Obama Reaching For A Lifeline

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obama the narcissistic

Now this is funny:

A struggling President Obama is calling for help from members of his first-term A-Team, who have left the White House for other jobs.

With his poll numbers falling and his second-term floundering so far, Obama has sought help from the former aides who helped catapult him to the presidency.

…One former aide described Obama’s trusted inner circle from the first term as “the originals,” and speculated that if they were still at the White House they could have helped prevent some of Obama’s second-term blunders, such as the decision Monday to give a fiery speech criticizing Republicans just hours after 12 people were gunned down a few miles away at the Navy Yard.

Sought help? But according to The One he doesn’t need any help. In fact, he’s better than anyone he could hire:

Obama had always had a high estimation of his ability to cast and run his operation. When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning: “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.” Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director. “I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So what’s the problem now? It’s been obvious ever since he came on the scene. He surrounds himself with people who actually believe he is “The One” who can do no wrong. Whatever he wants, he gets.

He wants to put out his usual partisan attack right after a mass shooting at a military facility…sure, go right ahead o’greatone. People now see this man as the fake leader he has always been and shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic won’t fix anything.


But after a painstaking period of self-criticism and self-examination, Team Obama thinks they’ve figured out what’s been going wrong with them lately.

Surprise! It’s the same thing they always say is going wrong with them.

…Former Obama aides, however, maintain that there has been a messaging problem at the White House ever since Obama won reelection.

Fortunately, there is a cure: They can begin putting out a Message that Obama almost never puts out lately.

And they say that aides need to do a better job reasserting the narrative that Obama is, as one put it, the “aggressive champion of the middle class.”

And the Middle Class. No, he never mentions And The Middle Class (ATMC). I mean, sure, he mentioned it for no reason at all in his Syria speech, but he practically never mentions And The Middle Class, apart from Always.

The problem isn’t that he doesn’t mention it. It’s that he doesn’t believe it and we all know it. And that’s not a Messaging Problem. It’s a Priority Problem, or, as we usually call it, just a straight-up Problem.

This man has had people blowing smoke up his butt telling him how great he is his whole life. Now that people can see through his fake facade he’s calling for help.

Just too funny, and sad.

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The key to the issue is that for a long time, the entire Democrat and Liberal establishment felt their own success was bound up in protecting their Kwisatz Haderach–their superman/messiah–who was going to lead them to permanent power. Now, however, the bloom is off the lily and the old instincts for political self-preservation are asserting themselves among Democrat congresscritters. The MSM and the Obama minions may be determined to spin this Syria debacle as a great victory no matter what but those who have power and want to keep it know damn well what really happened and no longer see any advantage to lashing themselves to this Wreck of the Hesperus. Three-and-a-half years to go and it looks straight down. They are finally asking themselves just what HAS Obama done for THEM lately?

For many years, O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong had their entire respective industries cover up their true natures and preserve their public images because they made a ton of money for many people. Only after their outrageous behavior finally exploded their facades did the truth come to light and their friends drop them and their enemies pile on.

The days of blind obedience ended when Obama realized that he would not even be able to get the Dem-controlled Senate to approve his use-of-force resolution. The resolution that he capriciously decided to throw in Congress’ lap in order to put the House Republicans on the spot–not even considering or caring that he would be doing the same to the Hill Democrats. This time, with constituent calls going one hundred to one against, they balked. So Obama, in his desperation, dropped trou and assumed the position when Putin made his offer. Again, those who matter are not fooled whatever Obama and his praise singers may confidently assert in public. None but the safest Dem seats (and the RINOs, of course) will carry his water from here on.

I think this is worth repeating…Whoever walks in integrity walks securely…but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out..Proverbs 10:9

It is remarkable and a testament to the gullibility of people, that Obama lasted as long as he did, before losing the confidence of the people and the government.

Alas! You can say that again.

Ironic, isn’t it, that as far as politicians go, it’s the most venal who are peeling away from Obama. Methinks Democrats may indeed have ironclad Party discipline but when it comes to safeguarding their cozy niches in the Russell, Dirksen, Hart, Cannon, Longworth and Rayburn buildings with their nubile Hooters and Chippendale’s staffers (twas’ Michelle Malkin who said Capitol Hill is where Abercrombie & Fitch meets the Hair Club for Men–I’ve seen it, it’s true.) they are the first to abandon a sinking ship and shoot their wounded while certain Republicans are still going on about “America’s reputation” and “my president, right or wrong.”

