Can’t make this stuff up:
Tunisian women have travelled to Syria to wage “sex jihad” by comforting Islamist fighters battling the regime there, Interior Minister Lotfi ben Jeddou has told MPs.
“They have sexual relations with 20, 30, 100” militants, the minister told members of the National Constituent Assembly on Thursday.
“After the sexual liaisons they have there in the name of ‘jihad al-nikah’ — (sexual holy war, in Arabic) — they come home pregnant,” Ben Jeddou told the MPs.
He did not elaborate on how many Tunisian women had returned to the country pregnant with the children of jihadist fighters.
Jihad al-nikah, permitting extramarital sexual relations with multiple partners, is considered by some hardline Sunni Muslim Salafists as a legitimate form of holy war.
The minister also did not say how many Tunisian women were thought to have gone to Syria for such a purpose, although media reports have said hundreds have done so.
Given the extremist Islam practices of honor killings & female castration, who would have thought that there was an Islamic calling: for women to becoming camp following sluts, fornicating with hundreds to thousands of fighters in order to become pregnant & unwed mothers.
Calling Sandra Fluke.
Nikah mut’ah (temporary marriage) is pretty common in Shite Islam, it is becoming more halal (allowed) in Sunni Islam.
Sunni Muslims engage in Nikah al-Misyar meaning “traveler’s marriage.”
Mohammad is the father of these marriages which don’t count toward a Muslim’s four actual wives.
The Brits are having a heck of a time with it among their Muslim population.
One can ”marry” for any agreed upon time, be it 1/2 hour, or 1 day, or even year.
The price is negotiated between the man (husband) and the woman’s guardian (parent or imam – read pimp).
The women thus married are often left poor, pregnant and alone.
In poor Islamic countries the parents sell off daughters for a temporary marriage then disown them when they try to come home afterwards.
Usually these are virgin girls sold by in debt parents.
In Syria this is a variant of temporary marriage.
The women can have sex with many different men so their pregnancy is made sure, the ”father” is an unknown (and therefore not responsible) and the baby can be said to be the child of a martyr (mujadhadeen).
That these women are volunteers is a whole new thing in modern temporary marriage.
I wonder if they are REALLY volunteers.
Or were they emotionally blackmailed into it like the female suicide bombers were.
One Saudi cleric promises that girls who have sex with foreign-born jihadists in Syria automatically get a pass to get into Paradise.
@Nan G:
Sounds like Festivus to me.
LEt me get this straight…. If a Woman goes out, and shows so much as her NOSE, they STONE her to death…. BUT, you can get BUTT NAKED and act like a WHORE.. if it’s for ALLAH and JIHAD??? Time we BAN ISLAM in the USA… it’s NOT a RELIGION.. it’s a CULT!!
It’s surly bound to spread venereal disease among vast numbers of the participants. It would only take a few having contracted AIDS to decimate al-Queda, Muslim Brotherhood, and the other terrorist affiliated Jihad “insurgent” fighters.