different.
There are already 8 judges on this court, 4 Dems/4Reps.
Obama wants to PACK that court with liberals long after he is gone.
Ain’t gonna happen.

@Nan G, #8:

As the article states, “Republican objections to Ms. Millet, however, had nothing to do with her judicial temperament or political leanings.”

This is all a matter of denying Obama any appointments. Lindsay Graham made the obstructionist mindset perfectly clear a few days ago.

I’m ok with denying him anything. He’s at his worst when he gets things done. ACA for example. Certainly not what was promised was it?

@Mully, #10:

If that really turns out to be the case, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting a majority to support changing it. The fact that Lindsay Graham is hissing like an angry possum isn’t evidence it that it isn’t going to work, however. Neither is a shaky website roll-out.

Time will tell.

The diagnosis fits the behavior.
That makes a good diagnosis.
Sorry, trolls.
The evidence is against you.

Wait for it. Wait for it. Obama’s impeachment and removal on numerous criminal counts:

“Mr. Obama, as a police officer once told me, ‘Ignorance of the law is no excuse.'”

Obama: “I didn’t know.” “I was not aware.” “I heard about it in the news.”

If the right ever manages to gain enough political strength to give the radicals behind all of the current dysfunction in Washington free rein, they’ll soon discover precisely what it means to have all of the “socialism” they rant about out of their lives. At that point, they’ll have nobody to blame but themselves.

@Greg: You’ve let a psychology belonging to a mis-balanced and misguided minority pull you into supporting it. Time to take stock in your life and step out of this argument while the majority of American’s fix this mess.

Condi Rice: “no one could have predicted that….

“….terrorists would slam planes into the WTC (even after receiving warnings from the CIA, FBI and the DPBs)…Katrina (again, warned)……etc….

BUT, we all could have predicted the hole Bush’s Medicaid Part D put us in since it was not paid for and gave big Pharma a great payday at our expense.

@DrJohn: As you can see, all of the leftist ire and Obama support continues to be nothing more than Bush Derangement Syndrome. No facts, no logic — just pure sentiment and hatred.

Narcissist sociopath.
Little Obama had some pretty hard times as an abandoned child. But he created a world where he was large and in charge.

And here we are.

@Nathan Blue:

The attacks on Cruz are directly proportional to their fear level.

@drjohn: And it’s sad, because far from being an objective analysis of the needs and wants of the people, we continue to suffer this childish takeover of responsible citizenship by MTV-style culture induction.

I’ve been reading up on Angle Artiste’s reference in post #2 to ponerology and pathocracy, and it’s quite enlightening. I’ve really struggled with how so many seemingly intelligent people went completely off the rails and supported a very small, very radical, and very nefarious faction of our political system. They don’t even see that the values they claim to have are not in line with the faction they are supporting (see: any post by Greg).

They are riding this ship down into oblivion, and the reasons don’t add up. This is all about the fear induced during the Bush Years.

Doublethink is the new “left” standard — they are completely unaware of the discrepancies in their own logic, but the institutionalized malcontent and manufactured causes have them continuing to run in the wrong direction with “the truth” on their side. They don’t understand they are a mirror image of the kind of religious or conservative bigot that they think they are eradicating.

@Nathan Blue:
Very astute, and on the money. Projection is a chronic attribute of leftism, and ideology trumps reality.

@Angel Artiste: Thanks for the terms, and the link. I’ve struggled with what I’m truly upset about in the left, and I think I’m getting closer to an answer beyond simply re-initiating a cycle of mimetic mirroring.

@Nathan Blue, #15:

You’ve let a psychology belonging to a mis-balanced and misguided minority pull you into supporting it. Time to take stock in your life and step out of this argument while the majority of American’s fix this mess.

If allowed to have their way, ideologues on the far right would abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment compensation, the IRS, the Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Administration. Why do I believe this? Because this is precisely what they’ve said.

They’ll promote government dysfunction, because they see it as a means to those ends. They claim they would like the budget balanced, but they also see running the federal government into the ground as another means to those ends. (Starve the beast, anybody? They’ve openly stated that strategy, too.) Hence, they’re constantly advocating more tax cuts, even when the federal government is already running unsustainable deficits. (They haven’t just advocated them. They’ve managed to put them into effect. Each renewed round correlates with more escalating deficits and debt.) Such tax cuts are always contrived to strongly favor those with the highest incomes, even though it is those same people who are least dependent on the programs they’re trying to abolish.

Forget Social Security. To prepare for your retirement, they want you to invest your hard-earned wages into a system that allows them to bleed off money undetected for years like a bunch of damn vampires, while they control the bets and you take all the risk. If you balk at this, and just cautiously put your money in a bank as people have done for generations, you can now figure on getting only a tiny fraction of 1 percent in interest. They want to make big, risky bets with your money that allow other people to get rich quickly, and responsible, conventional bank lending doesn’t allow for that.

Meanwhile, real wages are stagnant or declining, and employee pensions are nearly extinct. If you think about unions as a possible remedy, you’re a damn commie. Even though unions have been pushed into near extinction as well, now representing only around 11 percent of all private sector employees, they’re still being blamed for all of the things previously mentioned. Now the right has moved on to targeting public sector unions. Obviously they’re the commies. The cited evidence is that they’ve thus far managed to prevent public employee wages and benefits from going the way of those of the private sector. Obviously everyone who’s already been screwed over should hate public employees for that.

How misguided is that brief summation? Have I said anything that isn’t true?

@Greg: I think the major fallacy of your point, Greg, is that, while Dems did elect an ”idealogue,” president, Republicans never have elected one.
Dems, with an idealogue in charge of the Executive Branch and Dems, not necessarily ideologues, as majorities in both houses of the Legislative Branch pushed through ObamaCare.
The minor fallacy; when Republicans have controlled both of those branches they have divided against one another, based on ideology rather than monolithically passing everything the president wanted.
Thus, Greg, your conclusion is false.
When you start with a fallacy, whatever you build on top of it is also false, no matter how logically it hangs together.


“If allowed to have their way, ideologues on the far right would abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment compensation, the IRS, the Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Administration. Why do I believe this? Because this is precisely what they’ve said.”

Several good reasons to vote Republican. Thanks!

Unfortunately, the rest of your comment devolves into stereotypical leftie rants. So very sad.

@alanstorm, #26:

Unfortunately, the rest of your comment devolves into stereotypical leftie rants. So very sad.

As I suggested, tell me what parts of it aren’t true.

If you can’t, what’s sad might not be any problem of my own.

If only Mr. Obama’s mother had had access to free contraceptives……….

Nathan Blue
we’re in front of the true fact that it”s not everyone who can stay lucid whith POWER in their hands,
it should be a very important action to test anyone before giving them that great POWER OVER A COUNTRY,
there should be rules followed on really probing their life as far down as you can,
anything that make one who test doubtfull should be exempting the candidat if it lead to a break down of ability to be a leader, with a burned brain power unable to take the pressure of the position for long, leading to bad dangerous actions as the collapse of his brain occur,
it goes that way, a leader stable to the end , CARING AND KEEPING THE FREEDOM OF CITIZENS without entitelments on any one,
or a leader turned dictator ruthless in applying his sick DEMENT laws, ruled by his faulty brain who only seek to PUNISH AND SEEK REVENGE,

Nan G
yes, it”s like a house built on mudd grown,
sure to collaps,
OBAMA ‘S DEMOCRATS have collaps many houses built on mudd by now,
and it sink the neighbors’ houses with their own, like a domino effect,