I’m thinking that Hill Dems remember what mindlessly supporting the Clintons through scandal and impeachment cost them, and they are not of a mind to sing “Hail to the Chief” and march off that cliff again.

Of course, during the Obamacare vote-buying frenzy I was obsessively certain that every Democrat congresscritter had been personally promised by the Great “O” that they would be “taken care of” with all manner of lucrative lobbying positions, board appointments, “consulting contracts”, law partnerships, academic positions, “investment” opportunities…and so on and so forth if they lost their offices for voting yes.

I wonder if those promises were kept? It would make for some interesting investigative reporting to see how the casualties of 2010 are doing out of office. Perchance I’m not the only one who is wondering? Perhaps there are others who have found out what Obama’s promises are worth (assuming there were any made)? Or they are simply sick and tired of slavishly obeying the commands of a “leader” who treats them with utter contempt when he’s not ignoring them entirely?

Obama’s latest lecture to the uninformed, on Debt Ceilings, . . .

“Now, this debt ceiling — I just want to remind people in case you haven’t been keeping up — raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy. All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress. It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.”

This lying and confused mind is in charge of the Greatest Nation on Earth. WTF?

Fortunately, there is a cure: They can begin putting out a Message that Obama almost never puts out lately.

How is a message that Obama won’t have sex with Michelle, going to cure the WH Team Obama’s problems?

To me, all of the I’m better thans is his way of letting people know that he thinks very highly of himself, and he wants others to think as much of him as he does himself. He’s trying to convince people how fantastic he is at everything. I doubt that he ever wrote a speech. How could such a fantastic speech writer read someone else’s speech all the way through and not know it? I also don’t think he has much to do with any planning session. He has too much time for golfing, basketball, and vacations. How can he be attending any meetings?

When he was first elected, he didn’t talk with some of his cabinet members for over two years. This tell me that they hadn’t had any meetings during that time. Does obama meet with his cabinet at all? Is he still meeting with union, Muslim, and socialist people on a daily basis like he has been?

…Former Obama aides, however, maintain that there has been a messaging problem at the White House ever since Obama won reelection.

obama’s messaging problem is that few people are believing his messages any more. Taxes went up on those it wasn’t supposed to, people and companies who were supposed to keep their doctor and insurance company are loosing them, people and news media he tells people not to listen to or read are gaining listeners and readers, and people found out that he makes a lousy commander-in-chief.

Part of the problem is so many people have a belief in this man that does not match reality. Perception is reality as the saying goes.

Recently I saw a video of interviews of random college students in California. Each one liked Obama but when specifics were asked they all blanked out. There is no depth to their knowledge yet they are solid in their support of the man. This is sad.

Most people are more engrossed in their fantasy football picks than what our government is doing.

did anyone witness on any times of their life, a person with a skill to talk,
be surrounded by the adoration of others which he feed with his words and promisess
which will come to them in the FUTURE only,
then time go by and the FUTURE did not bring the promises
to a rightful share for having given so much to the leader,
and then the descend in hell has begun, their inner guts feel the danger
and telling them to run, and when they got far enough, they start to tell what they saw and heard,
we are close to it now,
one put it as the aggressive champion of the middle ass

-and you know that how? a curious mind wants to know.

@James Raider: Obama’s latest lecture to the uninformed, on Debt Ceilings, . . .

“Now, this debt ceiling — I just want to remind people in case you haven’t been keeping up — raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy. All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress. It’s a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved.”

This lying and confused mind is in charge of the Greatest Nation on Earth. WTF?

Obama’s lawyer-like comment is technically true……when the credit card company raises your card limit, it (alone) does not put you deeper into debt.
BUT when you (again) spend right up to that new limit on your card, only paying the minimum, YOU put yourself deeper into debt.
You could have been prevented from getting deeper in debt by a credit card company limiting your debt limit to what yo can afford.

