In the futuristic wartime series, In Vitros are a genetically engineered subspecies of humans:
The name is etymologically derived from the Latin phrase “in vitro”, which is used in science to refer to state of being in an artificial environment outside the living organism. Thus, In Vitro refers to the race not only being conceived in a laboratory, but also artificially gestated in glass and metal cylinders, to be “born” as young adults.
~~~ The In Vitroes were first farmed by the In Vitro Authority to fill the labor force gap after the population of Earth was decimated by a sterility-causing plague. Engineered with the best the genome has to offer, without the randomness of natural selection, In Vitroes are conceived from ‘parents’ that never actually lived as two human beings. They were composites of DNA from many sources thrown together in a petri dish to optimize the chances of getting the best traits possible. The race is a step up from cloning in that no two In Vitroes are alike; however they can share DNA with another In Vitro created from the same batch of constructed chromosomes, which would make two such individuals siblings. Genetically designed to be stronger, faster and less prone to illness, the In Vitroes were supposed to help bring the decaying human race back to its feet. They were created to be a servant caste, occupying jobs that were too dangerous, demeaning or strenuous for “Natural Born” humans. After they are born they serve a five-year period of indentured servitude to reimburse society for expenses associated with their creation.
After being created by gene splicing, In Vitroes gestate in artificial gestation chambers or tanks (from which the derogatory term “tank” derives), with the natural umbilical cord delivering the nutrients they need as they remain suspended in a sleep state and under an accelerated growth rate and an artificial cord at the base of their skulls (on the back of their necks) that is connected to a neural network that inputs basic education through direct sensory input to the brain. While floating in the neutral-buoyancy tank that is the artificial gestation chamber, a series of sophisticated retroviruses attack the genome of the In Vitroes, prematurely activating segments of DNA responsible for growth and maturity. By triggering these genes in a closely timed sequence while providing them with a steady flow of nutrient rich protein medium, their bodies are able to reach maturity at a rate far more rapid than naturally. After six years, their physical development is equivalent to a natural-born human at eighteen years of age. Only 27 percent of the subjects survive the gestation process.
Two of the main cast characters in the series, Lt. Cooper Hawkes (who badly needs a military haircut) and Lt. Col. T.C. McQueen- who leads the 58th- are both In Vitros.
During the AI War, Natural Born losses were greater than anticipated and the cost in human life was devastatingly high in the civilian population as well as in the military. Terrorist attacks claimed far too many. Combat and battle claimed even more. Every day the losses mounted. Humanity made the decision to increase its numbers artificially, not with the electronic intelligences that were now the enemy but with In Vitroes who could become highly skilled soldiers. Governments and industry worked together to build a multitude of In Vitro facilities around the world, facilities where these soldiers could be grown and trained.
After the In Vitroes were conscripted into the Armed Forces against their will, they proved to be poor soldiers. With no conventional families to protect, a lack of patriotic fervor toward nations that saw them as expendable slaves, and no vested interest in the A.I. War’s outcome, the majority of the In Vitroes refused to fight. Out of guilt and dissatisfaction, the In Vitro platoons, an abysmal failure, were dissolved. The In Vitroes returned “home” without familial or community ties to guide their main-streaming and soon became a rebellious race of socio-political untouchables. The refusal to fight in the war against the Silicates has led to a stigma that continues to haunt In Vitroes everywhere, years after that particular war ended. Now, persecuted and reviled as disloyal cowards, most are outcasts, living on the outer edges of society. They have gained the reputation for being lazy and shiftless. Some Natural Borns even consider them expendable. The additional artificial “navel” present at the back of their necks (where the artificial umbilical cord/neural implant was attached in the gestation chamber) became the only visible distinguishing feature, making them easily recognizable and an easy target of constant discrimination.
Many casually call them “tanks” in reference to their gestation chambers. Others call them “nipple necks” in reference to the navel at the base of the neck. In Vitroes are faced with the daunting task of carving out a niche for themselves in a society that used and then discarded them as mistakes.