And, in light of that, what ELSE did Obama, with all his old and new help, say about our nation’s debt ceiling?
Obama at Business Roundtable, Sept 8th, 2013:
You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt.” http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/09/18/remarks-president-business-roundtable

Au contraire!
25 nongermane amendments that were attached to debt-limit bills between 1978 and 1987, alone!
Only twice — in 1980 and in 1995 — did Congress successfully pass amendments opposed by the president.
But Congress has used the debt limit to repeal a key legislative priority of a president.
It happened to Jimmy Carter in 1980.
Carter had an ”energy policy” that added $0.10 to every gallon of gas sold in America.
A defunding of his ”fee” was added to the budget debt ceiling bill that year.
Carter veto’ed the bill.
Then the House voted 335-34 and the Senate voted 68-10 to over-ride Carter’s veto.

Obama, even with the help of both old and new speechwriters, can’t seem to tell the truth.
You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt.”
That’s a lie.
Maybe a few low-information supporters might swallow it, but not anyone else.

the team might want to fill up the gap
just to help make him happy and cure his depression,

@ilovebeeswarzone: #9
All communist counties or dictatorships started out that way. Recent examples are Stalin, Hitler, and Castro. obama is hoping what worked for them will work for him, and so far, it is.

that”s probably what he said to MEDVED WHEN HE MET HIM,
I’ll do it when I’ll be reelected, a message for PUTIN, AND
MEDVED said he would tell him,

@Nan G: #16
I didn’t highlight, “All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress.” The price of commenting from an iPad.

That’s in complete conflict with the previous highlighted words. That isn’t like increasing credit card max for future spending. Keep in mind, The gov. expenses have already been incurred or committed.

This goof has no idea what unfunded LIABILITIES are, or how MUCH they are.

@James Raider:

This goof has no idea what unfunded LIABILITIES are, or how MUCH they are.

Neither do most of his supporters which is why I’m surprised they haven’t been here to defend him yet. I’m sure they’ll find an excuse as to his dumb comment about the debt ceiling. No doubt the low information voters who support him will believe that he will not be increasing the debt if the debt ceiling is raised. But he and they are a lot smarter than the rest of us.

Also, notice how in this comment he blames all the bills on Congress thus absolving himself of any responsibility for the runaway deficits on his watch. His signature is on every one of those bills making him liable as well.

All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you’ve already racked up, Congress.

The epitome of a piss poor leader.

@another vet: #16
Yup, the debts have already been incurred and no one is putting the brakes on the spending, or shrinking government, or confronting unfunded and “missaccounted” financial liabilities.

I’m pissed that WE, those of the Boomer Generation, are responsible for having so screwed the pooch on Education and on DEBT.

We have allowed the consciousness of our whole society to have been manipulated by “off-shore” bankers and by self-serving, uninformed, politicians. We are beyond the tipping point and here we sit, awaiting the inevitable.

I’m pissed that WE, those of the Boomer Generation, are responsible for having so screwed the pooch on Education and on DEBT.

I’m embarrassed to be part of that self centered and self righteous generation. We have handed future generations a real shit sandwich as opposed to making the future better for them. Given most of our generation didn’t have to worry about being drafted or serving in a war, you’d think we could have at least made the necessary sacrifices to deal with the debt. For what reason didn’t we do anything? To be able to feel good about ourselves? I told people in the 80’s who were complaining about how things were that when my generation came into power we’d really be screwed. We did have some help with the debt though. Those who supported the New Deal and Great Society are equally responsible. I guess studying that thing called demographics wasn’t in style back then. Had it been, they would have realized the numbers weren’t going to add up.


It was a joke on the line quoted from the above article. Figure it out.

Obama’s real lifeline comes from Fed chairman Ben Bernanke.
Yesterday, after teasing us for months that he would ease up on all the quantitative easing, Ben announced that the Fed will continue easing at the rate we’ve been at.
The stock market investors were overjoyed.
$1 trillion a year money from the air means our economy flops unless we pour $80,000,000,000 (eighty billion dollars) a month into it!
So, the media says stuff like, Obama’s recovery is working.
But the reality is that there aren’t many new jobs except part time ones, big companies like Walgreens with 160,000 employees are dumping their employee health insurance, consumer purchases are low, gas prices are up and housing is bad.
Ben B. is single-handedly propping up Obama’s so-called recovery.
And Larry (the quitter) Summers?
Obama floated him for next Fed chair, but it turns out Summers opposes this $1 trillion/year un-voted for stimulus, so he was un-floated pretty fast.

My question is; will this easing end while Obama is still in office?
Because, when it does, there will be a huge adjustment for our country.
I guess ”the people,” (those low-info voters) will blame the next president when it finally hits the fan.

@another vet: #18
To some extent, it isn’t so much that “we” did it, as it is that we allowed it to be done, even by our own children.

. . . . . “It” being a complete disintegration of a couple of major elements critical to a healthy society. The Attitude which accepted “DEBT is Good” has been a major abuse of socioeconomic responsibility. The guys who control The Fed from off-shore, and the political squatters in Washington have controlled the PR machine on debt for 50 years. It was an easy sell. “Borrow and enjoy the object of your desires TODAY. Why wait?” So off we went. Borrowed a little. Then borrowed more. “I need a new car. You need a new car. Why buy a used one when the bank will lend us all we need for a new one? They’ll lend us for a new boat too.”

Our kids bought the line and they borrowed themselves into oblivion, . . . well, most of them did it appears. And now we’re all screwed. And with the guys who control The Fed Really slaughtering the few of us who were savers, big or small, there’s further damage being done to “investments.” Those Fed morons are feeding the risky stock markets which the biggest banks have mnipulated/controlled for years.

One the Markets? IMHO, the broad “we” are being set up by the BIG money for a crash. And they’ll cover their shorts for pennies on the dollar. What a thing of beauty that will be to watch.

Bernanke is clueless, and so are the boys pulling his chain. No idea what to do from the corner they’ve painted themselves into. The banks are at least getting free money to lend out for nice spreads, and they are bolstering up their balance sheets with QE money. Good for them. No one seems to have a clue how to inspire the job creation engines of America, and there’s nothing on the horizon which seems to be coming to turn this around. Without good, productive, well paying jobs, there is no recovery of anything. And corporate America isn’t hiring. But hell, it’s just my opinion.

@Nan G: #20
If you look at things from obama’s point of view, things are going as planned.

@Nan G: #20

will this easing end while Obama is still in office?

The Bernank and his stand-in can’t continue the fraud for another 3 years. One of the big dark monsters about to slap the “jobless” recovery into the ‘Dark Ages’ is Obamacare and its ramping implementation. ….. Just for starters.

Europe has some dominos which will fall within the next couple of years, such as France which is teetering. The EU has so many cracks in it, it may prove to be the start of the tumbling.

@Nan G:

Few people realize just how badly Ben Bernanke and the Fed are screwing our future economy just to help today’s World Bankers, Wall Street and Washington DC. When the Federal Reserve’s witch doctor money mojo-voodoo finally ends, we’re going to be in a world of hurt, with the insane, enormous debt sinkhole that Washington DC progressives are digging.

Instead of sending each other lengthy sermons to each other about obamacare, let’s use our energy to contact every senator and representative in our districts an e- mail.

I sent e-mails that read:
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If obamacare is good for me, it’s good for all elected officials, including Obama, their staffs, all federal employees, union members , Moslems, etc. no exemptions unless they are in direct violation of the bill of rights.

One for all and all for one.

yes and very smart to do,
thank you, for a good advice,

Do tell, in this upcoming fight on the Hill “Good enough for us?! Good enough for them!!” should be a slogan in the tub-thumping.”

Simple but effective.

it came to light when EGYPT found the guts to overthrow OBAMA’S BEST FRIEND,
AND OBAMA WAS SAYING, they cannot remove a leader who is chosen,WITH DEMOCRACY,
OBAMA could not think it could be done, but it was done,
AND THEN THE PEOPLE REALYSE THAT HE IS NOT FOR DEMOCRACY BOTH OF THEM ARE ABUSING THE DEMOCRACY THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO LIVE UNDER, that is protecting the freedom of THE PEOPLE TO strive for acquiring the success in the best way they chose, NOT WITH THE GOVERNMENT telling them what and how to do it, and not the multiple agencies tormenting them with getting involve in their business, not the GOVERNENT PENALIZING BY DEMANDING MONEY WHICH BELONG TO THE BUSINESS OWNER, FOR HAVING BREACH AN UNKNOWN LAW THE WROTE DOWN OUT OF THE PUBLIC KNOW,
THAT democracy is tainted with poison and not wanted by THE PEOPLE,