After a ground mission to the planet Minerva, McQueen and his squad encounter heavy enemy opposition as they struggle to reach their extraction point. Along the way they meet up with an eccentric cast of characters, including Sgt. Louis Fox, Major Cyril Mackendrick, and a tank called “Pearly”.
Sgt. Fox is a colorful character who has the following exchange with Lt. Col. McQueen:
McQueen finishes tending to Vansen’s injury, and moves up to join Fox.
“She needs medical attention.”
“I’ll pull off at the next exit,” Fox retorts sarcastically.
“Look Sergeant, my people are important to me, so can the wisecracks and drive this APC,” McQueen responds firmly.
“You might think I’m some sort of Army dog face, but Pearly is my tank and when you’re in my tank, I spout whatever the hell I please, capish?” declares Fox.
“This is our alternate rendezvous designation,” McQueen continues, attempting patience.
It’s clear they need Fox, which may be why McQueen does not reprimand the man for what could easily be considered insubordinate behavior.
“Two days easy, maybe more with the Chigs on our tail,” confirms Fox.
“That’s cutting it close,” McQueen tells him. “Extraction’s in two days. We need to radio for another location.”
“Hey, Pearly took some bad hits back there, alright! Radio’s long since gone. It’s draining her power cells. I got one to spare,” he’s told by Fox.
McQueen looks frustrated by this news, but says nothing.
“Damned Chigs. They got the whole planet booby-trapped, but me and Pearly here, we got this simpatico thing going, huh?” Fox tells the group. “Yeah, you know what your Louie likes, don’t you sweet thing, huh. Come on, give us a little sugar, give us a little sugar, baby, come on,” Fox goes on, giving the control panel a big kiss just before he drives them headfirst into a hole. McQueen must brace himself on the control panel to avoid being knocked off his feet.
“Looks like you and your APC are out of simpatico,” remarks Hawkes drily, picking himself up from where he was thrown by the impact.
“Tank!” huffs Fox.
“No need to get ugly Sergeant,” McQueen intervenes. Although he’s let Fox get by with a blatant lack of respect, he won’t put up with this insult. He may be unable to control Fox’s actions, but he does feel the need to draw the line somewhere.
“Pearly is not an armored personnel carrier, she’s a tank! You call her an APC one more time and I’ll use your guts to grease her treads,” threatens Fox hotly.
Now McQueen must realize that Fox’s words had nothing to do with In-Vitros after all. Might he feel just a bit foolish that he overreacted?
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Never heard of the series but I’m guessing the timing wasn’t right
Hmm….the video didn’t seem to publish.
Will fix when I get home
Our library has all of these videos.
I must have missed the series back in the day…..my mom was ailing and I was her lone caregiver for 7 years.
So, anyway, I’ll check it out.
I usually love a good sci-fi series.
Thanks for sharing.
Probably a glitch on your mobile.
Take your time and hurry up. Quit blogging so sloppily!
@Third News:
Timing might have been part of it; scheduling and how FOX promoted (or didn’t promote) it, and lack of really getting behind the product probably contributed.
I think X-Files didn’t take off and find its audience and niche until in its second season. I really think S: AaB had potential to turn into a great series and would have spin-offs today.
If I remember correctly, it was canceled right before the summer when the movie Independence Day was released. I think that movie could have given the series a boost for anyone hungry for more aliens vs. a united earth forces story. And had the series lasted into 2001, I think it’s generally pro-military feel and wartime theme could have explored quite a number of story possibilities, relevant to the times.
If you missed my earlier posts, my favorite episode in the series is the two-parter.
@Nan G: Sorry about your ailing mom. I can imagine that was a very rough time in your life.
I do hope you check out the series. It’s not perfect by any stretch; however, I think the show was very well-done and was only getting better when FOX canceled it. I’m not surprised if it slipped by you because FOX played a bit of havoc with its scheduling. The creators, James Wong and Glenn Morgan, also were at the helm during the 2nd season of Millennium– the only season I really liked for its delving into secret societies, conspiracy, and biblical mythology, telling stories with a spiritual/religious theme.
One episode of S: AaB had David Duchovny make an appearance (Chris Carter being the creator of Millennium).
Gosh – the Nazi dreams coming true — where is Spike Jones when we REALLY need him!